by Craig Clemins
Imagine sitting down to eat yout meal, and just as you sit down your dog starts whining and won't give up till you give him some food. Not the most pleasant way to finish your day I wouldn't suspect. Whining dogs can be very irritating and annoying.
You need to do something about this bad behaviour as soon as possible because if left untreated, it will in most cases only get worse.
Training your dog not to beg is not going to be an easy task. Chances are your dog has been whining with success for a long time and has that behavior firmly instilled in his character. In the past when you have given your dog food after it has begged for it, you have taught him that begging and whining gets results. You now need to apply some technical training regimes in order to break that behavior.
The first step in training you dog that whining is not acceptable is to remove your dog from your presence. During meal time put your dog outside or in some other room where you remain out of sight. This will begin to teach your dog that he is not involved in the dining process.
To start with your dog will probably resent being excluded from the dining area - especially is he is well used to it. In this case he may bark or whine from the place you have left him, that's fine. Don't give into the whining, just ignore it and under no circumstances give in to the begging.
Should you give in to temptation and feed your dog, you'll need to start the training process again.
Alternatively, you might like to try giving you dog his food at the same time you eat yours. This will in most cases provide enough distraction for your dog to stop the whining and begging and will also allow him to feel like a part of the family. If you don't want him to eat at the same time, stick to the isolation method mentioned above.
One of the most important things that you need to remember when training your dog not to beg is that you can never allow him to eat from your table. Begging and whining should never be given in to as this will only teach your dog to do more of it. If you have any children, make sure they understand the importance of not giving your dog food during diner time.
About the Author
Find out more Secrets to Dog Training, including more information about how to stop your dog whining by reading Craig Clemins Basic Dog Training advice today.
By Connie Cartmell,
Food for thought:
First, make sure your dog, cat, bird, hamster, potbellied pig or other pet travels easily and isn't freaked out by a road trip or flight.
Call ahead (for road trip) to locate a pet-friendly motel or hotel. Ask if there are additional fees required.
Be prepared for additional fees if you and your pet are flying to a vacation destination. Do your homework. If you are lucky, some airlines will allow Muffy to ride in a pet carrier under your seat. Others require your dog to be in cargo. This might be a problem.
Check if your resort or vacation destination has a kennel facility (Disney World, for example, does).
Few, if any, cruise ships allow pets aboard. Check it out first.
Do not leave your pet for hours in the motel room (barking, chewing, messing issues) while you are out for dinner or sightseeing. You brought the pet, you are responsible.
Carry plastic bags to pick up pet mess, no matter where it is deposited - even if you'll never be returning to that particular park or beach.
Source: Times research.
Lafayette Hotel operations manager Anita Lambert fully understands and sympathizes with her guests who hope to include their pet dog or cat, or even bird, in a stay at the historic downtown Marietta hotel.
"We've been a pet-friendly hotel for as long as I've been here," said Lambert, an employee for 10 years. "I have small dogs myself and like them to travel with me on vacation. It beats kenneling them."
Traveling with pets is a growing and popular trend, Lambert said.
Car or train trips are often less stressful on pets than flying. For owners of a recreational vehicle, the going is way easier, but any successful trip with a pet hinges on careful planning and lots of homework.
"For most dog owners, especially, their pets are like children and most owners don't like to leave them behind," Lambert said. "We allow all sorts of pets, but do ask a $100 (refundable) deposit in case there is any damage to the room."
The most unusual pet to spend a night at the Lafayette was a bald eagle last year, brought to town by a zoo official for school visits.
"The bird actually had a room in the basement where it was cool and dark. It didn't stay in a guest room," she said.
The Lafayette is among a majority of area motels and hotels that do allow pets, according to Donna McKnight with the Marietta/Washington County Convention and Visitors Bureau.
"People call us all the time asking about travel with their pets," she said. "The trend seems to be happening because the size of most dogs is smaller than years ago. Also, people do treat their pets like children and it's more acceptable to travel on vacation with pets now."
Becky Vaughan of Parkersburg doesn't think twice about going on vacation with her pets. In fact, she takes two dogs and two cats to a vacation home in Florida at least once a year, all in her Ford Freestyle car.
"There's certainly no room for luggage," she said of the annual road trip. "The two dogs have the back seat, the cats are in cages in the back and we pack our few things around the animals."
Vaughan said including the pets has been a matter of necessity because of age and special medical needs. The family has extended trips to Florida and that's why the pets are included, she said. If she was planning a brief vacation, pets might not be along for the ride.
"Once we took the dogs to Key West and put a sign on the door to not make up the room or come in. We'd gone to dinner," she said. "Even with the sign, someone did come in to make the bed and let one of the dogs out."
The pet was later located close by.
"Be sure and have an ID on your pet if you are traveling and check out, up front, that a motel is pet friendly," Vaughan said. "We always plan to stop at one place that we know will take pets. You may pay an extra fee, but it's worth it."
The family learned long ago that pets go along to dinner and wait in the car.
"We park close by so we can watch the car at all times. If it's too hot, we get take-out," she said. "Safety is the most important thing."
Vaughan carries extra water in the car and dishes for the pets.
"If you have cats, don't forget cat litter," she said. "Don't forget cleanup baggies, their vaccination record, extra leashes, brushes and food."
Vaughan always carries a travel bag for pet supplies.
Nathan, the potbellied pig, is the only pet left at home, but old Nathan isn't left in the barnyard to fend for himself.
"I'm pretty sure he wouldn't travel that well," she said. "We have a pet sitter, who stays at the house, and that's the best deal for the animal."
Adam Johnson, 23, an employee at We Luv Pets in Marietta's Lafayette Center, owns All Critter Pet Sitter service, (304) 991-5960, and is Vaughan's "go-to" caretaker when it comes to pet-sitting.
"I've taken care of dogs, cats, the pig, even a bunch of guinea pigs and rabbits once," Johnson said. "I've never had a bird to take care of, but about everything else."
His clients prefer his service to a boarding kennel, he said.
"The pets are in their own environment and are more comfortable and happy at home," he said.

The Obamas' new Portuguese water dog will make a great First Pet, local breeders said. But the high-energy canines aren't for everyone.
Mere hours after the Obamas introduced Bo to the world, Debbi Rotenberg's phone started ringing.
In one day, the Portuguese water dog breeder - a Northampton resident - had 34 phone calls from people asking about buying puppies like the fluffy-haired First Pet.
"That doesn't mean 34 people will be getting puppies," said Rotenberg. She and her husband, David, have been breeding and showing Portuguese water dogs for nearly 10 years.
The couple's seven puppies have been spoken for - for the past year. They include Porter, who made his television debut Tuesday on Martha Stewart's television show.
Plus, the couple said, not everyone is right for the high-energy, intelligent dogs.
"They're a highly spirited dog," said David Rotenberg, who owns David Craig Jewelers in Middletown. "I can't say that loud enough. They're highly intelligent. They're a clean dog - there's no dander, there's no shedding. That's the good part.
"The not-so-great part is, along with highly spirited, they're highly energetic. They need their exercise daily, not just once in a while. They're an in-your-face dog, not the kind of dog you can pet once or twice and then sit down and watch television. The dog is going to be all over you. They're clean as far as the dander and the shedding, but they're a water dog. If there's the slightest puddle of water, they're in it. If it happens to be full of mud, they're in that, too."
David Rotenberg said he fell in love with the breed 10 years ago, when he and his wife bought a puppy named Rosco, who has since died. Rosco not only became their stud dog, but also was trained to be a therapy dog, and remained at David's bedside while he was recovering from cancer.
"I think it's a wonderful family dog," he said. "I don't think they (the Obamas) can do better. They really are getting another family member. Michelle just went from having two kids to three, whether she knows it or not."
Judy Murray, president of the Keystone Portuguese Water Dog Club, said the breed does very well with obedience training "and a strong owner."
"I certainly think those young ladies (Obama daughters Sasha and Malia) ought to have whatever dog they want to have," she said. "They're entitled like any other family to have a pet."
President and Mrs. Obama picked a Portuguese water dog in part because it's hypoallergenic; Malia has allergies.
Murray said Portuguese water dogs don't often end up in rescues. They're rare - the breed is 62 out of 161 recognized by the American Kennel Club - and most breeders require that families return the dogs if they decide the animals don't work out.
Murray and the Rotenbergs hope the newfound interest in the dogs - which can cost thousands of dollars - won't lead to more Portuguese water dogs being abandoned by owners who didn't know what they were getting into.
"I don't know what impact it will have on the breed," said Murray, who lives in Media with her four water dogs. "Certainly I hope it won't be a negative one. These aren't dogs for anybody. They're not couch potatoes. They do require exercise. They require a fair amount of training."
David Rotenberg, who frequently takes his trained therapy dogs to St. Mary Medical Center, has some advice for the first family: Watch out for the rose bushes and the tomato plants.
"The Secret Service just got a new job," he said.
Crissa Shoemaker DeBree can be reached at 215-345-3186 or
"I think it's a wonderful family dog+ Michelle just went from having two kids to three, whether she knows it or not."
--David Rotenberg on Michelle Obama
By Alaina Anderson -
Since January the Humane Society of Savannah-Chatham County has seen a 20 percent increase in animals being surrendered by their owners.
As more people lose their jobs and homes, their pets end up suffering, too. The Humane Society of Savannah-Chatham County has seen an increase in homeless pets.
While some choose to give up their pets, that’s not the only option. “He’s been with us for two weeks and we’re looking for a home for him,“ says Nancy Richards about Possum the dog.
“He was brought in by a family that was moving into an apartment and the apartment didn’t allow pets,“ says Nancy. It’s a story she’s has been hearing a lot lately.
“A lot of the folks that are having to surrender animals is that they’re being foreclosed on or they’re just in financial difficulty having to sell their home and move into a smaller situation.“
Since January the Humane Society’s seen a 20 percent increase in animals being surrendered by their owners. Nancy wants pet owners to understand that they have a choice. They don’t have to give up their pets.
“If they’re facing a situation where they’re having to move into an apartment, call us. We have a listing of pet friendly apartments,“ says Nancy.
There is some good news. Even though the Humane Society has about 35 dogs and 35 cats waiting for homes, “Our adoptions have been steady which is good because in the economic climate you might worry that people wouldn’t want to take on that financial responsibility of having a pet,“ says Nancy.
Now the goal is to make sure all the animals, including Possum, find good homes. “He’s a great dog. Unlike most beagles, he’s not a barker so he’s really wonderful.“
The Humane Society’s Doggie Carnival is Sunday, May third from noon to four pm. It’s free to get in but you have to pay for the food and games. All proceeds go toward the Humane Society.
By Lyle Felsch -
Editor's note: The following column was written in response to two recent letters to the editor regarding the evacuation of pets in the event of a house fire.
The purpose of a home fire escape plan is to "prepare" in advance for the possibility of a fire in your home and to consider all aspects. The main focus of a fire escape plan is to make a plan that ensures everyone can quickly and safely escape a fire in their home.
• Everyone has an opportunity to hear and respond quickly to a smoke detector or alarm. Install a smoke detector on every level and inside each bedroom.
• Have at least two ways out of every room that leads to an exit from the home as quickly and safely as possible. Each bedroom should have an escape window.
• Have a common meeting place to determine that everyone is safely out and wait for the fire department. Use a wireless phone or cell phone to call 911.
Adults need to consider the special needs of small children, seniors or family members with physical impairments who may not be able to escape on their own. Children should never be assigned any other responsibility than their own escape.
Fire generates high levels of carbon monoxide very quickly and this will affect the ability to think clearly, causing confusion and inability to find the way out to safety.
Likewise, pets will need to be considered in the plan. Pets kenneled within the home will not be able to escape on their own. Care should be taken to keep these kenneled pets in an adult's bedroom.
Unkenneled pets in a home generally seek their own "safe" areas of refuge and will tend to be near the family during the early stages of a fire. Dogs have been known to awaken their families even before smoke detectors are set off. In many cases, firefighters may find a pet in the course of extinguishing the fire.
Assigning children responsibility for a pet on a day-to-day basis builds their confidence and a sense of responsibility. However, in a fire emergency, pets generally revert to their instincts for survival and may be difficult to control and may even run away from rescuers.
Should a child delay their own escape to look for a pet, it could cost them their life. Also, failure of a child to save a pet they were assigned responsibility for can leave lasting emotional scars.
These words of advice are offered in the best interests of the health and safety of families and their pets while making a home fire escape plan. The best fire safety plan is to work to prevent them. For more information go to and click on "Safety Information" in the menu bar.
Lyle Felsch is Deputy Fire Chief of the Rochester Fire Department.

Traveling With Your Dog- 6 Things You Must Know Before Hitting The Road
by Frances Bergen
Whether it is the weekend approaching or vacation time it is time to recharge and taking your dog along can make the experience more exciting. From experience I have a few tips that make traveling with your dog a positive experience.
1. Safety First - Travel with a first aid kit, both for yourself and your dog. Know what the essentials are for your First Aid Kit. Emergencies do happen, time is critical and there are times that you may not get to a vet for example, when dog get hit by car or broken leg. It helps to know what to do in case of a pet emergency. Medications should be taken as well as a medical record from the vet if he recently had medical problems. This saves time in case you have to see another vet. Be prepared. Be protected for safe pet travel,learn pet first aid.
2. Dog ID Tag - Many dogs end up in shelters because the owner never thought their dog would get lost while on a trip. Imagine how horrific it would be to drive home without your dog because your dog couldn't be found and if he was, how would someone know whom to contact? Get that ID tag for your dog now, later may be too late!
3. Packing Tips - A specific bag or backpack with essentials for dog traveling List items the backpack contains and before each trip, check list and add missing items. Pack his favorite things like toys and blankets and even his dish to make the trip easier for your pet. Really it only takes a second to do this, but well worth it, trust me, I speak from experience. Pack 2 leashes, incase one is lost and your dog is in unfamiliar places or many places require dog must be leased at all times. Why waste your weekend shopping when those minutes can be spent having real fun?
4. Packing Experience Transfers to Dog - Some dogs become anxious when traveling to the point of getting sick. Set the tone for the trip by being calm and try to relax, your dog will pick up on your mood. There are travel sickness natural medications and not feeding 3 hours before you hit the road helps. Take paper towels and plastic bags, just in case.
5. Food and Water - Bring the dog food and water from home, there is nothing worse than having to deal with stomach issues while traveling. Why take the chance! Pack in small zip lock bags then just grab a bag as you head out for the day. Pop up dog dishes are great for food or water. Dogs can get dehydrated quickly so provide them with lots of clean, fresh water.
6. Safety in the Vehicle - Utmost important is to teach your dog how to behave in the vehicle for safety sake. As the owner, I know that I set the tone for how my dog behaves in the vehicle whether it is running or not, the same rules apply. Even if your dog is well behaved, using some sort of restraint is advised to keep your dog in, if case of an accident or even prevent the accident itself with an over zealous dog. When our vehicle was hit, our small dog was not secured and was injured when he hit the dashboard. Dogs that stick their heads out the window are vulnerable to ear infections, objects hitting the eyes and ears.
Of course, these are just some of the things to help with traveling with your dog. It helps to be prepared and know what to do in an emergency for your dog when he needs you the most.
Find more tips here: Tips Traveling with your Dog-Pet First Aid Secrets.
About the Author
Frances helps those who want to be prepared with Traveling with Your Dog and Pet Travel- Holistic At Home Remedies
Five Most Popular Cat Breeds
by Lucky Cat Furniture
Choosing a cat breed can be a bit daunting, especially if you don't know very much about cats! When considering a cat, you must be sure to choose a breed that will best suit your lifestyle. Some breeds require more physical activity than others, and some require much more grooming. Look below to find the top five most popular cat breeds. You will also find a brief description about each breed's grooming requirements and personality type.
The Oriental is one of the most popular cat breeds around. This breed is a very intelligent, loyal companion and tends to bond deeply with its family. It has large, pointed ears, and although its body is very sleek, it is still quite a muscular breed.
The American Shorthair is extremely popular with families, as they tend to be very affectionate and friendly. The American shorthair originally was a working breed, mostly for mouse hunting, which explains the agile muscular structure and short hair. They do need a little exercise, but most are quite content being a lap cat.
The Birman breed is thought to have originated from Burma. It is perhaps best recognized by its blue eyes, white body, and smoky-brown face, ears, legs, and tail. Birmans possess a long, sturdy body structure with long, mat-resistant hair. They love to play and are quite gentle. They are affectionate without being too needy.
If you're looking for a very affectionate, cuddly cat, then a Sphynx may be the breed for you. Although they look like they have no fur, they actually have a peach-like fuzz all over their body. As they don't have much hair to protect their skin, they should strictly be kept indoors. This breed does require a bit of extra care, particularly with room temperature, as this breed can easily become too cold.
A very mild and gentle cat breed is the Ragdoll, appropriately named such as it can be quite floppy and relaxed when picked up. If you love a cat that accompanies you from room to room, this breed would likely be a wonderful match for you. They are very careful not to use teeth or claws when playing around, so they would also make an excellent cat for children.
Now that you have a better idea about the most popular, yet very different, breeds out there, hopefully you find choosing a cat to be a little less daunting than before. Be sure to remember that lifestyles are important factors to consider; so if you aren't very active, you probably shouldn't choose a cat that requires a lot of activity, and vice versa.
About the Author

Teri Webster - Pet Examiner
The airlines industry has finally gone to the dogs (and cats).
Pet Airways is launching the first pets-only airline, complete with first-class travel, flight attendants,and lounge check-in areas. A fleet of 20 planes -- including 747s -- have no seat belts or overhead bins.
"Pawsengers" will be riding in style in their own pet carriers in the planes' climate-controlled cabins. That means no more cargo. (Click here to continue reading this article)
Ellen Chappelle - Seattle Dogs Examiner
Last year, our nation’s 44.8 million dog owners spent a staggering $11.1 billion at the vet’s office – and an additional $3 billion on prescriptions – caring for their canine family members.
Believing that about a third of all vet visits could be avoided if dog owners knew more about canine health, Betsy Brevitz, D.V.M. has written The Complete Healthy Dog Handbook: The Definitive Guide to Keeping Your Pet Happy, Healthy and Active. The 496-page guidebook offers comprehensive, yet reader-friendly advice to help you determine, among other things, whether you should rush to the ER, call for a veterinary appointment or treat your dog at home.
This just-revised book has oodles of information, organized into four sections:
(Click here to continue reading)
Sandy Weaver Carman - Atlanta Dogs Examiner
Friday, Saturday and Sunday are Trivia Days. National Trivia Day is January 4th, but here in April we get to celebrate three Trivia Days in a row. So, for today, here's a bunch of dog trivia, so you can dazzle your friends. Information is courtesy of

A dog's whiskers are touch-sensitive hairs called vibrissae. They can actually sense tiny changes in airflow. (Click here to continue reading)
Amy L Jenkins - Milwaukee Green Living Examiner

Americans, drawn to the colorful feathers and personalities of the parrot and the macaw, fuel illegal smuggling of Mexico’s exotic birds. A recent report, The illegal parrot trade in Mexico, presents estimates sure to sadden bird lovers and perhaps even the bird indifferent. Parrots and macaws are disappearing from their homeland at an alarming rate. The cause of their death: Americans love parrots and macaws and want to own them. (Click here to continue reading)
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