Carol Alexander - NY Pets Alternative Health Examiner
When you suspect that your pet has a broken bone or other serious trauma, you proceed immediately to your veterinarian or to the nearest animal hospital. A veterinarian examines the wounded animal, takes an X- ray, and then resets the bone.
Broken bones may take from one to three months to heal. To aid in the recovery, the vet may prescribe pain medication and will instruct you on how to care for your pet to avoid further injury. Here’s a link to an excellent and comprehensive article on the mechanics of treating fractures and other bone traumas:
What else can you do to help speed the healing process? A number of natural remedies are available for your pet’s recovery and general health. If your vet has a holistic orientation, you can often purchase vitamins, herbs and supplements from the practitioner’s office. If your vet is a staunch traditionalist, you can also try a compound from a natural pet health store or online catalog.
PetAlive PetHeal is a natural remedy compounded of the immune boosters Astragulus Membranaceous and Echinacea augustifolia, and the anti-inflammatory agents Arnica and Calendula. Along with vitamins and minerals, these herbs work together to speed bone and tissue healing and prevent infection during this vulnerable period of your pet’s recovery.
Another healing remedy is Homeopet Trauma, a homeopathic remedy that comes in liquid form. It contains Belladonna, Hepar Sulphuris, Hypericum Perforatum, and Staphysagria. The formula, available from Only Natural Pet, is administered in dosages consistent with the pet’s weight. The company confidently promotes the use of their remedy for dogs, cats, birds, and small pets. Only Natural Pet also carries their own version of flower essence remedies, based on the same principles as the Bach Flower Remedies; if you’re interested in the original, try Bach’s Rescue Remedy, which is often given to pets for emotional and physical trauma.
If you know or suspect that your pet is sensitive to medications, holistic or conventional, you can exercise caution and buy single-ingredient treatments. All of the above-mentioned herbs and homeopathics are available as individual formulas. You might introduce one healing or immune booster agent at a time and observe the animal’s response. If no side effects result after a few doses, it’s probably safe to add another to your pet’s regimen.
By Ashley Halsey III - Washington Post Staff Writer
Heartaches at Worst Time Boost Demand for Clinic's Free Care
The doomed cat does not move as the woman who has been its companion for more than a dozen years stands beside the examination table and talks about suddenly being without a job and the money to care for her sick pet.
"Do I not make my car payment? Do I not make my mortgage payment? Or do I not take care of my cat?"
Hard times are proving hard on pets as well as the people who love them. People who say they've never asked for a handout are streaming through the doors of the pet clinic at the Washington Animal Rescue League.
The demand for free services has been so great that the clinic will see only the pets of people who have been unemployed for at least three months. And the crush of newly poor comes as donations to the private, nonprofit agency have fallen so sharply that staff hours have been reduced.
For many of the people making their first visit to the clinic, which provides low-cost veterinary care to the pets of low-income owners, having a beloved animal fall sick is the latest calamity in a year that has seen them booted from the middle class.
The woman with the cat is 40 years old, college educated and, until November, had always had a job.
"I'm so embarrassed. You cannot use my name. My neighbors think I still have my job," she says. "They say, 'How's work?' I move my car in the morning and park it three blocks away. None of my friends know I'm unemployed. I don't need a pity party from my friends."
She is choking up now. Eyes watering. Her cat lies still in the posture of a sphinx. Its matted orange fur is that of an animal without energy left to clean itself.
"I rescued him from a dumpster in Northern Virginia. He's been my little buddy, companion for almost 13 years now. He has congestion in his chest. He needs an X-ray. I could sink every single dollar I have into my cat, and then we'd be homeless."
The Rescue League says it has seen astronomical growth in first-time visits by the newly unemployed, and so many people are unable even to feed their pets that a pantry has been established to provide food. There has also been a sharp increase in the number of adopted pets that have been returned to the shelter by people who have lost their homes and aren't allowed to keep a dog or cat in their new apartment.
"They're just brokenhearted, because the last thing they want to do is give up their pets," said Lou Montgomery, who cares for animals at the shelter.
Veterinarian Nicole Eckholm emerges from the examining room after meeting with the woman and her cat.
"It's sad. It's hard to see it every day," she says. "I've seen so many people who used to be gainfully employed, and now they can't find a job."
She quickly tells the story of an elderly man who was laid off from his job and then evicted. He couldn't afford cat food, kitty litter or the drugs needed to keep his cat alive, so it was euthanized.
The woman's cat has been sent for an X-ray. Before the economic downturn, clinic clients were asked to pay a small fee for such things, but now very few of them have the money.
"She just said, 'I'd hoped I could come in and get some antibiotics and it would all be okay,' " Eckholm says, shaking her head wistfully. "I want to get her to leave the cat here overnight so that we can feed it with a tube, which she can't do at home."
The clinic is every bit the hospital for pets, with doctors and staff in white jackets and operating room scrubs. On this day, surgery is being done on adjoining tables in the operating room, one table for neutering animals, the other for more serious work.
When the X-rays arrive, Eckholm summons Janet Rosen, the clinic's medical director, from surgery, and they hunch over near a computer screen, using a pen as a pointer as they discuss the white mass in the chest of the orange cat.
Eckholm turns, walks with head bowed to the examining room and shuts the door to be alone with the woman and her cat. There is the sound of a muffled wail, and she emerges, asking for a box of tissues. A few minutes later, she leaves the woman and cat to be alone.
"Her cat has cancer," she says. "She's hysterical. I told her he should be put to sleep."
She consults quickly with another veterinarian, Solomon Perl, who steps briefly from surgery. Then she returns to the woman.
"She wants one more night with her cat," Eckholm explains afterward. "Dr. Perl will go to her house to put him to sleep tomorrow."
Through the windowpane of the examining room door, the woman is seen sitting by the examining table, one hand on her cat and her forehead pressing against the table in resignation.
By Chana Weisberg -
Several months ago, at a children's rally, my ten year old son was the lucky winner of a raffle. His prize? A plump goldfish. It came in a plastic bag filled with water.
My son was ecstatic with his prize. I, on the other hand, was anxious. While I feigned excitement, inwardly I dreaded what I was sure was to come. Previous experience made me wonder how long we had before it died on us.
And so, we immediately drove to the closest fish store to purchase special food and a perfectly sized glass bowl that was to become our goldfish's new home. Despite all our efforts, though, by the next morning our prized goldfish was dead.
But my son's enthusiasm for a pet fish had been whetted. He begged us for another fish, a stronger one that he could care for long term. That is how Simcha, our blue Betta fish, reluctantly came into our home.
My son's hobby grew into somewhat of a passion, as he studied more and more about the different species of fish and the environments best suited for each to thrive. He learned of community fish tanks for the "friendly fish" as well as "aggressive fish" that needed their own space; he studied about fresh water tanks as opposed to tropical fish that needed salt water environments. He could enthusiastically recite which species were "top" swimmers, and which preferred to swim/crawl along the ocean's depths.
Little by little, my son's ambitions (and persuasive power) grew, as did his thorough knowledge of handling fish and their unique needs. After dutifully caring for Simcha for several months, he begged us to buy a real fish tank, fully equipped with its own heater, filter, gravel bottom, fish toys, etc., as well, of course, as a whole assortment of brightly colored fish.
So after several more trips to the fish store, we now have two fully equipped fish tanks, a smaller one for our aggressive, loner fish, Simcha, and one with a whole array of exotic sounding, friendly species like Clown Loaches, Neon Guppies, Panda Platies, Zebra Danios and more.
Even I have to admit that I've become enamored by this colorful new piece of decor. Daily as I pass our fish, I find myself hypnotically observing their graceful swim. And as I gaze at them, I wonder about their perceptions of their home:
Do our fish realize that this twenty gallon tank is just a tiny miniature replica of their authentic home, in some faraway lake or sea?
Do they understand that the pretty blue background gracing the back of their tank is just a cheap, printed backdrop?
Do they enjoy the food that we drop in twice daily—even though it is a freeze dried, preserved formula meant to mimic the native food that fish hunt?
Are the heater that keeps their waters warm and the filter that cleans it, properly simulating the environments of their real homes, hundreds of miles from here?
Do they discern that the plants that they play with are artificial—plastic replicas of lush, living greenery?
Of course they can't know any of this. They can't possibly understand how artificial their environment is, or how far from their real source they have come. This is what they've been born into and what they will bring their offspring into. To them this is home. This is comfortable. They simply cannot fathom a different, more authentic existence.
And then I thought about us.
Despite our material comforts, despite being born into our exiled circumstances, do we realize how foreign our environment is? That soon will come a time when we will be submerged in life giving waters, with a genuine perception of our divine source and purpose?
Life in our fish tanks might be a more or less comfortable simulation. But it's nothing like the real thing.
Christine Church - Hartford Cats Examiner
Saving money is at the top of every news headline these days. The economy and its pitfalls have affected everyone, even our pets. But your cat doesn’t have to suffer the consequences. You can save money and pamper your feline at the same time. Here are some tips how:
FREE STUFF: All it takes is a little searching to find free samples all over the web, even for your cat. Companies such as Fancy Feast, Frontline, Purina and more often offer free products and discount coupons. All you have to do is search. You can start by going to such sites as Knowing your cat’s tastes and interests is a big help, then you can steer your savings towards the most appropriate money saving products and methods and Puss can still stay pampered.
CAT FOOD: Your cat’s most basic need is food, and of course you want to give your kitty the best, but often cat foods with unnecessary fillers (such as corn meal) raise their prices, claiming they fulfill all your cat’s needs and food groups. This is a marketing technique and don’t always go for it. Your cat is a carnivore. This means he needs meat to survive (or more to the point, taurine and proteins found in meat). Your cat does not need corn and vegetables! These marketing ploys play on human dietary needs, not feline’s. Find a food that is almost all meat and, yes even meat by-products (the innards of the animal) are good. It may seem unappealing to us, but to a cat… it’s the cat’s meow.
If you are good at cooking, you can even make your own cat food. But be sure you know all of Kitty’s nutritional needs so you can include it all.
SCRATCHING: You don’t need to throw your puss outside to scratch on trees in order to save money on cat scratching posts and your furniture. With some imagination, ingenuity and tools, you can easily make your own indoor jungle for your cat’s enjoyment. See for more. You can build a cat tree that is so big or elaborate your cat will just revel in relaxation with minimal cost to you.
LITTER: Now your cat needs a place to go to the bathroom, and something to do his business in. Cats have a natural need to dig and bury their feces (nature’s way of keeping them undetected) and some cats can be mighty fussy about what kind of cat litter they like. At one time people would put sand in a box, and that would be that. Of course the cats loved it, but the odor became unbearable, so cat litter companies started cropping up, using clay based products and odor neutralizers. Some of these litters can get mighty pricey. But here’s a tip: Clumping litters are your best bet as they last longer and tend not leave urine all mixed in with the clean stuff. Use coupons as much as possible. If you can handle dealing with constant cleaning, you can always use the old fashioned method of dirt in a box, but be prepared for more trouble than it’s worth.
USED AND NEW: You can buy certain items used or even discounted new products on auction such as eBay. Check out for many quality pet products, both used and new and quite varied as this site updates and adds products on a mostly daily basis. Put them in your favorites and you’ll always know when a new product at a discounted cost crops up.
So, with a little thought, and a lot of searching, and knowing your cat’s loves, you can find ways to cut back on your cat’s cost, help your wallet, and still keep Kitty happy.
Linda Francis - Phoenix Pet Welfare Examiner
Even though I am SO not ready to close up my house and turn on the air conditioning, with the temperatures beginning to climb, it’s time to prepare our pets for summer.
Some of these tips are reminders and others may surprise you. Let's make sure we all survive the L O N G and HOT Phoenix summer by following these suggestions:
Keep them cool. Dogs are not as efficient at cooing their bodies as humans - if you are outside with your dog and thinking, “Wow, it’s hot today,” your dog is saying “I’m dangerously overheating today!”
Provide fresh water. Pets dehydrate quickly – early signs of heat stroke are enlarged tongue, excessive panting, uncoordination, weakness, collapse, seizures – get to a vet immediately. If your pet is overheated, direct a fan on the animal and pour cool water over its body for 15 - 30 minutes. If they are not responding quickly, get to a vet immediately.
NEVER, EVER leave pets in parked cars. Even with windows cracked temperatures climb to 120 and above very quickly - an animal’s brain can literally cook.
Keep pets indoors. Temps rise into the 100’s even in the shade. If you must keep your animals outside, install misters set on timers to deliver a cool mist for two or three minutes, every 5 to 10 minutes, to the shady areas of your yard. Water should be available for drinking at all times. Wading pools in the shade should be provided as well and should be cleaned and refilled with fresh water every day.
Keep the pests at bay. During the summer, dogs and cats are at an increased risk of contracting heartworms transmitted by infected mosquitoes. If untreated, it can be fatal. Flea and tick outbreaks also increase in the warm weather. Consult your veterinarian about which treatment is right for your animal.
Keep pesticides locked up and away from animals. Lawn and garden insecticides, rodent baits, citronella candles, insect coils and oil products can be fatal.
Water safety is for pets too. Do not leave pets unsupervised around water—not all dogs are good swimmers. Introduce your pets to water gradually and make sure they wear flotation devices while on boats. Also, pool water is not good drinking water. It contains chlorine and other chemicals that cause stomach upset.
Fireworks. The sound frightens many animals and they can run away. Don’t use fireworks around pets. Exposure to lit fireworks can result in severe burns or trauma to curious pets, and unused fireworks, which contain potassium nitrate, copper, chlorates, arsenic and other heavy metals, are deadly.
Exercise. Check sidewalks and streets before walking your dog – the surface may burn their feet. Take advantage of the cooler mornings and later evenings to walk or play games of fetch with your pets. Be sure to adjust down the intensity and duration too. Always carry water for both you and your animal companion.
All year long. Know where your pets are at all times. Keep gates closed. Let your neighbors know about your pets in case of fire or other emergencies. Keep small animals inside at all times. Cats and small dogs are dinner for hungry coyotes and birds of prey. If you believe your cat wants to go out, retrain them to be inside for their safety. (Before I learned this my cat was shot in the school yard to the tune of $2000)
SPAY AND NEUTER. Over 600,000 animals are killed each year in Maricopa County. Animal shelters are filled to capacity and overflowing with litters of unwanted puppies and kitten, especially in the spring and summer.
Kevin Ward - Orlando Holistic Wellness Examiner
A few years ago, the assertion that petting your dog could lower your blood pressure was ‘fringe’. I wanted to see what the overall perception was now and set to surfing for info. The ASPCA, Humane Society and American Veterinary Medical Association and even the CDC and NIH all state it plainly on their websites complete with studies cited. Various universities studied it on the elderly, college students and Wall Street execs with high pressure jobs. But I found something surprising. They now recommend you get your pet's blood pressure taken and that some pets do indeed have high blood pressure.
Having a pet companion is de-stressing for most people and this is what leads to the lowering or mitigating the hypertension induced blood pressure problems. The relaxation response is a physical change in the body that takes place when we engage in pleasurable activities; say like petting a kitten or getting a massage. As a massage therapist I know the signs. The client will heave a heavy sigh, and may start to doze or ‘zone out’. Pets do the same thing. Take the time several times a week to stroke, massage and pet your dog or cat until they reach this level. Cat owners know the all familiar signs of purring and the rolling back of the eyes. Cats chill pretty easily. Some dogs take longer. But if you are slow and persistent, dogs too will sigh and zone out, often followed by yawns, slobber, a single flopping tail-wag and twitches much like humans do just as they doze off.
I have been volunteering at our Orange County Animal Shelter now for months. Something most people don’t know is that every animal they have are animals that were dropped off by owners who either were no longer capable of taking care of them or who just didn’t want to anymore. When animals first arrive you can imagine how stressed they are. They can be confused, fearful and highly anxious. Back in December, I heard a new beagle was extremely nervous. Nervous dogs don’t get adopted much. I took a peanut butter treat made by another volunteer to his kennel. He wouldn’t touch it. He was afraid of me. I put the treat down and backed off. Still not interested. I went in and sat a couple of feet away and talked to him using his name often. He let me stroke his back with one finger. Then he slowly inch by inch moved closer. In 15 minutes he was leaning against my leg and I was scratching behind his ears. He was much calmer and I felt very good. I am sure we both lowered our blood pressures.
It is nice that all those studies have determined that seeing someone in need and filling that need not only makes you happy but is also good for your health. Next time you pet your dog or your cat, don't just 'pet', but massage him/her. Really aim to get them as relaxed as you can. Take your time. If you don't have a pet, think about adopting one. The are more than enough needs that need filling.

The dog may be "man's best friend," but the cat runs the household in many families.
Where affection gushes and drools freely from our canine companions, it is parceled out occasionally at the whim of our furry felines. And so it has been through the battle of the ages.
Our discussions over the next several weeks will have a feline friendly focus. Let's start by finding out how a cat's nutritional needs are different from a dog's.
Dogs and cats have evolved different feeding strategies through eons of time. Cats are obligate carnivores or meat eaters; the cat cannot sustain its life unless it consumes animal protein. Dogs, however, are omnivores, meaning they can digest and utilize both plant and animal food sources. Dogs by nature are still primarily meat eaters and many dogs go undernourished by cheap grain-based dog foods. Grain-based cat foods are even worse.
This basic difference is why cats have a much higher protein requirement than dogs. Cats use protein for energy as well as growth, repair and maintenance. Many diets use grains and carbohydrates for a cheap energy source. This works OK for an omnivore, but it can lead to obesity and disease in carbohydrate-sensitive animals. This is one theory as to why cats fed small amounts of food can get so fat.
A wild feline's natural diet is high protein and fat and very low in carbohydrate content. They are "Atkin's Diet" eaters with less than 10 percent carbohydrate acquired from their carnivorous menu. Many commercial foods and dry foods in particularly are 40 to 60 percent carbohydrate. This unnatural blend can cause a multitude of health consequences, from obesity and diabetes to digestive disturbances and inflammatory bowel disease. Stick with a high-quality, high-protein diet for your kitties and they will stay happier and healthier.
There are many nutrients required by cats specifically that are not necessary in a dog's omnivorous diet. Cats require Vitamin A in its active form, which can be found only in animal proteins. Niacin, an essential B vitamin, also cannot be made by the cat and must be eaten.
Several amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins, are essential in the cat diet. Cats are extremely sensitive to even a single meal deficient in arginine, whereas dogs can make their own arginine.
Taurine is an amino acid not found in plant tissues but only in meats (animal protein). It was found to be essential to cats by Dr. Paul Pion while researching blindness in cats in the 1970s. Taurine is important for healthy functioning of the retina, heart, bile fluid and certain aspects of reproduction in our feline friends only. A diet deficient in taurine will cause a form of heart muscle weakness in cats called dilated cardiomyopathy. Now, all well-balanced feline diets are fortified with taurine.
As you can see, there are many nutritional and biochemical differences between our two most favorite furry companions. These complexities make dietary formulation by a nutritionist imperative. Home-cooked diets for cats can cause serious nutritional deficiencies, so talk with your veterinarian before taking your cat's health in your own hands.
Despite Garfield's cravings, cats cannot live on lasagna alone.
Dr. Loren Nations is the owner of Veterinary Healthcare Associates on Dundee Road in Winter Haven.
The Washington Post
Many pet owners who work outside their home don't like to leave their dogs alone, but worry about how to select the right canine day care center.
Also, it's good to have a center your pet is familiar with, should you need to enroll him for a day or two when you have a workman coming or you have to work late. Here are some things to consider:
-- Ask your friends who have pets for suggestions of good, friendly places. Also ask your vet or your local humane society.
-- Stop by to set up tours at the places convenient for you. Inquire about the staff at the facility and how many dogs are enrolled on a typical day. Observe dogs playing and activities that are planned for them.
-- See how the staff interacts with the dogs and exercises them and how much supervision they get. Find out how long the center has been open. Ask how they deal with aggressive dogs.
-- Cleanliness should be one of your first indicators of a first rate center. There shouldn't be any cloying odors.
Take your pet for a vet check-up and make sure your pet is up to date on all vaccinations before enrolling. Your pet shouldn't appear to be very nervous and dread going in when he is dropped off at the center for regular visits. That's an indication that something isn't going right for him there and may require you to investigate.
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Even if you don't own a puppy or a hamster and have never knit a scarf, you can't help but be intrigued by a new book "Pet Projects: The Animal Knits Bible" (The Taunton Press; $18) by Sally Muir and Joanna Osborne.
Muir and Osborne, the British knitting duo who gained notoriety when Princess Diana donned one of their red and white sheep sweaters in 1981, have created a collection of knitted designs for many different animals including dogs, cats, horses and rabbits. There is an edible hammock for a spoiled guinea pig and a charming knitted cage cover to keep your parakeet warm at night. Detailed instructions and photographs are included for each project.
My favorite might be the very chic Eco-Dog Coat, which offers step-by-step instructions for transforming an old cardigan sweater into a custom coat for your whippet or Scottie -- maybe not your Newfoundland. Then there is the chunky tweed Mouse Mat, a quick knitting project that creates an attractive lounging accessory for your cat so he might stop clawing your furniture for a few minutes.
If you are one of the lucky households with a tortoise as a pet, you will want to knit him a colorful tent to hide in, far more attractive than a cardboard box. And don't laugh, if you have goldfish, there are instructions for waterproof water lilies made by knitting together recycled plastic bags using the garter stitch. You need one green, one white and one orange bag. And a sense of humor.

Dr. William K. Fauks - The Edmond Sun
OKLAHOMA CITY — Q: Our standard poodle was bred one month ago — any and all pups, if she is actually pregnant, have been spoken for by friends and neighbors. This is our first experience of this sort so we could use some professional advice and guidance. Would you please give us a brief preview of what to expect and how to proceed when the big day comes? Our two daughters, 8 and 12, are getting excited about the upcoming event and we’re hoping it will be a good experience for them. Many thanks. — Leon and Jill B.
A: Your initial task is to determine for certain that your poodle truly is pregnant. There is no blood or urine test for pregnancy testing in dogs, but after 30 days an experienced veterinarian can simply palpate (or feel) the abdomen for the presence of discrete lumps in the dams’ uterus. This is an inexpensive and accurate approach except in large or obese dogs. If you are willing to spend the cash, you also might want to opt for an ultrasound exam to confirm the palpation diagnosis. Ultrasound is accurate in this area and is viable after the 25th day.
The average time for gestation in the canine is 62 days, but this can vary from 54 to 72 days. So to get an accurate reading on which night you and the children are going to be up most of the night to witness and assist in one of mother nature’s great miracles, it’s smart to start taking the dam’s rectal temperature daily around day 50.
A dog’s normal temperature is 101.5 (give or take 1/2 degree). However, about 24 hours prior to giving birth her temperature will drop 2 to 4 degrees. This is reliable — trust it.
Keep your dam active during her pregnancy period and feed her a regular diet the first month. During the second month nutritionists recommend that you switch to a diet of high-quality puppy food to provide her with extra calories. And contrary to a long-held belief, it also is now suggested by canine dietitians that you not supplement your dam’s diet with extra vitamins during her pregnancy as this is believed to interfere with normal calcium metabolism after giving birth.
Supplies for the event should include lots of towels, sharp scissors to cut the umbilical cords about 1 inch from the body, dental floss or sewing thread to tie off the cords and a liquid antiseptic such as povidone iodine to apply to cord ends.
Pre-labor signs often consist of some shivering, restlessness, panting and failure to eat. At this stage the dam should be confined to a quiet, familiar whelping area with a comfortable and roomy whelping box.
Once the dam initiates active straining, the first puppy is usually delivered within 15 to 20 minutes. If active labor persists for one hour without results, call your vet or the nearest veterinary emergency clinic — she probably needs professional assistance. It’s not uncommon for some dams to “rest” for an hour or so between puppies.
If the dam doesn’t rupture the “birth sac” within 30 to 60 seconds it’s time for you to intervene so that the puppy can start breathing. Briskly rub each pup with a clean, dry, soft towel and use a child’s nasal aspirator to clear fluids from mouth and throat. And you can ignore the old wives tale that “the dam should eat the afterbirth, or placenta, to increase milk production.” Not true. Simply dispose of this tissue.
Keep in mind that a lactating dam’s caloric needs increase three to four times — feed her three to four times daily and supplement calcium in her diet by adding 1 or 2 cups of cottage cheese daily.
Enjoy your puppies, and remember at 4 to 6 weeks to start them on a good, high grade, high caloric diet that your vet probably can supply. Nothing trumps good nutrition at this stage of life.
DR. WILLIAM K. FAUKS is a retired Oklahoma City veterinarian. If you have any questions regarding the health of your pet, please write to “Ask a Vet,” at 3142 Venice Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK 73112, or e-mail
Mark Truppner - KVML News
This Friday is the first day of Spring and as the weather begins to warm, there are certain tips that every family with a pet should know about.
The Director of Marketing for the Humane Society of Tuolumne County, Casie Jachetta, was KVML's Wednesday Newsmaker of the Day.
"The first thing that we need to watch out for are foxtails" said Jachetta. "They are beginning to sprout and will dry out. Foxtails are a common weed in the motherlode that could get caught in your pet's skin or ears and lead to a rather large vet bill. Foxtails can be avoided by keeping your property weed free."
Jachettaa also reminds residents to have fresh water available to your pet everyday. Nights can still be cold enough where water can freeze over and the days are warm enough where your pet will need to remain hydrated.
Also, this is the season where a pet over six months old should be spayed or neutered. The Humane Society does offer a spay/neuter voucher program for families with low income.
The Humane Society is funded by private donations and public fundraisers. The next fundraiser that will benefit the Spay/Neuter Voucher Program, will take place on Sunday March 22nd at the Elks Lodge from 10:30am through 1pm.
The 'Bone Appeti't Spring Champagne Brunch' will include a high scale menu including several breakfast items, mimosa's, a boutique and vendor area for shopping and services and live entertainment with vocalist, Kerry Tweedy and Pianist, Krista White
Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at the Thrift Store in East Sonora or the shelter in Jamestown (984-5489), Tickets will also be sold at the door for $22.
The Newsmaker of the Day can be heard each weekday morning at 6:47, 7:47 and 8:47 on AM-1450 KVML.
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