A study by Apartments.com has found that 80 percent of renters say a pet-friendly policy plays a major role in where they choose to live, and nearly one of every three seek out a home that is convenient to ameneties like dog parks and walking trails.

A whopping 90 percent of those responding to the survey said they had a pet, and half of the other 10 percent said they plan to get one within the next year.
While the majority of respondents experienced difficulty finding an apartment that allowed pets, 89 percent said they were not put in a position where they had to choose between their animal and a place to live.
For survey respondents who said they were forced to give up a pet, the two main causes were identified as not being able to find an apartment with a pet-friendly policy (65%) or not being able to afford the pet deposit (27%).
Apartments.com says more properties are welcoming pets. More than 11 million searches were conducted on the website in 2008 by people seeking pet-friendly apartments.
For tips on renting with pets, Apartments.com offers a special section on its website.
By Nancy Bowman - DaytonDailyNews.com
PIQUA — Glenda Moss saved Jeter after an early life of abuse.
Jeter paid her back.

The five-year-old Great Pyrenees is credited with saving the lives of Moss and her son David, 19, by alerting them to an early morning fire at their Harney Street home in Piqua.
Smelling smoke and hearing the crackle of fire, mother and son fled the house around 6 a.m. with Jeter following. For an unknown reason, the 120-pound dog went back into the house and perished.
Moss was sleeping in a recliner in the living room when Jeter, who usually slept in the bay window nearby, “was right up in my face, all over me,” she said. “I tried to shove him away, then I smelled the smoke.”
Moss ran down the hall to wake up David before they fled through the front door.
“For some reason, (Jeter) turned around and went back in the house,” Moss said.
She went back in briefly to find him. “I couldn’t see him. It was so smoky, I couldn’t find him, so I had to come back out.”
Named after New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter, the dog had lived with the family for about three years.
Piqua firefighters said the blaze started in the garage and spread to the house, causing heavy damage to the structure and two cars — losses estimated at $90,000. The cause is under investigation.
“They got lucky,” Mike Rindler, assistant fire chief, said, because there were no smoke detectors in the house — other than Jeter.
Moss said Jeter came to the family from the humane society in Shelby County about three years ago. The wife of her boss, knowing the family had lost another Great Pyrenees to illness, brought him to Glenda.
“He’d had such a tough time. He’d been starved, beaten and abused,” Glenda Moss said, sobbing as friends and neighbors stopped by after hearing of the fire. “My dog was just amazing.”
Contact this reporter at (937) 225-2292 or nbowman@DaytonDailyNews.com.
Posted by Cat Lady - Seattle PI
- They can't agree on a blog name.
- Not enough computers in the house.
- They're not allowed anywhere near my keyboard.
- Cat claws and keystrokes are a poor match and Dragon Naturally Speaking (TM) doesn't work well in catspeak.
- The cats are too busy chasing bugs and climbing trees anyway. Or sitting on our shoes. Or napping in the sink.
- The cats have voted. If the dogs start tweeting on Twitter, the kitties will sign up for a MySpace page.
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By LAVERNE HUGHEY - MarshallNewsMessenger.com
Looks like this summer will provide plenty of heat, moisture, mosquitoes, ants and other biting, annoying insects, causing problems for people and pets.
Temperatures have already reached the 90s and can be expected to go higher during the next few weeks. The high temperature readings and excessive humidity in this area provide a very friendly atmosphere for mosquitoes, fleas and ticks which cause untold agony for dogs and cats.
Most pet guardians are well aware of the problems brought about by mosquitoes and other biting insects. Mosquito bites usually lead to excessive scratching and licking which may result in serious skin infections, leading to even more scratching.
A life-threatening condition in dogs and cats caused by mosquitoes is heartworm disease. Prevention is strongly advised by veterinarians and is easy by giving a once-a-month medication. Once the companion animal has heartworms, treatment can be somewhat expensive and may have serious side effects. Complete recovery is usually achieved, however.
Keeping a yard, home and pet free of annoying mosquitoes, fleas and ticks is an ongoing challenge for pet owners. Dogs and cats, whether house pets or outside pets, should be examined every day for fleas and ticks. Hopefully, the owner will take time to brush the pet with a flea comb which will remove the majority of fleas.
The lawn, pet's bedding and the home may need to be sprayed with an appropriate product to rid the pet's environment of fleas and ticks. Most products are harsh chemicals, but there are less toxic products available. Ask a veterinarian for his or her recommendation, but also investigate available products in pet stores and garden supply stores.
Citrus-based shampoos and dips are available, help repel fleas, ticks and mosquitoes, and make the pet smell really good. As with all shampoos and dips, be careful that the product does not get in the pet's eyes or ears. Never use a product on a dog or cat unless it is absolutely designated for use on that animal. Products available for use on dogs usually are not safe for cats or very young puppies. Always read the label and always be sure you understand what the veterinarian recommends.
Outside pets should be provided an area with adequate shade as heat stroke is often suffered by outdoor pets. Puppies, kittens, and dogs and cats in their senior years are especially susceptible to heat stroke. Keep a close check on all outside pets to be sure they are in good condition. Signs of heat stroke should be obvious: the dog or cat will be panting excessively, listless and unable to sit or stand. Some become unconscious.
Veterinarians recommend cooling the animal by applying cool compresses to the head and body, running cool water over the animal, or placing in a tub of cool water until the temperature reaches normal levels. Veterinarians do not advise placing the animal in ice water, cool water will do the trick. If the animal is unconscious, call the veterinarian immediately for advice which will probably include taking the animal to the clinic for treatment and observation.
Always provide fresh water for any outside pet. Remove food dishes as soon as the dog or cat has finished eating to prevent an invasion by ants and other insects.
It is much easier to keep an indoor cat free of fleas. Dogs are a different problem as they have to go outside a few times each day for obvious reasons. When the dog or puppy returns to the great indoors, have a flea comb handy to help remove any fleas present. Please consider bathing the dog with a special shampoo as mentioned earlier. The citrus-based shampoos will repel fleas for a few days, and the dog will smell wonderful. As advised earlier, do read the label carefully before you shampoo.
Last week while in a veterinarian's office, there was a sign posted which read: "If your animal arrives at the office with fleas or ticks, it will be treated and you will be charged." Don't get mad, be glad. The dog or cat will be going home without the pests..
by Jim Loney - Reuters
MIAMI (Reuters) - A teenager has been arrested in a string of cat killings and mutilations that horrified residents of Miami's southern suburbs, police said on Sunday.
Tyler Weinman, 18, of Cutler Bay, Florida, was charged with 19 counts of animal cruelty, 19 counts of improperly disposing of an animal body and four counts of burglary.
Police have said more than two dozen pet and stray cats were killed at night in the Palmetto Bay and Cutler Bay neighborhoods during the past two months. In some cases, the cats were skinned or gutted and the corpses left on the lawns or driveways of their owners.
"I sincerely hope that with this arrest, the residents will feel relieved and their cats will be safe once again," Miami-Dade County State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle said. "It is expected that the vicious crimes that have plagued these communities will not be repeated."
The killings had put residents of the areas on high alert and prompted them to take their own cats and strays into their homes at night. The Humane Society and Crimestoppers both offered rewards for information leading to the killer's capture.

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MARION COUNTY - The rain season is here and with it come bugs, some of which can be a danger to health.
The Marion County government will spray for mosquitoes when the Florida Department of Health confirms three cases of the following diseases in a concentrated area:
- Dengue
- Eastern Equine Encephalitis
- Malaria
- St. Louis Encephalitis
- West Nile Virus
- Yellow Fever
In the meantime, Marion County Public Works recommends taking the following actions to protect yourself, family and animals:
- Avoid mosquito bites by using repellent that contains DEET.
- Wear protective clothing.
- Avoid outdoor activity when mosquitoes are active, especially during dusk and dawn hours.
- Remove standing water that can become mosquito breeding sites. This includes bird baths, pet water dishes and kids’ swimming pools.
- Vaccinate horses.
For more information on mosquito control, call Marion County Public Works at (352) 671-8686.
by Jennifer White - DogMagazine.com
The summer is the perfect time for you and your dog to get outside in the great outdoors and experience all that mother nature has to offer. The longer days are a natural blessing and give you the perfect excuse to spend quality time together. As the sun comes out and the temperature rises, it is very important to look after your dog’s health both at home and outside. Dogs, unlike us, can’t slip in to cooler clothes - so here are K9 Magazine’s top ten tips for keeping your dog cool and protected from the heat.
* Make sure your dog has access to clean, fresh and cool water. It’s always best to have two bowls full, just in case one gets empty, knocked over or becomes dirty. Don’t be afraid to overdo it with the water and if you are leaving the dog alone for any amount of time - perhaps whilst you nip out to the shops - placing a few water bowls around the home so that your dog can easily get to them, also reduces the risk that they will knock one over.
* Make sure that there is a nice shady spot in the garden for your dog to rest and get away from the sun. A carefully placed umbrella or a leafy tree can provide ample shade or make sure a cosy porch is well ventilated and out of direct sunlight. During really hot times, it’s always best to keep your dog in the cool house rather than let them over heat through their desire to want to be outside with you.
* Don’t walk your dog during the hottest part of the day. Try walking him first thing in the morning before the sun heats up or in the evening when the sun is losing its heat. It sounds so simple and so obvious but sadly many owners forget just how hot their dog can get when the sun is at its peak.
* Walk him somewhere you know there are lots of trees and shaded paths. Avoid open fields and opt for wooded paths and shady areas.
* When walking your dog make sure you have a large bottle of cool water with you at all times for if your dog does get hot. Dogs don’t sweat like us and pant to release heat. Having a nice cool drink will reduce your dog’s body temperature.
* When walking your dog you need to take note of the surface that your dog is treading on. Certain kinds of pavement, asphalt and sand can burn your dog’s paws if really hot. Try the surface with your hand; if it’s too hot for you to place your hand, it’s way too hot for your dog’s paw pads.
* You should never leave your dog unattended in a car, ever. But in hot weather it can prove a fatal mistake. The temperature inside a car increases rapidly and air supply is limited. Dogs don’t lose heat the same way as us, in fact they make the area they are in - if it is an enclosed, poorly ventilated area - they will make the space much, much hotter than it is already.
* When driving in your car ensure your dog is sat in the shade and near a partially open window or air conditioning vent. On a long journey, prepare to make regular rest stops.
* If you dog has a short, light coat you may need to apply sun cream to areas that may catch the sun i.e. Nose, paws, ears and anywhere that is pink. Most human sun cream is fine and non-toxic, just make sure you read the label first and use a SPF 15 + .
* If your dog really suffers with the heat, you can get a dog jacket that keeps him cool. Some pet shops and online stores stock jackets that have specially made layers of fabric that trap in cool water and reflect light. Great if you take your dog sailing or on long walks, where he may be exposed to long hours of sunlight.
Author Details
Jennifer is a K9 Magazine staff writer and editorial contributor. She lives with her much loved Lhasa Apso, Poppy. - See this author's webpage

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ATLANTA -- The upcoming Fourth of July weekend is marked by all kinds of celebrations, activities and food that can be fun for your family, but Fulton County Animal Services offers some important tips to ensure that the Fourth of July is also a safe holiday for your pet.
"While we are all looking forward to a long, holiday weekend, be sure that your pet is having fun as well. Sometimes the holidays, particularly the Fourth of July, can be a stressful and scary experience for cats and dogs," said Dr. Jennifer Cochran, veterinarian for Fulton County Animal Services.
"One of the most important things you can do for your pets during the Fourth of July celebration is to keep them inside your home, away from firework displays, explosives, barbeque grills and lighter fluid," explained Dr. Cochran. "Not only do pets become scared because of the loud noise from fireworks, but they can easily become burned, poisoned or injured by grills, matches and lighter fluid used during holiday festivities."
And while you may feel compelled to share a burger with Rover, it is important to remember to keep "people food" and alcohol away from your pet. According to Dr. Cochran, simple ingredients such as onions, salt, yeast dough, avocados and chocolate can all be potentially toxic.
Beyond food and fireworks, be mindful of other routine summertime staples that can harm your cat or dog such as sunscreen, insect repellant, citronella oils and candles. Do not put any of these substances on or around your pet and keep them out of your pet's reach. Ingestion of these items can be dangerous and cause severe problems.
The bottom line is to have a safe and fun holiday weekend and summer. Dr. Cochran added, "It's natural to want to include your pets in activities, but the best celebration will be one where your pets are on their normal routine, away from all of the noise and festivities so that they remain healthy, happy and safe."
By Jessica Doyle - foxnews.com
Hey, it's hard being a dog — or a cat — for that matter. All that lying around during the day, eating biscuits (or catnip), chasing toys, going for walks ... it might not be a 9-5 job, but it still has its demands, which is why your furry, four-legged friend deserves an indulgent day at the spa.

OK, so the "spa" is really called the "groomer's" and there aren't any mud masks or massages, but we're willing to bet that Fluffy and Fido will enjoy a blowout and pedicure — no matter how much they put up a fight.
“I think that groomers are a good thing for our pets,” said Dr. David Bessler, senior emergency clinician at NYC Veterinary Specialists. “Without groomers, they wouldn’t have dignity, and they would have health problems from mats (in their fur). I see a lot of accidents when people try to take grooming into their own hands.”
That said, certain hazards can occur at the groomer's, even if by accident.
1. Self-Hanging
The biggest hazard to worry about is the hanging collar that groomers use to keep dogs (and sometimes cats) still while they cut their fur, Bessler said.
“Dogs can’t sit still,” he said. “It can be life-threatening. Sometimes dogs — or cats — will struggle and try to jump off the table. They are usually caught right away, but the way strangulation works, it only takes a second for the airway to be obstructed.”
2. Clipper Burns
“If the pet is clipped a little too close to the skin, it causes pain and irritation to the skin,” Bessler said.
There are some areas on an animal that are more sensitive than others, like the hind quarters, and if that is affected, the animal may be itching quite frequently.
Bessler said he gets a lot of calls about clipper burns, and he usually treats them with a soothing lidocaine spray.
3. Soap in the Eye
Most of the time, the groomer will use a safe shampoo, but if that shampoo comes in contact with the animal’s eye, a corneal abrasion can occur, Bessler said.
The owner may notice the animal’s eyes are red and squinty, in which case he or she should seek attention from a veterinarian, who will treat the condition with eye drops.
4. 'Swimmer's Ear'
Dogs with floppy ears that hang over the ear canal are prone to ear infections, so groomers have to be careful not to get water in them, Bessler said.
“They can get the equivalent of ‘swimmer’s ear,’” Bessler said, “and it’s frustrating for dogs.”
Owners should watch for dogs that are scratching or pawing excessively at their ears, shaking their heads frequently, or have pain when the owner touches the ear. Also, if the owner manages to get close enough to the ear to look at it, the ear will look red in color, Bessler said.
5. Sedatives
Sometimes groomers will give animals sedatives, Bessler said, and he has seen disastrous results occur because of this. If your groomer offers to sedate your pet, say no.
“Sedatives should be administered only by licensed vets or by specific instructions for specific pets,” he added.
Animals have died by overdosing on sedatives given to them by groomers, Bessler said, and in his tenure as a veterinarian, he has seen animals so heavily sedated that he has had to intervene. Sometimes the drugs can be reversed.
6. Dryer Cages
Although rare, disasters can occur in dryer cages.
Thomas Bruckner, of Point Lookout, Long Island, lost his dog Bailey, a pug-beagle mix, from heatstroke in September 2008. The dog had collapsed at the groomer’s, shortly after she had been in a dryer cage, Newsday reported in April.
Bessler said that although dryer cages are certainly something to think about when taking your pet to the groomer, he has never seen an animal left unattended in one during his six years of practice.
“Overall, groomers are compassionate people,” he said.
For other pet safety tips and information, visit www.Fultonanimalservices.com.
A puppy in the U.K. became one lucky dog after his 4-year-old owner tried to bathe him in the toilet.
Daniel Blair took the week-old cocker spaniel, Dyno, outside, where the puppy became muddy, so the little boy decided to rinse his dog in the toilet.
As the boy tried to wash Dyno, the puppy was accidentally flushed away, trapped in a sewage drain for hours and believed to be dead.
But a drainage firm was able to locate the animal in a pipe 20 yards away from the house using special camera gear.
The dog is now in stable condition.
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