Washington Post
Anyone who has room for another dog or cat might want to check out an easy-to-use new pet adoption search engine available through http://www.marthastewart.com/pet-adoption.
Recently, I went on this Web site, clicked on "Cats" and then plugged in my home Zip code. Then I indicated the distance I was willing to drive to connect with an available pet (50 miles) and selected the breed of cat I was interested in: Persian. (Forgive me, Gus, my domestic shorthair.) I then indicated I was willing to consider a cat of any sex, age, color or hair length. Up popped photos and extensive profiles of eight cats that fit my criteria and were ready for adoption.
One cat that showed up was Vladimir, a lovely white Persian with green eyes who loves to sit in your lap. Then there was Alexis, a fluffy cream-colored Himalayan who lost her home because of an overseas move.
-- Jura Koncius

National Pet Adoption Weekend, Tree of Hope and Home 4 the Holidays(R) kick
off season of giving at PETCO
SAN DIEGO -- More than 1,000 PETCO stores nationwide will encourage families to Think Adoption First during National Pet Adoption Weekend Nov. 7 and 8 when they partner with their local animal shelters to hold adoption events. In addition, the National Pet Adoption Weekend kicks-off PETCO's annual Tree of Hope fundraiser for the PETCO Foundation an PETCO's partnership with the IAMS® annual Home 4 the Holidays® pet adoption drive.
"PETCO supports the goals of all pet parents with the opportunity to provide a
home, a donation or a healthy lifestyle to a pet in need this holiday season.
Last year PETCO raised more than $3 million through the Tree of Hope campaign
in PETCO stores, and the PETCO Foundation was able to help more than 5,000
animal shelters," said Jim Myers, Chief Executive Officer for PETCO. "Through
our National Pet Adoption Weekend and Tree of Hope campaign we hope to boost
the number of animal adoptions and monies raised to make a positive difference
in the lives of thousands of animals."
The Tree of Hope fundraiser allows PETCO customers to purchase snowflake card
ornaments for $5, $10 or $20 donations through Dec. 24. Customers may also
purchase PETCO Foundation "Peace on Earth, Good Homes for Pets" T-shirts or
sweatshirts while supplies last. In addition, IAMS will donate $1 to the PETCO
Foundation for every bag of IAMS( )cat or dog food sold at PETCO stores from
Nov. 7 to Dec. 24 in support of the 2009 Home 4 the Holidays goal to find
homes for 1.5 million animals by the end of the holiday season.
Every PETCO customer who adopts an animal through one of PETCO's sponsored
animal adoption events or its charitable partners are invited to join PETCO's
Think Adoption First program. When proof of a pet adoption is brought into a
store and a P.A.L.S. loyalty program membership is activated, customers will
receive a free brochure that features exclusive savings on food and supplies.
In addition, new pet parents will receive a year-long series of educational
e-mails regarding the health and well-being of their new pet, as well as
special offers of up to 25 percent in savings each month.
For more information on PETCO's Tree of Hope fundraiser or National Adoption
Weekend, visit petcofoundation.org. For more information on the IAMS Home 4
the Holidays campaign, visit iams.com
For information on PETCO's Think Adoption First program, visit
petco.com/thinkadoptionfirst, or find a PETCO store near you, visit
PETCO is a privately held specialty retailer that provides products, services
and advice that make it easier for our customers to be great pet parents. We
operate more than 1,000 stores in 50 states and the District of Columbia, as
well as a leading pet products and information destination at PETCO.com. Our
nonprofit organization, the PETCO Foundation, has raised more than $55 million
since its inception in 1999 to help promote and improve the welfare of
companion animals. In conjunction with the foundation, we work with and
support more than 6,200 local animal welfare groups across the country to help
find homes for more than 200,000 adoptable animals every year.
Posted by Barbara Hijek - Sun-Sentinel
Local Michelle Klock sums it up best.
"If you want to put a wild animal in your britches, that's your personal business," Klock said. "Who would want to steal a ferret, bottom line. I've heard of people stealing snakes, but stuffing a ferret down your britches? Hello, " reports News4Jax.com.
Pet store owner Stephen Brezil says that ferrets are bouncy and kind of bitey.
But that didn't stop Rodney Bolton.
Bolton went into the Pet Supermarket store in Jacksonville Beach and stuck a ferret down the front of his pants before walking out.
A 17-year-old shopper tried to rescue the ferret. They got into a fight. Bolton squeezed the ferret in order to agitate it.
That worked. It bit the 17 year old's ear.
Bolton told the cops that somebody gave him the ferret outside the pet store.
"Strange, weird, unusual, never heard of this quite before," Klock said. "That guy's a knucklehead."

Click on banner to visit The Pet Warehouse
Thanks to Al from BHC, AZ

Impulse a poor way to choose a pooch
We know someone who recently made a spur-of-the-moment stop at an animal shelter and walked out a few minutes later with a new dog. A dog that wasn't housebroken. That nipped. That needed a crate.
Our friend had the best of intentions but this was not the best way to adopt a dog. The process takes planning and work. Here's a game plan.
THINK IT OUT: The worst mistake that people make, says Karen Okura, manager of behavior and training at the Anti-Cruelty Society (www.anticruelty.org), is impulse adoption.
Don't pick an animal because it reminds you of your old dog, she says, or because you pity the animal, or because you lost your job and need to feel loved, or because the kids want one, or to save a marriage or relationship.
"The No. 1 objective is to save a life. People don't realize the number of amazing dogs being euthanized," says Rochelle Michalek, executive director of PAWS Chicago. "Dogs make great companions. They're great from a social perspective."
Once you have a good reason to adopt, use your head.
"People should look at practical things," Okura says. "Does someone in the home have allergies? How prepared are you to do a minimal amount of grooming?"
Also ask: Do you have the time to feed, train and exercise a new dog? Can you afford the financial investment? Does the entire family approve?
If you're looking at a puppy, know how big it's going to get.
CHOOSING A BREED ... OR NOT: Figure out what you want: big, small, male, female, energetic, laid-back, etc. Every factor should be considered.
Is there a purebred that appeals to you? Study up and learn more about that breed's dogs, from how big they get, to their temperament, to how much they shed. Talk to a rescue group that deals in that particular breed. It can tell you a breed's quirks -- and it might even have an animal that would be a good fit.
Two sites listing breed rescue groups are www.akc.org/breeds/rescue.cfm and netpets.com/dogs/dogresc/doggrp.html.
If you have no particular breed in mind, consider a mutt.
FINDING THE RIGHT DOG: Okura does not recommend pet shops. "No breeder worth his reputation will sell puppies to pet stores, period," Okura says.
Backyard breeders? Maybe. They could be clueless owners or they could be running their own small-time version of a puppy mill.
Shelters are becoming prime sources for quality purebred dogs -- well-kept, socialized, trained and family-ready -- because of the economy.
Once you've zeroed in on a dog, have a family meeting with it. Everyone. Mom, Dad, the kids, your other pets.
Reported by: Denise Naughton - abc15.com
Money saving tips for savvy pet parents
We all love our pets, but let's face it, sometimes they can really be expensive. There is the food, the expensive vacuum cleaners to pick up the fur, and lets not even talk about the stains!
But there is help to cut those costs, use these four tips to save yourself some dough.
TIP 1: Save 25 percent or more on pet food
We all have overfilled our pet's pet bowl only to throw pet food away the next day. Start measuring per label directions on the back of the package and you won't be throwing money in the trash. Buy a Sunday paper to get coupons and go to get additional promo codes ad coupons from the manufacturer.
TIP 2: Save money on cleaning up pet hair
Use the groomer's number 1 choice for cleaning up pet hair. The NEW Swiffer Sweeper is an affordable option for removing pet hair versus expensive vacuums for hard floor surfaces, and it gets into the corners and edges to get a complete clean.
Another trick to pick up pet hair; is to put on a rubber glove and get it wet, then rub it across your furniture, you’ll be amazed at how the fur will ball up in your hand. It will save you.
TIP 3: Save money cleaning pet messes on the carpet
Don't use paper towels, use plastic putty knives, you can buy them for about 50 cents at any paint store. Make sure you buy a big one and a little one, that way you can use the small one to push the mess onto the big one without rubbing the mess into the carpet.
If your pet is going back to the same spot on the carpet, they have marked the spot and that means there is an odor embedded in the carpet. To get the smell out and keep your pet from returning, try these tips.
First, use some type of an enzyme cleaner to digest the bacteria, which is causing the odor. Spray it onto the carpet and let it sink into the fibers, which will eliminate the odors.
If you have recurring carpet stains, that means the stain is in the carpet pad. To get rid of them you’ll need to buy a syringe from the grocery store or pharmacy and fill it with the enzyme cleaner. Then inject the solution into the spot and press it down so it gets into the pad. Let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes, then pat it on top and use a blow dryer to prevent mildew from starting and the enzyme will keep the smell from returning.
TIP 4: Save money getting rid of pet odors
Start spraying and stop stressing. Febreze offers a full line of pet odor eliminators at a fraction of the cost. Spray it to eliminate pet odors at the core, it also has an allergen reducer.

Click on banner to visit this site

Hi, all you animal lovers!
This is pretty simple... Please ask ten friends to each ask a further ten today!
The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily so they can meet their quota of getting FREE FOOD donated every day to abused and neglected animals. It takes less than a minute (about 15 seconds) to go to their site and click on the purple box 'fund food for animals for free'.
This doesn't cost you a thing!!!
Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising.
Here's the web site! Please pass it along to people you know:
The Animal Rescue Site
By Jennifer White For K9 Magazine
Gone are the green days of summer, replaced by the changing leaves of autumn – a reminder that it’s the perfect time to refresh your pet IQ before any winter-related dangers come to haunt you! Most savvy pet owners know the usual pet-safety tips about poisonous items in the home, like poinsettias and chocolate. But, as many veterinarians can tell you, that is just the beginning…
Many holidays are celebrated between the months of October and January, meaning that extra food, guests and dangers for pets are right around the corner. Keep these tips from the American Humane Association in mind as you prepare your holiday festivities.
Ringing Doorbell = Nervous Breakdown
Many pets are agitated by the sound of doorbells, especially since their hearing is much more sensitive than ours. If your dogs bark, run and jump when new people arrive at the house, or if your cat runs for cover, consider disengaging the doorbell and putting a sign on the door to ask guests to “knock please.” Provide an open cage large enough for your animal to stand and fully turn around in, and place it in a quiet room away from the hubbub so your pet can choose when to join your party. This will also help keep your pet from running away during the frequent opening and closing of your door if you keep the cage closed.
“No” to the Five-Second Rule
Sometimes we forget what can fall on the floor when we are cooking for a holiday crowd and there’s a pet around. Some of it may be OK, but other things, like bread dough, can cause problems. When an animal ingests dough, its body heat causes the dough to rise in its stomach, leading to bloat or worse. It’s best to let your pet snack on familiar favorites instead of unfamiliar holiday goodies like candy and other people’s food.
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
Cats and other animals may seek out your car engine for warmth during the winter months, so honk the horn or bang on the hood a few times before starting the engine.
Adjust Your Pet’s Diet
Most pets spend more time indoors during the winter, which means their activity level drops and they need less food. However, if your pet does spend a lot of time outdoors in cold weather, he will need more food as he burns calories to keep warm. Talk to your veterinarian for advice on the proper diet for your pet.
Ice, Snow and Salt
Your pet may like taking a stroll outside when the temperature dips, but many people use powerful salts on their sidewalks to combat the ice. Clean your pet’s paws after your outing to prevent its pads from becoming irritated and dried out.
Just Because It’s Cold Doesn’t Mean They Can’t Catch a Bug
Remember to keep your pets on their regular heartworm, flea and tick preventive medicines, even during the winter.
In Addition to Poinsettias …
Holly, amaryllis, mistletoe and pine needles can be harmful to your pet’s stomach. Go for the fake versions to keep your traditions, and your pet, alive.
If They Like Toilet Water, They’ll Probably Like Tree Water
Both cats and dogs may find Christmas-tree water irresistible, so if you add a tree preservative to the water, make sure it is pet friendly. Better yet, use a tree stand designed to prevent pets from accessing the water, which can harbor bacteria.
More Temptation Lies in the Tree
With its glittering lights and natural climbing area, the Christmas tree may offer a new place for your cat or dog to play. Hang your most valuable or breakable ornaments near the top and pet-friendly ornaments on the bottom.

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