By Matt Richards
Do you need a reliable and safe pet cure for dysplasia or other conditions that cause joint pain? Have you considered using natural pain relievers? Today, there are a number of pet pain relief products that cause fewer side effects than conventional medications. At the same time, you will notice a dramatic improvement in your pet's activity levels. Among other things you may want to try Joint Rescue, Old Bones, or Flex Pet.
Consider a situation where you have a middle aged cat or dog. In most cases, you will notice that they seem "calmer" as the years go by. While you may welcome a more docile pet, he/she may also be suffering from the onset of dysplasia or arthritis. Interestingly enough, cats will develop these conditions just as often as dogs. Therefore, if you notice changes in your cat's energy levels, it may be time to start thinking about pain management.
Typically, most pet owners do not realize that their pet is suffering until the veterinarian tells them that it is time to make a decision about euthanasia. Even though the best pet cure will not undue years of damage to fragile hip, shoulder, and wrist joints, they can reduce pain and inflammation. At the very least, if you are hesitant about saying that final goodbye to your cat or dog, you can give natural pain remedies a short trial. If they work, then you can look forward to a little bit more quality time with your favorite pet.
Each year, millions of pet owners are confronted with the fact that aging pets suffer from all different kinds of pain. Fortunately, there are a number of natural pet care products that can be used to treat both mild and advanced joint pain. Any one of these products can enable your pet to live a long, happy life without the usual side effects associated with conventional pain killers.
Matt Richards is the director of popular blog PetPain.Net. He is an expert on pet care. He provides honest information and advice on topics like natural remedies to reduce pet pain and more. Check out his blog for more info!
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English Mastiffs - A Giant Gentle Teddy Bear of a Dog
By Kim L Smith
English Mastiffs are one of the largest dogs in the world and are classified in the giant breed of dogs. The largest dog on record for weight is an English Mastiff, but for all the size that the English Mastiff has they are big gentle teddy bears if they are raised properly. However I know from raising my own that the jaw power they have is huge and could easily break a bone at any time.
To help prevent your English Mastiff from biting you though you will want to get them trained properly. I know that at times finding a dog trainer that will work with you with such a giant dog can be a challenge at times. If you are looking to train your English Mastiff dog then you will want to ask a couple of questions of any training program that you're considering before you shell out some of your hard earned money.
The first question to ask would be if they have any certifications in dog training. Now some of the dog trainers might have taken classes to train dogs, while other dog trainers might not have taken any classes at all, but have years of experience with dogs.
The second question that you will want to ask a training program that you're considering for your English Mastiff would be to see if they have any experience training large or giant breed dogs. I know that some people will be able to train your giant breed dog with no experience at all, but some of the dog trainers might have experience with the giant breeds and know that they cannot handle training them.
If you have an English Mastiff then you know how gentle of a dog that they really are and people are typically just intimidated by the size of the dog. I know and you know as well that the size doesn't affect how they will react around people. The thing that will affect them most is if you have given them the proper socialization and training.
I live in Ohio with my wonderful husband and two beautiful children. On top of having them I also have a fully trained English Mastiff that I trained, a Labrador Retriever, and a little Yorkshire Poodle. If you want some more great English Mastiff training information you can read this article as well.
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Top 10 Problems Dog Parents Have
by Mary Beth
Do you have a destructive chewer? Does it seem there is no end to your dog’s energy? Do you feel guilty leaving your dog home alone for hours? Does your dog soil in the house despite all housebreaking efforts?
Rest assured, you are not alone. More importantly, there are solutions to your problems.
While there is an abundance of information about these common issues, many dog parent’s still fail in their efforts.
At Canine Kingdom, we know this is not the dog parent’s fault, because the right advice and the most effective products are difficult to find.
For example, studies have shown that when chewing is directed toward objects that are acceptable, less energy is left for objects that are not, such as the leg of your antique dining table. Many dog parents do realize that chew toys help to reduce the amount of chewing on the ‘wrong’ things, such as shoes and fingers. However, many dog parents do not solve chewing problems with toys because they find that either their dogs are not ‘interested’ in the chew toys, or they chew them up in 30 seconds, still ready to take on the rest of the home.
At Canine Kingdom we provide problem-solving products that work, and our customer service team will make sure that you know how to use our products, and are completely satisfied with your results.
Proven training advice coupled with the right tools enables dogs and people to live together in harmony.
And so…Canine Kingdom announces the Top Ten Problems - and provides the Best Products for solving them.
#1 Chewing
The Kong is the safest, most chew-proof item on the market today and has received the Canine Kingdom Seal of Approval.
Think you know about Kongs? Think again! Many people don’t know the clever ways Kong Toys solve serious chewing problems.
Kongs can be stuffed with delectables – dogs just can’t resist them. If you freeze a stuffed Kong it can take hours for even an avid chewer to get to every tidbit in the Kong. Hours of fulfilling entertainment – hours that don’t include munching on the couch pillows.
Tired dogs are less likely to chew on your new Dolce & Gabbana pumps. The Kong has been designed to entice your dog’s innate prey drive. When you throw a Kong it hits the ground and bounces around unpredictably. Bring out the hunter in your dog. A Kong on a rope is perfect for fun fetching and a proven way to burn up excess energy.
See our article on exactly how to use the Kong Food puzzle in our Protocol Center.
Give your dog a chew toy that is safe and as indestructible as possible. There are so many chew toy products on the market today. Many of them can be dangerous and even fatal. Despite what the manufacturers state on packaging, all chew toys should be inspected regularly for damage and wear. Always choose a chew toy that is appropriately sized for your dog. A toy that is too small can be swallowed and cause choking. Powerful chewers can devour some inappropriate chew toys, possibly resulting in impactions and digestive tract perforations.
#2 Too much energy!
The Long Lead
Most dogs have more energy than their parents would like. Unspent energy can lead to unwanted behaviors such as jumping, chewing, digging, and barking. Exercising your dog on a regular basis is as good for your dog as it is for you. Learn your dog’s optimal exercise level. When your dog is relaxed, he has reached that state.
Many pet parents are limited in their choice of safe exercise areas. Likewise, most dogs do not have a totally reliable recall if they are let loose in an area with many distractions. Using a long lead ensures your dog’s safety yet allows him to burn up energy. Dogs can jump, sniff, run and explore without the restraint of a short leash.
When learning to use a long lead, it is best to start out in quiet, large, tree-less areas. Soon, your dog will learn the distance of his freedom.
Incorporate some sit-stay lessons into your walks. A thinking dog uses up as much energy as a running dog. Toss a Kong a few feet from your dog while in a sit-stay position. Release him to fetch after a few seconds. Treats and verbal praise follow. Great fun for you and your dog and an enjoyable way to teach her an important control lesson.
#3 Pulling on a Leash
Gentle Leader Easy Walk Harness
Far too many dog parents forego walking with their dog because of leash pulling. Neck collars, despite their design and material, all put pressure on the dog’s trachea and may cause permanent physical damage. Traditional harnesses, that have leash connections on the top of the harness on the dog’s back, can actually encourage dogs to pull harder because of the opposition reflex. That is the reflex that makes sled dogs do what they do—pull.
The Gentle Leader Easy Walk™ Harness redirects the pressure through the unique front leash attachment. A patent pending martingale closure tightens slightly across the chest and shoulder blades when your dog attempts to pull forward. When your dog slows down and stops pulling, reward him with treats and verbal encouragements.
When training your dog to walk with a loose leash, first, make sure you run out as much energy as possible in your backyard or home. Initially, put the leash on your dog in your home and ‘take your walk’ around the house. Reward him with treats and praise when he walks without leash tension. Gradually move your walks to quiet areas where there are few distractions such as other dogs or critters. Repeatedly reward your dog when he is walking with a loose leash. Increasingly, walk to places where your dog will see or meet other dogs, people or wild animals. Remember to continue the treats and praise. Soon, both you and your dog will enjoy your walks together – without pain or distress to either of you.
The unique design of the Gentle Leader Easy Walk Harness is easy to put on and has easy adjustment buckles to ensure a proper fit.
#4 Barking
Dog Door
‘Nuisance’ barking, caused by loneliness, boredom, stress from being home alone, or ‘commenting’ on the goings on around the house is often relieved with the ability to go in and outside, at will, to a safe and secure enclosed yard.
There are many dog doors to choose from. We chose the Staywell Electronic Infra-Red Pet Door, as its unique technology allows your pet to enter and exit safely, without the threat of other animals or people using the door. The Staywell Electronic Infra-Red Pet Door uses a small infra-red collar tag that signals the door to unlock for your pet and only your pet. The Staywell Electronic Infra-Red Pet Door locks in both directions preventing young children from leaving the home and other animals from entering or leaving. It runs on batteries so if there is a power outage, the door still works.
Allowing your dog access to the inside as well as outside, combined with a relaxing in-home setting, a digging pit outside, and a NON-citronella bark collar are often successful in stopping barking problems. For this and more information on dogs home alone, don’t miss our E-book "Creating a Better Life for the Home Alone Dog”.
#5 Housetraining
Penthouse Potty
In certain situations, a dog just must have an indoor toilet. Is your dog getting on in age and having ‘mistakes’? Is your little dog sometimes unreliable in his housetraining habits? Do you live in a 6th floor walkup and the thought of a dog walk at 2:00 a.m. is not that appealing? Has a new puppy joined your household?
The Penthouse Potty is the answer to these problem situations and more. Dogs can ‘hold it’ for only so long. So many variables determine how often a dog must eliminate. What is known about dogs is that they do determine where to ‘go’ by their sense of smell. If a dog learns to eliminate in the home on your Oriental rug or on your teak floors, he may very well choose that spot again and again because it has been ‘marked’ with his odor.
Train your dog to go in one place when the need arises – the Penthouse Potty. If you know there will be times when your dog may not get to the outdoors to eliminate, consider the Penthouse Potty. Your dog can happily go to an ‘approved’ area and the rest of your home will stay fresh and clean.
#6 Arthritis
Pet Wellness Bed
There’s no reason for any dog to suffer from the pain of arthritis. Pain can have a tremendous impact on your dog’s quality of life.
A heated dog bed? Absolutely! Heat and Massage make this therapeutic bed the best choice for arthritis pain all year long. Many arthritic dogs show increased signs of pain when the temperatures dip, humidity rises or barometric pressure drops. The plushy loft, the gentle heat and the massage functions of the Pet Wellness Bed provide a comfortable and therapeutic refuge for your dog.
The first thing you notice about our Wellness Bed is the 3" thick orthopedic foam. When your dog plops down for a nap, his body is cushioned, protecting further damage to the joints and bones. The gentle heat relaxes tense muscles that surround achy joints, helping your dog’s pain related stress.
Massage is an effective way to manage arthritis pain. The massage feature of the Wellness Bed can help improve joint movement, relax tense muscles, and stimulate the flow of blood and nutrients to the skin and underlying tissues. What's more, it just feels good, and the relaxation it brings can help break the cycle of pain and stress that often goes along with arthritis The Pet Wellness Bed provides three beneficial features that will enhance your dog’s life – cushiony supportive softness, gentle heat and therapeutic massage.
See your dog’s health care professional to learn about arthritis and forms of treatment and palliative care available today.
#7 Boredom
Sometimes, you must leave your dog home alone. Wouldn’t it be great if you— and your dog—could feel good about it? Canine Kingdom introduces KongTime—all day entertainment for the home-alone dog.
Stuff soft foods inside a Kong Toy and what do you have? Magic. Your dog will happily chew and lick the Kong Toy, trying to get out every last morsel. It's fun!
Our clients call KongTime ‘Doggy Daycare in a Box’. It was developed for those times when you will be away from home, and your dog, longer than usual. One food-filled Kong just won’t provide enough quality entertainment for your dog. Wouldn’t it be great if a neighbor came by and gave your dog another food-filled Kong to keep him busy?
KongTime automatically dispenses, at a predetermined time, food-filled Kong Toys while you are away. KongTime entertains your dog and gives your dog something to look forward to while you are away.
#8 Dry Skin
Drinkwell Fountain
Many pet parents are concerned about their dog’s dry skin and the resulting itching and flaking. The causes of a dog’s dry skin, just like ours, are primarily environmental.
In general, skin—ours and our dogs’—is driest in winter, when temperatures and humidity levels plummet. But the reverse may be true if you live in desert regions, where summer temperatures can top 110 degrees and humidity levels sink to 10 percent or less. Central air and heating, wood-burning stoves, space heaters and fireplaces all reduce humidity and dry your skin and your dog’s.
We all know that drinking up to eight glasses of water is recommended for people. Water is essential to all living beings—including our dogs. But, like us, dogs sometimes just don’t drink enough water. Without proper hydration, a dog’s skin, just like ours, gets dry and flaky. How can you entice your dog to drink more water?
In nature, moving water is much fresher than stagnant water. The movement constantly breaks the surface tension of the water and draws oxygen from the air into the water. This process is called aeration and it makes water more appealing to drink. Dogs may be drawn by instinct to moving water for this reason.
Some dogs drink water with gusto. But, others have to be coaxed to take just a sip. Developed by a veterinarian for her kidney compromised cat, the DRINKWELL® PET FOUNTAIN filters and aerates continuously moving water to keep it much fresher than standing bowl water – and much more enticing.
#9 Lost Dogs
Roameo GPS Dog Location System
Few situations can be as terrifying as learning that your dog is lost.
Canine Kingdom recommends that you always have ID tags on your dog's collar and your dog is microchipped. Now that there is a universal system for detecting microchips, there is a much better chance a vet or shelter will find it. Be aware that both tools are passive in finding your lost dog. You are dependent on someone finding, catching, reading your dog's ID, and returning him to you. Many people who find "stray dogs" keep them, assuming their dog parents don't want them.
Now there is a far more reliable way to find a lost dog.
GPS technology now enables you to take an active approach to finding your dog. The RoamEO GPS dog location system tracks your lost dog’s movements on an easy to read hand-held screen. You will know where your dog is immediately if he or she escapes from your care.
Canine Kingdom applauds RoamEO for providing a user friendly, no-hidden-cost-approach to actively find lost dogs. There are no other tools to buy, no set up fees, monthly fees, "find" fees or service charges.
The RoamEO has many features, including the ability to track up to three dogs at the same time. The RoamEO also allows you to set up a safe area for your dog. If he leaves the perimeter the RoamEO alerts you immediately.
And, at Canine Kingdom, we offer the lowest cost available.
#10 Dog Fights!
Premier SprayShield
We speak to so many dog parents who describe frightening incidents where they and their dogs have been attacked by loose, marauding dogs. Do not allow yourself, members of your family, or your dog to become a victim of a dog attack. Take a proactive approach and always carry Premier SprayShield.
Many preparations, such as pepper spray and taser-type devices are sold as protection from attacking or threatening animals. But, many trainers agree that some of these products may actually antagonize aggressive animals and they can cause bodily harm.
Stop an attacking animal in its tracks with this highly effective, safe and humane spray. The citronella formula halts low-to-medium-level aggression from dogs, cats, snakes, raccoons, opossums, etc., without harmful side effects. It also won't injure you, your family or your dog if it accidentally gets sprayed into eyes.
#11 Bonus! Jumping up
- Don’t knee or yell at your dog when he greets you with a jump, simply turn away and ignore him until he sits, then slowly greet him, pulling back your greeting if he escalates his excitement.
Want more? Expert advice is available 24/7. For tips, challenges, and tried-and-true solutions, visit us at!
Mary Beth Close founded For the Love of Dogs, Inc., the holding company for Canine Kingdom in 1999. Her vision is to end the unnecessary and unintentional abuse pet dogs suffer because we do not understand them. Visit our website for more on choosing and buying Penthouse potty, Kongs and Roameo GPS Dog Location System.

Pet Friendly Apartments
by Andrew Reichek
When it comes to "Pet Friendly" apartments there are a few rules that most if not all apartments abide by. More specifically apartment communities will be majorly concerned with two main items. Pet weight and breed type will be the only major concern among apartment owners and managers.
Apartments will not accept dangerous breeds including Bulldogs and German Shepherds. Other breeds normally not accepted include Dobermans, Mastiffs,, and Rottweilers. Also apartments will have their own rules regarding pet weight.
As far as cats are concerned almost all apartments are cat friendly and you will almost never come across a problem with cats. Apartments will usually have a maximum pet weight limit set. Large dogs are considered 50 lbs but some apartments will allow up to 100 lbs or greater. Apartments will not literally weight your dog. However, if you dog weighs 50lbs and their limit is 30lbs they will reject your pet. And don't try and sneak you pet in as they will catch you and evict you if needed. I recommend if you have a large pet to contact a local Houston apartment locator as they have a database of apartments and can sort through them very quickly. If you attempt to secure Houston apartment housing on your own you may come across frustration and difficult.
Many apartments will schedule a dog interview where they will meet your pet and go through a set of questions. From this they will determine whether you pet will be accepted.
There are a couple of things you need to know regarding pet deposits and pet rent. Pet deposits are simply that. When you move into your apartment home you must pay a flat fee. These fees usually range up to $500 per pet. Remember you are usually allowed up to 2 pets only. Some apartments in Katy will refund a certain percentage when you leave. Others will not refund any portion of your deposit. Pet rent is simply an amount of money you must include for your pet monthly when you pay your normal rent amount. Keep in mind when you move out of your apartment home you will be responsible for additional damages that may have been incurred due to your pet.
Hopefully the above information will help you in your apartment search with your pet.
About the Author
Andrew Reichek is an apartment locator and real estate agent in Houston, Tx. He assists clients on a daily basis secure apartments for their pets.

Awesome Dogs of the United States Military
by Joseph M. Sabol
After the attack at Pearl Harbor, in 1942, the U.S. Military joined with the American Kennel Club to establish Dogs for Defense. The American Kennel Club recruited dog owners to donate quality canines to the military. The Quartermasters Corps was responsible for supplies, food service and materials management. On March 13, 1942, the Quartermaster Corps of the army took charge of turning these pets into soldiers. The U.S. Marines also trained handlers and canines to be soldiers in the Pacific during World War II.
At first there were over 300 breeds of dogs accepted into the program, but eventually the list was narrowed down to German Shepherd Dogs, Belgian Sheepdogs, Doberman Pinschers, Farm Collies and Giant Schnauzers. Of the 19,000 dogs screened for the program between 1942 and 1945, 45% were rejected. In the beginning, civilian volunteers trained the recruits, but after the first training center opened in Front Royal, Virginia, the training was done by the Quartermasters Corps soldiers for the Army and the Marines trained their own canines.
The training took 12 weeks. It started with basic obedience and progressed to training with gas masks, muzzles, military vehicles and gunfire. After the basic training was complete, the dogs were moved on to training in specific duties.
Sentry dogs: Walked on short leashes and warned their handlers by growling and barking. They were always on patrol with their handlers.
Scout or Patrol dogs: These dogs did the duties of the sentry dog but they were trained to work silently. They detected snipers or ambushes from the enemy. These canine soldiers saved the lives of many of their handlers.
Messenger dogs: These dogs required extreme loyalty because they were used to silently carry messages back and forth between their two handlers.
Mine dogs: These canines were trained to find trip wires and mines. There were 140 dogs trained as mine dogs during World War II, but it was determined that the dogs had trouble finding mines during combat.
The majority of the dogs were trained as sentries. Of the 9,300 dogs that were trained, 3,174 were used by the Coast Guard. These dogs were used to guard the coastline, harbor defense and protecting industrial plants and airfields.
In 1944, the military started using canines for combat. The sentry dogs in combat could detect enemy soldiers up to 1,000 yards away. In order to alert their handler without giving away their positions, the dogs would stiffen, and the hair on the dog's back would stand up. Over the years, military working canines have been used in not only World War II, but Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Afghanistan, and they are currently deployed in Iraq. It is noted that in Vietnam, canine war dogs saved as many as 10,000 lives.
One of the first war memorials was erected on Asan beach in Guam in 1944. It was moved to the United States Naval Base on the island in 1994. This particular memorial is dedicated to the Dobermans that served with the Marines during World War II. The inscription on the memorial statue reads..."always faithful".
About the Author
Joseph M. Sabol is a world class Doberman breeder. Please go to or to for further information
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