posted by Daphne Sashin - Orlando Sentinel
Pets, like people, are living longer and longer lives. Too many owners assume their pets are “just getting old” and fail to seek treatment for manageable problems, says Veterinarian Michael J. Rumore, the owner of Lake Seminole Animal Hospital in Largo.
For example, when a pet begins to urinate in the house, don't assume it's a natural part of aging. It frequently means the animal has a bladder infection. Other pets have trouble holding their urine due to back or joint pain, drinking excessively from diabetes, kidney problems, hormonal diseases or a loss of bladder muscle strength, which can usually be controlled with medication.
Dementia also can lead pets to forget where they are supposed to “use the bathroom.” This condition can often be managed by nutritional supplements or medications, Rumore says.
He offers some more advice for helping your pet grow old gracefully:
•Older pets need fewer calories and fat as their metabolic rate and activity decreases. The high protein diets necessary for young pets' muscles can strain a senior pet’s kidneys.
•Frequent check ups, usually every six months, are important. Talk to your veterinarian about your pet’s breed and the conditions to which they are prone, and consequently what screening tests would be most beneficial. Early detection is key for pets, just as it is for people.
Also ask about vaccines. Some vaccines may not be needed, as lifestyle changes can decrease exposure rates. Other vaccines are needed more frequently.
•A pet’s teeth become more important during their senior years. Bad teeth or gums may make it painful to eat. More importantly, bacteria from the mouth can enter the bloodstream and affect the heart, kidneys and other organs.
Source: Tampa Bay Newspapers

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by Knatchwa -
Should Kids Have Pets – Indeed They Should And The Following Is Why:
Yes I think pets could be beneficial for a child as they offer an opportunity for acquaintanceship, and learning how to take care of another sentient being. As well as an opportunity to have a best friend that is there just for them, no matter what may be going on, always willing to just take the time to listen as a child’s mind is a busy place. There are some things she just needs to figure out on her own, and with a pet, who he/she cares for and takes care of, often the pet is often the best listener she will ever have, as a pet has no ulterior motives except to be the best pet they can be while giving love when love is offered without pre judgement and there is no putting down of the child, as the pet will just sit there and listen to what she has to say, and really sometimes a child needs that, to often I think there is extenuating circumstances or old views, of how a child should be, that will eventually overcome them if they do not have someone to use as a sounding board such as a loving canine or feline friend to be able to talk to about the dreams or the objectives of this child as they grow to adulthood.
In such a wonderful way that a child will have the opportunity to feel better about their thoughts because they were able to communicate it to their best furry friend.
Animals, are wonderful listeners, and can often be quite willing to be the best they can be with the child in the household, with some training, both of the pet and the child, as they each have challenges with the other, and both need to learn that each is a sentient being, and both often just want their space on occasion, particularly of the feline variety.
As felines by their very nature are quite independent and self sufficient, as cats are very effective predators and can often do what they need to do to make sure they get their dinner. Even domesticated cats, of the pet variety still have those instincts from many generations past, which is why often a cat just needs her space on occasion but is otherwise quite willing to just spend time with her favorite human, child or adult alike.
Even though there is the common misconception about cats that they are just like dogs, the main difference dogs are pack animals they want to be where everyone is, while cats are far more independent and rather a high perch or a favorite hiding place then where all the activity is.
Regardless of Canine or Feline, a pet benefits a child by giving them a best friend, someone who loves without condition and does not pre judge the child, instead willing takes whatever the child may say and listens intently.
Perhaps the cat does not understand all that is said, but the tonality, and the words, can amaze people as to how much a cat places in it’s own personal database, maybe not understanding but remembering how nice it was to just listen then go about their business. Even a dog could be the same, a small dog, with a calm personality will gladly reside there and listen, and give you kisses when you feel sad, or check on you when he/she is worried based on tonality. Either type you choose, all have that willingness to be your best friend, to return the favor to their caretaker when the caretaker takes care of them. Though it is dependent on how they are taken care of, because a dog only knows what they are taught while a cat is usually more willing to just be. Neither of these types though want to be yelled at or hurt and often if that happens the same is returned.
So really a pet whether canine or feline, can be a wonderful addition to a child’s life, and there are many of these same animals throughout even your local area who just want a good home, so why not find a pet you can care for, in a shelter or through a humane society and give them a good home, so that they can return the favor to you and to your children. Pets are definitely beneficial to a child with proper training of both the pet and the child you will have a life long friend. Someone who will care for you and for your family as if they are their own, when treated properly will treat you properly, it is a give and take, you sow what you reap. Offer Love and it will be returned, offer hate or anger or spitefulness and the animal will respond similarly.
In conclusion a properly trained pet and child can be together for a very long time, they both have the benefit of love from another sentient being, and with cats living up to twenty years they will be with you for over two decades when taken care of, loved and attended to, not as a princess but an equal being in your home, to live such a long life there are steps to take and that of course is for another article entirely, for now just know that your child can benefit from a pet and a pet can benefit from being brought to a loving home instead of facing certain death in the streets or on an operating table, if they are not loved and brought into a home. It is sad but true, shelters and pounds have limited capacity, to make space for the animals some must die on the operating table with euthanasia executed to make space.
Certainly there are no-kill shelters but just consider there are millions of people in the United States alone and many homes that a pet may find if only they are removed from the shelter or the pound so that they can live their best life and be your best friend, for you & your children and those who may be in the future.
In two decades with a feline much can happen, if you only take care of them and do the best you can for them they will live to such a ripe old age and be your lifelong friend no matter what may happen in those two decades as long as you keep them by your side.
As a result of the economic downturn, many of us have trimmed spending — except when it comes to our pets.
While sales are anemic in most industries, spending on pet products remains robust. Consumer Reports Money Adviser recently reported that total sales topped $43 billion in 2008, and a 4.9 percent increase is expected this year, according to the American Pet Products Association. We spend an average of $1,035 on a cat and $1,580 on a medium-sized dog in the first year of ownership.
You can pamper your furry and feathered friends without breaking the bank.
Here are some ways to cut costs:
Read pet-food labels carefully
A higher-priced brand of pet food could mean that it contains better ingredients, but you might also be paying for pretty packaging, marketing or a fancy name. Consumer Reports Money Adviser suggests checking for the words "complete and balanced," which indicate that it can be the pet’s sole nourishment. Also, look for a statement that the food’s nutritional adequacy was validated by the Association of American Feed Control Officials, a regulatory group. Compare pet-food prices on Web sites like,, and Pet, as well as your local supermarkets, big-box stores and pet shops. You can often save by buying in bulk, but check unit prices to make sure. Also, look for coupons on manufacturers’ Web sites and on sites like CoolSavings, and And take advantage of store loyalty programs.
Shop around for prescriptions
If your pet needs medication, ask your vet what the drug will cost and if there’s a lower-priced human-drug equivalent you can pick up at a pharmacy. Compare your vet’s price to what you’d pay on such Web sites as 1800PetMeds,,, KVVet and PetCareRx. Make sure that any Web site you use requires a prescription from your vet; if it doesn’t, that’s a sign that it isn’t a legitimate site. Also, consider a lower-priced generic medication if one is available.
Cut the cost of supplies
Buy things like cleaning supplies, flea and tick medications, and litter in bulk when appropriate. Check out such Web sites as Craigslist, eBay and Freecycle for aquariums, bird cages, cat carriers, dog crates, kitty condos and similar items. A Consumer Reports Money Adviser staffer paid $70 on eBay for a kitty condo that sells for about $270 in a pet store.
Keep the toy count down
Buy a few pet toys and rotate them every couple of weeks. Before you buy, ask your vet about the kinds of toys that are appropriate and safe for your pet. Then compare prices at the pet stores, department stores and Web sites you checked for pet-food deals.
Save boarding fees
Check with family and friends well before a trip to see if anyone can care for your pets. If you can’t find someone to trade, ask your neighbors and vet for the names of people or places they’d recommend. Vet technicians may do pet-sitting on the side for a lower fee than you’d pay to board your pet, and you get the added benefit of someone with medical expertise. If you use a kennel, visit several to compare prices and the quality of the facilities. Ask about the kennel’s policy regarding medical emergencies for boarded animals. Check with the Better Business Bureau for complaints. Make sure that the owners are licensed to do business in your state and that the area where your pet will be kept is clean and big enough. You might be able to find someone who will board your pet in their home. Look the place over the same way you would a kennel.

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By: Deidre Wengen -
Bringing a newborn baby home from the hospital for the first time can be stressful enough. But when you throw dogs and cats into the mix it can be downright dreadful if you aren't prepared.
If you have a pet and no children, your dog or cat probably feels like the baby of the house. He or she is used to getting all of your attention and care, but when a newborn enters the picture the focus will shift.
This article from offers tips to help you pet adjust to a new person in the house so that everyone in your household remains safe and calm.
One of the most important rules of thumb is to prepare your dog or cat for the arrival of the baby. If you have a dog, make sure that he or she is trained to not jump up on people or furniture. Also, carrying around a doll and pretending it is a child can help you find out how your pet will react to the situation. This will make it easier to correct problems before they happen.
For cat owners, make sure to let your cat get used to new toys and baby items by placing them in a room or nursery well before the baby arrives. Also, remember to let your cat come up and introduce himself when he is good and ready.
If your dog does show signs of aggression towards humans or other animals, it could potentially be a dangerous situation for your newborn. Consult a pet behavior therapist and try to correct any bad behavior before you bring a baby home.
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