KXMBTV Bismarck
When it comes to thunderstorms... Animal experts say it's important to remember how they can affect your pets.
Animal control warden Lynn Jacobs says they deal with a lot of dogs on the loose during and after thunderstorms... usually because the change of pressure and sound of thunder can spook the animals and they run away.
She says it's important to make sure your pet is secure whether they're inside or outside... Make sure the gates are locked and won't get blown open... and to keep them company during the storm.
"Sometimes dogs will panic so much they'll dig under or go over so just be aware that, you need to make sure they're secure in their own yards and property and safe.... Reassuring your pet giving them food, comfort, toys, whatever, even your presence helps a lot to keep them settled." says Lynn Jacobs/Animal Control Warden.
Another suggestion for your pet... to distract it by playing the tv or radio or air conditioner and try and block out the loud sudden noises.
By Colleen Mihelich
Studies have shown that pets can extend a persons life by up to seven years.
Those who have pets report higher levels of satisfaction than those who do not have animal companions. Having a pet can also reduce stress or loneliness, and inspire a person to get more exercise.
The many benefits of pets explain why pets are used as therapy dogs. Pets that pass appropriate tests and receive appropriate certification are used in all sorts of settings. Pets may visit childrens' hospitals or cancer wards to provide the patients with a moment of happiness and comfort. Certified therapy dogs also visit nursing homes, to bring happiness to senior citizens. The documented health benefits of time spent with a therapy dog are remarkable, and it is clear that even a brief period spent with a calm and loving dog can make a strong impact.
Because of the positive health effects, many senior citizens can benefit from the companionship of an animal. Those senior citizens living in their own homes, either alone or with spouses or children, can have a far greater quality of life if they have a companion. A dog can provide the impetus necessary to get a senior citizen out of the house and into the community. A dog encourages senior citizens to exercise and stay active. A dog can help a senior citizen living alone to feel less lonely or isolated. Finally, a dog can provide protection, especially for elderly women living alone.
However, a senior citizen must take into account the high energy level of a puppy, and the type of breed that they are interested in having. Puppies and very high energy breeds such as beagles or Jack Russell terriers require a great deal of walking and exercise in order to avoid boredom which can lead to destructive behavior. Therefore, a senior citizen who is not very active will want to avoid breeds that require walks that exceed the boundaries of the human's comfort level.
Older dogs, or rescue dogs, may be the ideal choice for senior citizens looking for a companion. These older dogs are generally past the puppy state and are content to have a human to sit with them on the couch, pet them, scratch their bellies, and otherwise share a calm and comfortable life. The relationship between a rescue dog and a senior citizen can have a very positive impact both for dog and owner alike.
Senior citizens also want to be aware that they must make arrangements or accommodations for their pets, in case the owner becomes unable to care for the pet for whatever reason. Often, family members or close relatives are willing to assist in the care of a dog or a cat, should the senior citizen become unable to care for the pet themselves. This option should be discussed prior to the situation arising, so the responsibility for the dog or cat is clearly assigned should its owner become unable to care for it.
In reading online pet memorials, it is clear that people form very strong bonds with their animal companions. Animal companions are treated as family members, sleeping with their owners and being memorialized with pet urns or pet headstones when they eventually pass. This level of emotional attachment can be very healthy for everyone, but especially for seniors who are in need of day-to-day companionship.
Colleen Mihelich
Owner, Peternity . . . honoring your pet for eternity
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Colleen_Mihelich
By Colleen Mihelich
1. Remember the good times that you had with your pet, and focus on those positive memories. Pets bring ample amount of joy into our lives. There is nothing quite so purely happy as a dog or cat whose owner has just returned home. Pets enjoy each moment of life, and their antics can bring smiles to the faces of their owners, even on bad days or during times of trouble. Savor the months or years that you had with your pet, and remind yourself that this joy was worth the loss you are feeling now. Your pet would not want you to be sad, as your pet was happiest when you were happy.
2. Remember that pets do not fear passing away. Unlike humans, who are aware of and apprehensive about death, pets do not have a conscious sense of the future or their eventual passing. Pets live in the moment and are purely happy for each day they have on earth. Take joy in the fact that your pet was not frightened, but simply passed though a stage that all pets eventually must pass through.
3. Remember that although pets lives our shorter than humans, they're lives are much more filled with joy. People spend a lot of their time doing tasks that are necessary- going to work, paying bills, taking care of chores and running errands. Pets do not have these tedious tasks to cope with. A dog or cat or other pet is purely happy for each moment they are awake- a simple activity like watching the birds or going for a walk is pure bliss to a pet. Even an afternoon nap is a treat, something to be savored and delighted in. Although their lives are shorter than ours, their enjoyment of simple pleasures ensures their lives are filled with joy.
4. Remember to honor your pet. Writing pet memorials is an excellent way to honor your beloved companion. By writing an online memorial, you are sharing your pets' memory with the world. You are also giving yourself an opportunity to reflect on the times you and your pet shared, in order to celebrate and remember. When human family members die, we give eulogies in order to remember them, and a pet memorial is a similar concept for our animal friends. It can provide excellent closure and healing to write this memorial, as well as a lasting tribute to your companion. Reading the pet memorials left by others can also help in the grieving process, as you delight in the simple love between a pet and their owner. Pet urns or pet headstones are also excellent ways to honor the memory of your beloved companion.
5. Remember that your pet is still with you. Your pet's spirit and the times you had together lives on in memory and memorials. Whether you choose to have your pet cremated or buried in your back yard there are a variety of ways to keep pay tribute to the love and friendship that your pet so generously shared with you.
Colleen Mihelich
Owner, Peternity . . . honoring your pet for eternity
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Colleen_Mihelich
By Chris Meyers - Reuters
KAWASAKI, Japan (Reuters Life!) - One of Japan's largest animal medical centres is calling on blood donors of a different breed to help provide dogs with top-notch care.
Japan is a canine-crazy nation, with more than 6 million dogs registered as pets. Many provide company for the growing number of elderly people or sometimes replace children in a nation with one of the world's lowest birth-rates.
Many people expect their dogs, like themselves, to live to a ripe old age, and that means more blood is needed for the rise in the number of surgeries that often accompany growing older.
"Due to both the increase in number and elderly population of animals, there has been an increase in medical complications," said Hiroyuki Ogawa, executive director of the Japan Animal Referral Medical Center in Kawasaki, on the outskirts of Tokyo.
"The most common use of transfusions is for blood loss, but the amount we use for cancer treatments has also increased."
Many dog owners in Japan have no qualms about spending a small fortune on their pet's health, but dog blood donation drives are rare, and complicated for many reasons.
There is no animal equivalent of the human blood bank in Japan, so hospitals and clinics must sort out any blood required for surgery beforehand.
Canine blood can only be stored for up to a month, after which it has to be thrown out, and each dog can only donate twice a year. Bigger dogs are also preferred over smaller ones because the average amount of blood they are asked to donate is about 200 ml (7 fl oz). There are 13 blood types too, which means there is a need for a variety of donors.
"There's no recognized blood bank, and as such, we can't stockpile blood. It is allowed for individual hospitals to conduct their own donation drives. But they cannot re-sell or redistribute that blood," Ogawa said.
To help raise awareness about the issue, the Japan Animal Referral Medical Center has enlisted the help of pet grooming salons and training centres.
And there's also a perk -- once dogs donate, they get a free blood checkup, which can detect possible diseases early.
Some veterinarians say before dog blood donations can be widely accepted, clinics will need to educate pet owners about the system and also explain that donations are safe.
Tokyo resident Yuka Torihama spends about $1,500 a year on healthcare for her two dogs, but like many other pet owners, had never taken her pets in to donate blood, mainly because she didn't know she could.
"I'm willing to donate my dog's blood as long as the donation system is safe. It's just that a lot of pet owners still don't know about the system and therefore, are sceptical about it," said Torihama. "Though I think it's extremely important, you never know when your dog might be in need of blood."
(Editing by Miral Fahmy)
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By MEGAN K. SCOTT - Associated Press Writer
Susan Jacobs and her companion Kingston both like chicken and collards, chilling on the couch and riding in her convertible with the breeze tussling his curly black hair.
Kingston, it should be said, is a black poodle. But for Jacobs, 45, of Long Beach, Calif., he is like a child.
"The next time I travel, I'll probably take him with me," said Jacobs, a Mary Kay consultant and freelance writer. "I'm just used to him being around."
An Associated Press-Petside.com poll released Tuesday found that half of all American pet owners consider their pets as much a part of the family as any other person in the household; another 36 percent said their pet is part of the family but not a full member.
And that means pets often get the human touch: Most pet owners cop to feeding animals human food, nearly half give the animals human names and nearly a third let them sleep in a human bed. While just 19 percent had bought an outfit for a pet, 43 percent felt their pet had its own "sense of style."
Nathan Nommensen, 19, a college student who lives with his parents in Winthrop Harbor, Ill., said their golden retriever Molly sleeps in his parents' room, goes with them on camping trips and appears in their annual family Christmas photo.
He doesn't consider her a full member of the family, though. "She's part of the family but not a human part of the family," he said.
Singles were more likely to say a pet was a full member of the family than married people - 66 percent of single women versus 46 percent of married women, for example. And men were less likely to call their pet a full member of the household.
For some single women, pets become surrogate children, said Kristen Nelson, a veterinarian in Scottsdale, Ariz. She said men are also attached to pets - but are less likely to admit it because it's not seen as masculine.
Debbie Jablonski, 50, of Wilmington, N.C., talks about her cats like a mom talks about her children.
Milkshake, who sleeps at the foot of her bed, sticks his cold nose on her eyelid and touches his paw to her face at 4:30 a.m. to wake her up and feed him. The other cat, Licorice, sleeps on the couch and has a habit of sitting on her newspaper when she is trying to read it.
"If you try to budge her, she will not move," said Jablonski, laughing. "You will have to practically pick her up and move her."
Jablonski, who works for a laboratory equipment manufacturer, celebrates the cats' birthdays, includes photos of the cats in holiday cards and watches home movies of them playing.
Most pet owners don't go that far, according to the survey. Only a little over a quarter celebrate their pet's birthday or the day it came to live with them and just a third have included a pet's photo or name in a holiday card.
Still, 42 percent of pet owners have taken a pet on vacation, with dogs more likely to accompany the family than cats. Dog owners were also more likely to take their pets to work (21 percent) or somewhere the animal wasn't allowed (18 percent).
When it comes to feedings, nearly half of all dog owners and 40 percent of cat owners admit giving their pets human food at least sometimes.
Jimmy Ruth Martin, 73, who sells real estate in Louisville, Texas, said she gives her border collie Samantha table food: chicken, steak, potatoes, salad, ice cream. "She'll eat anything I'm eating," she said.
She said her dog has gotten so fat, she can't climb up on the bed. "The table scraps have done that."
Helen Reed, 60, of Clearfield, Pa., said her cat Sadie has personality - she is not a lap cat, sleeps at the foot of the bed and likes to be in the same room as her. But she doesn't dress her up.
Martin doesn't squeeze Samantha into cute outfits, either, though she said the dog does have her own sense of style. "She's still a dog and I know it," she said.
Bernice Miller, 71, of Springfield, Mo., said she likes to dress her Maltese up as a pumpkin on Thanksgiving and Santa on Christmas. She has a photo of she and the dog on her wall, signs his name "Tully" to cards and gives him treats on his birthday.
"He's the best little thing," said Miller, who is retired. "He just begs to go with me, so I don't leave him too much. He's just like a little kid."
The AP-Petside.com poll was conducted by GfK Roper Public Affairs & Media from May 28-June 1, 2009. It is based on landline and cellular telephone interviews with a random sample of 1,110 pet owners. The margin of error is plus or minus 2.9 percentage points.
Associated Press polling director Trevor Tompson contributed to this report.
By Clare E Evitts
Did you know that 10% of puppies and older dogs suffer from separation anxiety?
It's our job and responsibility to spot this in our dogs and treat them.
How to spot Separation Anxiety?
Is your dog chewing the furniture constantly?
Does your dog become anxious and worked up when you are preparing to leave the house?
Does your dog try to dig holes in your carpet?
When you arrive home does is your dog over the top and boisterous with its greetings?
Is your dog only badly behaved when you're not there?
When you are there does your dog follow you around constantly?
These are all major signs that your dog is suffering from Separation Anxiety disorder. Left untreated could mean you will have a very un-happy dog and a very un-pleasant pet owning experience.
How to Treat Separation Anxiety.
Treating your dog is a long process; it takes time, commitment and dedication. Most of the things you probably don't have if you are working full time.
Dogs like to naturally be part of the pack; to them.....you are their pack. So it's only natural when you go away they become distressed. Being left alone all day causes stress and panic. They don't know when you are coming back.
Our faithful friends are naturally social animals, they love company. So how can you solve this problem? Take them to work with you? Your boss will probably fire you.
Our clients have discovered Doggie Day Care is an ideal solution to treating their pets.
We offer full time care and companionship for your dog, compared to them being home alone all day. They get to be part of a pack, socialize, fed, watered and walked. The result, a happy well behaved dog.
For more information please visit our website - http://www.dogs2mogs.com.
Dogs2Mogs provides a pet portal designed to serve the needs of Pet Owners. Dogs2Mogs shares in common with other pet lovers the love and passion for Pets. Pets bring life, joy and satisfaction into our life and that's one of the reasons why they deserve the best. We offer a wide range of services such as Dog Walking, Dog Boarding, Dog Day Care, Pet Sitting, Cat visiting and Feeding etc to cater to the needs of your dogs, cats and small animals. We pride ourselves in being the London's finest pet care agency.
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By DIANNA SMITH - Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Cats and dogs are infecting more pet owners with a staph infection resistant to certain antibiotics, according to the results of a study released this week.
Doctors from the University of South Florida College of Medicine in Tampa say that the transmission of MRSA is on the rise, due to animal bites and scratches. The results were released in the July issue of "The Lancet Infectious Diseases."
Though local veterinarians say that MRSA can be contracted from animal to human, they also stress that MRSA is also contracted from human to animal.
"Dogs and cats are getting it from people," said Tate Posey, a veterinarian with Promenade Animal Hospital in Palm Beach Gardens. "Most of what we are seeing is an increase amount of MRSA in dogs."
Posey said that dogs used for hospital and nursing home visits test positive for MRSA more often then other animals. And that could be because MRSA can be contracted from people who have open wounds or scratches.
Michelle Miller, chief veterinarian at the Melvin J. and Claire Levine Animal Care Complex in the Palm Beach Zoo, said those with weak immune systems can get the infection.
"Certainly dog and cat bites and scratches can be serious," Miller said, adding, "I don't want people to think they're going to get MRSA from their pets. More commonly people get it because they're carrying it themselves."
Inga Hanley, founder and operator of the Adopt-A-Cat Foundation shelter in Lake Park, handles cats every day and says she's never gotten sick from a cat bite or a scratch.
MedlinePlus, a service from the National Library of Medicine, states that personal hygiene is key to avoiding MRSA infections. Tips include wash your hands, especially if visiting someone in a hospital or long-term care facility; do not share personal items such as razors because MRSA can be transmitted through contaminated items; and avoid whirlpools or saunas if another person in the them has an open sore.

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By Rubi Reyes • VictoriaAdvocate.com
Dan Wathen and his friends were surprised when his dog Samson ran into the house late Sunday night.
But none of them were prepared for the stench he brought with him.

Samson, the dachshund, had been sprayed by a skunk in the back yard.
"He just came running in from the back doggie door and started rolling on the couch," Wathen said.
He was quick to call his veterinarian for some tips on helping his dog.
While the soap recipe given to him by the veterinarian worked, he decided to take Samson to be treated and washed by PetSmart on Monday morning.
Five things to do if your pet is sprayed by a skunk:
1. Try to keep your dog out of the house after he's been sprayed by a skunk. It doesn't take long for the odor to permeate everything. If you can't keep him outside, use a room with windows and close the door.
2. Check your dog's eyes and skin for any signs of irritation. Try rinsing your dogs eyes with water if they're red and irritated. Also, check your dog for deep scratches or bites. Skunks may carry rabies, so get to your veterinarian right away if you see any bleeding.
3. Wipe off your dog to remove the spray fluid and help locate where the skunk sprayed your dog. Wear rubber gloves and use paper towels or a rag to wipe your dog.
4. Next, follow this recipe and lather your dog thoroughly. Let the mixture set for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse.
--1 qt 3 percent hydrogen peroxide
--¼ cup baking soda
--1 teaspoon of Ivory soap
5. Wash your dog as soon as possible to get rid of the skunk smell. Use warm water to wet your dog, with rubber gloves and a washcloth, rub the skunk odor remover into the coat. Focus on spots directly hit by the skunk spray, be careful of your dog's eyes, ears, nose and mouth.
Repeat this process. Follow with regular dog shampoo and leave your dog outside or in a closed room until he or she is dry.
Tips are a collaboration of methods from local veterinarians and How to get Rid of Things Web site http://www.getridofthings.com/get-rid-of-skunk-smell-on-dogs.htm
By Del Erben
As a dog trainer, I get asked a variety of questions. One of the most frequent question or questions revolves around dogs in heat or more specifically, a puppy in heat. Let's take a look at some of the more common questions and answers dealing with this.
How and when does a dog come into heat?
The normal cycle is about 21 days. Of course, every dog is different but the normal one first goes into heat at about 6 months old. It is not rare to start their first heat cycle earlier than that and some dogs start to go into heat for the first time later than that.
What exactly is heat?
A good way of explaining heat is to refer to the human's menstruation period. It is the period of time in which the female dog can become pregnant.
How can you tell if a puppy or dog is in heat?
The most obvious sign that a dog is in heat is evidenced by her bleeding from the vaginal area. Another sign includes more intense urination and swelling in the area.
How frequently does a Dog go into Heat?
Usually a dog (or puppy) will go into heat two times a year. This cycle is about every 6 months but does vary with dogs. There are some dogs that go into heat more and some do less than two times a year.
If a dog is in heat, will she Get Pregnant Most of the Time?
This is a very commonly asked question which is impossible to answer because it is all relative. Whether the dog gets pregnant is determined by a number of factors. While it is true that she can only get pregnant while in heat it is not true that she will certainly get pregnant. There are about 10 days in which she is at her highest progesterone.

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By Becky Cohen
People train their dogs to do tricks. Why not train your cat to do tricks as well and show up the dogs. It is possible to learn how to train your cat to do tricks. What kind of tricks can your cat learn? Well, there are many tricks you can teach your cat. Just like a dog, they can learn how to sit, shake, roll over, stand up, but you can also teach your cat to use the toilet. Remember Meet The Parents?
One trick you can learn how to train your cat to do is to fetch a ball. It might be difficult at first, but you will train the cat just like a dog. Throw the ball for the cat and once it brings it back you need to praise the cat with love and treats. This will be easier with a kitten, but possible with all cats if you are patient.
Cats can also be trained to beg like dogs as well. This will work best before the cat has had its meal. Place the cat in a quiet room where it is comfortable and does not have too many distractions. Once the cat is sitting, give the command "up" and hold the treat above the cat, but high enough so that it cannot reach it. Once the cat stands up immediately praise it and reward it with the treat. With enough practice your cat will eventually learn to stand and beg just by using the command. If your cat stands all the way up on its legs and you want it to remain sitting, slowly move the treat back over its head and to prevent it from tipping over it should sit on its haunches.
With enough patience and regular practice it is easy to learn how to train your cat to do tricks.
By Victor Emmanuel
If you have an African Grey or a Macaw, you know that they have special needs when it comes to parrot cages. These birds are not tiny lovebirds or parakeets and they need suitable habitats that will accommodate their special requirements.
Parrot bird cages need to be large, stable, sturdy, and durable enough so that your feathered friend will feel safe, comfortable, and secure. Knowing what features you need to consider when you are looking at parrot cages will help you make the right decision.
Size Counts When It Involves Parrot Cages
Parrot cages are designed with the bigger birds in mind. You need to make sure that the one you are purchasing is large enough for your pet to enter and exit in comfort. Many owners leave the cage doors open during the day so you want the door of the cage to be spacious enough that your parrot can navigate it easily.
Any parrot bird cages that attracts your attention must be roomy in the interior so that your bird can stretch their wings whenever they choose. Not having enough room to move and stretch will create health problems for your parrot, and your bird will develop behavior and emotional problems as well.
A Parrot cage need to be tall enough so that your parrot has room to wander about from one perch to another. Checking the interior dimensions of the parrot cage is a must and even if the exterior is gorgeous and "to die for" you must put your pet's health and happiness first.
Bars on a Cage Should not make it a Prison
When you are selecting those larger parrot cages for your bigger bird always make sure that the bars are sturdy and securely fitted. Parrot bird cages and cockatoo cages always have bars that are heavier than those lighter weight cages made for smaller species.
Check to see that the bars are wide enough to allow your bird to get his head in and out of easily. The bars on most parrot cages are quite widely spaced just to allow this curious creature to look out when he wants. If you prefer parrot cages with narrowly spaced bars you might run the risk of your bird disliking the restrictive environment.
Any cages that have narrowly spaced bars should have them spaced closely enough together so that your bird cannot fit their head through no matter how hard they try. Some birds can wiggle their heads into very small places and if they have narrow cage bars they can get hurt or trapped. Remember that bars of parrot cages can be very widely spaced or very narrowly spaced, but there is little choice to consider on bars that are in between.
Stainless Steel and Wrought Iron VS Painted Metal
There are a number of beautiful parrot cages available for you to choose for your colorful bird. Many of these are made of stainless steel or wrought iron. These are very durable and strong, and if your feathered friend is going to use the bars as a personal cuttle bone scratching at the metal will not cause any harm.
If you choose one of the parrot cages made of some painted material your bird can not only peel and chip at the paint, he might also eat the paint chips.
Paints and chemicals that are used on the bars of some cages can make your pet sick. Plain metal is always a better choice for parrot cages if you are putting the safety of your pet first.
Easy Cleaning
Any of the big parrot cages that you are considering needs to have an easy access pan for cleaning. Pull out trays are one of the quickest and most convenient ways to clean parrot birdcages. You do not have to disturb your bird to clean and sanitize his home.
Always check to see how easy it is to remove the bottom tray before you make a final decision. Food and water containers found in parrot cages also need to be cleaned. Look at these accessories and make sure that there is no problem when you try to remove them in order to clean and refill them.
Use These Tips When Comparison Shopping for Parrot Cages
These are some of the main tips to keep in mind when you start to compare different parrot cages. At first glance, many of the parrot birdcages may look alike and this is why it is important to consider the factors that we have listed. Remember that a happy home makes a happy bird. For parrots and larger bird species, the ideal home is a clean cage that fits their size and personality.
For more information on parrot cages, go over to hotpetsupplies.com where you will find bargain deals on parrot bird cages.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Victor_Emmanuel
Do-it-yourself store accommodates animals of any size
DE PERE — This is no shaggy dog story, but it has shaggy dogs aplenty.
A bad back, two big hairy dogs and a desire for a job with less standing led to Jodi Hoffman opening Soggy Dog Do It Yourself Pet Wash at 910 Main Ave.
Hoffman, who is a blackjack dealer at the Oneida casino, has two chows — big, hairy dogs — and a bad back.
"To give them a bath, it just broke my back," she said. "When I heard of this … I thought it's such a great idea."
Soggy Dog has four waist-level elevated tubs, two for smaller dogs and two for larger ones. Ramps and steps make it easy for the pets to get into the tubs, and tethers are available to keep them in place. Short walls between tubs keep dogs from adding to the discomfort of their neighbors.
The price of the wash includes all-natural shampoos and conditioners, towels, pet dryer, brushes, combs and an apron. It also includes cologne and breath fresheners.
"It's a lot better because you are doing it yourself. (Pets) don't like getting up in there, but once they get in there, it's good," Hoffman said.
The HydroSurge washing system sprays air, water and shampoo, getting under the hair to the skin.
"It's massaging, and it's nice, warm water. When you are at home, you can't rinse as well. That's why a lot of dogs itch. You can't get the soap out," she said.
"It gets up all the dead hair that's in there. When you go home, you don't have all that hair in your house."
It takes about 15 minutes for a complete wash and another five to 15 minutes to complete brushing.
Someone is on site always to provide assistance.
"The first time they come in, I walk them through it and check on them … and see that they are getting the best out of it," Hoffman said.
She said about 300 dogs have been washed since Soggy Dog opened in April.
"Mostly, the big dogs are what's coming in," she said.
Hoffman said other animals could be accommodated, including cats, monkeys, pot-bellied pigs, iguanas, ferrets and rabbits.
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