By smapes27 -
Wally Dog is getting fed up with Ethel. Ethel has a theory that she has a weird electrical field around her body that makes things break. Like her sewing machine which is the latest. She usually kills TVs, computers, and garbage disposals. So the sewing machine is the latest and the most annoying for Wally Dog. She was making dog costumes for Wally Dog Wear when the machine quit working. Talking nicely to it didn’t work. Nor did swearing at it…which is where Wally Dog got fed up. Ethel needs to put the custom dog clothing away for a while and ponder her next theory.
Ethel has a further theory about electrical fields. When she took the machine to the shop that rebuilt it the last time it fritzed, it worked just fine for the technician. Ethel’s new addendum to her theory is that mechanics, repairmen, and the handyman have electrical fields that are technology and mechanical friendly.
Wally doesn’t know about any of that…but he sure wishes Ethel could figure out how to quit breaking things…….
Wally Dog’s Tips for a Cranky Owner
1.Stuff breaks. Deal with it. Pet dog, then smile.
2.If stuff breaks badly, take to repair person. Pet dog, then smile.
3.If owner is cranky, pet dog, then smile.
4.If owner is still cranky, pet dog, smile, and take dog for a walk.
5.If owner further displays a bad temperament, pet dog, smile, and take a nap. Pet dog when you awaken.
By Gary Bogue - Contra Costa Times
sunrise slowly fills the sky
I watch in wonder
— haiku by Nona Mock Wyman, Walnut Creek
Dear Gary:
I was at Lafayette Reservoir this afternoon enjoying a beautiful view from a park bench. I was delighted to see a pair of deer bound by, but then horrified to see a dog catch up and begin attacking a third deer.
My boyfriend and I hollered at the dog but it continued to attack the deer until he chased it away. Fortunately, we found a ranger who looked into the incident.
I'd like to urge dog owners to keep their pets on a leash. Not only is it the law at the reservoir, but it will prevent the unnecessary destruction of nature and disturbance of other park users.
Please think of the consequences before you let your dog run loose. I am very sad about what happened today because it could have easily been avoided.
Melanie Anderson,
Dear Melanie:
I agree.
Dog owners should also be aware that if they are walking a dog without a leash on or near property where cattle are grazing and their dog starts chasing a cow "... the owner of the livestock legally can shoot the dog. It has happened.
State law protects ranchers who shoot animals that threaten their livestock.
Please don't let your dog chase other animals, wild or domestic.
Dear Gary:
This letter is in regard to the Sept. 16 article in the Times titled, "Fighting scars linger for dogs seized in raids."
I can remember years ago when I first heard about dog fighting and pit bulls and how they are trained to fight. I was so shocked, horrified and disgusted by what those poor dogs are put through.
That was the start of my involvement in animal rights.
The sick monsters that are involved in dog fighting such as Michael Vick and others should be put to good use and be used for lab experiments, instead of poor defenseless animals.
Let them be of some use for society.
Jody Hanson, Concord
Dear Jody:
I don't think you really mean that.
NO animals should be used for lab experiments "... and that means four-legged AND two-legged animals.
Dear Gary:
Recently my husband and I had the opportunity to stay in a cabin in a redwood grove near Eureka.
Two deer spent a lot of time in the yard. Near the end of our stay I put out some leftover cooked chicken on the deck to see who might wander around at night (I know I should not encourage the wildlife). First came a fox who then pooped on the picnic table — a statement to our dogs? — then a skunk.
I put some more out and peeked out the window a little while later and to my surprise watched a deer eat the entire plate of chicken! Is this normal?
Vicki Moore, Fairfield
Dear Vicki:
It happens.
Could have been salt used to cook the chicken (deer go nuts over salt). Sometimes deer, squirrels, etc., will nibble on a road kill ... or a plate of chicken ... because they need a little animal protein in their diet.
A final note
Well, Gary, you were right as usual.
Six weeks ago, the doves came back, built a really industrial nest (by their standards) and just did their thing. About five days ago, I found a tiny white cracked shell, empty this time, on the ground below the nest. I was so hoping it meant a baby had hatched. Yesterday, I saw the little baby sitting next to Momma in the nest.
Mother Nature really is a beautiful thing. (Diane Szabo, Pleasanton)
Pet Stories:
The Crazy Little Things They Do
Ronda Miller -
As with most of the animals we love and adore in our lives, I have many stories I could share about any one of my four pets. This blog will discuss a story about a recent happening with Panther.

I was sitting on my couch early one morning when I heard a loud and extremely annoying sound coming from my garage. I went to check on the noise and couldn't figure out where the sound was coming from except that it was very close to the electrical box in the garage.
I examined the box and spent some time shutting down the units one by one to no avail. I eventually called a friend who suggested that an alarm device might be inside the electrical box to alert someone if there was a problem. So then I worried about an electrical fire starting at any moment. I asked another friend for his advice and he came over to have a look and, after a few minutes, left shaking his head with no idea.
Next I called a person who has done handy work around my house for me. He came over and we started discussing whether we should go into the attic to see if there was something in there making the sound. All of a sudden, Panther came flying into the garage and began digging at a bag on the floor of the garage. I looked down and noticed a circular shape inside the bag. When I opened the bag I saw there was a smoke detector inside. My son had been cleaning his room recently (a very, very rare occurrence) and apparently the detector had been placed inside the bag and had somehow settled into a position that activated it.
Panther had apparently become tired of the noise the device was making and figured she better lend a paw to those in charge. To this day I don't know if Panther was smoking in the garage and she triggered the alarm to begin with. In any case, my real concern is why she didn't want us to go into the antic.

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Washington Post
The Curtailing of Coprophagia
Dear Heloise: We have a precious 18-month-old Maltepoo named Sami Sue. Maybe you can help us with a problem. There is no way to put it politely -- she eats her poop! We take her out at regular times and pick up her "business" immediately. Our vet suggested we put meat tenderizer on her food. I said no to that. Can you offer any help with this? -- Jo and Don Hoffman, Cleveland, Tenn.
Sami Sue has a common condition called COPROPHAGIA -- some dogs eat their own (or other dogs') feces. Some animal behaviorists say this condition comes about if your dog isn't getting adequate nutrition or enough quality food. Your veterinarian's advice (sprinkling unseasoned meat tenderizer on her food) actually is a great hint! Other ideas you can try include:
- Adding 2-4 tablespoons of canned pumpkin to the food daily.
- Adding 1 spoonful (teaspoon or tablespoon, depending on the dog's size) of canned pineapple or pineapple juice to the food.
- Sprinkling some hot pepper powder or liquid on the dog's stool as a deterrent.
- Last but not least, get regular veterinarian care, since your dog may have an enzyme or pancreatic deficiency!
-- Heloise
P.S.: Dogs can cross-contaminate each other or reinfest themselves with worms if stool is not picked up!
Q: My dog's paw pads are super dry, so dry they're nearly cracking. I know cold weather is coming soon and this will worsen — can I rub some of my lotion or Vaseline on them?
A: I commend your concern for bow owwies on the paw pads but you need to be careful what you rub him down with. Maybe you also want to sweeten them up, corn chip smell and all, but step away from your perfumed lotion! Search for a good pad moisturizer (Samson likes Opie and Dixie's healer) or ask your vet if the problem is severe. Not only can human hand moisturizer soften the pads too much for extra slips or slides, but the ingredients may also be harmful if ingested (read: licked).
Morieka Johnson - McClatchy-Tribune
Most pets spend their days focused on three main events -- food time, poop time and playtime. If only life could be so easy for their owners. Fortunately, there are easy options that will help reduce their mark on Mother Nature. Make just one of these changes, and your pet's paw print will be a bit smaller.
-- Get the good stuff: Invest in a high-quality pet food that lists a protein such as beef, lamb, chicken or fish as the first ingredient rather than a by-product or beef meal. This one change can make a major impact on your pet's health while reducing the amount of poop left to scoop.
-- Keep it simple: Avoid all those packaged, heavily processed treats designed to resemble human junk food. Trust me, your dog can live without corn-based "treats" shaped like mini porterhouse steaks.
-- Recycle: Those cans and plastic food bags don't need to wind up in a landfill. Start by shopping for products with minimal packaging, and then recycle whenever possible.
-- Go green: Most pets enjoy the addition of fruits and veggies in their food bowl. I've had success with arugula, roasted sweet potatoes and baked carrots mixed in with my dog's food. Be prepared for a little trial and error -- Lulu detests bananas while a friend's dog loves them -- and consult your veterinarian before making major changes to your pet's diet.
-- Ditch the plastic: Stainless steel or ceramic food and water bowls remove the risk of exposing your pet to bisphenol A or BPAs. They also last a lot longer.
-- Get the 'green' poop bags: Eliminate plastic grocery bags and shop for corn-based, biodegradable poop bags. A pack of 100 bags from costs around $20.
-- Dump the clump: Under the best of circumstances, cats can be somewhat resistant to change. So start sloooowly by adding shredded newspaper or wood chips to the kitty litter mix in place of clay-based clumping stuff that winds up festering in a landfill.
-- Embrace hemp: Who knew that hemp could produce durable, eco-friendly pet products? Scope out your pet store and you will probably find rope toys and stuffed animals from brands like Earthdog and Simply Fido that will appeal to the toughest chewers. Petside offers a roundup of the Top 10 Green Pet Toys for cats and dogs.
-- Shop with purpose: Pet toys don't undergo rigorous testing, so those super-cheap squeaky toys overflowing in the dollar bin come with a wealth of unknown risks. But "green" pet lovers have created a demand for products made from renewable resources and recycled products. Companies like Planet Dog responded with an "Orbee-Tuff" line of balls and chew toys made with nontoxic material. West Paw is another popular brand of cat and dog products made with recycled plastic bottles. The company also supports national animal shelters, so purchasing their products is like making a deposit into the karma bank for you and your lucky dog or cat.
-- Get crafty: You can make your own catnip, but remember that finicky felines may require patience and creativity. If you are a cat lover, you already know that.
Your pets may never realize the impact these changes are making, but Mother Nature will smile like a Cheshire cat.
Got a question? Submit a question to Mother Nature ( and one of our many experts will track down the answer. Plus: Visit our advice archives ( to see if your question has already been tackled.

By Hollye Clardy
Many times the bad behaviors we see in our pets relate to a deeper problem. The challenge can come when trying to decide on the cause of the problem. Sometimes it can be like we feel with our infants, "If only they could talk and tell me what is wrong!"
Here are a few factors that contribute to emotional or behavioral problems:
--Anxiety - Travel or kenneling can cause anxiety in pets. Some may have nausea while riding in a car or they may associate a ride in the car as a trip to the vet. Separation anxiety and the above mentioned anxieties can be helped by your calm actions with the pet during those times. There are natural supplements that can help as well.
--Stress- Our pets can be extremely sensitive to what is going on in the household. They may be distrustful or defensive, or even act nervous. Extra time or attention to your pet may help eliminate that behavior.
--Exercise - A daily walk can help eliminate bad behaviors in your pet. Lack of exercise can lead to destructive behaviors, like chewing on the wrong things, urinating in wrong place, digging, or barking.
--Medical - Aggressive behavior can occur when your pet is not feeling good. Evaluate the pet for diseased gums, or they may have joint or muscle pain. You can even do a quick check of your pet's heart rate, respiratory rate, and temperature to see if it seems abnormal. If it is abnormal, get your pet in for an evaluation with a veterinarian as soon as possible.
Normal vital signs in dogs are:
Heart Rate 70-160 beats/minute
Respiratory Rate 10-30 breaths/minute
Temperature 101-102.5 degrees Fahrenheit
Normal vital signs in cats are:
Heart Rate 160-240 beats/minute
Respiratory Rate 20-30 breaths/minute
Temperature 101-102.5 degrees Farenheit
Check their heart rate by holding your hand on the chest wall for at least 15 seconds and count the beats, multiply them by four to determine the count for one minute. Their respirations can be counted by watching the rise and fall of their chest wall. The temperature can be taken rectally with a digital thermometer, or in the ear canal with a thermometer designed for use in the ear.
Hollye Clardy is a R.N. whose interest in alternative medicine has taken her into the field of holistic and alternative care for dogs and cats. She is dedicated to providing high quality information to help consumers in making informed choices about their pet's health care. Bad Behaviors can be avoided by learning what to do. Look at
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By Debbie Davis
If you have a dog, you have one of the best gifts life has to offer. And when those big beautiful look up at you adoringly, you are super motivated to provide the absolute best life your dog can possibly have. Here are 7 answers to frequently asked questions about caring for dogs that will help you and your dog enjoy a long and happy life together.
1. How often do we need to visit the vet? Regularly scheduled appointments for adult dogs are scheduled annually. These visits give shots that prevent Bordetella, Leptospirosis, Parvo, Rabies, and Lyme Disease among others. The veterinarian also does a general check of eyes, ears, heart, teeth, and coat to make sure that there are no indications of underlying problems.
This yearly visit is also a chance for you speak with your vet about any concerns or behaviors and get professional advice that can help. And while it is an exam for your dog, it's a great learning experience for how the canine body works and what it needs to stay healthy.
2. If an emergency situation arises after hours, what should we do? Fortunately there are many wonderful emergency vets that are only open after hours for just such emergencies. Often the message you receive when calling your vet after hours will give the name, location, and phone number of nearby emergency vets. But don't wait until you need one to ask.
Get the name, phone, and location for the emergency vet from your regular veterinarian and post it on your desk (or my personal favorite) the refrigerator. Then when you need it you can find it quickly.
3. What kind and how much food is best? This will depend on the breed of dog you have selected. If your dog is healthy and does not have dietary or health issues, feed a high quality food that is low on preservatives and fillers.
Be careful about portions. If your dog is a working dog on a farm, on one that retrieves or hunts with you on a regular basis, it may need the amount called for on the package. But if your dog is more of a companion dog feed a smaller portion of the manufactured food and augment the daily diet with fresh vegetables, lean meat, pasta, and cheese.
Avoid chocolates, foods high in caffeine, salt and sugar. These can cause acute and long-term problems, and even death. If you have questions about food because your dog is either obese or not thriving, consult your veterinarian immediately.
4. What frequency of bathing is best? How often you give your pooch a bath depends on the kind of dog and its lifestyle. If your friend spends a lot of time outside and rolls in things it shouldn't, baths will probably need to be more frequent. If your companion is a lap dog, fewer baths will suffice.
However, if you dog has skin problems, bathing can be one of the best ways to rid the skin of bacteria that can cause problems. Ask your vet to recommend a canine shampoo, and let the vet determine the frequency of baths before you bathe any dog regardless of the breed. Bathing too often and with the wrong shampoo can cause problems and discomfort for your dog.
5. Do we need to give heart worm pills in the winter? Yes, heart worm pills should be given once a month every month regardless of weather or location.
6. Should we continue to apply flea and tick prevention in the winter? Yes, precaution against fleas and ticks should be given monthly. Be sure to buy what your vet recommends. A friend tried to save a few dollars on an off-brand. Her dog had an allergic reaction to it, and instead of saving money, she paid a $200 vet bill.
Of course the dog was miserable too because he had to wear a cone around its head. An ounce of prevention really is cheaper than a pound of cure.
7. My dog sheds. Is there anything I can do about it? You can brush your dog frequently to get rid of the fur before it mats and to decrease the amount in your home. Bathing may help get rid of fur that is lose.
But check with your vet before beginning a bathing regime. Using an air purifier designed to remove airborne hair and dander will cut down on the amount in your home and in your lungs.
An excellent HEPA air purifier to remove dog hair and dander from your air is offered by the Pet Dander Air Purifier See it now at
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by Christopher Wilson
It is essential to have a dog that knows how to follow the right rules and how to live around your house. But the question is, how do you get your dog to learn good habits? To achieve this, dog training must be considered. Daniel Stevens -Secrets To Dog Training techniques have been proven to work for 216,241 dog owners worldwide and growing.
Most people think that training a dog is hard and expensive. Moreover, dog training requires a lot of patience and creativity for your dog. We have to remember that dogs may be intelligent but they can not be as intelligent as us. The article provides some of the basic things dog owners need to know so they can do the training themselves. However, to maximize the full potential of your dog, a dog trainer should be hired instead.
What are the differences between a submissive dog and a dominant dog?
A submissive dog normally:
* avoids eye contact.
* rolls on its back.
* crouch down, ears back and tail lowered.
* is comfortable on its back in your arms.
On the other hand, a dominant dog:
* maintains eye contact.
* is unwilling to move from his place on the couch.
* dislikes grooming and petting.
* is possessive of dishes and toys.
One of the things you will learn in Daniel Stevens -Secrets To Dog Training is that training your dog requires kindness and consistency.Dogs respond actively to praises and to rewards. In addition, they become harsh and unresponsive towards punishments and animosity, respectively. Your will learn more in depth training tecniques with Daniel's Free Secrets To Dog Training 6 Day Training Course.
Trainings with obedience classes can be intensely beneficial in petting your dog. Although you don't need to spend hundreds of dollars. you can use powerful insider information, over 216,241 dog owners worldwide have used Dogs are taught to get accustomed with other dogs and people using limited trainings. However, there are areas that do not conduct formal obedience training unless the dog is at least half a year old. Always remember that a dog is never too old to benefit from training when a good trainer is available, or if the owner is fully committed to the task.
Here are the recommended ways of training dogs:
1. Reiteration or Repetition
Reiteration is the name of the dog training game. In here, dogs are asked to do a task over and over again to achieve mastery. Dog tricks are best learned when reiterated and reinforced through rewards.
2. Persistence
Patience is a virtue that requires you to tolerate hardships. Persistence is trying to be patient for a longer time until a goal is achieved. Apparently, dog training requires a lot of persistence from the owner or from the trainer Physical and psychological aspects of the owner and/or the trainer must be sound.
3. Commendation and Amendation Simply put, if a dog does the right thing, it should be said aloud. Otherwise, the dog should hear, "No, that's not it!" when the trick is not complete or appropriate for the command given. These words reinforce correct responses and diminish the unwanted ones.
4. Rewarding
Bits of cheese would really be good treats for dogs who responded correctly to a given command. Other food can be bought at pet sores. However, if you are able to get the respect of your pet, commands will be executed even if there are no longer involved treats. Likewise, these things reinforce warranted responses.
If your lifestyle permits being in charge of training your own pet, you can do the training as long as you have gathered enough patience and commitment by:
1. spending time grooming your dog.
2. having regular training times on the leash.
3. stroking its belly and toes and rolling it on its back
4. hand feeding some food to ensure that the pet is taking treats gently and slowly.
In asserting dominance, always practice consistency and firmness. Afterwards, you can be a master and a dear friend to your own pet.
About the Author
Christianprenuer and CEO of Christopher Wilson International-web based services started internet marketing around December 2009. Currently marketing people search engines under the coaching of Stephen Pierce "The internet does not need your permission only your participation"-Stephen Pierce. I purpose is to make a little money and help others do the same. One thing that great athletes and teams do is follow what the coach says do and I'm learning from the best coaches out there.
Article Mania
When you think about a pet, pet-lovers have a huge choice. Majority of them like to tame dogs, a few others may wish to keep birds, some others may like monkeys, snakes, rabbits, cats and a lot more. There are several animals and birds to choose from. But remember, pets are not just meant to satisfy your personal wish, you must take too much care of your pet and give perfect shelter that makes them feel secured and not as if they are in cages. Just like you treat your family member, you should treat you pet in a similar manner. You have to protect and nurture your pet and provide a lovely and safe environment where it grows properly. You should pay proper attention to the predators that are roaming in and out of your house, save your pets from being harmed by them. So the shelter should be perfectly suitable where your pet feels comfortable and secure.
When we think about providing shelter for your pet rabbit, you need to take care of certain things so as to provide good care. The cage you select for your pet rabbit should be large and simple to maintain and clean. In fact if you really love your bunny rabbit, then you must buy your pet Rabbit a Den - Not a Cage and it is possible to provide your pet rabbit a den. If you are thinking about getting your pet bunny a new home, think about it as their home and not just an enclosure to keep it in. The shelter you choose should be huge enough where you pet roams freely and doesn't feel as if it is captured in it. Even though it will truly be a cage, you can make it feel like a rabbit den to them. The size really matters a lot. Your pet rabbit is going to spend sufficient time in his den, so you must pay great attention and time to maintain and clean it frequently.
Always remember that the den you choose for your bunny rabbit should comfortably fit in your lawns. Furthermore, it should be strong enough to protect your lovely pet from predators. Predators can attack your little pet rabbit in lawns as well as in home too. Some dreadful pests or parasites may attack your delicate little bunny and this may result in dreadful illness to the animal. In order to protect your pet from diseases and illness, you musty maintain hygiene by keeping your lawns clean and away from pests by spraying safe organic pesticides and insecticides . If you are putting your rabbit den indoors, maintain hygiene in your home too. You need to protect your pet rabbit from animals and people too. Some people may harm your pet. Choose a rabbit den which can withstand harmful weather conditions thereby providing cozy atmosphere for your pet rabbit.
Besides spaciousness, protection from weather and predators, the rabbit den should be simple to clean. You should be able to feed your pet with water and food easily. If you wish to purchase a rabbit den for your bunny rabbit, you can look for it online. There are several online stores offering best quality and spacious rabbit cages and enclosures. The entire variety is displayed on these websites therefore helping you to get a perfect rabbit den conveniently.
Get the best Rabbit Cages at
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