When owning a pet, it requires the same amount of dedication and attentiveness as caring for another person. More and more people are obsessed with a holistic, healthy lifestyle. This is important to consider for dogs as well. It could be beneficial to try to create a completely nutritious diet for your pet with dog vitamins. To be a responsible pet owner, you should look into the ingredients in the household products you use around your pet to prevent subsequent issues that could be caused by dog skin allergies or irritations. As people become more concerned with the ingredients of products used around them and their children, it is also important to remember to be as concerned with the products used around our pets.
It is undeniably important to make sure your dog makes regular visits to the vet. If you are a new dog owner, make sure to schedule an appointment with a vet to get acquainted and allow your dog to come to know the vet. Also, do not be afraid to seek out a different vet if your first vet does not work for you, just like people do with finding doctorshow people tend to go to multiple doctors before choosing one, which is not a bad idea for choosing a vet}.
Making a bond with your veterinarian will make it a lot easier for you to properly care for your dog. The vet can provide you with ideas about products to use for your dog or even just around the house that are safe for your dog. Also, sometimes it is helpful to get to know other people who bring their dogs to your vet because other pet owners can have a wealthof advice when dealing with issues with your dog.
It is also really important to consider some steps to “dog-proof” your house, similar to “baby-proofing”. My dogs really enjoy getting into our trash cans and dragging the trash all over the house, which is not only a pain for us to clean, but causes skin irritations and ear infections in my one dog. Some simple ideas to “dog-proof” are picking up garbage cans and moving them to a level that is too high for the dogs; removing food from countertops if you have larger dogs; and put away fragrant items that could be potentially harmful if ingested by your dog. Though it can be a pain, but could prevent future incidents with your dog.
If, however, your dog does somehow ingest something harmful or something that leads to an irritation, it is important to get ahold of your vet or an emergency pet hospital if it is after hours. Sometimes it is necessary to remove the item from your dogs system; we had a scare when one of our dogs ingested a large bag of chocolate. We called our vet and were instructed to try having our dog drink peroxide and remove the chocolate.
Furthermore, if whatever your dog ingested is not potentially poisonous, but is having a reaction to the vet will be able to recommend or prescribe something to aid the reaction. Be careful to monitor your dog if there is a skin allergy because dogs are likely to scratch until their skin is raw causing a hot spot, which can lead to severe infections. Do not ignore allergic reactions or strange spots on their skin, because an infection could be fatal if ignored. It is vital to find veterinary attention at the first sign of an issue before it is too late and you lose an important member of your family.
By Ben Penserga •
All Theresa Durham wanted was a good place to board her dogs.
"My husband calls them our 'furry children,'" said Durham. "But we could just not find a place for our kids."
So Frank and Terri Durham built their own -- the Maryland Shore Pet Resort.
It took years for the couple to find the right tract of land on the Eastern seaboard, but the culmination of their hard work happens Tuesday when the site has its grand opening.
Throughout the day, the Durhams and the rest of the staff will offer tours of the 440-acre facility off Route 50 between mile markers 92 and 93.
The couple will be joined by Cambridge Mayor Victoria Jackson-Stanley, and Dorchester County Council President Jay Newcomb to kick off the festivities. Sharon Keutmann, president of the board of directors of the Dorchester Humane Society, will also be on hand to receive a donation from the resort and share their plans to work together for the animals of the region.
Fully operational, the Maryland Shore Pet Resort will offer standard and luxury overnight accommodations, doggy day camp, full-service, all-breed grooming, numerous indoor and outdoor activities, a custom-built spa for the ultimate in fitness, and professional obedience and Retriever training in conjunction with its on-site sister company, Walker Branch Retrievers LLC.
Also on site are an elite pet supplies and gift boutique, the Best-Friend Bistro gourmet pet restaurant, and the Pure-Bred Bakery.
A night's stay starts at about $16, Durham said. But If people feel like pampering their pets they can go with the resort's "Platinum" package for $35 a night.
"It's our luxury suite -- it has a flat-screen TV with both a bed and a couch," she said.
The full-package also includes access to the resort's numerous activities, which include a aqua massage, room service and a nature walk, Durham said.
Durham said the resort had its unofficial opening a few weeks ago, but the buzz among pet owners has already started.
"You know, until (Thursday), all we've had is a small sign by the road and we already have about 100 clients in our database," she said.
As the resort finds its footing, Durham hopes to partner with other places, such as the Cambridge Hyatt, to maximize business.
By Gary Bogue - Contra Costa Times
Please get involved. The lives of our pets are at stake.
Dear Gary:
A decade after the California legislature affirmed a state policy that "no adoptable animal should be euthanized," lawmakers are poised to pull back in a way that could jeopardize the fate of thousands of healthy dogs and cats in the state's municipal shelters.
In the midst of this unprecedented budget crisis, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has proposed to save money by cutting the holding period for stray animals back to a scant three days, down from the four to six days mandated by the Hayden law enacted in 1998.
The potential "savings" to the state amount to 0.1 percent of the state's deficit, a paltry sum representing nothing more than a symbolic sharing of the fiscal pain by stray or homeless animals and those dedicated humans who help them find their way home or to become part of new families.
These are the only state dollars that presently go to assist local governments with the costly problem of pet overpopulation and no doubt the loss of funding will present huge challenges. Cutting funds for the extended holding period will make it tougher for local animal shelters, already reeling under the weight of increased owner relinquishments and abandonments fomented by the foreclosure crisis, to help pet owners locate their lost animals, and facilitate opportunities for adoption or transfer to rescue groups.
These are tough times and lawmakers are under the gun to make very difficult decisions. We hope this won't be one of them.
Jennifer Fearing, chief economist, The Humane Society of the United States,Sacramento
Dear Jennifer:
This could end up costing thousands of pet lives.
Please call Gov. Schwarzenegger at 916-445-2841 and ask him not to cut back the holding period for strays. Also contact your state legislators and express your concerns. Find your local legislators at
Thanks for caring.
Dear Gary:
This is late and urgent, but I've been scrambling with other area animal rescue group volunteers to try to turn the tide.
We just found out the Alameda Board of Supervisor's budget hearing for the Sheriff's department will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday. The Sheriff's department is in charge of Alameda County animal shelters. I think they're going to finalize the budget on June 27.
State and Alameda County budget cuts have dealt us a double whammy. The sheriff plans on closing Fairmont Animal Shelter in San Leandro and sending our stray pets to the Dublin, East County Animal Shelter. The Hayden law's lack of funding drops the legal minimum stray hold to only 3 days. It hasn't triggered a change from 5 to 3 days yet, but the potential would be worse with less shelter space. Many more companion animals would be at risk of euthanasia with overcrowding. And with further to travel, it will be harder for people to reclaim their pets — especially on a Thursday or Friday with heavy outbound traffic.
Please mention this in your column! The response can make a difference.
Sue Perry, Castro Valley
Dear Sue:
The ripple effect is just horrible. Please attend the Alameda Board of Supervisor's budget hearing at the Administration Building, 1221 Oak Street (fifth floor), Oakland. Contact your supervisors to let them know how you feel. Contact information at
You can also speak for three minutes at the hearing. Write down your points and have copies to hand to the five board members.
Please help "...
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By Dr Steve Surujbally -
Ailments of the nose
General considerations
Now that we have concluded the discussions on maladies of the ears, it is only fitting that we deal with ailments of the nose and nostrils. Later, we’ll dwell on maladies of the throat; after all, the ears, nose and throat are all inter-connected.
The functions of the nose (eg, sense of smell) are much more important to animals than they are to humans. As such, there are many more nerve receptors in the nostrils in animals. These nervous receptors carry messages to the highly developed olfactory (sense of smell) centre in the brain. Dogs also use their noses for burrowing; perhaps that is why the tip is made up of strong and hardy material (special cells).
Unfortunately, because of the position of the nose on the face, the nose tip gets involved when dogs fight. Even the slightest laceration of the nose tip will result in severe bleeding – which might need suturing to stop the haemorrhage.
Right at the outset, let’s dispel some of the myths and legends associated with the noses of our common pets. So often I hear that a dog is in perfect health because the tip of the nose is wet or moist. If the animal has a heavy nasal discharge that is by no means normal. ‘Moist’ should be the key word here. If the nose is moist (as opposed to dry) then that’s good. If there is excessive moisture which turns into thick slime before becoming purulent (with pus), then that’s bad.
The moisture comes from special glands in the internal coating (mucus membrane) of the nose. The nose does not have sweat glands, as so many people believe. (In fact, the entire dog has no sweat glands, except for some rudimentary structures between the toes). The inside lining of the nose does have a lot of blood vessels though. And, if these are damaged in any way, there will be profuse bleeding.
If the tip of the nose is dry and the skin is cracking, that could be representative of a fever, which itself might be reflective of a serious infection.
Having said all that, please allow me to share the following ‘great wisdom’ with you: Over the years, I have seen dogs with moist noses that were sick and even terminally ill. On the other hand, I’ve had dogs enter the clinic with dry noses, but with no other accompanying symptoms which would suggest a serious ailment. In other words, dogs might have dry nose tips and be quite healthy. However, I must mention that I consider the dryness of the nose tip to be more a cause for concern than a very wet nose.
The nasal cavities run the entire length of the muzzle and are separated by a dividing wall. The two independent cavities (canals) thus formed connect up (at the back) with the throat.
The colour of the nose tip is usually black, but there are breeds that have pink (even brown) nose tips. If there is a spot or two on the pale-coloured nose tip, that is no cause for alarm.
Lastly, please don’t go poking around inside the nostrils of your pet. You don’t need to clear the inside of the nostrils, even though wiping away a purulent discharge is recommended.
Next week, we’ll deal with the issues relating to nose bleeds, sneezing and runny noses.
Until then, please enjoy the week.
Please implement disease preventative measures (vaccinations, routine dewormings, monthly anti-heartworm medication, etc) and adopt-a-pet from the GSPCA’s Animal Clinic and Shelter at Robb Street and Orange Walk, if you have the wherewithal to care well for the animals. Do not stray your unwanted pets, take them to the GSPCA’s Clinic and Shelter instead. If you see anyone being cruel to an animal, or if you need any technical information, please get in touch with the Clinic and Shelter by calling 226-4237.
by BarkBusters -
With the excitement and commotion surrounding Independence Day approaching, Bark Busters, the world’s largest and most trusted dog training company, offers helpful tips for the estimated 43 million U.S. dog owners on how to keep their dogs safe and calm during July 4th festivities.
“Independence Day celebrations are great fun for people, but the loud noises and flashes from fireworks can be traumatic for dogs,” said Patrick Logue, dog behavioral therapist and trainer, Bark Busters USA. “The explosions, excited voices, and visual stimulation can create confusion and fear. To avoid this, we humans must intervene.”
“Animal shelters report that the July 4th holiday brings record numbers of runaway dogs to their doors,” Logue continued. “Many of these dogs have been frightened by fireworks. By being aware and thinking ahead, we can keep our dogs safe and comfortable during the revelry.”
Logue offers the following tips for dog owners to prepare for Independence Day:
• If you are going to a fireworks display, leave your dog at home where he will be the most safe and comfortable.
• If you go to a holiday event, never leave your dog in the car. A partially opened window does not supply sufficient fresh air, and it creates an opportunity for your pet to be stolen.
• Always keep proper identification securely fastened to your dog’s collar in case he gets out. Talk to your veterinarian about implanting a universal microchip in your pet, and make sure that your veterinary clinic and animal shelter have your correct contact information in their database.
• Don’t leave your dog outside. If you cannot bring him inside, cover his dog house with a blanket to protect him from the bursts of bright lights and loud bangs. A dog’s sense of hearing is acute—about four times more sensitive than humans’.
• Create a special den-like area in your home where your dog feels safe. A properly introduced crate or kennel can be a calming refuge for him.
• Some dogs become destructive when frightened. If you don’t use a crate, remove any items in the room which your dog could destroy or which could hurt him if he chewed them.
• Keep your dog away from the front and back doors. Your dog may be under significant stress, which could result in unnecessary injury to others or cause him to dart out the door.
• Keep windows and curtains closed to reduce noise and bright flashes.
• Turn on a TV or radio at normal volume to distract your dog from loud noises and help him to relax.
• If possible, stay with your pet during the majority of the fireworks. A dog often reacts more intensely to loud sounds and flashes of lights when you are not with him.
• Consider hiring a pet sitter to stay with your dog while you are away from home.
“July 4 is a time for fun and celebration,” Logue said. “By taking these precautions, you and your pets can have a safe and happy holiday experience.”
Bark Busters dog behavioral therapists, such as Patrick Logue, are renowned authorities in correcting and managing dog behavior. Bark Busters’ natural training system can successfully train any dog, even a puppy, by leveraging the same communications methods—body language and voice control—that dogs follow as part of their instinctual pack mentality. Many of our clients require only one home visit from a Bark Busters-certified dog behavioral therapist if owners continue with follow-up exercises just 10 to15 minutes a day for several weeks. All training takes place right in the home where the problems generally occur. And Bark Busters’ training is the only service of its kind that is guaranteed by all of its trainers for the life of the dog. In every neighborhood where Bark Busters is established, a majority of veterinarians familiar with the technique recommend the company’s services.
A Mastiff dog, when still young can be a pain in the neck, if left untrained. As dog, by nature, he would chew on anything that his teeth can get into. And you will be left hanging to dry when you find that your new $100 shoes will be turned into dirty slippers, not to mention the smell of pee and poop everywhere around the house. But is there anything you can do?
Mother Nature have created them to be that way and unfortunately, when you get one for yourself, they don’t come with instruction manuals but you can bet your life that you can find an English Mastiff training guide that can help you with the process of training your gargantuan pet dog. So, the best you can do to protect your home and of course, your kid, is to train your Mastiff the way you want them to be and a good training and caring guide is what you just need.
But the problem is, where can you find a training guide for Mastiff dogs? Why can’t just any Mastiff owner hire somebody like a dog trainer to do the training? Well, that could be a good suggestion. As a matter of fact, it’s the first thing that comes to mind to owners if they want their pet dogs to be trained and to be groomed. But there are various underlying reasons that you need to consider first. First of all, getting a dog trainer these days is very expensive and second, if you want to build better bonding and relationship with your furry buddy, it has to be you who will be the right person to train him.
On the other hand, it’s not really that hard to find a guide in learning English Mastiff training, or any Mastiff or any dog, for that matter. All over the Web, there are various sites today that are offering various guides for teaching you how to effectively train your dog. You just need a few minutes in getting to know some of them and then, choose from among the best one and once your Mastiff is fully trained, no matter how gargantuan he is, can be very loyal and the friendliest even to kids.

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Puppies need a different nutritional diet than that of adult dogs.
Their coat, bones, organs, and teeth are still maturing. The foods they eat must have an ample supply of nutrients to support their growth. Remember the difference in energy levels there come from puppies as compared to older dogs. In order to remain energetic, they need a constant supply of foods that provide a source of vitamins, minerals, and the right kinds of fats. In this article, we’ll provide 4 tips you can use to feed your puppy.
#1 - Buy Commercial Brands
Many owners are tempted to prepare specific meals for their pups, but it’s usually a bad idea. Without rigorous attention to detail, it’s practically impossible to measure the right level of vitamins, fats, proteins, and other nutrients.
By contrast, commercial puppy foods are specifically formulated to provide the right blend for a puppy’s growing body. Manufacturers understand the special needs of puppies. A healthy puppy needs high energy and protein diets, these formulas have taken this into account. As a side note, if you’re raising a large breed (for example, a Bernese Mountain Dog), visit your pet supply store to check whether they carry a breed-specific brand.
#2 - Be Consistent
Puppies like most dogs, are creatures of habit. Once they start eating a brand they enjoy, changing that brand - even for “variety” - isn’t normally welcome. Of course, a meal is a meal, and most dogs, young or old, won’t pass it up. However, unless there is a compelling reason to change brands, avoid doing so. If you must switch, try to wean your pup off the old food by gradually mixing the new food in.
#3 - Set A Time And Stick To It
In the same way people normally establish certain times to eat meals, you should create a feeding schedule for your puppy. Left to their own devices, puppies will often overeat (again, not unlike people). Because canine obesity is such a debilitating problem, try to encourage the right eating habits when your pup is young. Pick two or three times during which you’ll feed him. He’ll quickly come to recognize those times instinctively.
#4 - Make Drinking Water Available
Puppies need water just like people and some breeds require more than others. Even if your pup doesn’t normally drink a lot of water while eating his meals, you should make sure he has the option available. Puppies are constantly on the move and utilize more energy than the average adult dog. That means he’ll be drinking more water to keep hydrated. Provide him with all he needs.
It’s not difficult to design an easy feeding plan for your pup. Invest in a high-quality commercial brand, avoid switching it, pick feeding times and don’t deviate from them, and give your puppy all the water he wants. You can add all natural dog treats or dog chews as a special bonus for your dog as well. If you follow those guidelines, your pup should grow up to be a healthy, happy adult dog.
Patience and dedication are a must when training a dog. To achieve the desired results in rescued dog will take double the dedication and patience. It’s a lot of work, but in the end it will be worth the effort.
Spaying and neutering has been common practice for a few decades, unplanned births continue to occur. Because of this it is hard to find loving homes for all of these newborn pups.. When we add the number of dogs that get lost or wander away, rescue missions and shelters everywhere are filled to capacity. Many of these dogs will never find homes in time and be euthanized.
A second chance awaits a lucky few. They could be adopted from shelters or missions or taken in off of the street and into the care of a willing family. However, these generous souls often find themselves at a loss with their new companion.
Rescued dogs are often in poor shape when they are brought in to a shelter. Horrible living conditions, abuse and neglect are often a part of their history. Sometimes these dogs can even be let go into the wild and they will have to fend for themselves.
In nature a dog is a pack animal. Even wild dogs don’t do well on their own. Released domesticated dogs do very poorly in the wild, without any animal or human interaction. However, with some training, these ‘wild’ dogs can learn to tolerate human touch and stop barking at the smallest noise.
As the first step in rescuing a dog you should take it to your veterinarian for a full exam. If the animal is sick or in pain your training efforts will be wasted. It is very important to give the dog enough time to regain weight and energy.
If possible try to get any information regarding the dog’s history. The information you gather about the animal’s medical history, past abuse or general temperament will aide you in training.
Take your time when trying to gain the dog’s trust. Do not force yourself on the dog. They will need to learn that they can trust you before they seek you out. Many dogs are food driven so using treats to build trust can help. Try stepping back a bit after putting a treat on the floor. Staring directly at the dog should be avoided at this point. When the dog takes the treat, praise him enthusiastically.
A few dogs that are rescued look for physical interaction from the beginning. Some can take weeks or more. But once you have got it you may want to attempt to gently lay the dog on its back and put your hands on its chest. You can expect that the dog will either resist if they tend to be aggressive or a fearful dog will accept. Aggression or fearful responses are not desirable. An aggressive dog would be forced into submission under normal training. A rescued dog will not respond well to this. Take your time and establish trust. Make sure that a fearful dog understands that being on its back is not a punishment by given it a belly rub and talking in a calm voice.
You may find that the training is slower and more difficult with a rescued dog. A rescued dog is often a mix, older and has a stubborn temperament which adds to the challenge of training. Hang in there. Your perseverance will pay off.
Avoid at all cost feeling sorry for the dog. It can make the training even more difficult. Be patient, loving and understanding but don’t let the dog have the run of the house. Be a pack leader and let the dog know that you are in charge.
It’s a lot of sweet and hard work but you will have a companion for life.
Stefan Hyross is a writer for All About Dogs ‘N Puppies. Learn about dog behavior problems and how to solve them. Also visit the site for tips on puppy
potty training and other lessons for dogs.

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By Jennifer Davies, Union-Tribune Staff Writer
The surf was ruff, but Dozer was ready.
He shifted his weight and looked around at the competition, his jaw jutting defiantly.

When others came close to his surfboard, he barked at them to get away – literally.
“He doesn't like it when other people get on his board,” said Doug Hokstad, 46, Dozer's owner.
The 75-pound English bulldog was just one of many canines trying to be top dog at the fourth annual surf-dog competition put on by Loews Coronado Bay Resort yesterday.
To lesser dogs, heading into the chilly surf under the gray skies at Imperial Beach might have given them – excuse this – paws. But not a fierce competitor like Dozer.
“He's a typical bulldog, with a low center of gravity. He just hangs on and refuses to give up,” Hokstad said. “He's not a water dog, so he's got the motivation to stay on the board.”
Despite Dozer's tough appearance – he was wearing black-and-white-striped shorts that looked like prison garb – he's a relative newcomer to the sport.
Last year, he attended the competition purely as a spectator. But when a board washed up on the beach, Dozer jumped on and wouldn't get off.
“I called Doug and said, 'Dozer is a surfer,' ” said Gigi Basaporo, 45, Hokstad's fiancee and co-owner of the dog. The couple went out the next weekend and bought Dozer a board.
Since then, Dozer has hit the surf-dog circuit, competing in Purina's Surf Dog contest last week and the Surf Dog Surf-A-Thon, held by the Helen Woodward Animal Center in September.
While new to the sport, Dozer's training schedule is hardly designed to make up for lost time, as most Sundays are lazy affairs spent on the couch. Also, there were no practice runs before the competition started.
“He gets tired out real quick,” Hokstad said.

Other canines – and their owners – weren't quite so sanguine about the affair.
Take Buddy, a Jack Russell terrier from Ventura who's considered the Tiger Woods of dog surfing. He first jumped on a board about nine years ago, and his owner, Bruce Hooker, 53, takes him out for training sessions three times a week.
“He barks at other surfers to get out of our way,” Hooker said.
Other competitors were in awe of Buddy, who with his owner's help waded far deeper into the surf than any other dog.
T.J., a spaniel mix found on the streets of Rosarito, won the small-dog category at last year's event. As T.J. hung out, wrapped in a towel and wearing sunglasses, owner Wendy Slijk wasn't expecting a repeat.
“Buddy's a pro. The reason we won last year is that Buddy wasn't here,” the San Carlos resident said.
Dozer, who was competing in the large-dog category, reserved for dogs weighing more than 40 pounds, was facing some tough competition, too.
There was Stanley, a Chesapeake retriever who was first in the big-dog category at the Purina surf competition last week. Stanley, a rescue dog, sat regally on his surfboard as he floated toward the shore, jumping off and running back into the surf, where his owner stood.
Dozer didn't disappoint, either.
While his first ride came to an end when a wave upended him, the next two were virtually flawless as his squat body rode all the way to the shore, his bulging eyes scanning the crowd imperiously.

When it came time for the awards, however, Dozer didn't walk away with the prize. Kalani, a golden retriever, took first place in the large-dog category and Stanley took second. Not surprisingly, Buddy won first place in the small-dog competition.
Hokstad was a bit disappointed, but Dozer took it stoically enough.
“All he cares about is his next meal,” Hokstad said.
Jennifer Davies: (619) 293-1373;
Miami Herald
BAYOU GEORGE, Fla. -- A 5-year-old dog named Bear who escaped from a Louisiana yard in 2007 turned up in Florida - and was reunited with his owner.
Bear, a Lhasa apso from Metairie, La., ran away from his owner's parents' yard in December 2007 without a collar or tag. Last Wednesday, Bay County, Fla. animal control officers picked up a stray pup and identified him thanks to a microchip implanted in his back.
Bear's owner, 27-year-old Amanda Wells, made the 336-mile trip to pick up her dog.
Wells says she was shocked that her dog turned up after all these months and adds, "I thought it was a joke."
by emily.delphi
There is one thing in common between pets and toddlers in your household – both of them crave your love and attention, and both of them require your utmost care. If a pet has been staying in the household much before an toddler has come to stay there, the pet may feel threatened and even jealous of the attention given to the new toddler. It may tend to attack the toddler when unattended.
In another case, household pets may mistake a toddler for a game or an intruder and attack them accidentally. Sometimes, household pets are unable to gauge the strength and limits of a toddler and may unknowingly hurt the toddler while playing with it.
Here are some tips to ensure your toddler and your household pet live in harmony:
•Do not neglect your pet – pay the pet as much (or almost) attention as you did before the toddler arrived
•Let the pet know that the toddler is its friend and not a rival – you may introduce the pet to the toddler and familiarize them in a friendly way
•Train the pet to get accustomed to the toddler’s ways by playing tapes of toddlers crying and other means so that the pet is not frightened when the toddler cries in reality
•Do not leave your toddler unattended with a pet around – the pet may unknowingly (or knowingly, if not properly trained) hurt the toddler or indulge in things that may not be good for the toddlers welfare
•Keep the pet hygienically clean so that the chances of the toddler contracting diseases from it remain minimal
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