By Allen Nile
Ok, most of us know the drill. You bring a new kitty or puppy home and pray that it will get along well with the other pet at home. And unfortunately, many times it seems that it is just not to be. But you might be surprised at how you can actually help your new pet get along with your other pet. It's really pretty easy and this article will hopefully help you to achieve this.
First and foremost you should realize that animals like dogs and cats are naturally protective of themselves around other animals. Especially around others they don't know. Yes, you will find the puppy that just wants to play with a cat but you usually will not find that true the other way around.
So here is the scenario: You either already have a puppy or kitty at home and are bringing home a new pet (of the other type) or are possibly bringing home both at the same time. (Which is exactly what I have done MANY times!)
How can you help them to get along and possibly even learn top love one another? Here are some basic steps:
1... Make sure that you DO NOT let them share a food dish OR place their food dishes close together. Keep these separated away from each other. There is nothing worse than two animals who feel threatened by each other because of food. So make sure that this is the first thing you do!
2... DO NOT and I mean NEVER act nervous around them when they are close together. They WILL pick up on this and it will cause even more tension between them. If you act instead like you expect them to be ok around each other then this will help immensely!
3... When they start to fight make sure that you DO NOT yell and scream at them. This will only cause even more tension and usually each will only act out their aggression even more.
4... Here is the big secret that works most of the time! - LET THEM FIGHT! Yep I said that right - "Let them Fight!"... This is all part of the process that almost always has to happen. So expect that in the beginning it IS going to happen. One or the other will come out at the end as the boss. It's just the way it is in relationships between animals. So don't be afraid to let them get to know each other.
Now, read #4 again but understand something very important. I am NOT suggesting that you simply let them fight and risk them killing each other. Not a good idea. There will be time you will indeed need to separate them if it gets too rough. But should this happen and you do step in, make sure that you DO NOT yell and scream at them. Remember that this fighting is the natural process and most of the time must happen if they are ever going to get along at all. Sounds strange I know but very true in my experience!
ALSO, you should be aware that there are times when nothing will work and the two animals will NOT get along ever. This is why you should be careful of selecting both a dog and cat that do not have alpha (dominating) personalities. This is a recipe for disaster! However, if you select the two animals carefully then you should have no trouble helping them to get along!
I hope you enjoyed this article! I love to discuss just about any subject that comes to mind so please also visit my personal blog at
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By Melissa Simmonds
Are you sick and tired of waking up to find another good pair of shoes all chewed out? Do you hate having people over because you just know they'll get slobbered all over or worse? Are the water puddles and poop mounds around the house finally getting to your nerves? If you are, then it's time to get some dog training in your house.
In home dog training services are getting more popular these days. Pet owners, while they would like to train their dogs themselves, either don't have the time or don't know how to. Professional trainers are called in to do the job for them. The owners get to watch their dog's progress in the convenience and privacy of their houses. If you are considering having your pet educated at home, here are five important things you need to ask before you call the dog trainer.
What level of obedience does your canine qualify for? If he already has a modicum of dog manners, this means you already have had some success in dog training and you may want to consider following it up yourself. However, if you correctly asses yourself incapable of teaching your pet anything, then have the professional over as soon as possible.
Where can I find good trainers? The best gauge is the work itself. Do you have neighbors and friends who've had transformed pets and swear by the services of a particular dog whisperer? If not, they probably know someone who does. There are also companies that specialize in dog behavior modification and obedience training you can check out. You can leaf through the yellow pages or surf in the internet to find these people that will offer you the right services at the best price.
What do I look for in a good trainer? The most important thing in a trainer is his method of teaching the dog. Any form of violence or yelling or undue force should not be tolerated under any circumstances. Ask for records or referrals you can personally inspect for yourself. While there are no official animal training government licenses, most trainers have undergone certified courses to equip them in their in home dog training profession. A CDT or CDTA certification from the International Association of Canine Professionals is one of the best qualifications they can have.
Which is better: individual or group classes? One-on-one sessions will ensure that your pet gets all the attention and teaching concentrated on him. It will probably help him learn faster. Group classes on the other hand, will help the dog further develop social skills with others of his own kind. If the trainer is good, he will be able to customize his teaching to each student's learning curve. It will also be better economically for more people to pitch in and share the expense of their dog's education. If you prefer group classes, form one with pet owners you know who take good care of their pets - with all the rough housing that's bound to happen, you wouldn't want your own infected with fleas or other kinds of infection.
What age should training begin? Right now! The optimal time to start training puppies is at 8 weeks old. However, it's never too late to teach adult dogs basic commands and progress from there. If you are willing and your dog is present, it can be done. Through in home dog training, a safe and easy way to a well-trained dog is possible.
Melissa Simmonds is a firm believer that dog training produces happy, well-rounded dogs. You can find helpful tips on in home dog training at her site.
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By Denise Lambrou
Living with a cat that seems intent on making your life a misery can be very hard. Having a cat that is scratching carpets or furnishings can become very expensive in replacing all those damaged items. Having a cat that refuses to use its litter box can make for a smelly house. Having a cat that is aggressive towards visitors or even other members of the household can be very embarrassing. Don't despair; even the worst cat behaviour problems can be cured turning your fur ball into the perfect pet cat.
Cats are not spiteful and will not punish you for doing something to them, if they are behaving badly then there is a reason for it. The way to solve cat behaviour problems is by discovering the underlying cause first and then fixing it. There are many possible underlying causes of cat behaviour problems and I am going to discuss a few of the more common ones here.
Possible Cause 1 - Medical Reason
If your cat's behaviour has changed suddenly from the perfect pet cat into a psycho cat then it could be because of a medical reason. The most common change in behaviour is the avoidance of their litter box. This could be due to a urinary tract infection which makes it painful to pass urine. Your cat will then associate its litter box with pain and will avoid using it and instead find elsewhere. If a cat is in pain then it may also become aggressive and temperamental due to the pain that it is in. If you suspect a medical problem seek medical advice from a veterinarian.
Possible Cause 2 - Environmental Changes
If your cats behaviour has suddenly changed and it is not medical then it could be down to some environment changes. These can be things like moving house, getting another cat, the birth of a new baby. Even a new cat in the neighbourhood can cause cat behaviour problems. The most common change in behaviour for these types of causes are spraying indoors and scratching furnishings. This is a cat's way of letting the new cats (or baby!) know that this is their territory.
Possible Cause 3 - You Cat is simply the boss!
If your cat has always behaved this way then it is because he feels like your home is his territory and he is the boss of it. This will mean that your cat will be aggressive to anyone that dares to trespass on their territory. Also as he is boss of his territory he can do as he feels within it which includes scratching and toilet areas.
So how do you solve such problems I hear you ask! Well, it's not necessarily as hard as you may imagine. If you think that the change in behaviour may be due to a medical reason take your cat to the vet and tell them your concerns. In many cases once a cat has had treatment then its behaviour improves almost instantly. If you think that your cat is behaving badly following an environmental change then it's simply a matter of reassurance and simple retraining techniques. However, if your cat is just ruling the roost then some serious retraining is required to get your cat under control and you back in control of your home.
Visit my website for more information on solving cat behaviour problems
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By Rick Aspen
If you're thinking about adopting a rabbit and are wondering what do rabbits eat, then this article is for you. Lots of people take on the responsibility of owning a rabbit but don't actually know what it takes to make sure that they're healthy and happy. This can lead to illness and even premature death. That's why it's important to be as educated as you can be about what to feed your new pet.
Rabbits are vegetarians and love all things that are green, but perhaps the most important food source you can provide is hay. Not only does hay contain all the nutrients a rabbit needs to stay healthy, it also provides other benefits like keeping a bunny busy. Unfortunately these cute little critters love to chew, and will chew on just about anything you put in front of them (unless you train them not to). Hay gives them something to keep there mouths full of things that is safe for them and makes you a much happier owner.
Grass is also an important nutrient source. Rabbits in the wild feed off of just about every type of grass that's available to them. This is generally why there are so many found around universities and golf courses. These places have an abundance of grass, and bunnies love it.
For a healthy snack, you can feed your pet chunks of vegetables and fruit, such as, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower stems, and apple cores. In addition to the above foods, it's very important to make sure that they have water at all times. Bunnies that are on a more green diet won't need to drink as much, however, it's important that when they are thirsty, there is a ready supply of water available to them.
So if you've been wondering what do rabbits eat, I hope you found this article informative. Bunnies can live for a long time, if they're taken care of. Unfortunately, most people don't know how best to take care of their pet rabbits and as a result lose their furry friend far earlier than needs to happen.
That's why I recommend investing in a bunny care guide that will teach you everything you need to know to keep your bunny happy, healthy and safe. In addition to making sure they're getting the proper nutrients they need, these guides will also teach you how to train, solve behaviour problems, and much more.
Rick is the author of What Do Rabbits Eat a site dedicated to helping rabbit owners learn how best to take care of their pets.
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