Renee Lee -
Forget the average squeaky toy or scratching post. It’s time to get your pet something as unique as their personality. We scoured the Web and found these ten pet-pleasing products.
1. Ever wonder what Toto is up to when you’re at work? Find out with Uncle Milton’s Pet’s Eye View Camera. The lightweight camera attaches to your pet’s collar and snaps photos every 1, 5, or 15 minutes. $47.95 (Uncle Milton’s does not sell directly to consumers; look for the item at
2. Help your dogs stay cool under the Honolulu sun with Body Cooler’s Pet Cooling Mat. Soak the mat in tap water for 10 to 20 minutes, hang dry and it’ll stay cool for days. The mats are $18 to $56, depending on the size.
3. Nobody likes poop-duty, especially when your pet’s stomach is a little out of wack. Poop Freeze is an aerosol spray that uses freezing temperatures to solidify the waste. It costs $11.99 at
4. Want something that’ll soothe Wisker’s feisty behavior? Organikat’s Premium Organic Catnip is the answer. Their catnip is herbicide and pesticide-free, and the bags it’s packaged in are safe, too; they have been approved by the FDA to handle human-grade food. It’s $3.99, at
5. Encourage Lassie to get back her girlish figure by using the Jog A Dog Treadmill. The designers of the treadmill claim it combines over 30 years of research and input from veterinarians. It runs $1,195 to $2,995 at
6. Foil would-be burglars who squeeze through a dog door by installing Pet Safe’s Smart Door. The door unlocks when it recognizes the electronic key on your pet’s collar. It will automatically lock again once your pet has passed through, keeping unwanted visitors out. Prices run $132 to $221, at
7. Protect your pup’s eyes at the beach with the first the only eye protection designed for dogs. Doggles are made with shatterproof, anti-fog lenses and provide 100-percent UV protection. They are $21.99 at
8. Kick your cat off the couch and back into action with the Panic Mouse 360, an interactive cat toy that moves around in unpredictable jerking motions. It has a digital self-timer that can be set from 15 minutes to two hours. It’s $29.95 at
9. Calling all laid-back North Shore dogs: Earth Dog’s Hemp Collars are all handmade in the U.S. using hemp. The collars are biodegradable, hypoallergenic, and soften with every use. Prices range from $17 to $25 at
10. This bed is perfect for dogs with arthritis or hip dysplasia: Buddy Beds have a memory foam mattress that relieves all pressure points, and a waterproof fabric liner that keeps away bacteria and dust mites. From $279, at
By Brian Livingston -
Economic downturn affecting pets, too
With every click of the camera, Ashley Owen's heart ached just that much more.
As other volunteers with the East Mississippi Animal Rescue League (EMARL) helped Owen claim a pit bulldog that could barely stand, she noted the sparse surroundings. There was no shelter from the weather for the dog. Old, bent dog dishes, long empty of any sort of nourishment, were scattered around the backyard. The only water the dog had access to came from recent rains pooling in pockmarks in the ground.
And then there was the overall shape of the dog itself.
"You could clearly see the ribs and hip bones," said Owen. "There was such a sad look on his face. He was chained to his fate until we arrived. The dog mustered all its energy just to wag its tail for us. It was very sad and I doubt the dog would've survived for very much longer."
While the nation's economic turmoil has affected every person in some way, one aspect seems to be absent from everyone's sight: the economy's impact on pets. Due to job loss and financial strain, many people have cut back on their pet's food, medical care, and other necessities. Others have decided that they cannot afford to keep their pet at all anymore. They are abandoned, either in a backyard such as the pit bulldog or just dropped alongside the road.
The 30 volunteers at EMARL such as Owen try to save as many pets as they possibly can. The non-profit group rescues animals such as this latest victim and places them in a foster home to begin the long road to recovery. The animals are taken to a vet who evaluates them and either spades or neuters them. Then a suitable permanent home with a loving family is sought out to take in the pet.
"We are seeing an increase in pets being left behind," Owen said. "Sometimes we don't get there in time. It's very disturbing."
Perhaps the most disturbing trend is the increasing number of families who are moving out of their homes (due to foreclosure and other financial reasons) and simply leaving their pets behind —on a chain. Not only are these animals left without food or water (and often shelter), but the chain leaves them with no other choice than to wait for help or starve to death. In addition, there have been other cases of pets locked inside empty foreclosed homes with no way out. According to the Humane Society, the abandonment rate is tenfold what it was two years ago, and this number continues to rise.
Owen wants to inform residents there are many options for an owner that can no longer afford to take care of their pet. In Meridian, they can turn the animal over to Animal Control or a non-profit volunteer rescue group like East Mississippi Animal Rescue. Also, if you see an animal who has been left behind, Owen urges residents to contact your local Animal Control department immediately and report the issue.
"Don’t wait for someone else to report the problem," she said. "Get involved and make a difference for an animal in need. It is important that we all come together to be a voice for those who cannot ask for help."
Finally, Owen has some advice for those who are thinking about owning a pet of any kind.
"No one forces you to have a pet," she said. "It's a choice. So if you make the choice to have a pet, please take care of it. The animal depends on you for survival, and it has no other option."
If you have any questions on animal care or want to report a suspected pet abandonment, you can contact the EMARL by calling (601) 553-3060.
by Jim Miller -
Dear Savvy Senior
My widowed mother-in-law has two cats and a dog (her adopted family) and would be willing to spend her life savings to take care of them. Is pet insurance a good idea for her? —Concerned In-law
Dear In-law,
Most seniors who have pets treat them like their own children. If your mother-in-law is the type of person who would do anything for her furry family, including spending thousands of dollars on medical care, pet insurance is definitely worth looking into.
Rising Costs
The cost of owning a pet has gone up quite a bit in recent years. New technologies in medical treatment now make it possible for pets to undergo similar treatments as humans for many life-threatening diseases. But just as with humans, these treatments don’t come cheap.
Pet Policies
Pet insurance is actually very similar to human health insurance. Typically pet policies come with deductibles, co-pays and caps that limit how much will be paid out annually. Pre-existing health problems and hereditary conditions can exclude many animals, and the older the pet is, the more you’ll have to pay out in premiums. Some insurers won’t even cover pets older than 8.
Pet policies also vary widely on what’s covered. Some policies are comprehensive, including such things as annual checkups and vaccinations, spaying/neutering, death benefits and even reimbursement for offering a reward for lost pets. Other basic plans cover only accidents and illness. Cost, too, will vary ranging from around $10 to $25 per month for basic coverage, to $25 to $75 for a comprehensive policy.
Shopping Tips
To help your mother-in-law find a policy that meets her pet’s needs and budget, here are a few tips:
Shop and compare: To compare benefits, co-payments and deductibles of major pet insurers go to Many insurers offer discounts for insuring multiple pets -- be sure you find out. It’s also not a bad idea to check with your mom’s veterinarian to see if they have a recommendation. And do not buy a policy from an insurer that’s not licensed in your state.
Know what you’re getting: Be clear on what the policy covers and doesn’t cover, and that it works with your mom’s vet. Some companies, like Pet Assure (, are membership discount plans but only work with the vets in their network.
Cost Cutters
Whether your mother-in-law chooses pet insurance or not, here are some other ways she can cut her vet bills.
Look for discounts: Humane societies often host events or they may know of local clinics where she can get pet care and vaccinations at reduced prices. Also, find out if her vet offers discounts to seniors or offers reduced fees for annual checkups if she brings in multiple pets.
Get a second opinion. Before committing to expensive treatments or drugs, get a second opinion from another vet. Another option is to consult the Merck Veterinary Manual ( for a rundown on her pet’s condition and recommended treatments.
Shop around for meds. Get a written prescription from the vet (ask for generic if possible) so she can shop for the best price. is a good resource that has links to sites that offer lower-priced medications. And it doesn’t hurt to ask the vet if he or she has free samples they can give her.
Savvy Tips: Studies have shown that many pet owners can manage medical expenses between $500 and $1,000, but have difficulty paying beyond that level. If your mother-in-law fits that category, low-cost, high-deductible plans that cover catastrophic injury or illness are considered a sensible option. To help her decide, the American Animal Hospital Association offers a pet insurance buyer’s guide that she can access at
You also need to know that many animal advocates think most pet owners are better off forgoing pet insurance and instead putting the money they would have spent on premiums into a savings account. Depending on the policy, pet coverage can cost $1,500 to $6,000 over the life of an average pet, and most pet owners will never spend that much for treatment.
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of "The Savvy Senior" book.
Tips for Being Safe in Sun and Heat
Temperatures in Monterey County are expected to be very hot today.
The SPCA for Monterey County advises pet owners that high temperatures can be deadly for pets. Heat or sunstroke can kill an animal in less than 10 minutes.
Life threatening symptoms to be aware of include heavy panting, lethargy, and convulsions. If your pet is showing any of these symptoms, emergency veterinary care should be sought immediately. During transportation to the veterinarian, the animal should be wrapped in cool wet blankets or towels.
If possible, pets should be kept indoors or at the very least be provided with ample shaded areas. Fresh water must be available at all times.
Prolonged exposure to extreme heat can lead to heat exhaustion or possible heat stroke. Children and pets should not be left unattended in enclosed vehicles. California Penal Code section 597.7, prohibits leaving an animal in an unattended motor vehicle under "circumstances that could reasonably be expected to cause suffering, disability, or death to the animal." A parked car's interior can reach over 120 degrees in less than five minutes, even with the windows partially open, causing brain damage or death.
For more information on how you can keep your pet safe during hot weather, please contact The SPCA at 831-373-2631 or 422-4712 or visit

By Shary Lyssy Marshall, Tampa Bay Times Correspondent
A few years ago, Judy Chissell lost her pup when he choked on something. She wishes she had known more about pet first aid. She might have saved him. • Today, in addition to being a mother of five, an RN and a cat and a dog owner, Chissell teaches pet first aid classes for the American Red Cross. The classes are designed to help pet owners care for their pet in an emergency situation, when there's no time to call the vet. We checked out one of her classes on pet first aid and got some tips and strategies:
Poison Control
If your pet swallows something that might be poisonous, call the ASPCA's Animal Poison Control Center toll-free at 1-888-426-4435. Have any labels or packaging from the suspected poison on hand when you call.
"Poison control are the only ones who know the latest information about how to handle it when your pet swallows something poisonous," said Chissell.
Don't eat that!
Many foods that humans eat are bad for pets. In addition to chocolate and cocoa, here is a partial list of other foods the Red Cross recommends keeping away from your pet:
• Avocado
• Chives
• Coffee
• Garlic
• Milk
• Mushrooms
• Raisins
For a comprehensive list, consult your veterinarian.
Protect yourself
Even the gentlest pets can bite or scratch when they are hurt or frightened. The Red Cross stresses the importance of protecting yourself when dealing with an animal in an emergency situation. Use a muzzle or put a towel around the animal or your arm when interacting with it.
A pet lives here
In the event of an emergency, a sticker on your front door or window can alert others that a pet is in your home. You can order a free rescue sticker from the ASPCA at
Your pet might be choking on something if it acts frantic, stops breathing, is pawing at its mouth or is struggling or gasping for breath.
The most common causes of pet choking include an object stuck in throat, trauma to the neck, allergic reaction causing tongue swelling, or an ill animal choking on vomit.
Examine inside your pet's mouth for the object, and remove it, if possible. But it is important that you do not push the object farther down.
The Red Cross provides detailed instructions on performing abdominal thrusts or giving sharp blows between the animal's shoulder blades, similar to the Heimlich maneuver.
As a last resort, suspending a small pet by its hind legs can help to dislodge an object stuck in their throat. For a large pet, holding it wheelbarrow style might also help.
The Red Cross recommends using the ABCs of CPR (Airway, Breathing, Circulation) for animals that are not breathing and do not have a heartbeat or pulse. As with humans, the process starts with three critical steps.
Airway: Check the airway. Is the animal choking on something?
Breathing: Is the animal breathing?
Circulation: Is there a heartbeat or pulse?
Red Cross instructors even teach rescue breathing for small animals. Just a short breath does it — like blowing out a candle.
Be prepared
Have a pet first aid kit on hand with emergency supplies. It should include any medications your pet needs, three days' worth of food and water, and a comforting toy.
To learn more:
For details about pet CPR or helping a choking pet, go to the Red Cross Web site at
Pet first aid classes
1-4 p.m. May 24 at the St. Petersburg Red Cross Office, 818 Fourth St. N, St. Petersburg.
To register, call (813) 348-4820, ext. 850, or go to
So many households are cutting corners to make ends meet during this rough economy. And nationally, many veterinarians say it's trickling down to pet care. KTEN's Meredith Saldana has tips on how you can save without costing your pet it's health.
Local veterinarian, Cade Wilson, says his office hasn't noticed people not being able to pay for their animal's care.
They have however seen an increase in people asking for treatments and meds that are a little less expensive.
It's no secret that pet medical bills can add up quickly.
Especially because of something unexpected which most costly procedures for our four legged friends are.
Dr. Cade Wilson says many of his friends who practice in larger cities have noticed a significant impact because of the sour economy.
He says the best advice for those looking to save money, isn't to skip on doctor visits, but to ask your veterinarian about options.
Wilson says, "Say hey listen. And I would be truthful, say, look we're trying to save a little money is there a product that we can move to that we can still be on something and then when the economy comes back we can move back up? Because there's those products out there."
Here are some more tips from Dr. Wilson:
-Look into pet insurance. It may sound expensive but it's only about 8$ a month, less than $100 a year and pays you money back for certain shots and procedures like spaying and neutering.
-Don't skip on yearly exams. Diagnosing a problem earlier is cheaper.
-Don't cut back on flea and tick meds or heart worm meds. It's less expensive to pay for prevention meds than it is to treat a problem.
-Always ask questions.
-Using online pharmacies can save you money. But do your research first.
Dr. Wilson writes a blog once a week with tips to help you and your pet.
To read it you can log onto
LA Unleashed
Pet-owning jet-setters seem to have good cause to worry about the safety of their animal friends when shipping them in the cargo hold of an airplane -- there are certainly a fair number of horror stories out there. And a new airline is trying a novel approach to traveling with pets.
Pet Airways, which begins service to select U.S. cities in July, will accept only four-legged passengers. ("Only in America," muses the Times of London.) Amy Lieberman at ZooToo reports:
Pet Airways hopes to expand to 25 continental cities within the next few years, Binder says, and cater to exotic pets, as well as to dogs and cats.
Here's how it works: Pet owners flying out of major airports drop their animals off at a nearby, smaller facility. The pets spend time in a pet lounge before boarding a seat-free plane, which can hold up to 50 dogs or cats.
Animals are with "pet attendants" at all times, according to Binder, as they are then loaded into secured carrying cases on the plane. People are watching the pets at all times throughout the flight, though the animals are not allowed to roam at large.
Animals' flights are made to coincide with their owners' arrangements; after owners land at their destination, they collect their pets from a lounge.
Introductory fares start at $149 for a one-way trip. "Inaugural" cities served by Pet Airways are L.A., Denver, Chicago, New York and Washington, D.C.
Interest in the new airline seems to be high, as our colleague Jen Leo at the Daily Travel & Deal Blog explains:
Right now the website for Pet Airways is over capacity, but they are encouraging folks to check out their Facebook Fan Page, follow them on Twitter (@petairways) and inquire about reservations by e-mail at
By Debora Vrana, Special to The Los Angeles Times
Taking a pet on a plane can be tricky. The rules vary by airline. Some won't take animals, but others offer special perks.
For many pet lovers, a vacation wouldn't be complete without their dog or cat beside them.
But taking a pet on a plane can be tricky. Negotiating the maze of travel restrictions, which vary widely from airline to airline, is daunting. Many carriers allow small dogs or cats to ride under the seat in front of you; others don't. Some will take a large dog in the cargo hold in a kennel. Other airlines won't allow pets, period.
It's especially important to check the rules if you're traveling in the summer or winter, when many airlines have restrictions because of extreme temperatures. In the summer, some airlines prohibit pet travel to cities where the temperatures are really hot, such as Las Vegas. Sitting on the tarmac in a kennel when it's boiling hot can kill a pet.
Here's a rundown of some of the major airlines and their current policies. This information applies only to pets, not to certified service animals, such as seeing-eye dogs, because airlines are required to follow government regulations on travel for such animals.
Once you select an airline, remember to check the rules on vaccinations and a pet's health status, which can differ from state to state. International guidelines are even more complex.
Pets in cabin: Dogs, cats, rabbits and household birds.
Pets as luggage: Alaska and Horizon Air accept most small domesticated pets in the climate-controlled luggage compartment. Other pets may be accepted with approval. Pets accepted include dogs, cats, ferrets, hamsters, guinea pigs, pot-bellied pigs and nonpoisonous reptiles.
Cost: $75 each way in the cabin. In cargo, it's $100 each way for a pet and kennel weighing up to 149 pounds combined.
Limit: One per traveler.
How many pets per flight: In the cabin, one in first class and five in the main cabin, for a total of six per flight.
Booking your pet: Call (800) 252-7522 in advance.
Carrier restrictions: In the cabin, the carrier must fit under the seat, and the pet must be able to move comfortably. Dimensions vary. See the website, or call reservations for specifics. In the climate-controlled luggage compartment, the largest kennel Alaska will accept is what is known as a 500-size.
Carrier availability: A limited number of in-cabin carriers are for sale at most airport locations. Please arrange in advance.
Special restrictions: If the temperature is too hot or too cold, the airline may not take pets in the cargo hold. Animals with offensive odors or those that are noisy must travel in the hold.
Perks: Once a pet is loaded into the luggage compartment, a ticket confirming the animal is onboard is delivered to the traveler.
Pets in cabin: Cats and dogs only, 20-pound limit.
Pets checked as luggage: Two pets and two kennels are allowed per passenger, with each pet in a kennel; there are some exceptions (contact the airline). The maximum weight with a kennel is 100 pounds.
Cost: Cabin pets, $80 each way. As checked baggage, $100 each way.
Limit: See above.
Maximum pets per flight: Seven.
Booking your pet: Call reservations in advance, (800) 433-7300.
Carrier restrictions: Soft-sided carriers OK, as long as they are made of nylon and have ventilation. Can't weigh more than 20 pounds.
Carrier availability: None.
Special restrictions: Check with reservations agent for hot and cold temperature restrictions. Will refuse animals exhibiting aggressive behavior. Special restrictions for travel to Hawaii.
Perks: None.
Pets in cabin: Cats, dogs, rabbits and small birds.
Pets checked as luggage: Not allowed. But the airline's PetSafe cargo program accommodates all sizes of kennels for pets weighing up to 250 pounds. Call the 24-hour live-animal desk at (800) 575-3335. You can also track your animal's journey online through the PetSafe program at
Cost: $95 each way in the cabin. Check for cargo rates.
Limit: One pet per traveler.
Weight: No limit, but pets must be in a carrier that can fit under the seat.
Maximum pets per flight: Four pets in economy class and one in first class. (No pets in the BusinessFirst cabins. )
Booking your pet: For in-cabin pets, book online or call Continental reservations, (800) 525-0280.
Carrier restrictions: The carrier must fit under the seat.
Carrier availability: In-cabin pet kennels are available at some airports for $55.
Special restrictions: No pets in the cabin to and from Hawaii. No American pit bulls anywhere, unless they are puppies ages 8 weeks to 6 months and don't weigh more than 20 pounds. Also, no pets are shipped if they have been sedated. This is due to a recommendation from the American Veterinary Medical Assn.
Perks: The airline has one of the industry's most extensive programs for pets. Continental also operates a kennel in its cargo area at George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, the nation's only such facility. Overnight kenneling and grooming services are available. The airline also provides personal handling in climate-controlled vehicles for connections between flights when temperatures rise. Your pet can also earn frequent-flier miles.
Pets in cabin: Dogs, cats, birds, ferrets, rabbits, hamsters and guinea pigs.
Pets as checked luggage: Because of heat concerns, pets cannot travel from May 15 to Sept. 15. During other times, only warm-blooded mammals and birds considered to be pets or show animals are allowed. Two kennels are allowed per flight.
Cost: In-cabin fee is $50. Pets checked as baggage are $100.
Limit: Only one carry-on pet per passenger. Two pets are allowed in cargo.
Maximum pets per flight: Two in the main cabin.
Booking your pet: Call (800) 221-1212.
Carrier restrictions: The carrier must fit under the seat.
Carrier availability: None.
Special restrictions: Animals must be "non-offensive" and not pose a danger to passengers or baggage handlers.
Perks: The Delta Pet First service is intended to ensure animal safety and comfort. The airline has temperature-controlled live-animal holding areas in its four hub cities: Atlanta, Cincinnati, Dallas and Salt Lake City.
Pets in cabin: Small dogs and cats.
Pets in cargo: Not allowed, because of a lack of oxygen and pressurized air.
Cost: $50 each way.
Limit: One pet per traveler.
Weight: The combined weight of the pet and carrier can't exceed 20 pounds.
Maximum pets per flight: Four.
Booking your pet: Customers must call reservations and let them know they are traveling with a pet. Cannot use online flight check-in. (800) 538-2583.
Carrier restrictions: Must fit under the seat and have a leak-proof bottom.
Carriers availability: Soft-sided carriers that are 3 1/2 pounds empty are available for $60 (nonrefundable).
Special restrictions: No cargo pets.
Perks: TrueBlue travelers with pets earn double JetBlue miles.
Pets in cabin: Dogs, cats and household birds.
Pets as checked baggage: Allowed. Dogs, cats, household birds and other pets such as rabbits and hamsters can travel with your luggage on domestic flights; advance arrangements are required, and the airline recommends you choose nonstop flights. Only dogs and cats can travel with luggage on international flights.
Cost: $80 each way in the cabin. For pets traveling with luggage, the cost is from $139 for small pets to $359 for animals weighing 150 pounds or more.
How many: One per traveler.
Maximum pets per flight: Six carry-on pets per flight.
Booking your pet: For carry-on pets, call Northwest reservations and pay fees in advance. For checked pets, check the website before calling,, or call (800) 225-2525.
Carrier restrictions: Combined weight of carry-on kennel and pet not more than 15 pounds. Carriers must be leak-proof and ventilated on two sides.
Carrier availability: None.
Restrictions: Because of heat, embargo from June 1 through Sept. 15 for pets traveling to Las Vegas and all cities in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas.
Perks: Offers the Priority Pet Program, with employee training at all locations and transportation in heated and pressurized luggage compartments. Also offers a more costly same-day shipping service for pets traveling in cargo.
Pets: No pets allowed.
Pets in cabin: Dogs, cats and household birds.
Pets as checked baggage: Cats, dogs and household birds. For other animals, contact United Cargo at
Cost: Cabin pets cost $85 each way; in cargo, it's $100 for smaller pets and $200 for medium-size to extra-large pets.
Limit: One pet per traveler.
Maximum pets per flight: Depends on the aircraft. Check with the airline.
Booking your pet: Call (800) 864-8331. Special cold- or hot-weather restrictions may apply for those traveling in the cargo area, so reconfirm your trip 24 to 48 hours before the flight.
Carrier restrictions: It must fit under the seat.
Carrier availability: Carriers are available.
Restrictions: Short-nosed dog breeds such as Boston terriers, boxers and English bulldogs are not accepted as cargo or checked baggage during the hotter months, June 1 to Sept. 30. Tropical birds such as parrots are not accepted in the cabin.
Perks: None.
Pets in cabin: Small dogs, cats or birds.
Pets checked with baggage: Not allowed; hub cities of Phoenix and Las Vegas have extreme temperatures. The only exception: On nonstop shuttle flights to Boston, New York and Washington, D.C., some pets are accepted as checked baggage. The customer must be on the same flight.
Cost: $80 each way.
How many: One per passenger.
Maximum pets per flight: The number of pets in the cabin is limited. Check with the airline.
Booking your pet: Call (800) 428-4322 to coordinate your pet travel plans.
Carrier restrictions: Hard-sided carriers up to 17 inches long and 16 inches wide are allowed, as well as soft-sided carriers that are leak- and escape-proof.
Carrier availability: None.
Special restrictions: Pets are not allowed in the cabin for travel to and from Hawaii.
Perks: None.

Laura Kepner - Tampa Pet Services Examiner
If you use Facebook or Myspace, you have probably seen a wide array of pet related topics incorporated into the popular social networking sites. It’s not surprising that new sites have risen from the demand of pet lovers wanting a place of their own on the world wide web.
No matter what your pet passion is, if you want to chat or blog about your furry baby, ask other pet owners about training, health, behaviors, etc. there are dozens of free networking sites on the Internet aimed specifically toward animal lovers.
I have compiled a list of twenty social networking sites for pet owners. From dating sites to blogging and vet advice, there is sure to be one to meet your interest.
(Click here to continue reading)
When keeping a pet in an urban environment, remember: Cities are made by and for people. The safest place for an unsupervised pet is inside its own home, whether condo or rental apartment, hotel room or (in the case of small or aquatic pets) its cage or aquarium.
This is not to say your pet can’t enjoy occasional excursions into the world at large—OK, maybe not the fish—but that you need to plan your pet’s safety during the outing. Dogs are the pre-eminent city-outing pet, but the same cautions would apply to taking a cat for a stroll, or even giving a pet ferret or guinea pig a park outing. (Click here to continue reading)
Sharon Sakson - Pet Life Examiner
“For me, she was like a human,” Piotr said wistfully.
We were sitting in the hospitality room for dog show judges at the Anderson Hotel in St. Petersburg, Russia. Piotr was our translator. He spent the day with a dozen judges, touring the city in a small green bus, while he told us the story of the Peter & Paul Fortress, the Cathedral of Spilled Blood, and Saint Isaac’s Cathedral. It had been an exciting and exhausting day. (Click here to continue reading)
Mohala Johnson - Cheyenne Dogs Examiner
Marijuana or Cannabis Sativa is a recreational drug used among humans, although illegal in many states. As a result of human usage animals, including dogs, can be exposed to inhalation of smoke or ingestion.
The web site has extensive information on the subject. Here is an excerpt from the site: (Click here to continue reading)
Liz Rizzo - Honolulu Pets Examiner
Buddy the Dog, who lives in Honolulu, Hawaii found a great pet friendly place for you to consider if you are moving to Hawaii or want to live where your pets are warmly welcomed. Buddy was gracious enough to share this useful information with the Honolulu Pet Examiner. This was no easy task for Buddy’s owners to find a place that would allow a dog and, then to add to the situation, a 100 pound dog.
Dogs are not allowed in many public parks in Hawaii. They are not allowed in restaurants, stores, public buildings, public transportation and some beaches. There are few apartments and homes that will rent to people with pets yet 65% of people own pets that live in Hawaii. Service dogs are discriminated against sometimes and Buddy shared some stories but I will say more on that at a later time. (Click here to continue reading)
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