By Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY

Banfield, The Pet Hospital, the nation's largest network of animal hospitals, has announced it will no longer do tail docking, ear cropping or devocalization on dogs.
Headquartered in Portland, Ore., Banfield is the nation's largest general veterinary practice, with more than 730 hospitals and 2,000 veterinarians nationwide.
Tail docking involves cutting off the majority of a dog's tail, generally within days of birth. It's mostly done on terriers and hunting dogs.
Ear cropping involves cutting a notch out of a floppy ear and bandaging it so that it heals in a more upright, "alert" position. It's done on more than 50 breeds, including boxers, great Danes, schnauzers, Doberman pinchers and terriers.
The practice of ear cropping began among dogs bred for protection, on the theory that cropped ears were less likely to be injured. Tail docking was done to prevent damage in hunting dogs going through thick brush. Over time, they became the fashion, and in some breeds, an expectation.
Devocalization, or de-barking, is a rare procedure and has long been controversial. It involves the full or partial removal of a dog's vocal chords to keep it from barking.
Tail docking and ear cropping, both quite common, have become more controversial over the past few years. Last year, the American Veterinary Medical Association passed a resolution opposing ear cropping and tail docking of dogs, "when done solely for cosmetic purposes," and encouraging the elimination of ear cropping and tail docking from breed standards.
Banfield has come out strongly against the procedures.
"After thoughtful consideration and reviewing medical research, we have determined it is in the best interest of the pets we treat, as well as the overall practice, to discontinue performing these unnecessary cosmetic procedures," says Karen Faunt, vice president for medical quality advancement. "It is our hope that this new medical protocol will help reduce, and eventually eliminate, these cosmetic procedures altogether."
The hospitals will continue to carry out the surgeries on pets for which it is medically necessary, she says.
There have been numerous attempts in several states, most recently Illinois, New York and Vermont, to outlaw the practice of tail docking and ear cropping. The American Kennel Club has fought such laws.
In statements opposing them, the AKC says that "as prescribed in certain breed standards, (they) are acceptable practices integral to defining and preserving breed character, enhancing good health and preventing injuries," and that "any inference that these procedures are cosmetic and unnecessary is a severe mischaracterization that connotes a lack of respect and knowledge of history and the function of purebred dogs."
Gina Spadafori, an editor at the website, says that tail docking is still fairly common, in part because it's done within days of birth. Ear cropping, which is generally done when the puppy is between 12 and 14 weeks old, is fading, in part because "people are not comfortable seeing their puppies taped up like that."
Both docking and cropping have gone out of fashion in Europe, she says. In the USA, many breeders of show dogs "would happily stop doing it if they thought they could still win in the ring."
Written by Denise Nash -
United States Post Service (USPS) employees have always had to guard themselves against the threat of a dog bite, something very common in their profession. Although the USPS asks dog owners to be responsible and help protect their workers as well as others, accidents do happen.
Based on statistics provided by the USPS, last year Long Island had 40 dog bites.
In addition to postal carriers, children are statistically in a high-risk category for dog bites. And, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, children are frequently bitten on the face, which can result in severe lacerations, infection or scarring.
“Approximately half of the 800,000 Americans who receive medical attention for dog bites each year are children,” said Dr. James O. Cook, American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) president. “Through increased education and other efforts, these incidents are largely preventable.”
The USPS, joined by the American Veterinary Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, and the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons, declared a week in May as National Dog Bite Prevention Week.
The USPS recently mailed postal customers postcards including steps that dog owners should take to prevent a dog bite.
The Postal Service offers the following tips:
How to Avoid Being Bitten
• Don’t run past a dog. The dog’s natural instinct is to chase and catch prey.
• If a dog threatens you, don’t scream. Avoid eye contact. Try to remain motionless until the dog leaves, then back away slowly until the dog is out of sight.
• Don’t approach a strange dog, especially one that’s tethered or confined.
• While letter carriers are discouraged from petting animals, people who choose to pet dogs should always let a dog see and sniff them before petting the animal.
• If you believe a dog is about to attack you, try to place something between yourself and the dog, such as a backpack or a bicycle.
How to Be a Responsible Dog Owner
• Obedience training can teach dogs proper behavior and help owners control their dogs.
• When a carrier comes to your home, keep your dog inside, away from the door in another room.
• Don’t let your child take mail from the carrier in the presence of your dog. Your dog’s instinct is to protect the family.
• Spay or neuter your dog. Neutered dogs are less likely to bite.
• Dogs that receive little attention or handling, or are left tied up for long periods of time, frequently turn into biters.
To help educate the public about dog bites, the AVMA has developed a brochure, “What you should know about dog bite prevention,” offering tips on how to avoid being bitten, what dog owners can do to prevent their dogs from biting and how to treat dog bites.
Such tips include picking a dog that is a good match for your home, consulting your veterinarian for details, socializing your pet and avoiding aggressive games with your dog. To access the brochure online, visit press/publichealth/dogbite/mediakit.asp.

LA Unleashed
New research shows that, similar to "handedness" in humans, cats' "pawed"-ness tends to split across gender lines.

Psychologists Deborah Wells and Sarah Millsopp of Queen's University Belfast tested 42 house cats -- 21 males and 21 females -- to determine whether they favored their right or left paws when performing tasks of varying difficulty. Their report on the results has been accepted for publication in the journal Animal Behavior.
They tested the cats using three scenarios. In the first, and most complex, they placed delicious tuna in a narrow-mouthed jar. In the second, they dangled a toy mouse over the cats' heads, and in the third, they dragged the toy mouse across the ground in front of the cats. Each of the three tests was repeated 100 times for each cat.
In the toy-mouse tests, which required less intricate movements than the jar test, both male and female cats seemed to use either paw interchangeably. But in the more complex jar test, Wells and Millsopp noted an interesting trend. Male cats overwhelmingly used their left paws to try to scoop out the tuna snack (only one of the 21 seemed to be ambidextrous), while 20 of the 21 females almost always used their right paw for the task.
Their findings with cats mimics humans' use of their hands, according to the New Scientist -- for instance, most humans can use either hand to complete simple tasks like opening a door, but favor one hand over the other for tasks requiring precision, like writing. The study also mimics human hand usage in another way: although the vast majority of humans are right-handed, men are statistically much more likely than women to be left-handed. One theory on human "handedness" suggests that left-handed people were exposed to higher levels of testosterone than right-handed people while in the womb.
National Geographic reports that, like humans and cats, dogs' paw preferences also tend to split down gender lines -- but, interestingly, only if the dogs are not spayed or neutered. Unneutered dogs tend to favor their left paws, while unspayed females opt for their right. But researchers saw no discernible difference in paw choice between neutered male dogs and female dogs.
Baltimore Unleashed

Ok. Let me say upfront there's a PRIZE involved in this one. ...
The helpful folks behind Tidy Cat did a survey and found that a disturbing amount of America believes in the concept behind "The Crazy Cat Lady." Meaning, if a woman, or even a man, has more than one kitty, something is up there.
The poll found 71 percent of all domestic cats living in the U.S. reside in multiple cat households. So, that would be quite a lot of crazy, no?
According to the survey, the majority of non-cat owners have negative perceptions about multiple cat owners and their homes, saying that they would describe people with more than one cat as being a homebody (75%), lonely (69%) and a "crazy cat lady" (58%). And, non-cat owners say they would describe multiple cat owners' homes as smelly (75%), having furniture and bedding covered in cat hair (85%) and being cluttered (66%).
Tidy Cats, who as a company that makes money from all these cat people, is campaigning to end the stereotype -- launching "Tidy Cats Campaign to End Cattiness." The campaign includes a contest where people with more than one kitty can share their stories.
Well, to win a prize right here on Unleashed, you can share your stories, but I'd rather you talk about whether or not you think the "Crazy Cat Lady" thing holds any water. You can say it does. You won't hurt my feelings. All that much. Or you can tell me why it doesn't. There's a great treat in it for the best response or two.....**UPDATE: A friend of mine raises a good point. He doesn't think two cats is enough to be CCL. He thinks it takes 4 or 5. Is there a certain number that vaults one into the CCL zone?
PS: According to the survey, multiple cat owners describe themselves as being caring and loving (96 percent), generous (90 percent), well adjusted and fulfilled (87 percent). And, nearly nine in 10 cat owners (87%) say their cats do not prevent them from keeping their home clean and odor-free.

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by Bella Holly -
There are many bits of advice that can make parrot care very easy. The grooming for parrots is much different than for cats and dogs as your parrot is a bird and has a beak and claws. Be prepared for quite a challenge with grooming, as most of parrot grooming concentrates on the claws, beak, and wings.
It is highly recommended for you to educate yourself on the various conditions that can result in the beak becoming deformed and try to prevent this. Sometimes problems during birth can cause the parrot's beak to grow at a weird angle, but accidents can also cause such results. Other conditions to look out for are mites and fungus, which can be found in the feathers and beak.
It can be very dangerous to cut your parrot's claws if you have never done so before and have not had the proper instruction. In such a case, it is best to take your pet to a professional who can safely trim his claws. It can also be harmful to let your parrot's claws grow too long, as it is possible he could break a toe or develop problems walking and perching.
You must also be aware that a parrot bird will require his wings to be clipped a certain way so as not to injure himself when flying or landing. It may seem cruel to clip a bird's wings, but in reality, you are doing both yourself and the parrot a favor. As your parrot is not in the wild, he does not require huge wings for flight and hunting. He can hurt himself by flying into items in your home, and you would no doubt have a miserable time cleaning up broken items.
As with any other pet, you are responsible for seeing that your parrot receives a well-balanced diet. Keep in mind when selecting food for your parrot that while seeds are an excellent source of protein and fats, they can soon make your parrot overweight, as he will not get enough exercise to work off such a fatty diet. Most pet stores sell pellets which provide an excellent amount of nutrition without the excess fat.
Before buying a parrot, it is important that you understand the supplies that will be necessary for caring for a parrot, such as parrot cages, food and water bowls, and clippers for nails and wings.
About the Author: is an excellent place to find free information about parrots and how to care for them.
CASPER, Wyo. – Police in Wyoming said they arrested a woman for trying to bust her pit bull out of the doggie slammer. Police allege the woman smashed a window at the Metro Animal Control shelter last weekend, triggering an alarm. Officers said they found the dog running outside the building and arrested a 26-year-old woman after a foot chase.
She was booked on suspicion of burglary and conspiracy.
An arrest warrant affidavit said a man told officers he had driven the woman and another man to the shelter. He said the pair had two-way radios and a backpack.
Information from: Casper Star-Tribune - Casper,
Kathy Santo, SF Gate
Question: "I want to adopt a dog from the shelter. What's the most important quality to look for?"
Kathy Santo: Temperament, which isn't always an easy thing to see. So my first advice would be to ask an adoption counselor at the shelter to help you to assess the dogs you're considering. Ultimately, especially for families with children, what you're looking for is a friendly, happy dog who can't get enough of you petting him or her.
One way to get a sense of a dog's personality is to see whether the dog makes friendly eye contact with you. That's a big plus. It means the dog can be less likely to have aggression issues. If a dog asks you for physical contact, he's more likely to be okay when you handle him in ways he wishes you wouldn't (ear cleaning, nail clipping, etc.) than a dog who doesn't enjoy physical interaction.
Also, remember that temperament is genetic! As with people, they are who they are. Your mom probably had this talk with you at some point when you were dating someone you were incompatible with. The old expression "You can't ask a tiger to change his stripes" comes to mind.
It's important to remember this during your dog search. If your dream dog is a snuggle bug, but the adoption counselor told you the puppy you want is independent -- likes to play by himself, thinks a squeaky toy is more fun than any human -- do not think to yourself: That's fine. Because when I take him home he'll see how much fun I am and what great games we can play and he'll become bonded to me. Maybe. But more likely not. Remember the tiger's stripes.
Question: My dog is bored, and so am I. What can we do together that will make both of us feel good?
Kathy Santo: Great question, complicated answer. There are so many things you could do together, but not knowing either you or your dog, it's difficult to pinpoint exactly what you would both enjoy. My first thought would be to take an agility class together. But what if running alongside your dog as he jumps over hurdles and races through tunnels is too athletic for your taste?
My dogs and I love obedience and agility trials, but our greatest "feel-good" times are when we're working in programs I have for children with autism and senior citizens. The connection that we make with these people is as much a gift to me as it is to my dogs. With basic obedience training and proper certification, you and your dog can participate in programs such as Pet Partners with the Delta Society (, or Gabriel's Angels Pet Therapy Teams (, to name just two. Check with your local dog-training club to see what's available in your area, and then get ready to never be bored again!
October is "Adopt a Dog Month," and whether you're adopting a puppy, an adult, or a senior, "mistakes" can and will happen. For carpets and dog bedding, I use Seventh Generation's carpet cleaner ( It removes stains and odors, too. For floors and crates, I use Biokleen's All Purpose Cleaner (, a citrus-based concentrated deodorizer and cleaner. Both products are nontoxic and biodegradable, which makes me feel better, even when I'm on clean-up duty!
Trainer and behaviorist Kathy Santo is the author of Kathy Santo's Dog Sense (Knopf). Send questions to

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I was wondering if anyone could help me, i’m thinking of getting a dog but i work normal day time hours during the week. Can anyone recommend a dog that would be suited to being left alone for this amount of time. I would walk dog before and after work, leave him/her with lots of stimulating toys and employ a dog walker to walk it most days of the week. i also dont work in the school holidays. Im looking for a fairly small lish breed as i dont have a very large house. Can anyone recommend what breed may be best for me?
30 Responses to “Which Dog To Get If I Work During The Daytime?”
kelli123 says:
Congratulations! I work all day and have two dogs. One is a Toy Fox Terrier and the other is a rescued mutt. They are great company and keep me moving. I would suggest that you do some serious homework. Decide whether you want a purebred dog or a rescue dog. Would a puppy or older dog be better for you? Puppies require lots of care and attention and training to become “polite”. Watch some dog shows and see the different groups of dogs. There are several on line sites that allow you to take quizzes to find out which dog breed suits your personality and needs. Go to the library and read up.
I found that Dachsunds sleep a good bit during the day and are ready to play when you get home, but they can be hard to house break. Some terriers can be barkers and some can be hyper. Papilions are small and very intelligent.
Talk to some competent breeders. They love to talk about their breed. Sometimes they have dogs they want to retire. Talk to the people at you local humane society and tell them your situation.
Good luck and I hope you find your best friend!
Sithein says:
I think that you would do well with just about any breed that you’d like. Seriously consider your local rescue groups though. There are a couple of “breed selector” websites out there that might help you make your decision, or at least narrow down some of the possibilities.
JR says:
Don’t worry about breed. Check petfinders for rescues in your area. I know in our group we all work have kids animals of our own so the dogs are used to being crated. Most rescues foster in their homes and will be able to help you find one to fit your schedule.
fenlandf says:
a stuffed toy dog. Forcing an animal with a strong pack instinct, to live in solitary confinement and hold its bladder and bowels for up to 10 hours should be made a criminal act. It shows a basic ignorance and no concern at all for the animals. Don’t be selfish. Get a couple of cats until you are in a position to be a good dog owner. How on earth will you housetrain a puppy if it is simply left alone all day to pee and sh1t in the house 6 times a day while you are out? How will you feed a puppy 4 meals a day if you are out for 10 hours. You are a teacher so you MUST have a modicum of intelligence. Think about it. In a 24 hour period, you work 10 hours, sleep 8 hours, another hour or 2 for shopping, cleaning, laundry, getting ready for work.So, in a 24 hour period, the dog will be in solitary confinement for 20 hours at least.
restless says:
You could opt for a medium sized breed. Consider adopting a dog that is a year or two old, that has already been trained. Crating the dog during the day is always an option, and not as cruel as people think. Walking before and after work, is an excellent idea. You need to have some time to train the dog, though, before leaving it for the entire day. So consider acquiring the canine during a holiday break, or a long weekend. It’s possible, seek advice from a vet or a vet tech, too.
Caroline says:
I really don’t think ANY dog is suited to being in general left for 8 or more hours a day! This is cruel – even with a dog walker coming in. What if you couldnt find a suitable dog walker? And also I heard of one who lost the dog she was supposed to be looking after!
Maybe at some time in your future, you will be at home more and you will be able to get a dog then.
Dogs are not independant like cats. A cat would be a better choice.
del says:
a porcelain one
rappa29 says:
I work and have three dogs – border collie and dalmatians, I always go home on my dinner and if I can’t make it I get my partner or my dad to take them out. i found it easier to get them as puppies as they then get used to your routine. It’s your choice at the end of the day. Good luck with your search and I hope they bring you as much love and joy as my three do for me.
Terrier (UK) says:
I also work in a school (and therefore school hours – full time, term-time only) and my greyhound is fine with being left alone. I just make sure he’s walked last thing before leaving for work and first thing when I return.
As for the breed – my house is fairly large but frankly he spends most of his time sleeping in the same place, so I think he’d manage quite well in a smaller house. My aunt looked after him once when we went out – stayed out for 6 hours and he didn’t move ONCE! If you’d prefer a smaller dog, I believe whippets have a similar temperament.
You’ve thought ahead and are going to get someone to come in whilst you are at work to walk your dog. You sound like the sort of person who would make a great owner.
As some others have said though – puppies and very young dogs can be very demanding on your time, so I think you’d be better getting an adult dog from rescue. Click on the link below to find rescues near you:
As you aren’t sure what breed to go for, I think your best bet would be to go along to a few local all-breed rescues and see what they have. Speak to the staff there about your situation. Be as honest as you can, and they’ll be in a better position to help you out.
Many rescues will err on the side of caution and under normal circumstances might not want to re-home to a full-time worker, but you’ve thought ahead – you’re willing to employ a dog walker (it might be worth sounding out a few potential dog walkers and get a few names first so that the rescue knows you are serious). You get (long) school holidays and weekends, so there’s plenty of opportunity for you to spend time with your new friend.
Maybe try a few rescues if your first trip is unsuccessful.
Each dog in the rescue will have been assessed by the staff as to its needs, its temperament and the most suitable home for them, so you should find that you go home with the right one for you.
Good luck.
P.S. I’ve spoken with staff at 2 major rescues who have said that they would be willing to rehome to me if the right dog was available. Given the amount of controversy this issue has caused I’ll not name them for fear of the animosity being directed at said rescues (who do a great job).
So yes, ring around – some rescues probably would willing to rehome the right dog to you.
P.P.S. Greyhounds are known for being aloof and independent, and many cope quite well with being left for even longer periods than you are suggesting. Stalkers_love_me really should do more research.
Jump Higher Programs says:
By all means, ADOPT an older dog! many rescues get to know the dog prior to adopting them out, and therefore know if they are best in single family home, crate trained, independent or attention getters, etc. If you go to and search your area, you will find many potentials. Breed really doesn’t matter, exact that you want a smallish dog. If you read about the dogs posted, you will see their temperament and history posted, helping you to decide from there. But please, do not get a dog under 2 years old or a puppy! Too much training involved and too many vet visits for vaccines and spaying or neutering.
Adopting a dog not only saves their life, but they are generally UTD on shots, altered, temperament is known, medical conditions may be known, etc. Good luck!
Jo says:
Papillion’s are laid back little doggies! But get a breed that you like best and enlist the help of a trainer in your off hrs to get off on the right foot and paw together. ; )
kat b says:
I would not advise a puppy as these cannot be left alone for long periods, it would also be unfair to leave it, regardless of whether it has toys. Visit a dog rehoming centre and see if there is one that catches your eye, there is often a good variety in these sorts of places, you will probably want to give them all a home! I have always been a dog owner and i keep Labradors, they are wonderful but are not small and require lots of walks. Smallish breeds to consider would be; Spaniels (most varieties would be suitable, springer spaniels are very lively and require long walks) Terriers, which are not often popular because some can be snappy and irritating-although the patterdale or lakeland terrier are a good option. I could go on, however the best bet is to buy a decent dog book, and you will be able to research which would be the best for you with regards to your lifestyle and home etc. I would recommend anyone to get a dog as they are the best companions ever, however they are a big committment and i can never understand people who buy them on a whim, and then either dump them at a dog centre or flog them in the local paper, they are for life! good luck
privacy window film says:
any breed you get is hard for a dog to be left a lone for long periods of times especially puppies which require alot of attention. i suggest going to your local shelter and adopting a small adult breed dog, they are usually already potty trained and can handle being alone. just make sure you do it like on a Friday after work so you have the whole weekend to get to know each other. plus you never said how many hours a day you would be gone 8,10,12??? that makes a different also. also when you hired someone else to walk your dog. the dog tends to bond with that person and not with you because its usually with them more. just think about that. maybe a cat would fit your schedule better?? any way good luck in what you decide.
rose_mer says:
no, I can’t recommend any dog to be left alone all day every day. ‘normal hours’ is too long. More poeple should realise that. You will have a problemon your hands. Be responsible and Wait til you can work part time. It is not just about ‘I wanna dog’ it is about, what does the dog need from me!?
sherob1 says:
west highland terrier, spaniel or yorkie terrier
Hummer Parts says:
A dog is big. Are you ready to deal with a dog pissing and shitting everywhere in your home? No… I don’t think so.
Pick smaller pets, like gold-fishs, rats, or even try plants.
Princess Buttercup says:
Sorry but, it would be cruel to want a dog to go through that. A cat, on the other hand, would be fine.
And to all the losers who think this is ok, start calling around. A reputable breeder and most ethical no-kill rescue groups would never allow you to have a dog. Really. Simply because *you* do it, doesn’t make it ok. Yes, you have to work to pay for a dog. But, if you leave it all day, then what’s the point of having one? Being able to feed it doesn’t make up for leaving it alone all day.
Whippets? Shih tzus? Greyhounds? Ugh. These are all social family dogs. While any dog would be a bad idea, these dogs would be a TERRIBLE idea! Ugh.
Edit: So with the ‘additional’ information you’ve added, does this mean you don’t care that your home isn’t right for a dog? That your desire for a dog outweighs the dog’s welfare? You need to think long and hard about that.
phone chargers says:
I’m not inclined to recommend any breed. Dogs are sociable animals and enjoy companionship.
If you are working up to 10 hours a day and presumably sleeping 8 hours, shopping, socialising watching Tv and so on then that doesn’t leave much time for your dog.
A puppy or young dog is out of the question and an older rescue dog who has spent time in the company of the kennel staff, visitors and other dogs is going to have difficulty coping alone in a strange environment.
Quite a number of teachers get dogs at the start of the school holidays – the dog then gets used to its new home and new family then it’s back to school and the dog starts to be a problem because it can’t cope on its own.
A couple of teachers that I know take their dog to a dog creche every week day and another one has her dog as a day boarder with someone who looks after dogs and walks them. This is much better for the dog but expensive and personally I can’t see the point in getting a dog if someone else is looking after it most of the time.
Many local rescue societies ask for volunteers to walk their dogs and a lot of people who really like dogs but can’t have one for some reason or another derive a lot of enjoyment from giving up some of their time to dog walk. Perhaps this is an option for you?
P.S. I’ve been reading through your answers and had another think about it. You could try a rescue Greyhound – they are unbelievably lazy dogs and require very little exercise. They love comfort and are usually very quiet and placid.
Although in an ideal world I think dogs should not be left on their own for a long time.
Good luck!
Aggressive White Hat SEO says:
I have had my Tzu for 4 years. She is 9 lbs of sweetness. We walk every morning and play in the evening. She uses peepee pads (most of the time). Most homes that have dogs DO NOT have someone there all day. I see dogs in back yards (in all weather) where people work and kids are at school. At least my little girl is in a warm home in winter and a cool one in summer. Tzus cant take heat very well and they don’t need a lot of exercising. Watch their diet – they gain easily. She is living in the lap of luxury. You will do just fine as will your dog. Also, have it spayed or neutered. Just the right thing to do for any dog. Tzus are the sweetest tempered dogs. We will be getting another one. One thing I have learned about a Tzu is they are more tuned in to you when they have to potty. She will just sit at my feet and look at me if she has to go out. Sometimes she slaps at my feet. She has never gone to the door to let me know. I’ve heard other Tzu owners say the same thing. I take mine to the groomer every couple of months to keep her hair short. That way I just have to brush her tail and ears every day or so. But they love the attention. They will stay in your lap for hours if you keep rubbing their tummy. They sleep alot in the day. I haven’t the time for puppy training so we got ours when she was almost 2. Best thing I ever did. Puppies take a lot of work but you can start them with crate training. I just didn’t want to leave my dog in a crate all day. She has the run of the house. Get a dog. You will love it. m
heidi the ghosthunter says:
dont get a dog
they chew things
they poo all over the place
}SoC{bou says:
i think an older dog would be better than a pup and a breed thats not to hyper even if someone came in to walk the dog at lunch time lol
WP Robot Wordpress Autoposter says:
I have a border terrier and he’s fine being left alone during the day as long as he has lots of toys, they’re fairly small dogs but not one of the toy breeds and they’re very loving playful and good with kids.
linzi818 says:
ive got a shih tzu and i leave her during working hours, although when i first got her i wasnt working so the training and bonding had already taken place so by the time i came to working she was fine, shih tzus are a fantastic breed, and dont need as much exercise as bigger dogs, i also had no problems with her chewing things up, as long as they have enough chew toys and things to keep them entertained they get on with it, and seem quite happy to sleep all day and the love you receive on coming home just makes all the poo cleaning worth while… and unlike other smaller breeds they are not yappy little things. oh and i would advise to get a female they are alot more calmer than the males, thats why in most breeds the males get snipped… a female shih tzu is the way to go, but i am bias, because mine is the best ***** in the world….
romore26 says:
ignore these people who tell you not to get a dog becourse you cannot be with it all day. how the hell do these people pay for there dogs food vets bills and so, on if they dont leave the house to go work. we have a perfectly happy and much loved dog that stays at home during the day as im sure millions of other people have.
werepige says:
If youre all out all day, you should not get a dog – how would you like to be locked up and left alone for 9 hours each day? If you insist on getting a dog – get one of those robotic ones.
Confused says:
My wife and i have a King Charles Spaniel. They are easily house trainable, loving companion, and dedicated and loyal partner. I strongly suggest that you get one of these if you can find one. They will settle on teddy bears as their companion when you are not around and they are also protective to their owner. The are smallish dogs and would suite you beautifully.
quantum pendant says:
I work 3 hours each day so my dogs are never alone for more than 4 hours tops, I NEVER go shopping on the way home either!
I would Never Ever leave my dogs all day while I worked 9-5 or whatever, it’s far too long, if you work out the time it takes you to get to work, maybe 1/2-1hr X2 so that’s another 2 hours making it 10 hours the dog is alone then maybe you might want to go out for the evening lets say another 3 hours making it 13 hours that your dog hasn’t seen you then you go to bed and that’s perhaps another 6 hours, so a total of 19 out of one day that your poor dog hasn’t seen you, whats OK about that???!!!
EDIT, my dogs go for a long walk (about 1 hour) before I go to work, 1/2 hr when I get home and a really long walk before it gets dark all off lead! I wouldn’t trust anyone else to walk my dogs it’s too much of a responsibility, that responsibilty is mine!
diney2u says:
Don’t get put off by people telling you not to get a dog. A good dog that ironically doesn’t need alot of exercise is a Greyhound. There are alot of greyhound rescues out there – you can serve alot of purposes by adopting one of these lovely dogs.
Anon says:
Don’t. My husband had the fanciful notion that we should get a dog so we applied to the pound. Their answer was “it’s cruel to keep a dog in the house all day.” Fair enough, I concur. But then the evil madam who was on the reception desk said “He’ll be put down long before someone like YOU gets an animal from this pound!” Leaving me in a state of complete shock, I have two cats and pet rats also who are very happy and healthy. Don’t put yourself through the heartache of being insulted by these people.
MB says:
Wow, there are some very strong opinions here.
I think you mean well and congratulate you on taking your time to research getting a dog. It’s a big decision and a big responsibility.
In your case, I like the idea of getting an older dog from a rescue. If you are working full time most puppies will need more attention than you have to give. But an older dog (even if only 3 years old) will be housebroken and a bit less energetic (depending on the breed).
You do need to commit to plenty of physical and mental stimulation. Leaving toys is not enough. Most dogs want you to play with them and the toy.
Good luck!
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