by Steven Gray
The dog parvo virus is probably the most common viral illness of dogs at the moment. The virus is extremely small (the Latin word for small is "parvo") - just a few grams of stool can contain millions of virus particles. The dog parvo virus has been known and identifiable since the late 70's and can be transmitted by direct or indirect contact with vomit or diarrhea from an infected dog.
The Canine parvovirus (CPV), also refered to as "the dog parvo", attacks the intestinal tract, white blood cells, and in some rare cases the heart muscle. The common form of the dog parvo has a predilection for rapidly dividing cells (similar to cancer) such as the cells of intestinal lining and that is why it causes diarrhea and ulcerative enteritis. When the virus lashes out and attacks this type of cells, it makes dogs and puppies not being able to assimilate or absorb nutrients or liquids.
Symptoms of the dog parvo can take anywhere between 7 to 10 days before they are visible. In the early stages, symptoms that are likely to be noticed by the dog owner are a lack of energy and a loss of appetite. As a result, dogs infected with the parvo virus will soon show clear symptoms of dehydration and malnutrition. As the virus spreads, the dog parbo symptoms are characterized by high fever, severe diarrhea, quite often bloody, vomiting, lethargy and severe dehydration. If your dog, but especially your new puppy, begins exhibiting any of these symptoms, see a veterinarian right away. Because even though the dog parvo virus can also infect adult dogs, it is more often found in small puppies because of their low immune system. Parvovirus requires swift action to help an infected dog survive as when parvo is involved, every hour counts.
The severity of the disease depends upon the age of the dog, presence of maternal antibody, size of the virus dose and the breed of the infected dog. Though many dogs become highly ill due to this viral disease, breeds like Doberman Pinschers and Pit Bull Terriers may reveal clinical symptoms to a very severe degree.
According to conventional veterinarians, there is no known cure for the dog parvo. Conventional treatment is, therefore, mostly supportive and consists of maintaining the dog's body fluids, balancing electrolyte levels and maintaining body temperature. But even if a dog survives the initial bout of dog parvo, there is still a high risk of collapsing during the recovery period. You should get your dog immunized to protect them in case they come into contact with dogs that have the illness. Most veterinarians recommend that young puppies to be vaccinated every 3 to 4 weeks beginning when the pup is 6 weeks of age and continuing until it is 20 weeks old.
The dog parvo virus is most common in places where dogs congregate, such as parks, animal shelters or even at dog shows. Dogs may take in the virus from sniffing or consuming contaminated fecal matter, from cleansing himself, or from consuming food off the ground or flooring. That is why dogs that spend their time confined to a house or a yard and are not in contact with other dogs have much less chance of exposure to the canine parvo virus. You must also be aware of the fact that the dog parvo virus may be even brought home to your dog on shoes and even automobile tires. If you allow your dog to live outside, then remember to alter drinking water on a regular basis because there is a chance that the water can contain parvo virus (carried by birds on their feets or feathers or in their feces).
CPV is very resistant and can remain in feces-contaminated ground for five months or more if conditions are favorable.
Be aware of the fact that the dog parvo symptoms resemble other diseases (like poisoning or worms) and are often misdiagnosed. The only way to know if a dog has the Parvo virus is through a positive diagnostic test.
About the Author
For more information, visit, a website dedicated to inform pet owners about Dog Parvo. The website contains articles on symptoms, treatments and prevention.
How To Choose Your First Cat
by Joe Borges
Cats do initiate magnificent pets as properties are not as noisy as dogs, are funny things independent, and do not motivate as much care. Cats in addition adapt well to indoor living.
They are easy to train to use a litter box and properties can groom themselves. The biggest windfall to having a cat is the love and sympathy that properties extend you.
You do however would want to above all decide if a cat is really for you. Be absolute the current you are not allergic to them or who your friends and family are not also allergic to cats. It could make it difficult to submit up your precious new kitty after you hold grown attached to it and next forward out which you cannot be on hand cats due to an allergy and hold to submit them away.
An easy way to offer out if you are allergic to cats even before getting your cat or kitten is to visit
For someone who has cats. You can continue to visit your nearby animal shelter and find out the cat and kitten section to have and play amongst them. Another note to remember is too a good deal of shoppers are merely allergic to kittens and not cats, so be ensured to expose yourself
to both to bring in out for sure. If you do end up with which you are allergic, as long as it is not a considerable allergy and you can tolerate the reaction you hold around a cat, you can carry on to ponder giving a cat a home.
Just one additionally worry to continue in mind when deciding on getting a cat - not me ought to be as enthusiastic as you may be regarding holding a cat or making out there one. I sttink all animals, but I suffer a happy sttink for cats. I have been heard virtually most of my friends and family who just do not want cats. I suffer continued fortunate enough that still though a good deal of them does not want cats, they still hang almost and might tolerate the cats. However, I own talked surrounded by other friends and family who have been available those of us overly is planning to outright be suggest or cruel to cats. Just remember not homeowners will be able to undergo the same view right about your cats as you do. I am moreover very lucky overly my husband loves cats as much as I do. It can make for excessive concern on any relationship if both do not have the same views about these pets.
Once you contemplate all of such ingredients and you are sure that you look for to get a cat. Go for it!! It will be able to be a very rewarding experience. My cats are a pure joy and I love every time such a I am all over them.
About the Author
Joe Borges, and his pets.
Los Angeles Times
Call me the reluctant rescuer.
A filthy and thirsty dog was wandering around Spring Street in Downtown L.A. about a week ago. It had no tag or collar, and it obviously needed help. It looked up at me with piercing blue eyes, so I did the emotional -- I put the animal in my back seat and brought it home. I didn’t even check to see if it was a boy or a girl.
So began an odyssey into the world of dog rescues that has left me questioning my judgment. I have spent more time and money on this animal than I would ever have on the human strays I pass daily along the same stretch of Spring Street near my office. Maybe I should have put the people first.
Here’s the story. My wife, Jennifer, was waiting for me with a leash and a collar by the time I got home to Rossmoor in Orange County. We put the animal -- now named Sasha -- in our locked, double-gated side yard to isolate her from our yellow Labrador Retriever Roni (as in macaroni). We figured we would get her checked out at the vet the next day and start looking for a home.
When we got up the next morning, Sasha was gone. She had pried her way through wooden fence planks on the gate and took off. Jennifer was crushed. Our Lab can open a gate latch with her paw, but never pulled things apart. Welcome to the world of Huskies!
That evening I looked up the breed in "Dogs From A to Z, Compass Guides," which said huskies have "a strong drive for hunting and adventure. The yard has to be breakout proof." Indeed.
Our yard has an 8-foot concrete block wall on three sides, a set of 6-foot chain-link fences separating the backyard from the side yards, and the basic 6- to 7-foot redwood gates at the front of the house that have always worked before as a barrier of last resort for the Labrador.
Jennifer put out an all-points bulletin for Sasha. She drove the neighborhood, called the local vets. Late in the afternoon she got a tip that Orange County Animal Control had picked up a snow white husky with striking blue eyes about seven miles away near the south fork of the aptly named Los Coyotes Creek. It was Sasha. She even still had the pink collar we put on her. Jennifer bailed out Sasha for $259, including shots, license, identification chip and impound fee.
This was just the beginning of our adventures.
By Laura Castle - GateHouse News Service - Norwich Bulletin
Dogs, cats not good starters, expert says
It’s almost an inevitable question. At some point between when training wheels come off and dating begins, your children will plead to get a pet.
As you weigh the pros and cons, keep in mind that a child’s age is among the most important factors to consider, Dr. Tom Staudacher said.
“I think that it really depends on the child themselves, but when they reach an age where they can actively take a little responsibility for a pet and understand its needs, then it can be a good learning tool ... while they are getting enjoyment out of the pet,” he said.
If you decide to get a pet, then a bigger question awaits. What kind?
You’ll need to strike a balance between what your child wants and what would fit well into the household.
“Deciding on which pet to get truly falls in line with how much time the pet will require,” Staudacher said.
When the pet arrives, changes in the household routine are inevitable as you accommodate the animal’s needs. Changes in your child also are likely.
Typically, the traditional choices of dogs and cats don’t make good first pets. That’s because parents tend to serve as the primary caregivers, taking away the lesson in responsibility. Also, for dogs, it’s difficult to get younger children involved in the walking and training.
Consider a rabbit, fish, hamster or bird as an alternative for your family’s first pet.
Both affordable and furry, it’s an ideal choice for families seeking a pet that’s easy to maintain. The nocturnal hamster can be preoccupied with toys such as a spinning wheel, therefore not requiring hours of your attention.
It’s a little more hands-on than a fish or hamster, Staudacher said, and it’s a step higher in responsibility. Besides daily feedings and care basics, a rabbit requires more attention. Overall, however, it may be a good challenge for your child.
Personalities, colors, shapes and sizes can vary widely. That makes for a nice selection to choose from, but also more legwork on the front end to ensure a good match. Some birds can serve as a talking companion.
Perhaps the best first pet is a goldfish, Staudacher said. Supplies for freshwater fish are inexpensive, and maintenance is simple. A goldfish isn’t an enormous amount of responsibility, but it’s enough to teach the basics of animal care.
Fall pet-care checklist
Visit the vet: Update your pet’s health records. Regular checkups can help minimize the risk of disease.
Watch the diet: Temptation’s all around with fall holidays such as Halloween. Keep sweets out of a pet’s reach, and limit feeding table scraps.
Maintain the exercise: It’s important to make exercise a priority. Invest in a few play toys, or concoct a game you can play with your pet in the basement or garage.
Eagle staff -
The Eagle's new pet Web site, Wichita Paws, is a place to seek out pet advice from other local animal lovers, brag about your cute new kitten, sound off on a number of hot-button pet issues and more.
Trade advice and ideas, read the latest pet news, view adoptable pets or share photos of your adorable puppy. It's all about you and the animals you love -- fur, fins and feathers welcome.
Many local pet owners have already signed up and are participating in conversations, photo sharing and other exciting interactive fun.
The site is brought to you by the staff at The Wichita Eagle and, in cooperation with active pet owners in the community.
Here are excerpts of some elements you'll find at Wichita Paws -- home to blogs, forums, photo galleries, contests and more.
Wichita Paws is hosted by Diane McCartney and Cori Dodds of The Eagle. Contact them at
Visit Wichita Paws to start a blog or comment on existing blogs. Topics so far include spoiled rotten dogs, tried-and-true pet products and pet owner guilt.
Check out our featured blog, "Pug Tails!" It follows the misadventures of Norton the pug. It isn't easy being so adorable. So he copes by being pesky -- and by sharing his journey with you.
Consider one recent post:
Pug Tails: I was only trying to help
I got into some serious trouble tonight, and I don't think it's right, not one bit.
I saw that the dishwashing machine was open, so I figured I'd help out and clean off a few plates myself (mmm, sloppy joes). What's so wrong with that? My mama clearly didn't like it, and she made me exit the kitchen immediately. A pug's life isn't always glamorous. Sigh.
How do you deal with pets who get out of control at feeding time? Corral your escape-artist dog in your fenced backyard? Deal with a cat who hates your husband?
Solicit help and share advice on our forums.
Take a peek at excerpts from one of our most popular forum topics right now:
Where's Wichita's dog park?
Fellow dog owners, Wichita desperately needs a dog park. Where would you put a dog park, if you were building one here? What features would you expect a city dog park to have?
Suggested sites so far have included Oak Park, Central Riverside Park and Sedgwick County Park, and desirable features include fenced-in areas, separate areas for small and large dogs, and some kind of water feature.
Posters have wondered why Wichita doesn't have an off-leash dog park when Topeka, Emporia and Hutchinson have them and Derby is planning one.
A couple of users mentioned that a dog park is planned at the site of the new Murfin Animal Care Campus at K-96 and Hillside.
"I can't wait!! and my dogs are excited too," says michelleds.
And DoodleCooper wants to know: "Why are we so behind on this kind of park?"
Log on to to join the conversation.
Wichita Paws is hosted by Diane McCartney and Cori Dodds of The Eagle. Contact them at
By Wendy van Kerkhove , Minneapolis Star Tribune Sales and Marketing
Have you given up hope of having a house-trained dog? You're not alone. Many people share their homes with adult dogs that are not completely house-trained. Incomplete house-training can usually be blamed on inconsistent humans, but occasionally a medical condition such as a bladder infection may be the culprit. This behavior can be eliminated, but it takes practice, patience and consistency.
Dogs can learn at any age.
No matter your dog's age or size, she can be house-trained at any time. Small dogs have the reputation of being hard to house-train, but a more reasonable theory is that it's easier to tolerate a puddle that's roughly the size of a quarter or poop with similar dimensions to a tootsie roll than a gushing river, or worse.
From a dog's perspective, she feels discomfort so she wanders into a room and squats. She wasn't caught in the act and she experienced a positive outcome - relief. As long as this is happening regularly, your dog is well on her way to a lifetime of eliminating in the house unless things change.
Setting up for success
For successful house-training, you must remove the potential for all accidents. If you catch your dog in the act of eliminating, interrupt the behavior and take her outside to finish. When she is finished, reward her immediately with a treat or praise.
Useful tools: crates and tethers
If you can't closely watch your dog while indoors, then she must be crated or tethered. Dogs will try not to eliminate when crated, but if the amount of time they are left kenneled exceeds their bladder capacity, accidents will happen. If need be, come home during your lunchtime or hire a dog walker to let the dog outside.
If your dog is not crate-trained, then tethering is a great alternative. Use your dog's leash and tether her to an immovable object in the room that you are in. Your dog will have some freedom but will not be able to wander out of the "tether zone." If you're always on the go, then tether the dog to yourself. By doing this, there is a very good chance that you'll catch her in the act and be able to interrupt the behavior and rush her outside to finish. Additionally, you will start to notice the subtle signs that she gives before she goes. Eventually, you'll look at your dog and think, "The last time I saw you sniff the ground in that manner you squatted. I'm going to take you out right now."
Thoroughly clean areas of previous accidents with a neutralizing agent and prevent access to these spots by keeping doors shut or placing something over them. Once your dog has gone accident-free for about three weeks, you're well on your way to success. If you are following the rules and still having problems, a medical condition might be the cause, so a trip to the vet will be in order.
Don't give up hope! Old dogs can learn new tricks and this is one every dog should know.
Wendy van Kerkhove owns Fresh Air Training and is an editorial advisory board member for Star Tribune Pet Central.
Ear Infection in Dogs: An Overview
by Cristian Stan
Ear infection, no matter how mild, requires a veterinarian's attention. While some infections can possibly heal on its own, the vet should always be consulted so that the right treatment therapy is provided to your pets. The cure of dog ear infection should start the moment it is diagnosed. Otherwise, the condition may worsen. Ear infection is one health concern that all dog owners should be well-informed about because of its high number of noted cases.
There are different types of dog ear infections" the outer, middle, and inner ear infections. The primary symptoms of this disease are foul-smelling wax discharges, swelling, redness, pain, and inflammation. Oftentimes, the cases of inner and middle ear infections are a lot harder to treat than that of outer ear infections.
If your dog is suffering from this health concern, you will find it shaking or cocking its head frequently and at an unusual angle. It may also rub its ear incessantly because of irritation. In worse cases, dogs would develop balance problems and hearing impairment due to the disease.
There are different reasons why ear infection in dogs develops. Sometimes, it is due to bacterial and yeasts finding its way in the dog's ears. Mites may cause this disease as well. So if your dog has some parasites, be sure that you do what it takes to eliminate them from your pet's body. Allergies, underlying diseases, and foreign objects may trigger the problem as well.
If your dog is suffering from ear infection, anti-bacterial medications and ear drops are usually the foremost cures. However, it is strongly advised that you don't just buy over-the-counter medications as they may not necessarily help your pets. Instead, talk to the vet, ask for a prescription, and follow his advice.
For milder cases of ear infection, there are home remedies that you can use to help alleviate the discomfort that your dog goes through. Sometimes, it is necessary to provide your dog with both the medicines prescribed by the vet and the remedies found around the house to achieve fast relief from ear infections.
But more than treatment, dog owners should be more concerned on how to prevent ear infections. Regular grooming and proper hygiene can help a lot. For as long as you know how to take care of your pets properly, infections and all types of diseases shouldn't be a concern for you.
If left untreated, ear infection could pave the way to a host of complex health concerns for your dog. Aside from deafness, your dog can develop tumors and diseases that are hard to treat. The bottom line is that simple ear infection can develop into diseases with complications are next to impossible to reverse. And these diseases shouldn't have occurred in your beloved pets, if you were only there to give them the necessary medical attention. So the next time you see your pets irritable, scratching its ears often, and has abnormally high ear wax excretion, better be ready for an appointment with the vet. Keeping your dog's health problems at minimum could help both of you greatly in the long run.
About the Author
Visit us at and read more about the dog ear infection, the main causes of ear infection in dogs and effective treatments for dog ear infection.
Tips To Take Proper Care Of Your Tack Supplies
by Mike Selvon
Taking care of horses is normally quite difficult because of the many considerations you have to think about. From the animals' shelter, to food, to other important tack supplies, the list seems to go on and on.
Although taking care of such animals might not seem that interesting for some people, ranchers feel there is something about owning horses that is very rewarding. That is why ranchers are willing to go out of their way just to provide everything that their horses need, in the way of horse tack supply products.
Horse clippers are primarily used for keeping different parts of a horse neatly trimmed or shaved, whether for vanity or showing purposes, or for health reasons. That is why it is important to think about the important aspects of choosing the right horse clippers before you finally decide to buy.
There are hundreds of types and brands of these clippers available today; however, there are four things to take into consideration, which include the motor, the size, the power and the speed. Clippers with decibel ratings are also efficient since most horses are easily startled by loud and strange noises.
Other important tack supplies are the tack trunks, which are made and designed to organize and store your horse accessories. Normally, these trunks vary in size and make. There are also some that come with grooming totes that are perfect, especially if you have a lot of things to carry when you are traveling with your horse.
It is common to see separate compartments inside a tack supply trunk and they are useful for storing your grooming supplies, horse equipment and accessories, such as combs, brushes, hoof picks, sweat scrapers, sponges, and the like. Leg wraps can also be placed inside the trunk. By nature, tack trunks are created to look good. However, it is important to look for trunks that have built in wheels. That way, when you are on the go, you can conveniently maneuver your trunk.
The lids of tack supply trunks also matter. These tack supplies should have well padded lids designed for sitting. There are also those that are made for standing on.
Normally, these types of lids have a treaded rubber cover and are suitable for horse owners who need an extra height to groom or braid a horse's mane. Remember that in any case, finding the right trunk can get confusing because of the many brands and types available. Be sure to choose the one that suits you best.
About the Author
A free gift awaits you at our portal site, where you can enrich your knowledge further about the tack supplies. Your comment is much appreciated at our horse tack and equipment blog.
Saltwater Angelfish Care
by Jason Wilson
If you get bored caring with the normal varieties of fish and creatures in the aquarium, you may want to consider keeping an eel in your aquarium. Eels make excellent pets and are great additions to the aquarium. Their care is not as difficult as most people make it out to be. In this article I will be going through various things to consider when you are thinking about purchasing an eel for your saltwater aquarium. I will include the best type of environment, feeding, and care you need to give to these creatures to keep them happy.
When you are trying to set up the right environment for your eel, you need to take a few things into consideration. First, you need an aquarium of at least 75 gallons in size as most eels grow rather large and it is best to have a larger sized aquarium to house them. You will also need to provide plenty of places for the eel to hide in if it feels the urge. You also need to provide plenty of open space for the eel to swim around in. You need to make sure any decorations in the aquarium are fastened down securely, as eels are very strong and can uproot them.
After you set up your aquarium for the best environment for the eel, you can start to condition the water for them. Look up the specific requirements for the species you are looking to buy, and adjust accordingly. You will need to place all of your decorations in your aquarium and fill it up with water. After making the water maintain the right salinity and PH balance and you can start to cycle the aquarium. Cycling the aquarium conditions the water will make it safe to add your eel to the aquarium. After you cycle the aquarium you can purchase your eel and wait for it to be delivered to you.
After you receive your Eel, you can start to acclimate it to the aquarium. There are many different guides to do this and it should take less than an hour to get your Eel fully acclimated to your aquarium. This process is very important to reduce the amount of shock the environment of the new aquarium will have on the eel. If you try to just place your eel in the aquarium without acclimating it first, you can easily kill it. Once your eel is placed in your aquarium, you can start to care for its feeding needs. Look up the specific instructions for the feeding your eel.
I hope you found this article a bit useful. Any retailers are more than happy to assist you with any questions you have when you are looking for the proper equipment for setting up your eel aquarium. You should check around a lot when you are looking for your equipment, make sure you do your research before you invest into any part of your aquarium. It can take a bit of patience to get started, but once you get the hang of it, it is extremely rewarding.
About the Author offers saltwater angelfish and other species of fish. specializes in custom aquariums of any size or structure.
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