by Christine Church, Hartford Cats Examiner

Leslie’s back story is a bit fuzzy, but when the employees and owners of Agway in Ellington, CT wanted to replace a long retired resident cat, they went searching for a “great pet and good mouser,” says Liz, an employee at the shop. They called around to many places, but couldn’t find the right cat.
Finally, after hearing from the Mansfield Humane Society through, they learned of a cat that had resided there for a year. Her name was Leslie and she needed a home. They immediately ran down there and picked her up, and on January 2, 2007, Leslie had her new home.
Flea allergies in cats are more common than people realize, and Leslie was no exception. “Her back would get raw from biting herself,” states Liz. She is kept on Frontline and now has a gorgeous, lush coat that is a pleasure to pet.
As with any business that stores and sells live stock feeds, Agway needed a good cat to chase away the mice that might want to take up residence and eat their profits. Leslie more than fit that bill. No mice dare step foot in Agway of Ellington with Leslie at the helm.
But, Leslie is more than just a good watchcat, she is also a people greeter. In the winter, when she remains indoors away from the bad weather, Leslie likes to sleep on the large display of dog food in view of the door. There, people see her when they come in the store, and many are drawn right to her. She soaks up the attention!
When she is not lounging on 50 lb dog food bags, or sponging attention from customers, Leslie can be found eating. She is fed a regular diet of Science Diet cat food and begs for treats, which are kept behind the counter. “She follows us around everywhere wanting a treat,” states Liz.
Leslie surely is a happy cat, which is obvious to anyone who sees her. Robust and healthy, Leslie’s purrs as she is greeted by adoring customers is a testament to the great care she receives. And she truly is, as Liz told me, “A nice addition to Agway.”
by Sheila Hrabal, Irving Pets Examiner
Like people, dogs can get bad breath. Bad breath is caused by bacteria -- either in the mouth or digestive tract. If your dog is healthy: meaning no vomiting or eating problems, maybe he has some issues you can investigate yourself. So, since dogs cannot use mouthwash or chew gum, what can be done to alleviate the smell? Try these tips and see if he can end up giving you "sweet" kisses instead of repulsion.
Look at your dog's teeth. If he/she is over 3 years old and has never been to a dentist, he could have tooth decay, gum disease, or worse -- a broken tooth. If you see a tooth that is broken off, you need to see a vet so that bacteria does not spread to the remaining good teeth and your pet's gums. If his teeth "look okay" to you, they still need to be cleaned. Your veterinarian can clean your dog's teeth as outpatient surgery in a day and it's not very expensive. You can use a canine toothbrush and paste available at most pet stores. The kit usually includes a brush that is about 10 inches long and has two sets of bristles; one at each end. Flavored toothpaste is included along with a gum stimulator that attaches to your fingertip. Brushing your dog's teeth will take some time to stop chronic bad breath, but you should notice improvement the first time you use the kit. Remember to gently stimulate your dog's gums while brushing and using the finger stimulator -- you don't want to damage delicate gum tissue. Your dog may not like the treatment at first, but with time he/she should tolerate it nicely.
Another solution is giving your dog chew treats such as Nylabones or Greenies Dental chews. Nylabones offers a variety of hard plastic and rubber chews that will stimulate your dog's gums as well as edible chews that help break up existing tartar. Greenies dental chews are edible and have a great minty smell. Your dog will love either brand and their halitosis may clear up quickly.
Teeth look good and you already provide dental chews to your dog? Maybe your pet has a fondness for the litter box or eats feces on walks! This is common for most dogs since they love stinky foods. An easy way to remedy this is to put up a baby gate to the bath room or place the cat box in an area that the dog cannot enter.
Tried brushing their teeth, providing dental chews, and hiding the cat box from your dog? It could be that your pet suffers from some type of digestive issue. Look at the ingredient panel on your dog's food: does it contain salmon? If so, that could be the cause. If the dog's breath is only bad thirty minutes after eating, it's probably just the food. If it lasts longer, think about their stomach again.
If none of these remedies works, he/she could have a stomach disorder and you probably want to visit a veterinarian to find out what is wrong with your dog.
by Amanda Vargas, Houston Dog Training Examiner
Now that you have the right size crate, let’s discuss the best way to introduce Fido to his new bedroom. We always want Fido to associate his crate positively. Believe me , it is not an easy task to get a dog of any size or age to go into a crate if they don’t want to. Because of this you will want to use positive reinforcement the quickest and easiest way to do this is to go and get small training biscuits or even those treats that you can tear into small pieces. For my dogs I usually use the “sausage dog food” you can find them in most pet stores. Not only are these easy to slice and cut into small pieces, but it tends to be more fragrant so my dogs tend to focus more on it amid distractions.
These training tips that I am about to tell you will work with dogs of all age groups and even with cats that you want to get in a travel carrier.
If your dog is reluctant to get in the carrier at first, use a command like “go to bed’ or “crate” THEN toss your treat in the crate and the dog will follow.
Close the crate’s door behind him, but only leave it closed for a few seconds at first and increasing each time.
Repeat this often. But never exceed the attention span of your dog. The moment that you realize that your dog has lost all interest in what you are doing it is time for you to move on to another training issue or to stop until the next day.
Some dog breeds will catch on very quickly due to the nature of the breed. Others will catch on [or not as quickly] due to the dogs personality. The thing to remember is to have patience. Yes, your dog should obey you, but your dog should also respect you and think of you as the alpha dog. [We will discuss alpha issues at a later date.]
If your dog has not responded to the treats in the first session of training, you must find what your dog is motivated by, whether that is a tennis ball or a stuffed toy. It is what motivates them that will help in the success of their training. But please be aware if your dog is overly stimulated by a tennis ball, that is if it jumps and hops and barks, that may not be the best training tool. Also it is not the best behavior for your dog. Please remember to check back again soon for the next crate training article.
by Kristina Murphy, Baltimore Pet Grooming Examiner

Start From Behind
Generally, it’s easier to clip a dog’s hind nails before proceeding to their front paws. There are two methods for reaching the hind nails while the dog stands. Before clipping, try each one to see which is more comfortable.
1. Directly face the dog while standing slightly to his right. Wrap your left arm over his back and under the midsection; reach down for either paw with your left hand. Gently lift the paw, encouraging his natural movements, about one inch from the ground. While steadying this paw with your left hand, use your right hand to glide the nail into the clipper. Your head remains to the right of his body allowing you to steady him while having direct sight of your work. You have freedom to crouch further down for close inspection. (Reverse if you are left-handed).
2. If the dog remains steady on his feet without the above holding method, you can stand to either side and omit the need for wrapping around the midsection. Standing in front of him, lift his paw as stated above and clip the nail.
Front Paws
The ease of clipping front nails depends on the cooperation of your dog. Some will hand you their front paw and let you clip away while others will bury their feet beneath their body or nip at your hands. If you’re lucky, they will hand you the front paw and you can use both hands to guide the nail and clip. Otherwise, try the following methods.
1. Stand behind the dog facing his rear. This method is easier if the dog stands, but also works if he sits. Reach around (or forward, depending on the level of stability he needs) and lift the front paw; bend it slightly back as it naturally bends at the “ankle” of his leg. The underside of his paw will face you and you can clip the nails from here.
2. Lay him on his side. This helps with dogs that try to bury their feet while you have clippers. As most dogs refuse to do this on their own, it’s helpful to have another person encourage the dog’s position while you clip the nails.
Dew Claws
One of the least noticed (yet most important) claws for trimming is the dewclaw. The dewclaw is essentially the “thumb” on a dog’s paw, but sits above the rest of the nails. Look on the inner side of the dog’s leg, approximately one inch above his paw to locate the dew. Not all dogs have them, but many do. This nail grows longer than the others do, as it does not naturally grind down by walking. Without routine attention, this nail will curl and possibly puncture the leg. If your dog has problems with the dewclaw, consult your veterinarian about removal.
Brittle Nails
Some dogs have dry, brittle nails, which cause additional discomfort for nail clipping. A variety of factors influence the health of nails, such as nutrition, fungus and autoimmune disorders, so please consult your veterinarian if you notice brittle or cracked nails on your dog.
If you are unsure of any practices or uncomfortable with the process, please consult the help of a qualified professional.
Reported by: RNS
Smokers are more willing to kick the habit for their pets sake than their own.
In early 2007 a study was started at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit to look at people with a household pet and who smoke.
The first-of-its-kind study involved about 21-hundred people over a three-year period.
Researchers looked at smoking behaviors, a smoker's perception of the effect of secondhand smoke on their dogs, cats or birds and about the smokers interest in quitting the tobacco habit.
Results of the study will be unveiled today and are expected to show, at the very least that smokers are more likely to quit for the sake of their pets than for themselves.
Second-hand smoke has been associated with nasal and lung cancers, allergies, respiratory problems and even skin diseases in pets.

by Teri Webster, Pet Examiner
People are not the only ones going hungry these days.
Some families have fallen on such hard times that it's difficult for them to feed their dogs or cats.
One community's answer to the problem is a soup kitchen for pets.
Since September, Daffy's Pet Soup Kitchen in Lawrenceville, Ga., has helped struggling families keep their pets by providing them with free food.
The food bank has helped more than 400 families from 20 counties, founder Tom Wargo told the Detroit Free Press. The program runs on volunteers and donations.
The local Humane Society told the newspaper the food bank helps reduce the number of pets being surrendered.
"What we're seeing now is just a lot of people who are coming to us or to animal control to surrender their dogs because they just can't afford to feed them," said Crystal Schultz, director of the Athens Area Humane Society. "It's horrible for them, but it affects us, too, because we're the ones who then have to house those cats or dogs. ... It would just be easier and less expensive if we can just keep those families together."
Thousands of pounds of food are dropped off at several locations each week by community members, pet-food manufacturers and retail stores. The food is then redistributed to families.
It comes with some strings attached.
Pet owners fill out an application that explains their financial circumstances and how many pets they have. Pet owners can receive a one-month supply of food for up to two pets.
Recipients must volunteer at Daffy's or another approved charity for a minimum of five hours per month. They also agree that if they cannot properly care for their pet, they will inform Daffy's. And, Daffy's has the right to come by and inspect the pets' condition and circumstances at any time.
Source: Detroit Free Press

By Kim Campbell Thornton - MSNBC
A territorial cat or dog can make a new relationship messy

Luckily for Kessler, who lives in Pacific Palisades, Calif., her husband remains good-natured about the affection she lavishes on her dogs, but the path to true love isn’t always so smooth when a pet is involved.
Pets can become territorial when their people begin a new relationship, and people who aren’t fond of animals can be annoyed at the amount of attention some people lavish on their pets. When pets and lovers clash, there can be fussing, fighting, snarling — and sometimes, peeing.
Susan McCullough of Vienna, Va., recalls dating a man whose German shepherd didn’t appreciate her being around.
“I woke up one morning to find the dog lifting his leg and peeing at my corner of the bed, very close to my face!” she says.
Some messy reactions
It’s not unusual for cats and dogs to express their anxieties over a new person in the household by seeming to forget that they’re housetrained, says veterinarian and animal behaviorist Sophia Yin, who practices at San Francisco Veterinary Specialists. In particular, cats who are stressed have a reputation for urinating or spraying on items that belong to their owner, especially clothing or bedding.
“They choose things that smell like the owner because that’s where they feel comfortable,” Dr. Yin says. “The owner shouldn’t take it as the cat being malicious; it’s just an indication that the cat — or dog — is stressed.”
When people bring their dogs to her because of a relationship problem, the troublemaker is often a pampered small dog who’s used to being carried around, petted and given frequent treats.
“With dogs, I more commonly see the ones that are really used to getting everything they want from their owner, so they want all of the owner’s attention,” Yin says. “They’re the type of dog that is always jumping on the owner’s lap and won’t get off. Sometimes they’ll growl if pushed off, or they’ll bark and they’ll keep pawing until they get what they want or they get picked up. When a new person enters the household, they don’t want that person competing with them for attention.”
When cats don’t like people, they usually run and hide. But dogs can turn into canine chaperones, nudging people apart so they can sit between them, growling at them when the partner tries to get into bed and even barring them from the bedroom.
Dog trainer Liz Palika of Oceanside, Calif., had been married less than a month in 1975 when her husband was shipped overseas for a 13-month tour with the U.S. Marine Corps.
“I was devastated and depressed and very lonely, so I decided to get a dog, a German shepherd puppy I named Watachie,” she says. “For a year, it was just the two of us. He was a big black-and-cream 100-pound dog with the impressive bearing that German shepherds have.”
When Palika’s husband Paul finally returned, Watachie didn't want to let him in the house.
“Standing in the doorway, he braced himself, leaned forward in an aggressive posture, and growled down deep in his chest. I had to walk him outside and leave him in the backyard so my husband and I could have a reunion.”
Afterward, she introduced the two males in her life to each other and had Paul feed Watachie for a while, take him for walks and throw the Frisbee for him. Eventually, Paul and Watachie came to like each other, but Palika says there was always a little tension between the two.
When your partner resents your pet
It’s not always the pet whose teeth are bared. Gail C. Parker of Philadelphia was married for almost 15 years to a man who resented the affection and attention she lavished on her pets. When they married, he didn’t want her to get a cat, so they acquired an Irish setter and a rabbit instead. He hated it when the dog cuddled in her lap and "and he was afraid of the rabbit, which had been his idea to get," Parker says.
The couple’s arguments over their pets were among many larger issues in their marriage, and eventually, they divorced.
It can be difficult for people who don’t have a pet to understand the benefit of animal companionship, says psychologist Judy Welch of Thousand Oaks, Calif. They may feel left out when their romantic partner is paying attention to a pet, causing feelings of irritation, jealousy, resentment and insecurity. It’s especially crucial for people in a new relationship who really want it to work out to take steps to sort out the tangled web of emotions whether the person or the animal is the aggrieved party.
If you find yourself courting a curmudgeonly cat or disdainful dog, become the giver of all good things. Treats, meals, favorite toys, walks in the park: they all come from you. If the animal is fearful (which is often the case with cats who weren’t socialized as kittens) toss treats to them in rapid succession every time you approach.
With dogs, Yin recommends a “joined-at-the-hip” technique.
“When I want to get this trained really fast, if we want to get a change within days to a week or two, then I’ll have the new person tether the dog to them so the dog can’t just blow them off and run to the person it likes,” she says. “The new person will give (the dog) treats or their kibble throughout the day or whenever they’re home. The dog learns, ‘New person equals good things for me and I have to actually pay attention to the new person; I can’t just get it for free.’ ”
To “retrain” human partners, use positive reinforcement when you see your new significant other interacting with your pet — praise and a kiss work across species — and use what Welch calls “the shoe exchange,” the time-honored technique of gaining a new perspective by putting yourself in another’s shoes. Ask yourself such questions as “What might be annoying about my pet?” or “What would it feel like if I was not an animal lover?”
Describe how your pet makes you happy and what’s involved in providing for a pet’s needs. A little education can help diminish a lover’s feelings of insecurity.
“This is especially important when one of the parties has no context of pet ownership,” Welch says. “Teaching someone how to best engage with your pet can be helpful. This would demonstrate caring toward the other person and a desire for them to be involved with your pet.”
Compromise is essential in any relationship, but if the person you’re dating issues an ultimatum — “It’s me or the pet” — think twice about whether this is really someone you want to be with. After all, which one is giving you unconditional love?
Kim Campbell Thornton is an award-winning author who has written many articles and more than a dozen books about dogs and cats. She belongs to the Dog Writers Association of America and is past president of the Cat Writers Association. She shares her home in California with three Cavalier King Charles spaniels and one African ringneck parakeet.

What Mistakes to Avoid If You Decide to Groom Your Pet at Home
By Vijai Sharma
Who says grooming is only for humans? As hygiene and good appearance are becoming a concern for the majority of people this campaign is also being pushed upon our four-legged best friends.
Pet grooming requires an investment of time and above all money and many owners are turning to grooming their animals at home. However this can sometimes be difficult, and may require the services of a professional. Should you decide to groom your pet at home, take extra precautions so that you don't cause injury to your loving pet.
Always make sure that your pet is calm and at ease before you start the grooming. It's a good idea to do this on the floor or restrain him on a table or in a sink to avoid your pet from jumping off the spot. It helps if a second person is available to restrain your pet so that he or she is at ease.
A common mistake in grooming at home is with the use of clippers. In many cases, animals have come down with an infection because an owner accidentally gave him or her razor burns by getting too close with the clippers. Should you find yourself in this unfortunate situation of having caused a razor burn to your animal, you should immediately clean the area and apply an antibiotic ointment, such as Neosporin. If you notice the area becoming swollen or red you should call your veterinarian and seek treatment.
It is important that you are very careful when you are bathing your pets to avoid getting soap, water, shampoo and chemicals in their ears and eyes. You will know from personal experience that getting shampoo and soap in your own eyes hurts, so it's no different for your pet. It is more than likely that your animal will remember the tub and associate it with the discomfort they felt, leaving you with a battle to fight at the next bath time.
Getting water or chemicals in your dog or cats ears can cause an ear infection, which could mean unnecessary vet treatment costs. If you happen to get water in your pet's ear you should use a dry cotton ball to wipe out as much as you can. It may be wise to wait a few days to see how your pet acts before you call the vet. Look for frequent shaking of the head, rubbing of the paws against the ears, rubbing the ears against some items frequently and a foul odor coming from the ears. These are all signs of an ear infection.
If you get soap in the eyes of your pet you should immediately flush the eyes with water. Gently rub the eyes dry with a clean cloth. You will need to watch the eyes for irritation. Your pet's eyes might water frequently and remain a little red for an hour or so. You might also notice your animal brushing his or her head against things to relieve the discomfort. However, if a few hours have lapsed and you notice that your pet's eyes are still red and watering you should call a vet and seek some professional help.
Allergies seem to be on the rise and some dogs are more sensitive than others. If your dog
is very itchy after a bath or his skin is red and irritated, it may be an allergic reaction.
Try products with oatmeal or use all natural products. And always rinse thoroughly to prevent residue build-up. If your dog develops a serious reaction such as hives, diarrhea or pinpoint-sized pupils, he needs immediate medical attention.
Pet grooming reflects how much you care for your pets. Apart from the satisfaction in seeing them healthy, a good treatment can do you proud.
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Beaver Valley International
Vijai Sharma
I have been married for 24 years and we have three children, two of whom are in university education. My daughter has embarked on a Bio Medical Science course at Birmingham university and my son is in his second year studying Industrial Design at Brunel.
We live near London Heathrow Airport in the UK.
I have been in Finance since October 1977 and currently hold the position of Financial Controller with a blue-chip company which buys, sell and leases aircraft and engines in the aviation sector.
My other business interests include:Internet Marketing,Web Publishing,Article writing and Blogging. I have some experience in the Real Estate market, mainly the buy to let market.
My interests include:Yoga, Keep Fit, Travelling, Gardening, Fund raising for worthy causes,restoring old furniture and DIY. We enjoy listening to music especially jazz and classical and love to cook new dishes from around the world.
My pastime includes engaging in drinking quality wines with friends and family and relaxing with good food and music. I enjoy mixing with different cultures to experience their way of life and tasting different foods from around the world.
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5 Tips to Make Cleaning Your Dog's Ears Easier
By Luke Blaise
Cleaning your dog's ears can be a very frustrating experience. But by changing how you do things you can make the whole experience at least a little more enjoyable for you and your dog.
Dog's are prone to a wide range of ear problems. In fact it is estimated that at least 20% of the cases a veterinarian sees is related to ears.
One way to prevent and treat ear infections is through regular cleaning of your dog's ears. Here are some quick tips to make this more enjoyable.
1. Only use cotton balls to clean your dog's ears. Never use cotton tipped wooden sticks. This can break off and cause severe damage in your dog's ears. Only your veterinarian should do deep ear cleanings.
2. Find a good ear cleaner and fill your dog's ear canal. Then close the flap and massage it into the ear canal for at least thirty seconds or as long as your dog allows. Then let your dog shake its head. This massaging and shaking action and loosen a lot of debris making the cleaning so much faster.
3. Use friend to help you do this. Many times dog owner's become frustrated because they have trouble holding onto the dog and doing the cleaning as well. Using two people to accomplish this makes the whole job go faster and easier.
4. If possible elevate your dog. Squatting down on the floor to try and clean ears is hard on the knees. If you happen to have a grooming table or some other elevated surface to use that is great. When you are in a comfortable position not only will you do a better job, but you will enjoy it more.
5. Do not pluck the hairs in your dog's ear canal. When a hair is plucked from the ear canal a drop of serum forms. This serum is a great place for bacteria and yeast to grow. This is why you often see ear infections in Shih Tzu and other dogs that have been recently groomed. Hair in the ear canal should only be plucked if there is a medical reason to do so.
Remember if you think your dog has an ear infection or other problem, see a veterinarian as soon as possible.
I hope these 5 tips make cleaner your dog's ears easier for you. The most important thing to remember is to be very careful and to do no harm to the ear canal.
To learn more be sure to visit: Common Dog Ear Diseases.
To learn about the treatment of ear infections visit: Dog Ear Infections.
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