Christine Ledder -
Vacation Safely with a Furry Friend
The idea of traveling with a pet is often popular. The realities are not always as simple as people assume. Research is the key to a successful outing for all.
Traveling with a pet has become popular in the United States. An industry has arisen around the idea that pets can be accommodated just like traditional travelers at various budget levels. There are premium pet vacation plans and budget travel arrangements. Owners are becoming educated consumers in the pet friendly travel market.
The Trip and the Pet Should be a Good Fit
While wanting to keep a pet close is a natural instinct not all trips and pets are a good match. An active hiking trip in a pet friendly environment may be a wonderful fit for a dog that is healthy and loves the outdoors. It may not be a great fit for an older dog who struggles with the daily walking routine. Owners know the temperament and abilities of a dog and need to to be honest about the dog’s ability to handle the situation when choosing an outing. The same basic rules apply to all pets. Can the animal adapt to the structure of the environment in which it will be living? Will it be comfortable and content or stressed and worried the entire trip?
If the trip is a good fit then considering pet friendly options is a good choice for this trip. Some pets just are not good travelers so when one travels one should have good options for pet care available. If a pet can travel each trip will have to be considered on a trip by trip basis. If the trip is just not a good fit the two options are leaving the pet with reliable pet care, or altering the vacation to a more pet friendly option that meets the pet’s needs.
Planning a Pet Friendly Vacation
There are books, blogs and websites devoted to this subject with wonderful advice. One should understand one’s budget and goals for the trip. If one is bringing a pet one is going to have to focus activities around pet friendly options or consider pet care during the outings that are not pet friendly. Even pet friendly establishments do have issues with pets being left alone for long periods of time.
Pets will need consistency in food and medicine so consider that when packing. Bedding, toys, and entertainments should also be considered. A calm pet tends to be a happier one. Consider how an animal will be provided with hydration while traveling and during a visit. All animals have temperature issues so consider temperature control and how that can be maintained during travel and what options will be available at the location the pet will be living at during the stay.
Ron is an Ohio native whose professional life started in Los Angeles where he and Buff founded the graphic design company, Ron Burns Design. There his work won over high-profile clients including Dick Clark Productions, Xerox, and Blue Cross.

But this brand of success demanded a nonstop, 25-hour-a-day approach to living and working that grew less and less fulfilling. Ron occasionally used painting as a pastime to deal with the intense pressures of commercial work. The 1987 Whittier earthquake rattled more than their design studio off its foundation, it forced Ron and Buff to completely reprioritize their lives.
Looking to escape the soulless-ness of business life in L.A., they moved to Sedona, Arizona. In this quieter, more spiritual setting Ron began to take painting seriously. He explored various styles and subject matter until finally he started painting vibrant portraits of their own dogs.
"There's nothing subtle or muted about a pet's love, especially, especially a dog's," says Ron. "It's full-strength, heart-felt and wild-as-the-wind. So the green-apple colors, the fire-truck reds, the swimming-pool blues really chose themselves."

Brilliant, saturated colors are the only ways I can begin to capture what each of us experiences with the dogs and cats that nurture us.
Ron begins each portrait with the eyes.
"Their eyes hold nothing back, whether it's love or fear, heartbreak or admiration. Every portrait begins with the eyes, they have to because from there all the life and personality radiates outward," he says.
After Ron's initial series of paintings of his own "kids," he started visiting animal shelters and taking photos of other dogs and cats to use as models. After selling portraits of these images, he returned a percentage of proceeds back to support the shelters. This approach later lead to being named artist-in-residence with The Humane Society of the United States.
New York Daily News writes that Ron's style "captures the quiet heroics of the life of dogs." It's a style that has won over collectors, interior designers, auction bidders, and book buyers. He has been featured nationally on television and in print.
Demand for Ron's original work, limited editions, and his book continues to flourish on the strength of gallery sales, word of mouth among collectors, and media praise.
-- Forbes magazine writes, "Burns style has become extremely collectible."
-- "His canvasses of in-your-face dogs and cats drenched in Day-Glo colors are hot sellers," reports San Francisco Chronicle.
-- Sky magazine calls his style "eye-popping, irresistible, Andy Warhol meets Matisse."

Ron, Buff, Loganberry and Emma currently live part-time in Scottsdale, Arizona and there he is presently creating new works of art, working on a number of exciting new projects including those that support the animals.
Click here to visit Ron's site and view his amazing animal art.
By JAN JARVIS / Special Contributor to The Dallas Morning News
Kelly, a 10-year-old chocolate Lab, sports a bright yellow collar with "Livestrong" embroidered on it. Like cyclist Lance Armstrong, she's a cancer survivor.
In June, Kelly started getting Palladia, the first drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat cancer in dogs.
Kelly had a malignant mast cell tumor and an enlarged lymph node in her chest, said her owner, Pam Greenberg of Dallas. "The prognosis wasn't good – three to nine months."
At that time, Greenberg hit the Internet and discovered that Pfizer, the maker of Palladia, had received FDA approval for the drug in June, but for limited use. Only vets certified in oncology are allowed to give the drug until it becomes widely available early next year.
A month after the treatment, when the playful pooch returned to her Dallas veterinarian for tests, her owner got the news she had been hoping for.
"I don't see any cancer at all," said Dr. Cheryl Harris, who is board-certified in oncology.
Until the development of Palladia, veterinarians had to rely on human cancer drugs without knowing the dosage, safety or effectiveness in animals.
While surgery is the first line of treatment for dogs with mast cell tumors, many dogs don't have that option, Harris said. The malignant tumor accounts for about 20 percent of skin cancer in dogs. It strikes all breeds but is often found in Labradors, boxers and Boston terriers.
About 60 percent of dogs older than 6 are diagnosed with cancer, and nearly half the deaths in pets older than 10 result from the disease, according to the Pet Cancer Foundation.
Palladia joins a growing list of FDA-approved drugs developed specifically for companion animals. Within the last two years, the FDA has approved three other drugs developed by Pfizer's veterinary division: Slentrol for obesity, Cerenia for motion sickness and Convenia, the first single-dose injected antibiotic for skin infections in dogs and cats. Novartis, Eli Lilly and other pharmaceutical giants are also making medicines for companion animals.
Animal health is big business in a country where many people treat their pets as family members. An estimated 62 percent of U.S. households own a pet, equivalent to 71.4 million homes, according to the American Pet Products Association.
This year, pet owners are expected to spend $45.4 billion on their animal companions, $22.4 billion of that on veterinary care, over-the-counter medications and supplies.
Since the FDA approved Palladia, Harris said, she has been inundated with calls from people interested in the drug for their dogs.
"People definitely see their pets as four-legged children," Harris said.
As pet owners seek better care for their cats and dogs, vets have been pushing pharmaceutical companies to develop drugs for the most common conditions, such as motion sickness.
"We are seeing a lot of pet caregivers who are very anxious to keep the family pet healthy," said Rick Goulart, a Pfizer animal health spokesman.
Greenberg estimates that she has spent $5,000 this year on Kelly's treatment, including CT scans, biopsies and drugs. And that doesn't include the Palladia, which has been free because it's just beginning to be used.
Palladia's price is expected to be set next year. Harris said current cancer treatments for pets can cost $2,000 to $5,000 over a year, but Palladia is expected to be cheaper.
After hearing about Palladia, Greenberg did not hesitate to do whatever was needed to save her canine companion.
"I know a ton of people who would do anything for their dogs," she said.
Kelly had to be temporarily taken off the drug when her blood cell count dropped significantly, but after a week she began taking the pill again.
Over about a month, the tumor shrank dramatically, and Kelly was bouncing around like a puppy. Recently, Harris could not detect any cancer in the dog.
"Now on the CT scan you can't see any kind of enlarged lymph gland," Greenberg said. "The breast area doesn't even look like there was a tumor."
About Palladia
Palladia was tested on 157 dogs with Grade II and III tumors, which have begun to spread or metastasized to lymph glands.
About 60 percent of the dogs in clinical trials had their tumors shrink, disappear or stop growing, according to Pfizer.
Palladia works by killing tumor cells and cutting off the blood supply to the tumor.

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Moberly Monitor
When heat indices rise, pet owners are advised to take special precautions to keep pets safe. High temperatures can be deadly for pets left without a cool, shady place to rest and plenty of water.
•Never leave a pet unattended in a parked car when the temperature is more than 70 degrees.
When it’s 72 degrees outside, a car’s temperature can rocket to 116 degrees, even with the windows cracked. When it is 85 degrees outside, the temperature inside a car can soar to 120 degrees in minutes. Leaving a pet in a parked car is inhumane,illegal and can cause severe injury or even death within minutes.
•Act immediately if you see a distressed animal in an unattended car. This is called “exigent circumstances” and you can remove an animal from a car, by whatever means necessary, if they show signs of distress such as heavy panting, unresponsive behavior, seizure or collapse.
•Be certain outdoor pets have access to fresh, clean water at all times.
Secure plastic water bowls, never metal, to the ground so your pet can’t accidentally tip them over. You can dig a small round hole and place the water bowls inside.
•Ensure that your pet has access to shade at all times.
Your dog might be in the shade when you leave for work, but the sunlight moves throughout the day. Don’t allow your pet to be stranded in the scorching sun.
•If you run or jog with your dog, take frequent water breaks for yourself and your dog.
Remember that asphalt and concrete get hot quickly. You have rubber soles on your feet—your dog does not. On hot days, leave your dog at home.
Do not bicycle or rollerblade with a pet. Heat stroke and possible death can occur very quickly, particularly in hot weather.
•When the weather is dangerously hot, keep pets inside.
•If your pet is showing signs of heat exhaustion (excessive panting, vomiting, lethargic behavior), right away begin applying cold water to your pet’s extremities. See your veterinarian immediately!
•During the summer, mosquitoes are prevalent. Make sure your pet is tested by a veterinarian for heartworm disease (a mosquito-transmitted, often fatal disease) and begin heartworm prevention medication.
To report an animal in heat-related jeopardy, please call the Humane Society of Missouri at (314) 647-4400.
For more information on how to care for pets during the summer months, visit the Humane Society of Missouri or e-mail us at
By Dan Vergano, USA TODAY
Man's best friend or food-grubbing flatterer? Dogs are no dummies either way, suggests a study showing how canines respond to deception.
Fido always seems to know which hand hides the treat, even without sniffing, and researchers and pet owners alike have long wondered whether pooches imagine what we are thinking or whether they simply read body language.
"Dogs evolved with humans, and a number of studies have suggested they are particularly sensitive to human cues," says psychologist William Roberts of Canada's Dalhousie University. Sentimental pet owners might even say their dogs know what they are thinking.
To test how well dogs have people figured out, Roberts and colleagues performed three experiments reported in the current Behaviour Process journal. The team recruiting pet owners and tested 16 dogs in a park near London, Ontario.
First, the researchers presented the dogs with two covered buckets, one empty, one loaded with treats. In some trials, the same tester would always signal to the dogs the empty bucket. In other trials, another tester would signal the full bucket.
The dogs started out running to the bucket indicated by testers in both trials, but within five attempts, the dogs figured out a little less than half the time to run to the bucket not indicated by the "deceptive" tester.
Similar tests were done decades ago in chimps, notes psychologist Clive Wynne of the University of Florida-Gainesville, editor of the journal. "One interesting thing is that the dogs are wiping the floor with the chimps in how often, statistically, they figure out the deception," he says.
To see whether the human testers mattered, the team replaced the testers with white or black boxes, placed behind buckets, one empty and one holding hot dog pieces. "It appears that dogs learned rather quickly to approach the (full) box and to avoid the (empty) box," the study says.
"They are just as good at it when no humans are involved," Wynne says. The study suggests, he adds, that "sometimes for your dog, you are just a stimulus machine that provides food" rather than a thinking creature whose intentions need to be read.
But Alexandra Horowitz of Columbia University says the experiments can't tell us too much. "In the deceiver case, they were torn — this person had deceived them, but on the other hand, it is still a person, and people often have information about where food or a toy is hidden."
Submitted by K9 Magazine News Editor -
People allergic to pets may be surprised to learn that pets too can suffer their (un)fair share of allergies. Topping the list of medical conditions that affect both people and pets, allergies are one of many pet illnesses often mistakenly considered exclusive to humans. A recent study by a pet health insurance firm in the USA examined its 2008 medical claims data to determine the top 10 “human” conditions that also plague pets:
1. Allergies – In 2008, VPI received 63,761 claims for skin allergies.
Allergic reactions in pets can result from flea bite saliva, the pollen
of nearby plants or foods that pets eat. Treatment for pets is
relatively the same as it is for people: control the pet’s exposure to
allergens (in the environment or to certain foods), administration of
antihistamines, and, in severe cases, administration of
anti-inflammatory medications.
2. Bladder infection – 23,915 claims received. The symptoms of a bladder
infection, or bacterial cystitis, can be difficult to recognize in
pets. Don’t assume all “accidents” in the house or a pet’s frequent
urination pattern is simply a behavioral issue. There could be medical
basis to a pet’s change in urinary habits. It is important to never
ignore a pet that appears to be experiencing painful or difficult
3. Arthritis – 19,537 claims received. The aging process occurs more
rapidly in pets and has many of the same effects on pets as it does on
humans. Arthritis, or degenerative joint disease, most often results
from a lifetime of wear and can cause pain or decreased joint movement.
Pets suffering from arthritis may need anti-inflammatory medications
and/or pet specific pain relievers for their arthritis. (Note: never
give a pet a human drug or pain reliever, since these can be toxic to
4. Diabetes – 8,590 claims received. As with humans, diabetes requires
daily management of the disease and a combination of treatment
involving weight control, specially timed meals, insulin injections
and/or oral medications.
5. Skin Cancer – 2,114 claims received. It would be easy to think that
with hair usually covering the majority of their bodies, pets don’t
have to worry about skin cancer. Unfortunately, the three most common
skin cancers in humans also occur in pets. Areas of skin that are white
or pink on a pet’s coat are particularly susceptible to sunburn which,
with long-term exposure, can lead to skin cancer. As such, it is
important to monitor the skin of pets with white ear tips, pink noses,
6. Gum Disease – 1,748 claims received. Pets have a disadvantage compared
to people in the dental category. Food particles tend to gather in the
corners of their mouth after a meal, so tooth brushing and regular
checkups are necessary. Without tooth brushing the pet is susceptible
to the potentially harmful effects of excessive plaque buildup on the
tooth’s surface. The plaque harbors bacteria, which easily invade the
adjacent gum lining, leading to gum recession and gum disease.
7. Acne – 705 claims received. Acne in dogs and cats affects the chin and
lips. While dogs often outgrow the condition, cats are more likely to
suffer lifelong breakouts. Most pets are not bothered by the condition,
but in severe cases, the affected areas may become painful or itchy.
Topical medications may be prescribed by a veterinarian to relieve the
pet’s discomfort.
8. Stomach Ulcers – 584 claims received. Ulcers in pets can be caused by
drugs, cancer, kidney or liver disease, pancreatitis, inflammatory
bowel disease or chronic stomach inflammation. Pets with stomach ulcers
may vomit or display abdominal discomfort.
9. Cataracts – 495 claims received. A cataract is a change in the
transparency of lens in the eye. An opaque lens blocks light from
reaching the retina and may cause a partial or complete loss of vision.
Cataracts in pets may be caused by diabetes, malnutrition, radiation,
inflammation, or trauma. Like humans, surgery may be required to remove
the affected lens or lenses.
10. Laryngitis – 382 claims received. Dogs and cats can bark or meow for
hours upon hours, but every so often, one will lose his voice. The
cause may be an upper respiratory tract infection, irritation due to
an inhalant, or just excessive vocalization. An inflamed larynx will
cause vocal difficulty. Fortunately, it is rarely serious.

by Sally Darby -
Pet insurance will give you the reassurance that should your pet need treatment the cost of taking them to the vet will be covered, but is there any way to reduce how much you pay in premiums? We discuss our top 10 ways to insure your pets for less.
Seen as an essential purchase by some pet-owners and an unnecessary extravagance by others, the subject of pet insurance can be a surprisingly controversial one in the animal world. However, there’s no doubt that if your pet falls ill or has an accident and you don’t have pet insurance in place, you’ll invariably find yourself having to pay out to cover huge vet bills.
The cost of treating your pet can be extremely high – often running into thousands of pounds if your dog has a broken foot, for example. Yet paying out regularly to keep up insurance premiums can be a drain on your finances, and when many of us are looking to tighten our belts any way we can, it’s something you’re likely to want to cut down on as much as possible.
So how can you reduce your pet insurance premiums? We give you our top 10 tips.
1. Shop aroundWhen buying insurance shopping around is an absolute must to ensure you aren’t paying out more than you have to. Instead of accepting your renewal or the first pet insurance quote you are given make sure you do your homework and research all the alternatives on the market.
There is a huge variety of different pet insurance policies available, giving cover for dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, and more ‘exotic’ pets such as lizards and tarantulas. This vast amount of choice means that you should be able to find exactly what you want from pet cover at a price that suits your budget. If you’re looking for a cost-cutting approach to insuring your pet then comparing a number of policies is a good place to start.
It’s a good idea to figure out what you want from a policy before you start looking, so that you can be confident your pet has the cover he or she needs in order to get the care you want to give them should you need to make a claim.
2. Buy onlineAs with the majority of insurance policies nowadays, the internet can be a valuable tool for reducing the cost of premiums. Not only can you use the internet to search and compare policies until you find one that provides suitable cover at a suitable price, you can also benefit from discounts on your premium if you buy online.
Many pet insurance companies offer a discount to customers if they purchase their policies online because it costs less to arrange and therefore cuts their overheads, meaning they can pass on the savings to you. That said, there’s no guarantee that policies that offer online discounts are going to provide you with cheaper, or better cover.
So when conducting your pet insurance search it’s important to compare policies that offer online discounts with those that do not offer them, to see how policies differ both in terms of cover and in terms of price.
3. Insure all your pets under the same policyIf you have more than one pet, it can make sense to insure them all at the same time with the same insurer. Doing so can often mean multi-pet discounts, where your insurer will offer you money off your cover if you are willing to insure two or more of your pets together.
Having all your pets covered under the same policy can be more convenient than buying several separate policies, as well as meaning savings for you. If your pets fall ill or have an accident, the claim process should be easier if you have only one insurer to deal with. So if you want to insure your faithful Collie under one policy, it could be a good idea to insure your cat, hamster, horse, and any other pets you own with the same insurer too.
4. Increase your excessIf you increase the amount you are willing to pay in the event of a claim, your premiums may be reduced accordingly. This is because the insurer will then have to pay less towards the cost of a claim and so can afford to charge you less to keep up your cover.
However this cost-cutting tactic should only be used if you can afford to pay out more in the event of a claim – if you think you won’t be able to meet potential costs, keep your excess low.
5. Find the balance between unlimited and limited coverAll pet insurance policies will cover vet fees to some extent, but while some insurers will give you unlimited cover for vet bills, others will limit the amount you can claim per year. Cover is also usually limited to a certain amount per condition, and may not cover any pre-existing conditions.
While an unlimited policy will provide you with the most comprehensive cover, it will cost more to keep up because the insurer will have to pay out more. Opting for cover that is limited to pay out a specific amount for any claim may therefore be more cost-effective, as long as it is providing you with the cover you need.
6. Choose between ongoing and short-termWhen it comes to taking out a pet insurance policy you tend to have two options; those that will pay out for treatment of any one condition (up to the policy maximum) on an ongoing basis and those that will pay out for treatment for a limited time only (usually 12 months).
If you’re looking to cut the cost of pet insurance, policies that are designed to cover the cost of treatment for a limited term are an option that’s definitely worth considering. This is because policies that provide insurance for a 12 months are likely to be more than adequate for those who are concerned about covering the cost of treatment following a sudden illness, injury or accident and tend to be the cheaper alternative.
Life of condition pet insurance policies on the other hand will provide you with reassurance that should your pet suffer from an ailment that is going to require treatment for a prolonged period then you will be able to afford to give this to them. That said, they do tend to be more expensive than those that provide cover for a limited term so you will need to weigh the benefits with the costs.
7. Leave nothing unsaidWhen arranging your pet insurance policy remember to always give a full disclosure of your pet’s health – past and present. If your pet has pre-existing or hereditary medical conditions don’t omit these important details at the point of buying cover.
Although insuring a pet with pre-existing conditions may cost more than insuring a pet in good health, it will save you money in the long run. It’s worth noting that many insurers will not provide cover for the treatment of pre-existing conditions so you’ll need to check before committing yourself.
An insurer is very unlikely to pay out in the event of a claim if they suspect your pet was already at risk of becoming ill, so it is always worth being completely honest at the outset.
8. Go for a mongrelIf you are at the stage where you are looking to add a new canine friend to your family, think about how much the animal will cost to insure before you buy. As a general rule a mongrel will be much cheaper to insure than a pedigree dog, as pedigrees tend to be more at risk of becoming ill and may require specialist treatment.
9. Cover them while they’re youngIt’s best to buy insurance for your pet while they are still young, as the older your pet is, the more it will cost to insure them. This is because as your pet advances in years they are more likely to fall ill or need a visit to the vet.
If you leave buying insurance till your pet is looking a little worse for wear and may need to make a trip to the vet in the near future, your cover is likely to cost much more than if you had insured a healthy young pup. So it pays to insure your pet early on in their life.
That said, it is still worth insuring older pets too, because the cost of cover is likely to be far less than paying out for vets’ bills.
10. Look after your pet Keeping your pet happy, healthy, and fit will reduce the likelihood of having to make a trip to the vet and in turn reduce the cost of pet insurance. A pet that is of good health and neither underweight nor overweight will cost less to insure simply because they are less likely to need treatment.
Make sure your pet gets plenty of exercise, has a good diet, and is given plenty of care and attention – as well as giving your pet a long and happy life, this also means you won’t have to shell out as much to keep up their insurance cover.

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by Jill Rosen - Baltimore Sun
The kitty that falls asleep on your pillow purring every night -- is she worth just the $30 you paid for her at the shelter?
Or your loyal dog, who you walk with every day -- what, $150?
That's the value that showed up on your credit card -- but is their real value about more than the pricetag? In a court of law, that might not be the case.
A courtroom in Virginia is wrestling with that very issue, according to this interesting story in Monday's Washington Post.
According to the story, Jeffrey Nanni has sued his former domestic partner, Maurice Kevin Smith, alleging that Smith maliciously killed their 12-pound Chihuahua, Buster, two years ago by hitting him with a wooden board. The suit says, Nanni, 42, a paralegal, "continues to suffer severe emotional distress" and should be compensated for it. He's aksing for monetary damages for Buster's worth, "which includes Buster's unique value . . . as a companion animal."
Virginia law says that dogs and cats are personal property and that owners are "entitled to recover the value" of the pet if the pet is injured or killed. That has been interpreted to mean replacement value.

What do you think? Should the courts try to consider the fuzzy value of love and companionship when itemizing damages? A provocative and tricky issue....
My 22-year-old orange tabby, Marigold, is priceless, and that's my point. The laws should be changed to read that companion animals are not property but individuals who are protected under the law. People who kill these animals should go to jail. I know that's a slippery slope, and I do occasionally eat a burger, but we have to stop considering companion animals as property. They are not cars or refrigerators.
Posted by: Mart
If you took all of my vet bills (puppy has tummy troubles) and the bills for the special food she's on. Plus her daily medication for the past 6 years. The price of all the cute treats and doggie beds, and trips to the are getting into some tens of thousands I'm sure! (I try not to think about it :) And while that could be argued as an "investment" in my "property", that still isn't enough money to make a dent in the "emotional distress" that it would cause me if someone stole her or hurt her. She is my only family here in Baltimore. She's my furry child. And I would retaliate if someone or something hurt her.
Posted by: Bubbles
How much is a child worth? How much is a spouse worth? How much is a friend worth? All loving relationships are priceless. Many years ago, when going through a divorce, I gave up a really nice house in California so that I could keep my 6 year old Golden Retriever. I knew he'd have a better life with me. He was priceless and I wouldn't have traded a moment with him for a million dollars.
Posted by: Lisa Spector
Anybody who kills/hurts my pets better be prepared to suffer. Painfully.
I'd do time in order to avenge Jack & Daphne. They're my babies, & it's not OK to hurt them. The penalties for animal cruelty are shamefully insufficient...that disgusting piece of slime Richard Rioux is facing 90 days at most.
Posted by: Weaselbaby
Hi, I was in car accident in April 09, my car was rear-ended, had $8,000 in damage. My new Border Collie rescue was in the back seat with my other dog. Both dogs ended up on the floor. The accident did not scare my older dog, but the Border Collie became extremely AFRAID of EVERYTHING. We had to hire a special dog behaviorist. We ended up having almost $600 in the training, vet bill, hollistic meds out of our own pocket.The other persons insurance finally paid us $750 for our dog, and paid for the car repairs. I'm in AZ and that is all they would pay. The border collie has recoverd, but it took alot of work, we really were not compensated for many months of work that was caused by the other dumbo driver. I'm just glad my dogs are OK! Cheers Agnesmom
Posted by: Agnesmom
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