Consumer Reports
How to pay less and still take good care of your critters
As a result of the economic downturn, many of us have trimmed spending—except when it comes to our pets. While sales are anemic in most industries, spending on pet products remains robust. Total sales topped $43 billion in 2008, and a 4.9 percent increase is expected this year, according to the American Pet Products Association. We spend an average of $1,035 on a cat and $1,580 on a medium-sized dog in the first year of ownership.
You can pamper your furry and feathered friends without breaking the bank. Here are some ways to cut costs.
Read pet-food labels carefully
A higher-priced brand of pet food could mean it contains better ingredients, but you might also be paying for pretty packaging, marketing, or a fancy name. "It's all about reading the labels," says Louise Murray, a veterinarian and director of medicine at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Check for the words "complete and balanced," which indicate it can be the pet's sole nourishment. Also look for a statement that the food's nutritional adequacy was validated by the American Association of Feed Control Officials, a regulatory group.
Compare pet-food prices on Web sites like Amazon, DrsFosterSmith,, and, as well as your local supermarkets, big-box stores, and pet shops. You can often save by buying in bulk, but check unit prices to make sure. Also look for coupons on manufacturers' Web sites and on sites like CoolSavings,, and And take advantage of store loyalty programs.
Shop around for prescriptions
If your pet needs medication, ask your vet what the drug will cost and if there's a lower-priced human drug equivalent you can pick up at a pharmacy. Compare your vet's price to what you'd pay on such Web sites as 1800PetMeds, Costco, DrsFosterSmith, KVVet, and PetCareRx. Make sure any Web site you use requires a prescription from your vet; if it doesn't, that's a sign it isn't a legitimate site. Also consider a lower-priced generic medication if one is available.
Cut the cost of supplies
Buy things like cleaning supplies, flea and tick medications, and litter in bulk when appropriate. Check out such Web sites as Craigslist, eBay, and Freecycle for aquariums, birdcages, cat carriers, dog crates, kitty condos, and similar items, suggests Betsy McFarland, senior director for companion animals at the Humane Society of the United States. One of our staffers bought a kitty condo on eBay for $70 that sells for about $270 in pet stores.
Keep the toy count down
Buy a few pet toys and rotate them every couple of weeks. Before you buy, ask your vet about the kinds of toys that are appropriate and safe for your pet. Then compare prices at the same pet stores, department stores, and Web sites you checked for pet-food deals.
Save boarding fees
Check with family and friends well before a trip to see if anyone can care for your pets. "Try to work a free trade with other pet owners, so they can take care of your pets while you're away and then you can return the favor," McFarland says.
If you can't find someone to trade, ask your neighbors and vet for the names of people or places they'd recommend. Vet technicians may do pet sitting on the side for a lower fee than you'd pay to board your pet. You'd get the added benefit of having someone with medical expertise, just in case.
If you use a kennel, visit several in your area to compare prices and the quality of the facilities. Ask for a copy of the kennel's policy regarding medical emergencies for boarded animals. Check with the Better Business Bureau for complaints. Make sure the owners are licensed to do business in your state and that the area where your pet will be kept is clean and big enough.
You might be able to find someone who will board your pet in their home. Look the place over the same way you would a kennel. "I checked out a couple of home boarding places with my dog," says Sheryl Fischer of Bethel, Conn. The one that she and her dog, Lucy, liked best cost a bit less than local kennels. And, she adds, "Lucy gets to sleep on a bed, which sealed the deal."
Pass on pet insurance
Pet health insurance will probably cost you more than it will save you. As with health coverage for people, you'll have deductibles, co-payments, and premiums, and you might bump up against lifetime payment ceilings if your pet is chronically ill.
Say you buy PetCare's QuickCare Gold 90% policy for a domestic shorthair kitten. You'll pay $25.95 a month (purebreds and dogs cost more). If the kitten needs a $3,000 surgical procedure the next year, you'll owe a $100 deductible, after which the company will pay 90 percent of the cost up to $2,500. Your total outlay will be $311 in premiums plus $600 in co-pays and your deductible. If that same surgery is needed when the cat is 8, the plan will pay the same amount. But you'll be out about $2,500 in premiums paid during those eight years (assuming the premiums did not rise). And, of course, older pets are more likely to need expensive medical care.
Washington Post
The Danger of Grapes and Raisins
Dear Readers: Veterinarians tell us that GRAPES AND RAISINS are hazardous to your dog's health and can even be fatal, depending on the size and weight of the dog. Vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain are symptoms of grape or raisin poisoning, which may lead to acute kidney failure if not treated within 24 hours.
Onions and garlic are also no-nos.
Keep sugarless gum, candy and mints away from Fido as well. The xylitol found in these items can cause severe liver damage and death, depending on the amount ingested and the size of the dog. -- Heloise
Dear Readers: Mary Ann Thomas of Trinity, Ala., sent a photo of her cat Indiana and her grandson's turtle Maw as they have a standoff. Mary Ann says, "I turtle-sat last summer, and these two were a bit suspicious of one another."
To see the cat-versus-turtle standoff, visit -- Heloise
Dear Heloise: Pet shelters are usually in great need of volunteers, food, cat litter, newspapers, towels and blankets. Contact a nearby shelter to find out its needs. Then go through your linen closet and pull out all the old towels and blankets. Gather up old newspapers, which can be used to line cages. Take these to the shelter, and while you are at it, why not make a donation and inquire about volunteering? Your help will be appreciated. -- Ginny in Texas
Dear Heloise: Algae buildup in my aquarium was a problem until we relocated the aquarium to a place where it got better natural light. A local pet store told us the light on top of the aquarium could cause more algae to grow. Since we don't use the light as much, the problem is under control. -- Jean, via e-mail
Dear Heloise: I was given a couple of little finches for my birthday. My mom said that I needed to do a little research on them so I would know the best way to take care of them. I found out that you should never keep birds in the kitchen or near a bathroom where any type of aerosol sprays are used. The propellant in the sprays can be deadly to the respiratory system of birds!
And don't use cotton balls for nest fillers -- the cotton can get caught in their feet. You can buy nesting material at any pet store. -- P.K. in Louisiana
Dear Readers: There are lots of rabbit lovers out there. If you are thinking about getting a rabbit or a pair of rabbits but don't want to end up with a tribe of little ones, you can have them spayed or neutered. A veterinarian familiar with exotic animals should be able to do this for you. Rabbits that are spayed or neutered are less aggressive, are easier to litter-box train, are less apt to spray to mark their territory, and have a decreased desire to chew on things. -- Heloise
By Jennifer Modenessi - Contra Costa Times
When the time came for Gayle Vassar's beloved yellow lab, Tyrone, to die, it was at home, in his special spot, nestled between his two favorite people in the world.
"I could not have wished for anything better for this very good dog," Vassar said, swallowing back tears as she recalled the emotional day in June that she and her ailing 14-year-old dog sat beneath a tree in her Pleasant Hill front yard along with his veterinarian.
The women petted Tyrone and the doctor gave him his first injection. He fell into a deep sleep.
"(The vet) just said to let her know when I was ready," Vassar said. "Then she gave him the other shot and he was gone."
For Tyrone, who was battling arthritis, bad knees and complications from a medical condition that made it difficult to swallow, it was as good a death as his owner could provide. Vassar, 53, believes that with the help of an understanding veterinarian, she was finally able to let Tyrone go.
Death is an inevitable part of pet ownership. And the decision to euthanize a sick, injured or elderly pet, says Walnut Creek veterinarian Erin Troy, is usually an extremely difficult one. But whether it's in a pet's favorite spot, or at a doctor's office in an owner's loving arms, what matters is how those final hours are handled.
Sometimes owners want to be present, holding and comforting their pet, Troy said. She recalled a client who fed his golden retriever one last pork bun as he passed away. Others have brought toys, favorite treats and blankets.
Not everyone, however, makes that choice.
"Some people do not have the strength to watch the life leave a pet they've loved for all those years," Troy said. So she asks her clients to trust that their pet's final moments will be handled with dignity and respect.
But each passing is personal and particular to the pet.
"Trying to tell people to think with their head and not with their heart is asking a lot," Troy said about the advice she gives clients grappling with the question of euthanasia. "It's a decision best made with the help of someone who knows the pet but is a little more objective, like the veterinarian. You will know when the time is right when you look at your pet's eyes and you see that they're ready to go."
Sometimes the decision to euthanize must be made quickly, as was the case for El Sobrante residents Lisa and Erik Hoffmann. They had to put their orange tabby Leon to sleep at a veterinarian's office in July after a sudden illness.
When the day came, the Hoffmanns did all they could to make sure he was comfortable.
"Leon used to carry this kitten, this stuffed animal, around," Lisa Hoffmann, 50, said. "He used to carry it around the house and cry. He was the craziest cat!"
But a few weeks ago, the Hoffmann's found their otherwise healthy feline behaving strangely. He was having difficulty walking. The diagnosis from the veterinarian was devastating. With their cat in severe distress after passing a kidney stone, the couple made the painful decision, with the advice of Leon's vet, to end their pets suffering and give him a comfortable end.
Not an easy choice
"We brought his baby — his stuffed kitty — to be with him and he had my husband's sweatshirt," she said. "We just wanted to make sure that he knew we were there and that we loved him."
Leon passed away in their arms.
Euthanasia is rarely an easy choice, especially for those for who find it contradicts spiritual or religious beliefs. And, for the fortunate, it's not always necessary.
The decision to allow her dog, Tuesday, to die without intervention, was the best way Kelly Sumrall knew to let her cherished pet go.
The Martinez resident said her 15-year-old mixed breed dog didn't appear to be in pain. She still had a spring in her step. And she was eating and enjoying certain aspects of her life.
But Sumrall said she instinctively knew that her elderly dog was ready to die.
"I was just going to let nature take its course with her," she said. "And I feel lucky that it did end up going that way.
Letting go
Whether euthanasia takes place at home or in the doctor's office, there are many things owners can do to make their pet's death as comfortable as possible:
Walnut Creek holistic veterinarian Karen Rettig suggests trying over-the-counter flower essences like Rescue Remedy which can help calm both owners and pets.
Turn down lights, burn herbs like camomile and lavender and maintain a peaceful atmosphere.
Tell your pet that it's OK to go so they know they have permission.
Come to terms with the euthanasia. Don't panic and worry because animals may mirror those feelings. "That's not the way you want them to go," says Walnut Creek veterinarian Erin Troy.
Consider where your animal is most comfortable and, if possible, have the euthanasia done there.
Two pet loss support groups sponsored by the Contra Costa Veterinary Medical Association and the Berkeley East Bay Humane Society meet monthly at the following locations:
Hillcrest Congregational Church: Room No. 9, 7-8:30 p.m. first Tuesdays. 404 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill. Free.
Berkeley East Bay Humane Society: 7-8:30 p.m. third Tuesdays, 2700 Ninth St., Berkeley. Free. For information, call 510-752-7757.
Phone counseling is available through the UC Davis Pet Loss Hotline, 530-752-4200.
For a free Pet Loss Support Program brochure, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Contra Costa Veterinary Medical Association, 16 Santa Ana Place, Walnut Creek, CA 94598.

What people with too much time

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Cathy Rosenthal -
Dear Cathy: I had planned to have my pet's cremated ashes placed in my casket when I died. Now I am told that this is against the law. Is this true, or does each cemetery have its own rules?
— John G.
Dear John: According to Porter Loring Mortuaries in San Antonio, there are no state laws that prevent people from placing the urns of their deceased pets in the casket with them. But they did say that some cemeteries have policies that may prevent them from doing this for a person. If this is important to you, check with cemeteries before purchasing a plot.
Dear Cathy: I have always buried my pets in my backyard after they die. Is that legal to do in San Antonio and what are the chances the new owners will find the skeletons of these pets?
— Claudia W.
Dear Claudia: According to Animal Care Services, there are no ordinances that prevent people from burying their deceased pets in their backyard, although I highly recommend cremation and then keeping the ashes in an urn, burying the ashes, or spreading the ashes over a favorite spot once loved by the pet. Pet cemeteries are another alternative.
As for finding the deceased pet in the yard, it's definitely possible since digging for a new pool or adjusting the landscape could disturb the site. That's why I highly recommend cremation. No new house owner wants to discover a pet cemetery in their backyard and if you aren't going to remain in the house, it doesn't make sense to leave your beloved pets behind. When you sell your house, you should let potential buyers know there are pets buried in the backyard and where they are buried.
If you decide to bury your pets in the backyard (which is easier to do for small pets), bury them in a heavy-duty plastic bag and place them at least three feet deep to prevent animals from digging at the grave site. About a year ago, a pet dog in the England dug up the family cat's grave site in the back yard and brought the body back into the house. Apparently, the dog had watched his owner dig the grave and knew exactly where to sniff out and dig up his beloved friend.
Dear Cathy: We heard that there was an at-home euthanasia service in Austin allowing your pets to die at home with you, rather than going to a clinic. Do you know of such a service in San Antonio?
— Tanya & Dave Searcey
Dear Tanya and Dave: I haven't heard of such a service here, although there are one or two vets with mobile clinics that will come to your house for all sorts of medical care. If anyone knows of someone who specifically provides this service, please let me know and I will share the information in this column.
Send your pet stories and questions to Cathy M. Rosenthal, c/o Features Department, San Antonio Express-News, P.O. Box 2171, San Antonio, TX 78297-2171, or Cathy's advice column runs Sundays. You can read her blog, Animals Matter, at
By Alyson Burgess, Guide to Pet Birds
What It's Really Like to Own a Pet Bird
If you're like most pet bird owners, then there are no doubt some aspects of caring for your feathered friend that you wish you had known about before you took the plunge and adopted him.
For example, when I first got into keeping birds, there was no one around to tell me that my housework would literally triple with each new feathered addition to my home. There was no one to tell me how to deal with the cage cleaning, how to handle the food preparation, and certainly no one to tell me that owning a parrot is akin to ordering 6am wake up calls every day for the next few decades.
What do you wish you had known before you got your first bird? Check out What It's Really Like to Own a Pet Bird and post your experiences for those that are looking into bird ownership. Your story may help someone who is trying to decide whether or not a bird is the right pet for their family and lifestyle.
Should I Feed My Bird Worms or Insects?
Wild birds enjoy worms and other creepy crawlies on a daily basis. Taking this into consideration, it's easy to wonder if insects should be offered as a snack to pet birds as well.
While we may find it unappetizing, the fact remains that critters such as insects and worms make up a majority of easily accessible protein sources in the animal kingdom. Is your bird missing out? Check out "Feeding Birds Worms and Insects" to learn more about the role that insects really play in a bird's diet. You may be surprised at what you find out!
Safe and Natural Homemade Cage Cleaner Recipe
Looking for a way to cut dirt in and around your bird's cage without risking his health? Want to save a couple of dollars on expensive cage cleaning solutions? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then you won't want to miss this Safe and Natural Homemade Cage Cleaner Recipe.
You'll be shocked at what an effective cleaning solution can be cheaply made from natural, common household ingredients. Best of all -- there are no chemicals that could potentially harm your pet -- everybody wins!

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By TRACY JESSIMAN - The Chronicle Herald
We recently adopted Harley from a rescue. He has the sweetest personality and fits in perfectly with his three "fur brothers." We do not understand why his previous family abandoned him, but we are ecstatic to have him.
He has a comical personality and is a constant source of laughter. He is eight years old and full of energy. Harley lavishes us with his unrelenting love and is a sponge when he receives the love he deserves from us. He will be part of our family until his last breath. And when that time comes, he will not be alone; we will be with him.
There are numerous dog rescues across Canada run by dedicated, loving volunteers who donate their money and time. Time away from their families. Most rescues do not have a shelter; they rely on "foster parents" to take the rescued dogs into their homes and their hearts. These dogs live with their foster family until a "forever" home is found.
Volunteers and fosters do everything possible to have these dogs adopted into their permanent homes. They pour their hearts into these dogs to set them up for success, so they are not abandoned again.
Rescued dogs need adopters who will not give up on them if they have an accident in the house, jump on the bed, drink from the toilet, pull on the leash, dig in the yard or eat the cat’s food. These dogs initially may be shy, nervous, frightened or anxious. If you encourage and train them during their adjustment period, you will be rewarded with unconditional love for the rest of their lives.
You should never buy a puppy from a pet store. Dogs at pet stores come from puppy mills, which deliver an unlimited supply of puppies to these stores. The puppy in the window is always cute, but the puppy’s mother lives a hideous life.
She is kept in a cage and constantly bred for endless years. Her vocal cords have been cut by puppy mill owners, so they do not have to listen to her barking and whining. Her teeth have been removed to make breeding easier and quicker. The mother dog has never felt grass under her feet, chased a ball, walked on the beach, had her belly scratched or been invited to sleep in a bed.
Puppy mills have many different breeds of dogs kept in cages. They are denied human contact and kept outside all year long. It’s heartbreaking. Denying a dog companionship is the same as denying them food or water.
Contact with puppy mill owners is extremely limited. They will offer to meet you in a parking lot or even a shopping mall. They discourage you from visiting their kennel and often use the excuse that their kennel is too far away to visit. Avoid contact with these people at all costs. If we can cut off their source of income, they will be forced to shut down their puppy mill.
Puppies bought from pet stores often have serious health, training and socializing issues. They have health problems because their mother is overbred and her poor body is never given a chance to recover fully. Your dog may develop both bone and teeth problems, have droopy eyes and suffer from chronic ear infections. Dogs from pet stores have a poor success rate with house training because they were kept in a cage for many months and forced to eliminate in their living space.
These puppies are often taken from their mother too early. As a result, they may remain timid with other dogs, and even people, because they were never properly socialized as young puppies. A puppy should remain with its mother for two to three months, allowing the mother to nurse the puppy for two full months. The mother’s milk carries all the nutrients the puppies need to keep them healthy for life. Puppies removed too early can die.
A reputable, responsible, registered breeder would never sell their puppies to a pet store. A responsible breeder would want you to visit their kennel, meet the puppy’s parents and meet the owners. Responsible breeders will give you references and contact information for their veterinarian in a heartbeat. Responsible breeders want to ensure their puppies are sold to responsible owners. Such breeders care about both the male and female breeder dogs and make sure they are well taken care of mentally, physically and medically. Responsible breeders rarely breed the mother dog more than once a year and always exhibit a deep love of the breed.
Our neighbours lost their 14-year-old dog due to illness last year. They now own a lovely three-old-dog. They said they thought long and hard before adopting another dog. When they saw how good-natured Harley was, they said they decided to adopt a rescue dog. I’m so happy — and so is Harley. He’s lying on my feet as I write this essay and I sense he knows it’s about him.
Please adopt, don’t shop when looking for a dog. Remember dogs are not disposable and they all deserve a second chance. Canada has millions of homeless and abandoned dogs. Homeless and abandoned by no fault of their own. Enrich your life with a rescue dog. Every time you look at him, you will feel like a hero and he will reward you a million times over.
"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion" — Anonymous.
Tracy Jessiman lives in Halifax. Anyone wanting more information on adopting a dog can contact her at
Horses are amazingly wonderful and precision creatures. Horses involve not only understanding and patience to have a pony as a pet, it also requires an undivided lot of heed. Observe sheep in the herd procedure, each stallion's welfare in the natural depends ahead an instinctive submission to the discipline of the herd. The instinct is for instant action.
To the mount, action is survival. When livestock lived in a herd environment, they regularly take turns sleeping and rank security for any predators. When the leader of the herd signals jeopardy they take trip. Learning point and ascending to mandate starts on the first day of life for the foals, there is a discreet pecking order in herds of pigs. It is important to keep a subdued profile around sheep. Horses simply do not like unnecessary blare because in the violent their survival depends on detection of predators with their earshot. Extraneous racket interferes with this killer detection.
This predator detection is tightly coupled with a mount's escape reflex. Due to the survival genetics, livestock have a physiological wiring in their brains that predisposes them to choose allay and to become disturbed by unnecessary blast. Many cattle can get startled clearly from abrupt noises and this could outcome in injury to the charger, the provision, or people around the mare.
Talk to your charger in a quiet, reassuring vote. A steed will ardor you if, first, you heal it rather, and secondly, if you allow yourself to elaborate a relationship with it in the same way you would a being partnered. There are too many who will look after the mount's ideas wishes but put nothing back into the partnership itself. The mare natural in custody will relate with an alternative provider and companion, resultant in a strong relationship from the opening.
A well relationship with your mount requires: trust, coupled with obey, fondness with compliance, and a crave to desire. Examine your charger every day and especially former to riding the steed. Carefully test the mount's legs and back for any abnormal stage or lumps. Make really that the mare's eyes are alert and not glazy.
Listen for any excessive noise or gurgling sounds launch from your stallion's stomach. Catching evils before they become earnest is necessary to trust a show charger sound and alive. Exercise caution and discretion when around stallions and mares when they are in part. They trade with hormones on an order of magnitude that you probably cannot comprehend. Stallions typically hurt and some may be easily triggered into violent conduct. Keep your stallion untainted. Keep your mount's entire coat liberated from dirt, mud, sandpaper, and sweat. Brush your steed every day. Pick out your pony's feet every day.
Washout any sweat excess from the lumber pad or cinch every day. Washout any dirt or sand excess, as from the riding arena, on your cattle legs every day. Several different troubles can outcome if a mount's coat is not reserved polish. Keep your stallion's stall launder. Make surefire that your steed's stall is cleaned every day. Be surefire that any wetness is detached with the muck. Replace the impassive bedcovers with novel, spotless, dry bedcovers. Water should be dumped from buckets every day lacking exception.
Unhealthy dirt and bacteria can physique up in a bucket if it is not cleaned on a daily source. Clean water is essential to maintaining a wholesome pony. Make really your steed always has polish, inventive water presented. The intelligence of the steed increases briskly with tutoring. An intelligent teacher could make an intelligent pony. A kind but compress trainer will significance in a disciplined but pleasant pony.
Feed your stallion(s) at the same times every day. A mare may get confusion and heartburn or injure themselves by kicking the stall or pawing, if not fed when feeding is probable. You should not make radical changes in a pony's nourish plan. If you must make a change in the supply list, make the change gradually. Drastic changes in a pony's nourish course can grounds the steed to stitch and in some gear, may die. Your charger's stomach is an extremely aware bio-reactor that maintains a delicate compare of the organisms that digest food in your mount's digestive footprint.
Visitors should not nosh a mount that you do not own lacking the possessor's permission; no carrots, no apples, no treats, nothing. The pony could potentially, get sick if they have an aversion or illness. Pay thought to everything that goes into your steed; that means all nosh, all hay, all water, all treats, all supplements, all pills, and all shots. This expertise could collect your stallion's life in a crisis setting. Post this information on your mare's stall door so that it is free to a vet if you are not around in a crisis.
Make assured that your mount gets high-feature nourish and hay. Your mount's health and security depends on the diet that you afford for them. Take good precision of your steed. A clause lacking a pony is no clause at all. Make convinced that you have a good equine veterinarian. A good vet will stop you money in the long run and may horde your steed's life some day. A scrap of prevention is worth a pulverize of cure. Make loyal your mare has all the vaccinations that are habitual for your geographical location. All cattle should be on a good worming program to regulate intestinal vermin. A pony should be wormed by a vet at least double a year.
In the summer spray your mount preview down with fly spray about 10 notes before you charge the livestock. The flies should avoid, and your sheep will be without those darned flies! Never spray a hot, clammy mount with cold water immediately after working the stallion. This could trigger muscle spasms and strap, or shock that can pilot to fall. Wait pending the stallion is breathing often, and use lukewarm water if it is vacant. If a charger has warm shock, consult your vet and the vet may instruct you to cold rinse the stallion, even if still hot and clammy. Never put a charger in a stall or confined subject while humid or while they are still breathing immensely.
This could answer in shock and/or colic that can control to fatality. Walk the mount awaiting the steed is cooled out and the breathing is typical. Horses' hooves usually grow about 1 cm in a month, and take almost a year to grow from the coronet gang to the ground.
Horse's hooves neediness to be trimmed commonly (about every 6-8 weeks). Shoeing a mount does not hurt them. If you were to grow out your identify nail, you could put an earring/pin through it without causing discomfort; however, if you pushed the pin through the part of your nail that is friendly to the flowing bandanna of your feel, it would hurt.
When charger shoes are nailed in, they are nailed at an angle so which the horse doesn't feel it. Make solid that you have a good farrier, especially if you show your horse over jumps. The concussion from hall from jumps amplifies any harms in a horse's shoeing. If a horse gets sore feet or legs from bad angles or bad shoeing, the horse cannot just take his shoes off, sit back on a formulate, and rub their feet, or find another pair of shoes like you can. Bad shoeing can outcome in your horse becoming lame due to several harms counting: deformed tendons, popped splints, or shoulder/back soreness or spasms. Bad shoeing can ruin a good horse, so don't be coinage-sensible and pound-foolish where shoeing is worried.
A laid-up horse is far more luxurious to maintain than a good farrier. And memorize not all horses require to have shoes, only if they are competing, walking on hard/gravel surfaces, or have hoof harms. Horses do lay down to siesta, but only if they feel completely comfortable in their environment. It is not enough to present a dry calm, food and water. Horses will often slumber place up by locking their knees.
Horses are one of the few animals that can put one half of their body numb while the other half is expansive awake. Emotionally and mentally, all horses ought to feel they have and be comfortable in their own liberty! Wholly to have a horse's finer qualities you must luxury them with the kindness and attribute charge. In the end, a contented horse will mean a nicer journey and a happier rider.
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