By Linda Treml Hallam - Mercury News
IF YOU HAVE EVER discovered that your pet is missing, you know how traumatic it can be. At first, you are confused and often panic; then you search nearby, calling her name, asking neighbors and putting up fliers. But if that isn't successful, what should you do next?
This advice is offered by the experts: Put an ad in the newspapers (this is usually free). Check with the Alameda Animal Shelter at the address below. Check with other nearby shelters, local veterinarian offices and the Bay Area Emergency Veterinary Services in San Leandro. Show a picture to your mail deliverer and ask if he or she has seen her around. Put something with your scent on it outside your home as the pet may be able to follow the scent home. If you have access to the Internet, register with missing pet Web sites; and Do Not Give Up. It could be days or weeks before someone notices your pet and brings it to the shelter. Keep calling the shelter and vets and check the fliers often.
Prevention is the best remedy for this catastrophe. Make sure your pet is licensed and collared at all times, even if you consider it a house pet. People leave doors open, at times. And consider getting a microchip identification inserted in your pet. All shelters, vets and vet hospitals scan for this id when finding strays. The cost is reasonable and well worth the expense.
If you need to surrender your own pet to a shelter due to life
circumstances, please don't be shy about bringing it in to the shelter during business hours. There is no fee involved. The shelter understands that this action is sometimes unavoidable. It is much easier for the shelter to take proper care of your pet with information about its history.
MIMI, a very sweet spayed female black cat, has medium length fur and white on her undercarriage and paws. Our volunteers say she is the most mellow cat around, is extremely gentle and affectionate and loves belly rubs. She is a mature adult of 12, with many years ahead of her, and would love to make your house a home.
CAT LAIR: EMMA is a spayed female calico/tortoiseshell who has been in the shelter for over a year. This polydactyl beauty is sweet-natured and truly needs a real home.
BLANCA is a white spayed female adult and has been our guest since July. She likes people a lot and enjoys playing with toys with the volunteers. Her coat is of medium length and she has the face of an angel.
Big BILLY looks like a rough and tumble tomcat, but he's really quite shy. He's an orange, shorthaired tabby and when he's not with you, he tends to find a cozy, quiet place from which to observe the world. Billy is also really good with small children and kids. Billy will do best as an only pet, and is not suitable for a home with dogs. He is already neutered and can go home with you today! ELLNORE is a very gentle gray and white spayed female cat. She's a bit too shy to come out of the cage right now, but is thrilled if you give her some strokes. A very sweet cat who would be a lovely companion. Since Ellnore is spayed, she go home with you today.
DOG ALLEY: LUCKY is such a good boy. He's a neutered male mastiff/Lab mix with a brindle coat and soulful eyes. Even though he is big, he walks well on a leash, and is attentive to you. He has pep in his step, and at 7 years old, will give you pleasure for a number of years. Lucky is something of a water dog; on warm days he enjoys splashing in the kiddie pool, and even enjoys his bath. Don't be put off by his bark when you visit, he is just anxious to get out and get to know you.
LUNA, a spayed female pit bull mix, also has a brindle coat but with white markings as well. A sweet girl, Luna can be a little shy to know you at first, but after going on a walk she'll have a chance to size you up as a good person. Luna is active, but not crazy high-energy active. She should learn her obedience lessons quickly. Come meet Luna today!
Animal Shelter is located at 1590 Fortmann Way at Grand Street. Call (510) 337-8560. Linda Treml Hallam, is an Alameda writer and animal lover. The Alameda 337-8565 or visit the Internet at:; or
by Linda Francis, Phoenix Pet Welfare Examiner

One of the positive side affects from all this publicity is that last Saturday, January 24th, Kim Sobotka, owner of the Posh Puppy in Scottsdale signed a Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) pledge to stop buying and selling puppy-mills dogs, and will begin showing shelter and rescue dogs exclusively and immediately.
This is the first venture of its kind in the Valley, and Kim will not request any portion of the adoption fee charged by County or rescue groups. This step most certainly sets a positive example for other pet shops around the Phoenix area, and hopefully around the country.

Kim will continue to sell food, toys, collars, leashes, and other dog supplies, and will still provide grooming and doggy daycare services. Show your support to this gracious and humane woman, who learned the truth and changed her life, by visiting the Posh Puppy at 15060 North Northsight Boulevard (near Raintree and the 101), or online at
Change IS happening, one person at a time!
by Sharon Harleigh, LA Pets Examiner
Does your dog have a variety of nicknames they respond to? Mine sure does. It's my mother's fault, really. When I was a kid, I rarely was called "Sharon" except when I was in real trouble, caught with my hand in the proverbial cookie jar. My mother called me "Sha", "Scooter", "Red", and various other nicknames which I will not share with you because I have had a lot of therapy to block out some of the more colorful ones. I'm kidding, but nonetheless, I had lots of nicknames and I still do. I respond, of course, to all of them.
When I brought my dog home from the rescue, I planned to call her just one name - Angel. I had considered many other names, but Angel seemed most appropriate because she is, after all, my angel. The rescue had named her Madison, but she really didn't respond to that name so I didn't feel it was a problem to change it to Angel. She took to the name immediately.
So for a moment, it was Eddie and Angel in my home. Two names. Two pets. That was it. Nice and simple, right? At some point, the wheels came off. Eddie became Edsel, Edison, and Eduardo (thanks to my friend Laura). Angel became Puppypaws, Angiepoo, and Scooch (not because she scooches her butt on the floor, just to clarify, but in reference to the Jason Mraz song). Amazingly, both the cat and dog respond to any and all nicknames and even more mysteriously, they respond to the nickname directed at them only, and not the other pet. How do they know when I'm calling to one of them and not the other, and how do they recognize their nicknames? This is a great mystery to me.
It could be said that it is tone which the pet is responding to, I suppose, and not the name itself. But I would think that my tone, directed in a happy time at my cat, is the same as that which is directed at my dog. If I happily yell out "Edison!", Eddie will come running, and Angel will sit quietly and continue chewing on her treat without any hesitation or interest. If I yell, "Scooch!", Angel perks up her ears and comes over, while Eddie continues napping (90% of the time, that's what he's up to). As I see it, this either makes my pets uniquely brilliant, or it means that animals in general recognize a variety of names and can distinguish one beckoning from another.
I read an article in USA Today sometime ago quoting an animal behavior consultant as stating that animals respond to their names and nicknames based upon association, in that the pets associate a certain name with themselves whether it is Angel or some other variation of that name. So, if the nickname is used often enough toward them, they realize that it is theirs and only theirs. For example, if I call out "Puppypaws!" as I'm putting down Angel's food bowl, she learns that name relates to her and not to the cat, and in fact very good things happen if she responds to that name.
Interesting, isn't it? Do your pets have nicknames, and if so, do you have multiple pets and also multiple nicknames? Let me know!
WEST ISLIP, N.Y. - It's the case of the purloined parrot.
Police on Long Island are investigating the broad daylight theft of a pricey parrot from a West Islip pet store.
Police say a man entered BJT's Jungle pet shop on Jan. 19 and took a $1,399 baby black-headed caique bird out its holding tank and placed it inside his jacket.
He and an accomplice then bought crickets and left the store with the bird.
It's the second time in two months that animals have been taken from pet shops undetected.
In December, a man hid a foot-long baby nurse shark under his jacket and walked out. He was later arrested.

"It is ironic the wonderful organ that made him successful in his work has been his demise,” owner Police Inspector Anne Higgins told the British newspaper the Telegraph.
He was a fighter until the end and always very dignified,” she said.
The nine-year-old Springer spaniel was put down last week after an aggressive tumor developed in his nose, Higgins said.
Max had retired for work as a dug-sniffer last year after arthritis in his back legs limited his mobility. He was fitted with a wheeled contraption so he could continue to move on his own.
Max’s veterinarian Kate Fairclaugh said death from nasal cancer is rare in dogs and that his police work likely contributed to the illness. "Sniffing drugs may well have been a factor. I certainly cannot rule it out,” she said.
Higgins said it was difficult to let Max go, but she will focus on his legacy of good deeds.
"He has had a good life and a successful one as a police dog. Just think of all the bad people he managed to put away," she said.
Lab Pup Looks Just Like Original

"And I said, 'You know, it wouldn't hurt to have his DNA frozen,' and that's what we did," said Nina Otto.
Lancelot died in 2008 of cancer at age 11.
Shortly afterward, the Ottos learned of a California company that could take his frozen DNA and produce a cloned pup.
BioArts International created him in South Korea, where he was born 10 weeks ago. Scientists there took Lancelot's DNA, inserted into the egg of a Korean dog, and then inseminated another Korean dog with the fertilized egg.
The result: Lancelot Encore, who flew first class into Miami International Airport on Monday.
"He looks like him," said Nina Otto.
The cloning procedure cost the Ottos $155,000.
WPBF 25's Terri Parker asked the couple how they justify the expense when so many dogs are euthanized in the U.S. each year.
"He was a very, very, very special dog to us and we've given a lot more money to the humane society than we've ever spent on this project," explained Ed Otto.
The wealthy couple lives on a 12-acre estate in western Boca Raton with nine other dogs, four birds and several cats and sheep. So far, Lancelot Encore has fit right in, even though he wasn't raised with other dogs.
The Ottos say they're waiting to see if Lancelot Encore will share the same winning personality and smarts that endeared the original to them so much.
"When he crosses his front legs over each other while lying down, that's when we'll know he's the same," said Ed Otto.
"The only problem with dogs is they have such a short life," added Nina. "Doing this was right in line with what we wanted."
The couple has been beseiged with media requests since they announced Lancelot Encore is the first commercially cloned dog in the world.
And if he doesn't turn out to be exactly like the original? Ed Otto said: "We hope so, but we do realize if he's different we're not going to love him any less."
by Kate Woodviolet, LA Pet Rescue Examiner
You've probably heard stories or seen emails or flyers about the evils of buying puppies at puppy stores, over the internet, or via classifieds in even such reputable papers as the L.A. Times. You may even have seen protests outside puppy stores in Beverly Hills or Bel Air.
If you're like I was a few years ago you may wonder what all the fuss is about and how it could possibly hurt any animal if you buy one cute little puppy. After all, if you buy the puppy aren't you, in some sense, rescuing it?
The problem is so perplexing because the true victims aren't easily visible; in fact large-scale puppy breeders do everything they can to hide them, far from public view. But every once in awhile, despite lax enforcement of even the weak protections provided by states and the federal government, a puppy mill does get raided, and the abuses and horrors of dogs kept their entire lives in cramped, filthy, often hazardously decrepit wire cages just so they can breed litter after litter of puppies until they're spent, comes to light..
I can't write more eloquently than the following email, sent by Angel's Gate Animal Hospice to rescuers nationwide, in an appeal for support for just a few of the victims of the puppy mill trade. And nothing can convey why rescuers beg you not to buy puppies from stores, websites or classified ads more than these few pictures.

All the dogs spent three days at Jockeyport Animal Hospital where they were given emergency treatment. They are currently at home here at Angel's Gate where they will be given the nursing care they so desperately need. All were flea, lice and worm infested. All need surgery, many need multiple surgeries, but because of their weakened state surgeries cannot be done at this time. To date we have over $6,000 in medical costs.
Our mission is to make these broken spirits whole again. They have suffered a lifetime of neglect. You can see the pain and confusion in their eyes. For the remainder of their days we will show them the kindness and respect they deserve. We will care for their physical needs and also tend to the emotional scars caused by lifelong caging, starvation, chronic physical pain and lack of human touch."
The price of the cute puppy is a lifetime of suffering for his parents. A lifetime of no cuddling, no soft beds, and no love. Of ceaseless cycles of impregnation, nursing, then impregnation again, that end only when the dog can't "produce" anymore, at which point she -- and he -- are simply discarded.
These pictures are why people beg you not to buy puppies -- ever. Because every dollar that goes into the pocket of a puppy mill owner encourages that owner to buy more "breeders" and stick them in wire cages for the rest of their lives. The only one who can stop this is the person who refuses to put that dollar in the breeder's pocket.

Pet Mange And How To Diagnose It
by Dwayne Coots
Mange is an unpleasant infection that can be very traumatic, and harmful for pets. It is not rare and is present in otherwise healthy animals, not just those that are poorly looked after. Mange spreads extremely rapidly and is highly contagious, but can be treated successfully and in good time and with full recovery the expected outcome.
Once diagnosed, mange should be treated straight away with the prescribed method, and the routine adhered to until due time has passed. Treating mange when it is yet to spread is the right way to keep the mites to a minimum and to ensure the pet does not suffer unnecessarily.
Read all the available advice that can be unearthed in order to make the correct choice and mange should cease to be a concern in a short time. You can make the difference in the life of your pet by getting the right help.
Mange Mites are the Cause
The requirements of knowing how mange is contracted cannot be stressed too highly.
Mange is caused by very small mites that live in the pet s fur, and the female mange mite will eat into the skin of the animal in order to lay her eggs. This can cause an unnatural reaction in the dog or cat, and leads to persistent itching and rashes as well as other symptoms that we will look at later.
The mites themselves have a life span of a short period but they increase in numbers at a rapid rate. It is when the number of mites increases without hindrance that the pet can become open to mange.
Simple Steps to Identify Mange Infestation
Recognizing mange is relatively easy as the signs are easy to see and not usual. The first thing that may be noticed is frequent scratching, primarily in areas where the hair is at its shortest these are where the mange mite chooses to live and this may be accompanied by loss of hair in these areas.
While in small areas in the first instance it is occasionally the case that mange spreads and in the worst cases can cover the body of the animal severely. Further symptoms can include poor sleep patterns, unusual behavior and red areas on the skin so called red mange that are painful and present great trouble for the animal.
If mange is detected it is best to commence treatment straight away, as keeping the infection under control is vital to removing the condition. Mange is rarely fatal but can be dangerous if allowed to get out of control. It is also very distressing for the animal, whose well-being should be considered at all times.
Mange in Humans? Yes it is Possible
Instances of mange transferring from any animals to humans are known to have occurred and the most frequently contracted form of mange known as sarcoptic mange is very contagious and occurs in humans as scabies.
It is so that mange mites are specific to different species a dog mite will live best on dogs only, a cat mite on cats but they can continue to breed for short periods on other than their chosen host. For this reason it is best to keep uninfected pets at a distance from those with the mange to be safe and sound.
The Process of Treating Mange
Treating mange is not difficult although there are a selection of alternative methods. The right one for a individual animal may depend on the species, on the health and on the age, and some breeds of dog, for instance, take better to certain treatments than others.
Advice is available from many places, and it may be that the best course of action involves using a lotion or cream, or sometimes a spray, to the area of the animal concerned. This concoction will eradicate the mites and, crucially, neutralize any eggs thus halting the breeding process quickly.
In unusual cases particularly those that are more severe a dip or bath may be the best treatment, and this involves immersing the animal in a solution thus giving it an all over body wash. This is, of course, a tricky procedure where cats are the infected animal although less so with smaller dogs.
All treatments for mange involve some form of pharmaceutical application and once the right approach has been decided on it is important that it is carried out quickly in order to control the spread of the infection.
About the Author
Dwayne Coots is an independent researcher and worked as a municipal Animal Control Officer. He writes for Q-Based Healthcare on many subjects, including Pet Health and Mange Treatment at
Popular Purebred Cat Breeds
by Raphael Cooper
All types of cats and no matter if they're purebred or not make wonderful feline companions. If you have your heart set on getting a purebred cat; below are some of the popular breeds you might want to consider. Some people might be surprised to know that you can find purebred cats and kittens in your local rescue centre. If you're looking for a specific breed you might want to call or go by the local rescue centre before looking for a breeder.
British Short Hair
British short hair cats are one of the oldest English breeds of cats and their ancestry can be traced back to Rome. This breed was first known for its hunting ability due to its physical strength. However, this breed is equally recognized for its calm demeanor and loyalty.
The British short hair has a short plush coach that is very soft and easy to groom. These cats are larger in size and they prefer to stay on the ground. They make great family pets and are very loyal companions. The original colour of these cats was a grayish blue now you can find these lovable animals in a variety of colours.
Birman cats are believed to have originated in Burma and they were considered sacred animals and belonged to the high priests. It is believed that this breed was established in the Western world around 1925. These cats are lovable companions and had very distinctive markings.
Birman cats are usually large long and stocky. They have long silky hair but it is not as thick as the Persian cat and does not mat easily. Their coat is usually light in colour with a golden cast. The points on the face, legs and tail are darker and are similar to the Siamese. They have big broad blue eyes and a strong looking face. The one distinctive thing about the Birman cat that makes them stand out from the others is their very distinctive white feet. These cats have great personalities which make them good family pets and companions.
Burmese cats get their distinctive colors from selective breeding to Siamese cats. They come in a variety of different colours including stable, champagne, blue and platinum. Their coats are very short and had a silk-like texture which means they need little grooming. Burmese cats are compact and have rounder heads and large expressive eyes.
These cats are quite lively and like to play even when they are adults. Burmese cats are very intelligent and they each seem to have their own distinct personality. Some people say they have dog-like tendencies because they like to shadow their owner and have a desire to give and receive affection. They love to be around people and our great companions.
Persian Long Hair
Persians were named for the country they originated in and their heritage is said to be traced back to 1600 B.C. but no one knows their exact beginnings. They have long flowing coats and very distinctive faces which make them a very popular breed. Persians are sweet and gentle and fit well in any family. They have short heavy legs to support their broad short bodies and like to have their feet firmly planted on the ground. They are not into climbing and jumping. They can be playful but like to lounge around in their favorite chair or a window.
Persians should be kept indoors due to their long flowing coats. They are high maintenance as far as grooming is concerned. They need to be combed daily to eliminate tangles and hairballs. When most people think of the Persian cat they think of the colour white but actually Persians come in and array of colors including solid colors, , tabby and bicolor.
These cats can easily live to be 20 years old with proper care and annual visits to the veterinarian. They are beautiful cats to look at and their gentle nature also makes them ideal for any type of family.
These are just a few of the more popular breeds that work well with families. There are many more types of purebred cats that are just as friendly and popular as those mentioned above including the Manx and the Siamese cat. Purebred cats can be expensive and you need to make sure that they had the proper nutrition and are kept healthy. This can be done by keeping them indoors and taking them annually to your veterinarian.
To make sure your purebred cat stays healthy and will enjoy a long life, you might want to consider getting cat insurance incase their will be unforeseen medical expenses in the years to come. You have health insurance on the rest of your family and for peace of mind you might want to get cat insurance on your feline companion.
About the Author
Raphael Cooper is a freelance author writes articles on Pet Health Insurance including pet cat insurance, Cat Health Insurance and pet insurance cover. To learn more about Pet Insurance Cover and Cheap Cat Insurance please visit

Correcting Aggressive Dogs - Nip That Bite!
by Amy Y.
Before we go on and talk about correcting aggressive dogs, I want to get this out of the way. Your dog is a dog first and foremost. I know that might sound rudimentary and so obvious, but aren't we all guilty of attributing human feelings to our dogs? When our dog begs at the dinner table, don't we feel sorry for him because he can't have that delicious food we are eating? And if our dog got attacked by another dog, don't we sometimes find ourselves excusing some of the aggressive behavior as the dog remembering a past experience and being hurt and defensive because of it?
It is important for our dog that we treat her like the wonderful dog she is, but a dog first and foremost.
As a dog, your dog will react to situations and after a while or after a traumatic experience, your dog will be conditioned to respond in a certain way in that same situation. Think of the dogs in Pavlov's experiment. They hear a bell and start drooling even if there is no food present. Because they had been drooling whenever they heard the bell, they soon became conditioned to the sound of the bell being tied in to their drooling and so whenever they heard that bell again, they would drool.
Now it is possible to correct a conditioned response, but that takes time. But it can be done!
The same goes for correcting aggressive dogs. In the dog's mind, whatever situation that initially caused them to react aggressively has been conditioned into them because time and again, they have found that aggression works to stop the situation that they don't like regardless of whether or not the situation is really lethally dangerous to them. They don't know that a harmless brush isn't going to kill them if every time that the brush got near them and they growled or whatever and the brush went away. To them, they succeeded in conquering the enemy and protecting themselves.
It is there that we can start correcting aggressive dogs. We need to nip their bite before it escalates into a doggy horror! We need to tell them that their aggressive behavior is unwarranted and completely unacceptable to us.
About the Author
Amy Y. has a list of the top 5 dog training guides that will help you in correcting aggressive dogs and more.
The Yorkshire Terrier - Intelligent and Loyal
by Jonathan Charles
Yorkshire terriers are considered by many people to be a very intelligent dog, and they are also considered to be extremely loyal to their owners. I'm sure that comes as no surprise to you if you already own a Yorkie. They are indeed a most wonderful dog.
Dr. Stanley Coren, an animal intelligence expert, determined that Yorkshire Terriers are above average in terms of intelligence. Out of 132 breeds tested, the Yorkshire Terrier ranked 27th. Yorkshire Terriers are so intelligent that they can do better than obeying one simple command at a time, like most breeds. The Yorkie can follow a series of long and complicated commands.
People have sometimes said to me that they believe their Yorkshire terrier understands everything that they say. My response is usually that you are probably quite right because they are indeed capable of understanding what you are saying and even sometimes what you are thinking.
Let me try and explain this a bit better. If you repeatedly give your dog a hug and at the same time tell him that you love him, he will associate those words with good feelings. Its the same as when you say the word Walkies, its a 'good feelings' word, and your dog responds accordingly.
Yes indeed. Yorkshire Terriers are very intelligent little dogs, but again, they are also fiercely loyal, even if it doesn't quite seem like it. You see, Yorkshire Terriers, as a breed, are somewhat independent. This means that they have minds of their own, and they don't feel the need to be in your lap, waiting for your command. They are curious, and they like to investigate, and sometimes their inherent instincts are stronger than your commands. If he sees a squirrel that he wants to chase, and you are telling him to come to you, there is only a 70% chance that your command is going to win over his instinct to chase the squirrel. For this reason, many people think that these dogs aren't 'obedient' or 'loyal' and this simply isn't the case.
Would you believe it if I told you that history is full of instances of brave Yorkshire Terriers defending their owners in the face of all sorts of dangers. Can you imagine the bravery of a little dog facing grave dangers and enormous opponents all to defend their owners? Well believe it or not, its true.
So, if you are looking for intelligence and loyalty, don't disregard the Yorkshire Terrier, mistakenly thinking that he is no more than a pampered lap dog. You will be pleasantly surprised to learn that he is among the most intelligent, and the most loyal, of all canines.
Now all that remains is for you to go out and get a Yorkie for yourself, but don't worry, I am not trying to sell you one, but I would ask you to act responsibly when you are purchasing a beautiful yorkie.
Only consider dealing with a known and responsible breeder. Enquire of the Kennel Club as to which breeders they would recommend.
Do not under any circumstance support backyard breeders, puppy mills or pet stores when you purchase your Yorkie. If you know someone who owns a Yorkshire Terrier you can ask them for a reference, and even Yorkshire Terrier breeders will direct you to other responsible breeders if they don't have the puppy that you are looking for.
About the Author
Did you find this article helpful? If you did then please make sure you visit John's Yorkshire Terrier Blog
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