It was just two years ago that a major Parvo outbreak at the Lied Animal Shelter killed dozens of dogs. Now, valley vets are warning pet owners about the deadly virus since cases typically increase during springtime. News 3's Dan Ball explains what Parvo is and how you can protect your four-legged friend.
Kathi Milley's 18-week-old Doberman, Zora, is recovering from Parvo. Like many dog owners, Kathi didn't know what to look for.
"Later in the day, her eyes started rolling back in her head. I was heart broken. I didn't know if she was going to survive. Initially, I thought I would have to put her down. I had no idea what it was like. I've never had a dog with Parvo before."
Dr. Debbie White, owner of the Lone Mountain Animal Shelter, treats the highly contagious Parvo disease, which attacks a dog's digestive system.
"It's a virus that's passed in their fecal matter, so they actually pass it from dog to dog. And we can inadvertently pass it along as well, with our movements or wild animals and birds in our yard."
Parvo is typically seen in puppies and dogs that have not yet been vaccinated.
"The very early signs with Parvo are loss of appetite, a general lethargy, or inactivity. And it will be followed by vomiting, diarrhea, and sometimes bloody-looking diarrhea."
Dr. White says certain breeds are more likely to contract Parvo, such as Dobermans and Pit Bulls. She says she sees more cases during the spring and fall when dog owners are more active outdoors.
"(The) prevention of Parvo is very simple: We need to have our pets vaccinated. And it's important to follow protocol, so one vaccine isn't enough. You need work with your vet and follow through with a full series."
The disease can be fatal if it's not treated right away.
"We'll hospitalize pets - they'll be on IVs, antibiotics, vomiting medicine, and (we'll) mostly support them and keep them from getting dehydrated further while they're battling that disease. So there really isn't a cure for it."
After her scare with Zora, Kathi has advice for other dog lovers.
"I think that would be the most important thing - as soon as you see something wrong...take her in right away and have her looked at."
The best prevention against Parvo is vaccinations. If you think your dog has Parvo, go to the vet immediately. Just a few hours could mean the difference between life and death for your dog.
Teri Webster - Pet Examiner
Project Runway designer Kenley Collins had a cat fight with her fiance' -- literally.
During the spat, Collins threw her cat on musician fiance' Zak Penley, 27. She also threw water on him, hit him with lap top and threw three apples at him. Collins, 26, was charged with assault and criminal possession of a weapon, the New York Post reported.
On Wednesday, she was released without bail from Brooklyn Supreme Court without bail.
A Season 6 finalist, Collins is known for her flighty attitude and screeching voice.
"Zak blew this out of proportion in the police report," Kenley said. "It was a break-up that went badly. He got what he wanted. I broke up with him. I just thought that we weren't ready to get married."
Police escorted Collins as she returned to the apartment to get her belongings.
The couple were planning to get married in October. But they had been heard fighting for weeks by neighbors near the Herbert Street apartment.
Source: New York Post

Sharon Harleigh - LA Pets Examiner
Last week, I was walking Angel and found a dog who had apparently escaped from his home. He was clean, groomed, and well mannered, but had no collar or tag on him. Three of us stood there with our dogs, trying to figure out what to do. Several neighbors came out to see what was going on, but none of them recognized him as a neighborhood pet. Eventually, we found his owner, but this experience got me thinking - what would I do if I lost either my cat or my dog? Would I know what steps to take, or just become hysterical?
In the event your pet becomes lost, here are some steps to take:
1) Inspect your property thoroughly before panicking - pets can hide in the strangest places, and before you take the following steps, make sure Meowkins isn't just hiding in a shoe or behind a box in your closet.
2) Walk the neighborhood, and call the pet's name - this seems obvious, but pets do respond to their owner's voice, and may come running when you call.
3) Bring your pet's favorite squeaky toy with you while you walk the neighborhood - my dog comes running, even out of a sound sleep, when I squeak her favorite toy. My cat comes running when I pull out his favorite toy covered with catnip. Different things work for different pets.
4) Be sure to talk to everyone you see on the street - and have a picture of your pet with you - kids and mail carriers are great sources of information for finding a stray pet.
5) Visit your local Animal Control, and vet's office - again, bring pictures of your pet! Usually these locations will allow you to put up flyers asking for help finding your pet. Sometimes, Good Samaritans who find a lost pet will drop it off at the nearest vet's office instead of Animal Control out of concern for the pet's wellbeing
Remember: Once your pet has been safely found, thank everyone who helped you! Gratitude is in short supply and a thank you goes a long way.
To prevent loss of a pet... remember to microchip your pet, and have tags with current information/phone number. I know some folks feel microchipping is questionable, but my cat won't wear a collar (he's strictly indoor) so in the event of an emergency, that microchip will be the only way I am able to find him. My dog has both a microchip (put in at the shelter before I adopted her) and current tags. Take all the precautions you need to.... because there's nothing worse than losing your best friend and companion!
For more info: http://www.petrescue.com/library/find-pet.htm
Amy Yard - Pittsburgh Examiner
Are your children clamoring for a new puppy?
Dogs can be a wonderful addition to your family, but it takes some advance research and personal consideration in choosing the right breed for your family and your family's current living environment and lifestyle.
According to eHow.com, here are some tips on choosing the right breed for your family.
1. Consult a veterinarian. They'll provide beneficial advice on a specific breed's behavior and temperament in addition to any medical problems that are common. A vet's opinion is unbiased. He or she will want the best for you and your new dog so their advice will be straightforward as opposed to that of a breeder, who is selling a particular breed.
2. Consider your daily routine. Are you or someone else home often enough to care for a dog? If not, consider adopting a more independent pet, such as a cat.
3. Think about your family. Do you have young kids in the house? If so, be sure to choose a breed that generally gets along well with children. (See the quiz below to figure out which breed suits your family.)
4. Evaluate your living environment. Is it rural or urban? Is it an apartment or a house? A small breed dog like a Chihuahua may love your one-bedroom apartment, but larger breeds like Labradors and retrievers need more room to roam. And plenty of exercise!
5. Supplement the information you receive from a veterinarian with further study about different breeds. Check the pet section of your local library, and talk to other dog owners. They can provide first-hand invaluable advice about their dogs.
6. Decide whether you want a purebred or a mixed-breed dog. If you want to show or breed your dog, then a purebred is for you. If not, keep in mind that mixed-breed dogs are just as loyal and lovable.
7. Decide whether you want a puppy or an adult dog. Many wonderful puppies and adult dogs have been abandoned or given up to animal shelters or breed rescue groups. By adopting a pet from one of these sources, you will be saving a life.
8. Ask the seller to tell you about particular habits or personality traits the dog exhibits. Pick their brains about the best ways to train and bond with that type of dog.
9. Ask the seller about the parents of the puppies when visiting a purebred litter. Be sure that each parent belongs to an entirely different family and has been screened for common genetic or inheritable diseases.
For more info: Not sure which breed is best for your family? Take this quiz... http://www.parents.com/parents/quiz.jsp?quizId=/templatedata/ab/quiz/data/100.xml
The new canine nail grinders are a great relief to my dogs. Nail clipping time is always stressful in my house. As soon as I get out the nail clippers, you see ten tails as all the canines try to dive behind the refrigerator, completely forgetting that they have not fit back there since they were five weeks old.
They start moaning and groaning even before the clipper touches their toe, which made me think they are anticipating that it will hurt a lot more than it does. I have an old Dremel drill, which I use sometimes, but it makes a loud noise they don’t like, either.
My friend Loretta told me about the new nail grinders at her grooming shop, All God’s Creatures in Bristol, PA. She showed me how to use a cordless, battery powered, lightweight grinder. My Whippet looked slightly unsure, but when she touched the grinder to his nail, he did not even jump. To my surprise, none of my dogs minded having their nails done with this new tool.
Loretta has a special way of grinding a nail – side, side, and then center. This works very nicely to keep the nail short without canine pain, a welcome development.

We were in Kentucky at the time, far from our home in New Jersey. Next morning, I made an emergency stop at a Louisville nail salon to get it fixed. The owner was a fashion-savvy Mexican-American transplant from Los Angeles. He moved to Louisville to escape the high prices and high taxes of his California. “My rent here is $1200 a month,” he told me. “It would be three times as much in LA.”
He wasn’t happy with my staid, conservative nails and kept exclaiming, “You have to have tips!” He showed me boxes of plastic tips in every color; purple, green, blue, red, orange. “For you I would recommend white,” he said. I thought, I don’t look enough like a corpse as it is?
He talked me into dark pink tips, squared off across the top. He was so enthusiastic that I liked them while I was in the shop but hated them when I got back to the dog show. Here I am now trying to type this report and my square tipped fingers keep hitting the wrong keys. Go for “l” and you get “o.” Go for “o” and you get “8.” I finally figure out how to use the fat part of my finger to type and keep the nails out of the way, which is a good thing because they don’t let you turn these blogs in written by hand on paper napkins.
Here’s what these squared off nails have to do with pet life – they’re tough! Care of pets is a dirty job. I spend a lot of my day picking up the puppies’ newspapers, pooper-scooping the yard, shaking out dog beds, popping open cans of dog food, mixing kibble with canned meat, brushing coats, cleaning grooming tools, pitching hay, carrying buckets. Those activities are hard on nails, so I usually keep mine pretty short. Even so, they suffer from wear and break and are constantly in bad shape.
But the squared nails have proven to be much tougher. After 10 days, I have had no breaks and no splinters. This sets a new record for me with a manicure. I checked with friends who are a lot more nail-conscious than I am and they agreed. Squared-off nails are a pet owner’s best bet against the work of a pet-filled day.
By CHRIS URSO and RAY REYES - The Tampa Tribune
DUNEDIN - When Larry Lipke welcomed a baby into the world this weekend, he counted toes to make sure the newborn was healthy.
Pretty healthy—considering the newborn is a two-toed sloth.

"We were pretty surprised," Lipke said, because he didn't know his adult sloths were a breeding pair.
Pet Safari has three adult sloths rescued from a rainforest in Guyana, South America. The animals are not for sale. The store uses the sloths for educational purposes and for raising awareness on deforestation, Lipke said.
Two-toed sloths are not an endangered species, unlike their counterparts, the three-toed sloth, according to the National Geographic Society. There are no restrictions on keeping two-toed sloths as pets, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
Sloths, which grow to be about 18 pounds, are the world's slowest mammal. The animals spend most of their lives hanging from trees, and young sloths generally spend their first five weeks of life clinging to their mother.

Travel, Your Pet & You
by deb walsh
I love traveling and I love my dog. Sometimes the two just do not go hand in hand, but I do try to take him with us every chance I get. Before we take off I do have a checklist that I go through so as to make sure our trip is a good one.
First, I make sure that I have a copy of his rabies certification. I have never had to produce it, but it is nice to know that I have it on hand in case of an emergency. I also go on the internet and look up locations of vet or emergency services in the area of our destination. Pets are like kids only with 4 legs instead of 2, one never knows when they will become sick or have an accident.
Second on my list is checking hotels in the area for their pet policies. The guilt one feels for having to leave a cherished member of the family sleeping in the car can cause a night of restless sleep, take it from one who knows.
Next on the list is car prep. We have leather seats in our car and nothing scares me more than having his claws rip the leather, so I have purchased a seat cover for the back seat and a pet barrier for between the front seats. He can put his head over the seat to nudge when he needs something, even if it is just a little attention, but keeps him in the back when we have to stop the car. Dogs, like kids, should be restrained while traveling in the car for their safety and yours. We also open the windows a little for fresh air, but never enough to allow him to put his head out the window. Sure, he loves to do that, everyone loves to do it! I remember doing it when I was a kid, the feel of the wind blowing through my hair, until that dang bug hit me in the face.
Dog supplies come next. I pack a backpack of dog supplies. One or two of his favorite toys, his brush, bag of snacks and his favorite dog food. I keep a jug of fresh water in the back of the car for a quick drink if he needs one. He has his leash, collar and favorite bandana. His collar has his ID on it. When he was a pup we had the microchip inserted, if you do not want to go that route they now have gps locators on collars, which I think is a great idea. Although, I do not think our dog would ever take off, you never know what could grab their attention and have them bolt away from you. I seriously thought about purchasing one for each of the kids.
After several hours in the car and countless Are we there yet?s, I swear the dog can say it, we arrive at our destination. I have found that the best thing to do is to find a location where they can all run loose. Some of the places where we have stayed had tennis courts, which is perfect because they are usually fenced in and the dog can be let off his leash. Some have a court area and others have parks nearby. Even just an empty field can make a great ball field.
During our stay if we have plans to visit attractions where our dog is not allowed I check with the front desk to see if they have a kennel or run available so he does not have to stay cooped up in the room all day. If not, I check to see if there is a doggy daycare nearby or perhaps someone on staff that would be willing to take him out for a walk. This should be a trip that he also enjoys. What fun would it be for him if he had nothing to tell his buds about when we get home?
Life experiences have taught me that traveling with a pet is no different than traveling with a child. But it has also taught me that it can be a rewarding experience for both of us.
About the Author
Deb enjoys writing articles for AZ Cargo Accessories. AZ Cargo Accessories offers competitive prices on cargo carriers, bike carriers, pet barriers, strollers & ramps,and truck tents. One of her other sites is Understanding Your Diabetes, a site dedicated to help diabetics understand their disease.
Tips For Training A Rescued Dog
by Stefan Hyross
Training a dog requires many hours of dedication and patience. A rescued dog will require double the patience and dedication to achieve the desired results. It's a lot of work, but in the end it will be worth the effort.
Unplanned litters continue to be common even though the practice of spaying and neutering has been around for decades. As a result of this there are just not enough homes for all of the puppies that are born. And if you combine this with dogs that are lost or have runaway, the animal shelters are spilling over. The sad truth is that a large number of these dogs end up euthanized.
Some of the lucky ones will get a second chance. They are either found on the street or adopted from a shelter and brought home to compassionate and caring family willing to give them a better life. The new owners, however, are often not quite sure how best to deal with the rescued dog.
Rescued dogs are often in poor shape when they are brought in to a shelter. They often have a history of abuse or neglect and sometimes lived in horrendous conditions. Other times, for a number of different reasons, these dogs were released into the wild to fend for themselves.
In nature a dog is a pack animal. Because of this dogs that are in the wild usually do not do well in isolation. Released domesticated dogs do very poorly in the wild, without any animal or human interaction. Dogs such as these can still learn to be less fearful with proper training.
A rescued dog will need a full examination by a vet as the first step in the rehabilitation process. A dog will not be able to respond positively to any training if it is in pain or sick. Take the time to restore the dog's health and bring it back to a healthy weight.
If possible try to get any information regarding the dog's history. Knowledge of past abuse, general temperament, or medical history will help you as your train the dog.
It is important to establish trust with a rescued dog slowly. Do not force yourself on the dog. They will need to learn that they can trust you before they seek you out. The use of treats is a good way to build trust. Place a treat on the floor and back away a few steps. Avoid direct eye contact. It is important to praise them once they take the treat.
A few dogs that are rescued look for physical interaction from the beginning. Some can take weeks or more. But once you have established it, try to roll the dog over onto his back and place your hand on their chest. Dogs that tend to be aggressive may resist but a passive, fearful dog may accept . Neither aggression nor fear is good. An aggressive dog would be forced into submission under normal training. This will not work with a rescued dog. Take your time and establish trust. Make sure that a fearful dog understands that being on its back is not a punishment by given it a belly rub and talking in a calm voice.
Be patient as it is often difficult and slow to train a rescued dog. They are often older dogs, mixed, and with difficult temperaments which makes training more challenging. Don't give up. The dog will reward you for your perseverance.
Avoid at all cost feeling sorry for the dog. This is counter-productive and will only hinder the training. Be patient, loving and understanding but don't let the dog have the run of the house. By letting the dog know that you are in charge you are establishing yourself as the pack leader.
It's a lot of sweet and hard work but you will have a companion for life.
About the Author
Stefan Hyross writes and provides information about dogs and puppies. Learn about dog behavior problems and how to solve them. Also visit the site for tips on puppy potty training and other lessons for dogs.

Tropical Fish Tanks That Delight The Viewer
by Joe Slavin
There is nothing quite like a well tended aquarium of fish to act as a major attraction. It seems to act like a magnet, immediately capturing people's interest and holding their concentration. Even after moving away from the aquarium they feel the urge to go back and look at it again and again. It seems to have a hypnotic effect on them and indeed it is recognised that by viewing an aquarium of fish for a period of time, is one of the best ways to relax.
If you are in the same room as a tank of fish, you find yourself drawn to viewing it time and again. It is little wonder why you will find attractive aquariums in eating houses and other public places. If you have ever had the chance of viewing an aquarium you may recall the experience of how you were transfixed by the various species of fish as they darted in and out of the plants and rocks.
You can totally switch off from your surroundings and immerse yourself completely while observing this watery habitat of these wondrous pet fish. You certainly have to experience it for yourself. You cannot convey to anyone just how wonderful this exhibition can be in the natural medium of water. The antics of the fish constantly vary and are never repeated exactly, putting on an ongoing show.
It does not matter whether it is a fresh water aquarium or saltwater aquarium, both can offer endless hours of entertainment for all the family, irrespective of age, young or old, who can take an interest in the fish. Indeed you will find in many families, three generations who all have their own fish tanks, the knowledge and enthusiasm being handed down from parents to the children. Keeping pet fish is a popular hobby as it can be enjoyed in your own surroundings where you can share your interest with other members of your family and friends.
An extensive range of aquariums allow you to choose the right one to suit both your pocket and your house. You can start quite modestly and upgrade as you gain experience and you are able to afford further purchases. It can be interesting getting to know the types of fish that are suitable, their species names, and how to look after them properly.
It is a fairly common practice for pet fish to be named by their owners. This can be as obvious as to name a gold coloured fish "Goldie" or a white one "Snowy" and can be lots of fun both to give the names and then remembering them. In many situations even fish of the same species will have some different marking or look than the others and will be distinctly recognisable and given an appropriate name.
About the Author
If you are one of the many people who are interested in starting out in keeping pet fish, then picking your aquarium will be your first step. If you visit http://petsuppliesfish.co.uk there you will find a large selection of fish tanks ranging from "Starter Fish Tanks" to "Custom Built Aquariums" to suit all requirements.
Pet First Aide Kit
by Doris Canova
In this article we hope to give you some ideas on how to creating your own home first aid kit and the things that are needed inside the kit. These products as well as some medication also may be used in an actual emergency. NOTE: As to medications never! Give your cat aspirin or an aspirin substitute unless you have contacted our Vet, and then after calling your Vet, he will then direct you to do so as well as amount to administer.
Ant diarrheal medication: (Kaopectate) you may give your cat one tablespoon five times a day as a treatment for simple diarrhea. Call your Vet if the diarrhea persists longer then one day.
Bandages: Keep a supply of different sizes and sterile dressing as well as cotton swabs; also have a roll of adhesive tape. You also will want a pair of scissors to cut the tape as well.
Hairball remedy: This petroleum based medication this can be purchased at your pet store or even drug store as well. Ask your Vet to recommend a brand to you and then as always fellow the enclosed directions.
Hydrogen peroxide: You will use this to clean out cuts and disinfect small minor cuts, scratches and wounds. Caution! On wounds around the head do not get in the mouth of your pet at all.
Liquid antacid: (Maalox, Mylanta). You may give one tablespoon for every five pounds of your cat's weight to relieve an upset stomach. If the vomiting persists, for more then a day sees you're Vet for more information.
Mineral oil: You may use this to clean your cat's ears, NOTE: do not use ant Q-tip in the pet's ear. You may also mix one tablespoon with the cat's dry food once or twice a week to help relieve constipation, and also help with the cat hairballs problems as well.
Petroleum jelly: You can rub this over your cat's eyes area when you are bathing. When you do this it will keep the water and soap out of the eyes.
Rectal thermometer: When using the thermometer you must keep your pet still and relaxed as much as possible. The normal range for your cat's temperature will range from approx. 100 to 102.5 degrees. Consult your veterinarian if your cat's temperature moves from this range.
Tweezers and needle nose pliers: You can use the tweezers to carefully remove broken glass, splinters, or even ticks from the cat. Use the pliers to remove half swallowed objects out of the cat's throat if necessary. NOTE: While looking to remove something from the pet's throat look carefully for any tears in the lining of the mouth and into the throat.
We hope that you can see that if you can have these things in our first Aide kit we you just might see what it means when they say "Be Prepared" and your cat as well as a dog will love you for it as well. After all our pets belong to our families as well, and we want to take care for them correctly.
About the Author
We plan to post articles that are informative and helpful to other cat lovers. Having been "owned" by cats for years, we know they can be demanding, but also be very entertaining and fun. Visit our website for products your cat may enjoy http://www.besthousecatcare.com and our blog http://besthousecatcare.blogspot.com
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