by Debbie Foster
Is there really a difference in dogs based on their sex? Dog keepers state that male dogs are typically more destructive and aggressive, especially in smaller spaces. On the other hand, many say female dogs are more trainable and affectionate. These stereotypes may be true in one breed but may not be true in another.
There are several things to know when you want to choose a female dog such as the need to spay in order to prevent unwanted litters. Knowing how to simply handle your dog when in heat is also important. Doggy birth control is a fundamental issue that you have to deal with in female dogs to avoid additional litters whether it's surgical or pure separation from the male species.
If you choose not to spay, then be responsible to find homes for the puppies. Female dogs don't have a menopause, so unlike the human female, dogs can have puppies practically all their lives. Even when your female dog is inside and in heat, a male dog can pick up her scent. This means you are more likely to spend time trying to watch over your dog when you let her outside to use the restroom or even go for a walk. Of course, if you have a pure bred dog that you want to breed, then having a female dog can become a monetary plus.
To mark their territory, which can be anywhere from the outside of your yard to around the corners of your room, male dogs will urinate. This is something that male dogs can't actually avoid doing. They need to mark their spot. You can try to train a dog not to mark his territorial domain, but you're asking him to go against his instincts. If you have another male dog in the home, expect a battle for who is the alpha dog of the house. The control over the home is something that even smaller dogs would fight for against the larger male dogs in order to insist who among them got there first.
Dogs of opposite sexes tend to get along better than dogs of the same sex. Although male dogs seem to be more malicious with each other than female dogs, sharing their place with another dog is not something that some female dogs like to do. Usually, when it comes to house training, female dogs are easier to handle than male dogs and they adhere to the rules more sensibly. Although that can vary by breed and by the skill of the one doing the training. Male dogs seem to be more assertive and active than female ones; however, if it's a "high strung" breed, gender doesn't seem to matter in this way.
Purchasing patterns indicate that most people opt for a female dog. They probably believe that female dogs are less hostile and easier to train. When it comes to many breeders, male dogs are considered to be easier to handle. Bottom line, you can't totally rely on what the gender can tell you when it comes to predicting the possible behavior of a dog. Breeds that are known to be quiet and tolerant tend to be that way whether male or female. Other breeds that are feisty, nippy and hard to handle are that way for both genders.
There's no scientific proof that predicts the characteristics of male versus female dogs. It's an independent judgment what sex to buy. We all have memories of family pets or neighbor's or friend's pets who amazed us. So we may look for those characteristics in our own pet search. Sometimes you just have to go with your feelings.
About the Author
Debbie Foster is the owner of Pet Beds Unlimited and an avid animal lover. You'll find a wide selection of quality pet beds, dog crates, dog carriers, dog pens, cat beds, cat carriers, large dog beds, pet strollers and more at
What the people want to name it. How about Maverick? Or Yes We Can?
Those were two of the names suggested by Americans for the Obamas' White House puppy, according to a new MSN-Zogby poll.
Here are the most popular names written in by poll respondents (in descending order):
Yes We Can
Other, less popular suggestions:
Abrahound Lincoln
Big Reg
Howard (Dean)
Lady Liberty
Liberty 'Libby'
Nova or Jade
Secretary of State
Tina Fey
So what kind of dog should the Obamas get? We asked that in our poll, too. One quarter of respondents said the Obamas should get a mutt; 15 percent said a golden retriever would be the best choice. Forty-five percent weren't sure.
True enough. It is a tough choice.
Information about the poll: Zogby International was commissioned by MSN to conduct an online survey of 1,549 adults.
A sampling of Zogby International's online panel, which is representative of the adult population of the U.S., was invited to participate. Slight weights were added to region, party, age, race, religion and gender to more accurately reflect the population. The margin of error is +/- 2.5 percentage points.
Cat Holiday Safety - 4 Ways to Keep Your Cat Safe During the Holidays
By Debbie Davis
If you own a cat, safety is a continuous and daily commitment that you make as its owner. During the holidays as our schedule becomes busier, strangers (to your cat) come into your home, and as we are required to multi-task more, some safety precautions may fall by the wayside. Don't let that happen to you or your cat. Here are 4 ways to keep your cat safe, especially during the holidays.
Avoid Holiday Plants
Mistletoe and Poinsettias are 2 favorite holiday plants that many people bring into their homes for the holidays. If you have a cat, keep both these plants out of your home. They are both toxic-the Mistletoe more than the Poinsettias, but don't take a chance with either of them.
Clear Away Small Toys
If you are having small children as visitors during the holidays that will bring small toys such as beads, marbles, small game board pieces, make sure your cat is confined to another room or the cage in the same room so it remains safe but feels included in the gathering. Warn children not to feed the cat anything unless you give them permission. After the children have gone, make sure all small pieces that could possibly cause choking have been cleared away before allowing your get to run free again.
Keep Away from People Food
Holiday parties contain a lot of food that is great for people but toxic for cats. Remember your cat can climb to unbelievable heights so make sure that foods that are toxic to cats such as chocolate, tomatoes, green potatoes, garlic, grapes and raisins are contained in pet proof containers. To avoid any possibility of your cat ingesting these foods from the table at a party, or having an unknowing guest feed these foods to your cat, put your cat in his cage with a favorite toy in a room well away from the party, and ask guests who know you have a cat not to go into the room.
Contain Electrical Cords
An increased number of electrical cords are often used during the holidays to light up decorations. Many times they are seen as a new toy to your cat who may be tempted to swat at (and knock over) decorations, chew, or pull-none of which are good. Make sure that you tape cords together to avoid tangling or hanging, or enclose the cords in heavy plastic tubing that can be purchased from most hardware stores and reused each year.
An excellent resource for a HEPA air purifier to remove cat odor, hair, and dander from your home in time for the holidays is offered by PurerAir - the Pet Machine Purifier at
Article Source:
15 Things to Do For Reef Tanks to Keep Your Reef Aquarium in Top Shape
By Darin Sewell
Having a successful and stunning reef aquarium is every reef keepers goal. For many people however their attempts are met with failure and frustration. Usually it was not one big thing that lead to the tank failure but a series of small ones. To avoid this there are some things to do for reef tanks that can help you fend off disaster.
15 Things to Do For Reef Tanks To Keep Them Thriving
--Give your tank a visual inspection everyday. Look at all livestock and give the tanks equipment a quick visual check.
--Check the water temperature, nothing can kill a reef faster then a cold reef or an over heated reef tank.
--Test your nitrates and phosphates weekly and keep them at the lowest levels possible.
--Do not over stock your tank and hold off the impulse to add just one more fish.
--Clean filtration equipment and your protein skimmer frequently to ensure it is performing at its peak levels.
--Check and maintain your calcium and alkalinity levels and keep them at appropriate levels.
--Do not over feed your fish or corals
--Do not over use additives or add additives into our tank unless you can test for them
--Add water to replace any water that has evaporated from your reef aquarium.
--Have back ups of critical equipment like heaters and pumps.
--Have a battery operated pump to use in the event of a power failure.
--Keep at least 10 gallons of pre made saltwater on hand for emergency water changes.
--Use purified Reverse Osmosis water to make saltwater and for top off water, this will cut down on algae.
--Research all corals, fish and invertebrates that you want to put into your tank before you buy them, this could save you alot of headaches!
--Do small frequent saltwater changes to keep pollutants low
For a complete guide to having a successful Reef Aquarium that you can be proud of, whatever your skill levels head over to today.
Article Source:
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Things You Need To Know About Pet Parakeets
by Lamar Deane
Pet stores, private breeders, bird marts or bird shows can be an ideal place to purchase a Parakeet. Before selecting your new pet parakeet, it's important to take time and observe the actions of different birds in the store. Are some more active than others? Are others not as active or seemly sleepy? Any birds that fit this scenario could be signs of an illness and should be rejected. The normal routine activities of birds are eating, sleeping, defecating and playing. All these combined are indications of a health bird.
Eight signs of a healthy bird: 1. Good appetite. 2. Upright posture. 3. Active movement. 4. A clean cere (the area above the beak that covers the birds nostrils). 5. Bright eyes. 6. Clean legs and vent. 7. Smooth feathers. 8. A full chested appearance.
Should you get for 1 or 2 birds? One Parakeet usually makes a more loving pet, because the family becomes its substitute flock. However, two Parakeets are more entertaining as they play and chase each other around the cage. If you decide on getting a pair, it's best to raise them together rather than acquiring one, then later acquire another one. This may cause territorial behavior on the part of the original bird, bullying the new Parakeet, keeping it away from food and water. But, if you only have one bird and decide you want another one, they should be housed in separate cages and gradually move their cages closer together until they get used to being close to each other. Some birds may prefer to be left alone in a cage by themselves with other birds close by, while some will adjust to having other birds in the cage with them. Also, don't put Parakeets with other small birds such as Finches and Canaries because Parakeets may tend to bully the smaller birds keeping them away from food and water. On the other hand, larger birds such as Cockatiels and Lovebirds may show the same behavior toward Parakeets. To control mischief and keep peace between the birds, each one should have its own cage, food dish and water bowl. Some Parakeets will accept other Parakeets during supervised playtime on a play gym, while others will not.
When you bring your Parakeet home, if you have other birds in your home, you will want to quarantine your new Parakeet for at least 30 days to make sure it isn't carrying any diseases which could infect the other birds. This should be done by keeping your Parakeet as far away from your other birds as possible, preferably in another room. Feed your other birds first, then your new Parakeet, and remember to throughly wash your hands before and after handling your new bird. This is just a precautionary measure, but when it comes to your pets health you can't be too careful.
It's natural to want to start playing with your new Parakeet as soon as you get it home, but you need to resist the temptation. Be patient, because your new pet needs to get adjusted to its new environment. Spend this time quietly talking to your new pet, moving slowly around the bird for the first few days so as not to startle it.
You will soon be able to recognize your pets routine and character behavior. You may notice when uncovering its cage in the morning, it chirps a greeting and fluffs its feathers. If your Parakeet should learn to talk it may also greet you with a "hello" or "good morning".
When you purchase your Parakeet don't forget the necessary supplies and accessories you will need.
The following is a list of 10 items needed for your Parakeet. 1. A cage. 2. At least 2 food dishes and 2 water bowls for easier dish changing and cage cleaning. 3. Various perches of different diameters and materials. 4. A sturdy scrub brush to clean the cage and perches. 5. Good quality of fresh seed mixture such as pellets. 6. A millet spray...Parakeets love this treat! 7. Mineral supplements and powdered vitamins to sprinkle in with their food. 8. A variety of safe toys. 9. A towel or sheet to cover the cage with. 10. A play gym for letting the bird out of its cage to exercise.
Parakeets are easily maintained...relatively quiet...ideal pets for small living quarters...intelligent.
About the Author
Lamar Deane offers free tips and information on How to Choose The Right Pet For You
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