by Brett McGill
There are few things that are more annoying than a barking dog; especially one that barks incessantly, sometimes for no apparent reason. Stopping problem barking can be a real challenge but with the right approach it is possible to quiet your barking dog and in the process, your relationship with your dog will be made stronger. Many people seem to believe that the only good dog is a quiet dog. They think that barking is only excusable if there is an intruder breaking in the window or maybe if your house is burning. But the truth is that barking is part of being a dog. It is one of a his primary ways of communicating. A healthy, well adjusted dog will sometimes bark. It is our duty to figure out what they are saying and to set the limits on their "communication".
So what might your dog be trying to tell you? There are many possible reasons for barking. Some breeds of dogs were bred to bark. Guard dogs like Rottweilers or German Shepherds, for instance. Hunting dogs like Beagles and Bloodhounds were bred to "bay" when they are following a trail. Smaller breeds, like Chihuahuas, seem to bark and put on a big show to make up for their diminutive stature.
Aside from the breed specific characteristics, there are some other reasons that any dog may bark a lot. Sometimes they are anxious or afraid because they sense that something is wrong. Or they may see someone or something near their "territory". If your dog is barking for any of these reasons, it isn’t really realistic for you to try to stop him completely: he is, after all, a dog, and it's the nature of dogs to bark at certain times and in certain situations. It may also be that he is just bored, lonely or needing attention.
But, of course, sometimes barking is excessive and unwarranted. Many dogs use their barking as a way of manipulating their owners! For example, suppose you are lying on the couch trying to read a book. Your dog awakes up from his nap and decides its play time. He picks up his favorite ball, walks over, and drops it in your face. You try to ignore him and keep reading. After a few seconds he nudges your hand with his wet nose and barks once, loudly.
When you continue reading he barks again, now louder and, when you still don't respond like he wants he barks repeatedly and won't stop. Finally, you give up trying to relax, put down your book and take him outside to play ball. Now it is important that you spend quality time playing with your dog and giving him attention, but it should be on your terms. Your dog has just used barking to get you to do what he wanted. So you have reinforced the bad behavior. Dog ownership involves mutual respect between you and your pet, but it is not about equality.
It is about you being the boss and the dog following your leadership. Dogs, in fact, are the happiest (and best behaved) when they know that you are in charge. For a dog to be calm and well adjusted they need to respect you. In the above scenario the dog was not respecting you. He wasn't asking you to play; she was manipulating you into doing what he wanted. You taught him that if he barks long enough he get his way. So, how do you stop this manipulation? Simply ignore him. Easier said than done, I know? I don't simply mean passively ignoring him, where you pay no attention and just go on with what you are doing. You must clearly communicate to him with your demeanor and body language that his behavior is unacceptable.
When he starts barking, literally turn your back on him. Get up, turn away from him and avert your eyes. Don't look at your dog or even speak to him. Initially this will confuse him because this barking dog routine always worked for him in the past. He may even start barking louder! The important thing here is consistency. Don't give in after 15 minutes and give him what he wants. That will only teach him that he needs to be really persistent. “O.K.”, he’ll think, “it takes 15 minutes of continual barking to get my way. That's alright, I'm a dog. I've got nothing better to do”. But if you stand your ground he will in time figure out that barking is not the way to get what he wants.
But how about in other situations where it isn't simply a matter of the dog bullying you to get his way? If you want to communicate to them that they are to stop barking and be quiet, the most effective thing you can do is to use your hands. No, I'm not saying hit your dog!
But I’m suggesting a perfectly humane and pain-free method of demonstrating to them that what you require right now is peace and quiet. When your dog is barking, first give him a few seconds to get it out of his system (it's kinder, and a lot more effective, to give him a brief opportunity to express himself before asking him to be quiet). After a few seconds if he doesn't calm down on his own, reach over and gently but firmly clasp his muzzle in your hand. He will try to pull away or shake you off, so grab his collar with your other hand to give you more control.
This method works for two reasons: First, it effectively stops the barking and secondly, it establishes your authority. You are showing him through direct physical action that you're a kind, but firm leader who won't put up with his unwanted behavior. Continue holding his muzzle and collar until he has stopped trying to break free: only when he calms down and stops wriggling does it mean that he has accepted your authority. When he's still, hold on for one or two more seconds and then let go and praise him for being quiet,
There are also several important things that you can to do to reduce your dog's need to bark in the first place. The number-one reason for unnecessary barking (barking that is repetitive and is directed at nothing) is nervous, energy. That is usually because they just aren’t getting enough exercise. Most dogs function best with about one and a half hours of exercise every day.
Admittedly, that can be a major time commitment for you. Of course it varies from dog to dog, depending on things like breed, age, and health. You may think that your dog is getting as plenty of exercise, or at least as much as you can afford to give them, but if his barking is accompanied by an agitated demeanor (acting aggressively, restlessness, destructive behavior) then he almost certainly needs more. The solution to this problem is simple if not always convenient: you have to exercise your dog more. Try getting up a half-hour earlier in the morning. It can make a huge difference. If that just isn't possible, consider hiring someone to walk him in the mornings and/or evenings.
If that also is impossible, then you may have to resign yourself to having a frustrated, agitated and noisy dog. The second most common cause of excessive barking is loneliness. Dogs are social animals and need a lot of attention, interaction, and communication if they are to be calm and happy. If your dog is spending a good part of his day barking at what seems to be nothing, he is probably bored and lonely and the best remedy is a healthy dose of attention and affection.
If you would like more information on unwanted behaviors being exhibited by your dog you'll probably be interested in taking a look at "Secrets to Dog Training". It's a complete, A-Z manual for responsible dog owners, and deals with recognizing, preventing, and dealing with just about every problem dog behavior.
Brett McGill has been a lifelong dog owner and currently lives in south Florida with his wife, 2 kids, one dog and a number of cats and parrots. He sells gemstones and jewelry through his website
Flying With Pets - How Can You Keep Your Pet Safe and Healthy on Airline Flights?
by Dorothy Yamich
If you have plans to fly with your pet, you are part of a growing trend that has been increasing for the last number of years. Most airlines will charge a nominal fee to allow your small pet to accompany you, if it will fit into a FAA approved pet carrier that is small enough to stow under your seat. The following important info can help you keep your pet safe, healthy, and happy on airplane flights
When booking a flight, it is a good idea to make reservations for yourself and your pet as early as possible. You must let the airline know that you want to bring your pet with you. It is very important to tell them, as they will only allow a limited number of pets on each flight. Some airlines do not allow pets at all, especially on international flights. Always confirm your flight the day before you leave on your trip. If you are traveling internationally you need to confirm your reservation seventy-two hours before you go.
Before you fly into the wide blue yonder with your furry travel companion, you need to take him or her to the veterinarian for a checkup, to make sure he or she is healthy enough to travel. You will also need to take its health certificate with you, showing that your pet is up-to-date on all its vaccinations, including rabies. Your pet must wear its current vaccination tag when traveling. As well, your pet must meet the health regulations of every country that you will be traveling to. Bring along a copy of your pet's medical records listing its allergies, chronic medical conditions, and medications.
If you haven't done this already, you should have your pet micro-chipped. That way, if your pet is lost and taken to an animal shelter or vet, where its chip can be scanned, both can be reunited. Keep in mind your pet's identification tag will have both your home address and phone number on it. That won't be of much help if your pet gets lost when you are on vacation. It may be a good idea to get another tag made up that has your destination address and phone number on it. What happens if you pet isn't found until after you've returned from your holidays? It makes sense that you should leave both your home I.D. tag on your pet as well as attaching the new tag. That way you'll have all the bases covered and stand a better chance of being reunited with your pet
You should carry a picture of you pet with you when you travel. It will help you prove that you are the pet's owner if any problems of ownership occur. Also, the picture can be used to make some flyers up to post in the area where your pet was lost.
Flying with pets that are too large to fit into a FAA approved pet carrier is not a good idea as they will be stowed in the cargo hold. Putting your pet in the cargo hold of an aircraft is very traumatic and dangerous to its health. It makes far more sense to leave your pet with a friend, or a pet sitting service while you are vacation.
The American Veterinary Medical Association does not recommend sedating or tranquilizing your pet when flying, especially dogs. Dogs regulate their body temperature when they pant, so when they are tranquilized or sedated, they may not be able to pant. If this happens, it may leave them defenseless against the fluctuation of air pressure and temperature that occurs in the cargo hold of every flight. Also, keep in mind that pets do not enjoy flying, or being locked up in a cramped kennel and left alone in a dark and desolate cargo hold. It must be very terrifying for them.
There are a lot of websites that give additional valuable information in regards to traveling with your pet. Two excellent sites are the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) at, and the Department of Agriculture at, which has a great article entitled, Traveling With Your Pet.
If you want a great travel carrier for your small pet, you may want to consider the popular, FAA approved pet carrier, Sherpa On Wheels. This Cadillac of pet carriers can be a luxurious and comfortable home for your pet while flying. It has the convenience of a front and top entry, mesh ventilation panels, recessed wheels, as well as a detachable pull handle and a shoulder strap. It is available on line at
Medications for Cat Aggression
by Doris Canova
Products containing natural calming herbs such as valerian root, chamomile and passion flower help to sooth the nervous system. Flower essence (Rescue Remedy) has been used successfully for many years to reduce anxiety.
Medication is usually only used for a few months, though in some cases it is required for more than a year. Medication adjustments may be needed to get the correct dosage. Medicines were developed to treat symptoms, in much opinion; they will sometime completely ignore the cause of the disease or problem. Prevention of a disease did not factor into this reactive approach to medicine.
We should beware of all of the medications that our veterinarian may give your cat. You will need to ask your Vet as to any reaction that could happen there are many medications that often are ineffective and may have serious side effects. Medication for your cat should be only given only when it is absolutely necessary. Instead we should try and help our animal friends with natural solutions if possible.
"Tranquility Blend" is thought to reduce physical tension and bring about a more relaxed state without impairing motor function or mental alertness. Holistic veterinarians have been using this formula in situations where nervousness or nerve dysfunction plays a negative factor in the well-being of the animal. Tranquilizers may also reduce inhibitions, in your cat which can cause pets to scratch, bite, or pee on the floor when they wouldn't normally do these things. Additionally, when using tranquilizers in many cases reduce the effectiveness of helpful behavior modification techniques such as gradually exposing a phobic animal to a feared situation or individual.
In using some of this medication you will be watching for side affects that may include Symptoms that may include increased thirst, gradual weight loss, vomiting, bad breath, mouth problems and loss of condition. Anemia can also be associated with kidney disease. There are some medications that could possibly cause your cat to develop problems and become, disoriented and then have seizures and even could eventually lead to there death.
Animals need time outdoors where they can naturally seek out herbs that will help them maintain the health of their digestive system. All carnivorous animals, including dogs and cats, will naturally induce vomiting from time to time as a cleansing process to get rid of excess bile, mucus and other impurities. Research has shown that the medications have reassuring properties of these pheromones persist even into adult age.
About the Author
We plan to post articles that are informative and helpful to other cat lovers. Having been "owned" by cat for years, we know they can be demanding, but also be very entertaining and fun. Please visit our site for a wide array of products that will make "His Majesty" very happy - Best House Cat Care, or our blog for more information - Best House Cat Care.
Looking to Buy a Horse? Here are a Few Tips
by Art Gib
Buying a horse is like finding a best friend. The first one you look at may not be the right one for you. Horses are beautiful creatures with their own personalities. Some like to run as much as they can. Some are jittery, nervous creatures that like to prance all day long. Others are gentle, good with kids, and calm in hectic situations.
You want to find a horse that matches your personality, the horse that feels like an extension of yourself. There are plenty of good places to look, such as the internet and horse classifieds. No matter where you're looking, there are a few guidelines you should follow when making your decision.
First off, remember that not everybody selling a horse is an honest seller, so make sure you ask the seller plenty of questions regarding the history of the horse, the age, how he is with people, loading into trailers, and the Ferrier. See if the owner has contact information for people that have worked with the horse, such as trainers and veterinarians. These people can give you a second opinion if you need it. If you don't know much about horses than take a friend or acquaintance with you that does know. He will be invaluable to you.
When you go to see the horse look at it from a distance and see if it looks healthy standing there and how it holds itself. Is its head held high and proud, or slumped over, as if aged or in pain? Does it look good to you? If so, keep going. One you are near the horse, ask the seller to show you its hooves, its hair, the inside of its mouth.
You want to make sure everything looks good, but you also want to see how the horse reacts to the touch of the owner. Does he shy away from it? Does he panic when he touches him in certain areas, or is he calm no matter where he touches him? Watch for his reaction. You want to know what he'll do before you buy him, not after.
And last, after you and the owner check him out and make sure everything looks good physically, walk him around and see how he handles the movement. Does he limp? Does anything seem out of place? If not, great. Now you can ride him. Definitely ride him before you buy him. You want to know how he feels beneath you and how he reacts to a stranger, you, on top of him.
If, after all that evaluation, you aren't satisfied with the horse, walk away. Keep looking until you do find one. The moment you decide he's not for you, whether it's at the beginning of the evaluation or the end, is the moment to leave. You'll find your horse. Just keep shopping in the horse classified, online, or wherever. When you finally buy a horse, you'll be sure to be thrilled with the purchase.
About the Author
Charmayne Horse Match ( has Horse Classifieds. Art Gib is a freelance writer.
Getting The Right Lighting And Plants For Your Aquarium
by Jeffrey Seymour
Aquarium plants are as important to aquariums as water is to fish. Aquarium plants add more life to aquarium and make it to look beautiful while completing the aquarium community structure.
The most important thing to bear in mind with plants is to form an attractive background, leaving ample space so the fish can swim undisturbed and be seen. The tall, grassy type is best planted at intervals in rows, while the feathery ones look better when they are bunched into small clumps, which makes them to appear like branching bushes.
When planting rooted plants, hold the tips of the bunch of roots between the thumb and second finger and rest them on the sand. Now with the first finger push the upper part of the roots (where they join the stem) about 2cm into the sand. Without moving this finger scrape with the thumb and second finger some sand over any uncovered portion of the root.
When putting in rootless plants in bunches, the method explained above is repeated, but this time the lower ends of the stems are placed together and treated exactly as if they were roots.
It is important that the water surface should be right up to the lower edge of the top angle iron of the tank, so that looking from the front the water surface can not be seen and the viewer gets the impression that there is no water in the aquarium. If the level is allowed to fall below the top angle iron the tank looks like a container holding water.
Aquarium Lighting is also important for aquarium plants
This depends greatly on whether you intend to successfully grow plants or not. Lack of light causes colorful fish to fade and clanch-reds to pink, green to white. The two main methods of lighting aquarium are by the INCADESCENT and FLOURESCENT.
The total amount of light required is a matter of trial and error. Too much light will turn the water green; too little will stunt plant growth.
The lighting can be natural or artificial or a combination of both. The best position is near a north facing window. This should provide the ideal amount of indirect lights which an be supplemented by artificial light.
The lighting should be housed in wood constructed stylishly with the furniture and placed above the tank. if there is no natural day light, the lights should be left on for approximately eight hours per day.
If the water turns green, you cut down on the light.
The best light for showing off an aquarium comes from behind.
About the Author
For tips on fertilizing lawn and lawn weeds, visit the Lawn Tips website.
Is Mold In Your Home Making Your Pet Sick
by Aydan Corkern
If you have a sneezing, cranky pet, do you realize that this pet could be having the same reactions to the mold you might have in your home? Sometimes you do not even know that there is mold in the home until these reactions show up in people or pets. Sometimes it will happen to some of you or your pets faster than others. As most of you treat your pets like your children, when they become sick you have to take them to their doctor. These professionals will be able to treat your pet with kid gloves.
As your pet can get some of the same types of illnesses as you, it is very important that you take your pet to his veterinarian for regular checkups. Did you know that your pet can get a foot fungus that is almost like our athletics feet? Have you seen your dog try to rub his eyes or hear him sneeze? If you have mold in your home your pet might find it first. If you have older carpets in your home and your pet were to put his nose down in the carpet and then sneeze if might mean that some of this stuff went up this nose. If he keeps this up this might mean that the mold could be really heavy and you will need to have this taken care of right away.
If and when you bring in professionals to clean these carpets with allergens and possibly mold, you will need to take your pet to his veterinarian so that he can help your pet get rid of his problem. When you have the cleaning company look for mold in the carpets, you might want them to take a look at your whole home to see if you might have this nasty stuff anywhere else. As you could have this stuff in your walls or under your floors, you might have to have some other professionals come into your home to help with the removal of this also. If this mold is left to grow it could become dangerous to your health and the health of the whole family as well as your pets.
You will need to do whatever you can do to keep this mold from invading your home by whatever means you can. You will need to do checks on your roofs and around your chimney to make sure that you have no holes or loose shingles. As these places will allow rain water to seep into the underneath beams of your roof and then the mold will set in next. Check plumbing parts frequently for leaks and note whether or not you have excessive moisture in the air of your home. This mold will keep growing and eventually it will get down into the rest of this home affecting you and also your pets.
About the Author
Aydan Corkern is a writer and you can visit his websites for more information on document drying and water damage boston.

What's Your Pet Personality?
By Pierre St. La Croix
Potential pet owners spend countless hours researching the ins and outs of owning certain types of pets, trying to figure out which furry friend is perfect for them. Do you want a friendly feline to cozy up to after a long day of work, an energetic canine to keep you on your toes or a cheerful budgie to help you ring in the morning?
It's not easy trying to determine your pet personality; luckily, we're here to help. Choose the personality type below that best matches your own and see the corresponding description to find out which pet is perfect for you.
Personality Type: Outdoorsy, Active, Outgoing, Passionate, Loud
Perfect Pet: Dog. Dogs are the ideal pet for someone with a lot of energy and passionate. Choosing a dog for a pet means constant care - including long walks at least once a day. Your outgoing personality and passion for life will mesh well with a canine companion because you both need attention and you'll get it from one another. Unfortunately, with your personality, any other type of pet will likely leave you bored and disinterested.
Personality Type: Quiet, Home-Body, Introverted, Artsy, Quiet
Perfect Pet: Cat. If you're the type of person who likes to sit at home and cozy up with a glass of wine and a nice book, a cat will definitely be a good match for you. While a cat still requires care, felines are much easier to take care of compared to most other pets, but will still provide you with the companionship you're looking for in a pet. A dog will be too much work for what you're looking for - and a bird or fish won't satisfy your interests.
Personality Type: On-the-Go, Busy, Workaholic
Perfect Pet: Bird or Fish. Your personality type indicates that you have barely enough time to get yourself dressed in the morning and fix yourself a meal at night - let alone take care of another living thing. But, if you insist on having a pet, a bird or fish is definitely ideal. These pets don't require quite as much work as cats and dogs and can amuse themselves for a significant amount of time. They don't need to be walked or groomed like cats and dogs and have a more relaxed feeding schedule (we're guessing you're away on business quite a bit). But remember, if you've made a commitment to have a pet, it's your responsibility to make sure it has a fun living environment. Just because you're busy doesn't mean it's okay to neglect your pets - after all, they have feelings too.
Pierre St. La Croix is very concerned about proper pet care. He takes his pets to the veterinarians on a regular basis.
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Pet Hair and You - 5 Surprising Facts About Pet Hair
By Debbie Davis
If you have a warm-blooded and hairy pet you have pet hair. And chances are you have a lot of it. And even if you are don't own a pet; you may still be dealing with it in your home or office. Here are 5 facts that will surprise you about pet hair.
Pet hair is not usually an allergen. Even so, you are well advised to try to reduce the amount that you are exposed to particularly if you have allergies or asthma. It can and does attract other allergens such as pollen, mold and mildew spores, dust, dust mites, and pet dander that are so often triggers for allergic reactions. But, it is actually the protein in dander, saliva, and pet urine that is the inflammatory trigger. And whereas hair can easily be seen, dander is invisible with the human eye.
You may have it in your home or office even if you don't own a pet. Because pet hair travels easily on clothes, back packs, and is able to stick to upholstery, window treatments, and carpets, it has been found in schools, offices, churches, and homes where pets have never inhabited. And if the hair is there, it is likely that dander and other pollutants have also attached to it making it possible for it to exacerbate chronic respiratory conditions.
The thickness and length of the pet's hair is not related to allergen production. It is natural to assume that a pet with thicker, longer hair will produce more allergens than one with less hair that is shorter and thinner. This however is an erroneous assumption. Dander, which is the allergen that so many are allergic to, is produced based on the genetic makeup of each individual pet and is hard to accurately predict because even within the same species it will differ from one animal to another.
There are breeds that shed less hair. If you have serious allergies or asthma, rethink getting a pet with hair because getting one and then realizing you cannot keep it means heartbreak for all. And turning an animal into a shelter can often mean euthanasia for an otherwise healthy pet. With that said, there are breeds that do not shed. The Puli, Poodle, and Komondor are dogs that do not shed, and the Spyhnx cat is hairless. But choosing one of these breeds simply means you have reduced the hair rather than the amount of dander. And all warm blooded animals produce dander. If you really want to eliminate hair completely, fish are a good bet.
Bathing your pet will reduce the amount of hair able to go airborne. Check with your veterinarian for help with choosing safe products and deciding on frequency of baths for your pet as requirements for healthy skin care vary greatly, not only from one breed to the other, but between species as well.
An excellent HEPA air purifier to remove pet hair and dander from your air is offered by the Pet Dander Purifier See it now at
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Rabbits As Pets - Essential Know How
By Dl Hoh
Rabbits may soon be even more popular than cats or dogs as pets. Before you decided to take a rabbit as pet, there are many things that you should know. This article is a beginner's guide to those who are thinking of getting bunnies as pets.
The average life span of a rabbit is 9 years old. This should be taken into consideration if you are thinking of keeping rabbits as pet.
A bunny may be kept in a hutch or a cage. The best cage are those with wire floor and a pull out tray. Choose a cage that is at least four times the size of the bunny. The cage should be cleaned daily.
Many owners who have rabbits as pets are not even aware about this, but your pet may be litter-box trained. Rabbit's droppings should be inspected daily for any irregularity in shape and size as this can be the first sign that they are sick.
A pet bunny's diet can be made of commercially produced pellets, hay, greens and fruits. Younger bunnies less than 7 months old should be fed with pellets and alfalfa hay. Adequate fresh water is a must.
Rabbits will constantly groom themselves. Keeping them indoor will also means that you need to do vacuuming more often. Family with members who are allergic to fur may not be suitable to keep rabbits as pet.
Rabbits reproduce few times a year and therefore should be neutered or spayed. Neutering or spaying also helps prevent development of cancer in female rabbits and eliminate aggressive behaviour in male rabbits. It is easier to house train neutered and spayed rabbits.
When your pet rabbits get sick, they should be immediately brought to a savvy vet to be treated. Rabbits sometimes can't resist on chewing on furniture and electrical cables. Therefore, bunny proofing the house is important for their safety and to prevent damages. Adult rabbits tend to be more disciplined.
Pet rabbits love toys even though they may get bored easily with the toys Your rabbits will sleep through most of the daytime. This may suits working adults most as your rabbits will be active when you are at home.
The fact that more and more people keep rabbits as pet show that they are adorable pet to keep. Do not leave children to care for the rabbits by themselves as they may not know how to handle rabbits as pet
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The Best Exotic Pets
By Troy Foote
The term "exotic pets" leads many people to think of expensive, hard to manage and maintain animals that try hard to escape and want only to eat your family. This is not necessarily true; the category encompasses a whole lot of much smaller, and family friendly pets. Cats and dogs are nice family pets, but are not always a real viable option. Apartment dwellers might find it easier to keep a small, exotic pet, and in fact, in some buildings certain types may be the only ones allowable.
Some of the best exotic pets and ones that are popular for children are some of the simplest to care for. Look for the animals that are most child friendly, which would rule out any potentially poisonous, feistier than average or Houdini-esque pets. Keep to the ones that have at least a modicum of the cute factor to them, and always keep in mind that you are going to potentially be adopting this animal in a few weeks.
One of the best exotic pets is a Hamster, especially for an older child, as long as the child is capable of dealing with some simple rules. A quiet, gentle child will find a hamster becomes fairly easy to handle with regular handling and they rarely bite unless frightened. Hamsters are also fairly inexpensive, needing only a basic cage, some clean fresh bedding and an easy to find diet. They do require Vitamin C because they are prone to scurvy, but can get that from the same fresh fruits and vegetables that your family is already eating.
Other rodents are fairly good choices as starter pets, but each have their own benefits and drawbacks to consider. Rats might creep out some family members, but are remarkably intelligent and have been known to bond with their human keepers with consistent, gentle handling. Some rodents are best kept in a pair, while others are better kept as single pets, so make sure you know which is which.
If buying a rodent for a pet is just more than you can really handle, there are other exotic pet options that are still small and relatively easy to care for. Smaller birds like the finch and parakeet are very good starter animals, although are a lot more fragile than the rodent groups. Birds are best left for the older child. Another option is lizards and snakes. Some are kind of hard to maintain and need a lot of work to care for. Remember, the larger the reptile or amphibian, the larger the cage and the more intensive the "zoo-keeping." Keep in mind the snake's diet before you allow him to slither home with you.
Finally, if you truly want a low maintenance, nearly hands off pet, consider the hermit crab or the Madagascar hissing cockroach. Neither really needs a lot of human interaction, both only need a small space and will not pout if their keepers ignore them for days on end. Whatever choice you make for the best exotic pet, proper care and handling is essential. Learn how to properly care for your exotic pet before bringing it home.
If you do your research a head of time your exotic pet will live a long and happy life.
Written by Troy Foote. Pet advocate and owner of Pamper Pet Care Your online resource for pet health care and nutrition.
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Proper Turtle Care
By Matthew Kepnes
Like most amphibians and reptiles, turtles are an exotically, fascinating species that many folks raise as pets owing to their 'novelty factor' and the fact that they need little "love" and attention. If you have large furry animals as pets, the pertaining to their care in terms of immunization, shots, operation and expensive accessories like dog houses, toys and grooming products is an inevitable expenditure and costly. By contrast, turtle care isn't as time consuming, expensive, and complicated provided they too are looked after with utmost care in regards to their diet, habitat arrangements and treatment to ensure a healthy and long life.
To keep your pet turtles safe, secure, and comfortable, you have to undertake a few measures like providing ample of room space to survive in, appropriate lighting, clean water and a basking lamp. If you want to keep your pet turtle free from any disease or infection, three rules of the thumb must be regularly administered: proper temperature in the aquarium, good water quality and regulated feeding habits. Your turtle's aquarium must be filled 2/3rd with water for swimming purposes and the remainder 1/3rd should be spared for basking reasons that is inculcated by bringing in a full spectrum ultra-violet light source.
To ensure longevity and reduce the infections your turtle can get, it is very important to keep the water in the aquarium very clean and devoid of any contaminants with may be an aquarium filtration system. Algae can easy grow on a turtles shell. A strict regime must be followed when it comes to thoroughly cleaning the interiors as well as the exteriors of the aquarium. The very minimum is once a month but twice a month is much better.
When feeding your turtle, carry it out in another small holding tank, away from its normal enclosure as uneaten food and leftovers will invite disease causing microorganisms. If you are concerned about your turtles hygiene, rinse it's shell with slightly warm water after each feed. Make sure he is only feed proper turtle food.
Turtle care is a job for responsible adults. If not cleaned often and taken care of diligently, turtles emit a foul smell that can get unbearable. Avoid using tap water to fill your turtle's tank because tap water generally harbors chemicals like fluoride and chlorine which can cause the pH balance to go haywire. For swimming purposes, dechlorinated water must be utilized and filtered water for drinking.
Turtles are certainly interesting pets to raise, simply watch and interact with. They bring along a lot of selfless excitement and enjoyment for you and your family and in return expect a stable home and loads of love. However, it is important to care for them properly otherwise they will get sick and die. Without proper care, turtle shells will get bacterial infections. Be sure to take care of all the needs of your turtles.
Matt is the owner of many pet turtles and has been taking care of them for many years now. You can read more about turtle care and turtle tanks at his website on taking care of turtles.
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