Los Angeles Times
City officials approve an ordinance that also will require the mandatory sterilization of pit bulls and Rottweilers.
Despite fierce criticism, Lancaster officials have unanimously adopted an ordinance that will impose stiff penalties on the owners of "potentially dangerous" and "vicious" dogs, particularly those that law enforcement officials say are favored by gang members to intimidate rivals and others.
Under the new law, dogs that are unprovoked and engage in aggressive behavior, may be found to be "potentially dangerous." Dogs that are trained to be aggressive for fighting, inflict severe injury or death, or already are listed as potentially dangerous may be determined to be "vicious."
The ordinance also will require the spaying and neutering of all varieties of pit bulls and Rottweilers, including mutts that have "predominant physical characteristics" of those breeds.
WHEELING, W.Va. (AP)-Dogs are sleeping better, or at least more comfortably, while they await new homes at the Marshall County Animal Shelter.
Wheeling Island Hotel-Casino-Racetrack and its 18 kennel owners have donated more than $1,300 to help buy the shelter new Kuranda dog beds. They're cot-style beds raised off the floor.
Casino President Jim Simms said Tuesday the donation was inspired by a story about a recovering female greyhound who was neglected by her owners in Glen Dale.
The dog loved her Kuranda bed, so the greyhound track decided to help buy more.
Simms says greyhounds are the most affectionate dogs a person can adopt, and seeing them neglected is heartbreaking.
Combined with public donations, every dog at the shelter now has a comfortable bed.
by Vicki Hyman/The Star-Ledger

By Connie Thompson - KOMO.com
When you're looking for a new puppy, especially if it's a purebred, you need to be careful where you buy. You can't just take someone's word.
One of the main factors driving the puppy horror stories making headlines lately is consumer obsession with having a purebred dog.
Puppy mill puppies end up in animal shelters across the country. Thousands of dogs are bred and sold as purebreds, then given up because they're diseased, defective or taken in a raid.
But are the pups really healthy purebreds? Can the blood lines in a "purebred" pup really be traced to a purebred mom and dad?
All too often, the answer is no. Unfortunately, the Humane Society says puppy mill dogs are routinely sold on Craigslist and at some pet stores.
Thousands of dogs (and cats) are bred solely for profit with no regard for genetic disease, illness or the animal's overall health.
To avoid losing money to purebred fraud, take time to learn the breed, including the downsides as well as the cute and cuddly parts.
Contact local breed clubs. Most communities have reputable clubs for virtually every breed.
Spend a lot of time talking to reputable vets who are familiar with the breed you want.
Ask the vets and breed clubs for referrals for the best breeders in your area. Get multiple referrals and pay them a visit. A legitimate dog breeder should scrutinize you as much as you scrutinize them.
And don't be misled by talk of registration papers.
Today there are all sorts of organizations that register dogs with all sorts of blood lines. The registration may not mean what you think.
The top purebred registries for both credibility and high standards are the American Kennel Club and the United Kennel Club, commonly referred to as AKC and UKC.
Just remember, since people are willing to pay hundreds of dollars for a purebred, some unscrupulous mass breeders fake the registration papers.
So if you haven't done your homework, don't buy the dog.
Avoid breeders who refuse to let you visit the puppies on the spot, in their actual living environment.
Be leery of places with a whole lot of breeds. Animal advocates say most reputable breeders typically concentrate on one breed, two at the most.
And remember, you can find purebred dogs at many shelters. There's even a local shelter just for purebred dogs.
By ANDREA JOHNSON - Lebanon Daily News
An attempted bribe made by a 38-year-old man during a traffic stop in Pine Grove eventually led to the discovery of dozens of malnourished and several dead cats in his girlfriend’s animal sanctuary, police said.
Andy J. Oxenrider, Tower City, was charged Saturday with bribery, drug possession and driving with a suspended license, Pine Grove police said. Officers stopped him because he was acting suspiciously while driving a rental truck on North Tulpehocken Street about 7:40 a.m. Saturday.
Oxenrider told police his driver’s license was suspended and he did not have the rental agreement for the truck. When the police officer told him he would be charged, Oxenrider offered the officer a bribe of $500 if he let him “slide” on the citation, police said. He offered the bribe three times before he was taken into custody, according to police.
A marijuana pipe was found in Oxenrider’s possession, and a search of truck turned up more drugs and paraphernalia, police said. Other items possibly related to several burglaries were also found.
Later on Saturday, police contacted Cats With No Name owner Virginia Justiniano. She consented to a search of her hotel room, where Pine Grove police said they found rock cocaine, marijuana and drug paraphernalia.
The 50-year-old Justiniano also consented to a search of her home, where more drugs, pharmaceuticals, paraphernalia, and the malnourished and dead cats were found. Again, items possibly related to several burglaries were also found.
Justiniano was then arrested on drug and drug-paraphernalia charges, police said.
Since 1996, Justiniano has operated the sanctuary out of a house she rented at 33 Walmer Lane in Pine Grove Township. Pine Grove police said several dead cats and about 70 malnourished ones were found in her care.
Both Justiniano and Oxenrider were in Schuylkill County Prison last night in lieu of $25,000 bail. They both face multiple charges including possession of various kinds of drugs and conspiracy. Additional charges will be filed, police said.
A board member of the Minersville-based Ruth Steinert Memorial Chapter of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, who asked not to be identified, said the SPCA was notified of the situation Sunday but didn’t get permission to enter the property until Monday night.
They found 70 cats, many of them sick and starving, and dead carcasses in and around the house, the board member said. Investigators also found live geese, ducks and chickens, as well as a deer carcass, on the property, which included several storage sheds that had been filled with donated cat food.
Investigators spent Tuesday setting up a safe haven on the property to examine the cats. According to a report in the Pottsville Republican-Herald, 13 of the cats have since been euthanized.
The couple also rented a storage shed near Lebanon. Police searched it and found more evidence of rotten cat food for their investigation.
by Michelle Critchell, DC Dogs Examiner
After the pet food melamine scare, where many pets were sickened and died, I called to find out the origin of ingredients in our pets' food. I was surprised by the findings. I also inquired about pet treat ingredients. The representative from Milkbone® Dog Biscuits cheerfully said, "All our ingredients are U.S. based." (pause) "Except for the vitamins and minerals, which come from China."
Only the vitamins and minerals.
First the tainted pet food from China, then came the tainted baby formula scandal, which sickened hundreds of thousands of Chinese babies and resulted in the death sentence for three (so far) in charge of the fiasco. There was a $24 million dollar class action settlement for the thousands who lost pets to contaminated food.
So, what can we do?
NaturaPet® announced this month 100% their ingredients will come from trusted, non-Chinese suppliers. Natura became the first pet food company in the industry to test and guarantee that all of its products are free from melamine and cyanuric acid.
Supplements are needed to ensure that pets receive optimum nutrition, and among the necessary supplements - certain B vitamins and taurine - have been unavailable from anywhere other than China. After diligently working with its suppliers, Natura® has found alternative sources and has been using them exclusively.
"We will not compromise on food safety and nutrition because both are so critical to the health of pets," said Don Scott, President of Natura.
The Natura® Product line: Innova, California Natural, EVO, HealthWise, Mother Nature, and Karma.
DC Dogs suggests you call your pet food manufacturer and inquire the origin of ingredients. Only informed consumers can foster change.
**Natura Products Contain No Peanut Butter or Peanut Butter Paste, and are Not Impacted by Product Recalls.
( FDA has posted a searchable database for the Salmonella recall. Find everything from Cakes to Pet Foods: FDA.gov)
Some Important Things to Take Care for Your Pets Health and Safety
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Taking care of a pet is quite easy as well as should be well taken care. Pet care is in fact a simple job, and includes the very important functions of grooming and striving to maintain good pet health care. General pet supplies could be considered a definition of useful tools for grooming and keeping your pet in good health.
Let us consider some useful terms which should be taken care for the well being of your pet:
Choosing A Pet:
The process of choosing a pet is very important. Choosing a pet depends on one’s preferences, but there are still some important things that should be kept in mind. One should always choose an animal of good breed. Secondly, the pet should be healthy especially if it is still in the initial stage of its life. A healthy young pet shows good fast growth.
Pet Supplies:
You should make a complete list of pet supplies and include the following: pet food and food bowls, pet id tags and collar, pet medications, supplements and tonics, etc. Some other items to consider are animal carriers, pet houses and furniture, pet beds, clothes, and pet jewelry.
Online Pet Supplies:
Online pet supplies are supplies that can be purchased from pet stores over the Internet. There are numerous pet grooming product manufacturers and pet-grooming stores selling their products online through their individual official websites.
Pet Grooming Supplies:
Pet grooming supplies include items such as grooming clippers, pet hair care products, soaps, shampoo and perfumes.
Pet Health:
Pet health is a very important responsibility of pet ownership. For puppies and kittens, or any other four-legged pets, important treatments would include giving a hygiene bath, cleaning, combing, brushing, checking ears, paws, teeth and underside of the tongue, nail trimming, removing fleas and insects, and fixing regular meetings with a professional veterinary. A good pet owner should follow a regular schedule of grooming sessions.
Pet Care:
Pet care can require a lot of patience. Like children, pets often require special attention. A puppy, kitten or any other pet in its infancy needs to be handled with extreme care. In particular they must be groomed properly, fed carefully, and bedded properly.
Pet Insurance :
When you are treating your pet as your family member why not covering your pet with an insurance policy. Yes! That’s absolutely possible and you will find many insurance companies providing policies for your beloved pet. Pet insurance is now a days very common and used largely by many pet lovers. Though how much you take care of you pet but you never know when an emergency situation arrives.
There is a very famous saying from George Eliot “Pets are such agreeable friends, they ask no questions and they pass no criticisms” about pet animals. Pets have always been friendly to humans and often show their love and affection by licking, hickeys, even love-bites.
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YourPetSupllies.com is a blog on Pet supplies, pets health and pet care. We will be posting articles on how to take care of your pet in the right way

Dog Training: Frequently Asked Questions
By: Susie Aga
I frequently get asked the same questions by different clients all the time. Here are the questions and the solutions.
Why won't my dog come to me when I call them?
First of dogs with out a fenced in yard are the harder to teach come to, because they do not have enough time off leash and will not give that up when they are loose. If you give your dog ample exercise off leash in an enclosed park or some other area on a regular basis then it is no big deal for them to come to you when they are loose because they are not giving anything up. Also you MUST be exciting no one wants a boring dog and no dog wants a boring owner. I can teach you 3 tools that will get your dog to come to you first their name means come to me, then "come" as an emergencies command and then I have a secret weapon that is fool proof.
Why does my dog tear up paper, eat Kleenex and sticks?
When dogs tear things apart or eat strange things it usually an instinctual behavior passed down from the wolves. Most of the time it comes from when wolves would hunt for food and tearing the meat off the bone is satiating to them. Kleenex eating is a mystery to my vet and myself. I think it just tastes good. A lot of dogs will sit down and eat a whole toilet paper roll or Kleenex box. If your dog does this the best advice I can give is to keep these things out of reach. If they can't reach it they can't chew or eat it!
How to get rid of urine smells in carpet?
There are many different products out there; personally I have not found one that is 100% effective. Natures Miracle seems to have a good reputation. There are many home remedies like a dilution of vinegar and water to get the smell out but this solution can also stain many surfaces and carpets so do a small test site first and wait 3-4 days to see if the color changes. The professional carpet cleaners sometimes guarantee to get the urine smell out of surfaces, make sure so you're not wasting your money on another useless method.
Why should I get my dog spayed or neutered?
The number one reason is that there are more than 5000 homeless dogs in the metro Atlanta area alone not to mention the surrounding counties. There are some dogs prone to testicular and other forms of cancer by neutering/spaying them you could be saving there life in the future. Dogs that are spayed/ neutered seem to have less behavior problems then dogs that are in tact. The health of the dogs is also better and you will have fewer visits to the veterinarian.
Where should I get a dog from? A breeder, a pet store, or rescue group?
If you get your dog from a rescue group (Golden Retriever rescue / Lab etc.) you can get the breed you are looking for and save a life. The humane societies and shelters always have a lot to choose from. If you must go to a breeder or pet store do some back ground checking and make sure you are not buying from a puppy mill.
What are some poisonous things I should be aware of around my house and yard?
Some command foods that are poison to dogs are chocolate, grapes and almonds. Just a few teaspoons of anti freeze can kill a dog in the matter of hours. Pesticides can be very harmful to animals as well rat poisons, bug repellents and moth ball. Some house plants such as poinsettias and mistletoe, azaleas and tulip bulbs are also poisonous.
Author Bio
Susie Aga, Atlanta Dog Trainer
Susie is a Certified Canine Behavior & Training Specialist and a member in good standing with the Association of Pet Dog Trainers. She has four rescue dogs and donates much of her time and services to Rescue Organizations and hosts The Animal Hour Radio Show which can be heard through her site.
Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Which Rabbit is Right For You?
By Lamar Dean
For many people the word "rabbit" or "bunny" conjures up the image of a cute and cuddlesome small animal with docile eyes and a nose that's always in motion. One typically recognized fact regarding rabbits is that they reproduce at an astounding rate, as in the old saying "multiply like rabbits."
Rabbits are among the most popular and widely bred domesticated animals and there are around 50 recognized breeds and varieties of them, including all sorts of colors, sizes and different ear lengths and fur texture.
These are just a few of the many things there are to admire regarding rabbits. Consider too their upbeat nature and sociability, their combination of gentleness and bravery, their astonishing adaptability, and their nonviolent manners, which are oftentimes misread as arising only from fear.
Which rabbit is right for you? Theoretically, all of the several rabbit breeds and mongrels are suitable as a pet. No doubt, a giant rabbit weighing 15 pounds (6.8 kg) or more and measuring up to 28 inches (70 cm) in length is too big to fit in a conventional cage for pets. Even medium sized breeds are not altogether suited for being kept solely inside. However, here are some examples of rabbits that would be excellent for indoor pets.
Dwarf Rabbits: These weigh no more than 3 1/4 pounds (1.5 kg), are full of life, are bred in several colors, and are particularly popular with kids because of their round faces and their tiny, cute ears.
Dwarf Mongrels: They're generally somewhat bigger than their purebred cousins, but they're just every bit as lively and adoring and are easier to find since pet shops stock them more commonly.
Small Breeds: There are over 20 breeds in this class. They weigh from 5 to 7 pounds (2.25 - 4.5 kg) and vary greatly in temperament.
Angora: Angoras weigh between 5 1/2 and 10 pounds (2.5 - 4.5 kg), are docile and calm and therefore perfect for youngsters. They also produce expensive wool, but must be carefully sheared every three months and kept on wire flooring so that their fur doesn't become fouled or matted.
Fox Rabbits: These weigh 5 1/2 to 8 3/4 pounds (2.5 - 4 kg) and are longhaired but do not have to be sheared. Regular brushing is all the coat maintenance that's needed.
Rabbits are sociable creatures that pine whenever they have to be alone too much. If you don't have a good deal of spare time or if you work away from home all day, you should plan to get two rabbits. Two does will get along particularly well if they are raised up together.
Note: Some people have an allergic reaction to rabbit fur. If you think you might be allergic, check with your MD prior to getting a rabbit.
Read more free tips and information on How to Choose The Right Pet For You
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lamar_Dean
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