AOL News
An Australian dog stayed by his owner's body for two days after a tragic car accident, drawing search parties to the scene.
Henry Drew, 53, died Friday when his car ran off the highway near Curra, Australia, the Courier Mail reported. His dog, Moja, was thrown from the car but survived the crash.
When Drew did not respond to his wife's phone calls Friday afternoon, she alerted authorities. Rescue teams began searching but had little luck narrowing down an area where Drew might have disappeared.
Meanwhile, Moja had stayed at the crash site, with Drew's body. A woman at a farmhouse nearby heard insistent barking Saturday and, when she went to investigate, found the dog and Drew in the dense brush.
Moja is "obviously a hero," Jenny Drew, the victim's wife, told the Courier Mail. "If it weren't for Moja, we'd still be looking," she said.

by Helena Sung - PawNation
Do you believe in canine guardian angels and the kindness of strangers? You just might after reading this story.

Early one morning, Yolanda Segovia's neighbor, Stacey Savige, knocked on her door and asked her to temporarily take in a stray dog she had found. The scruffy terrier mix had no collar or microchip. Segovia eyed the pooch -- burrs sticking to his belly and mud caking his fur -- and reluctantly agreed to foster him for the day.
An erstwhile hairdresser, Segovia hasn't worked since 2006. At 47, she is a survivor of breast cancer and cervical cancer. A divorced single mother of two, Segovia shares her Port Tampa, Florida home with her 10 year-old son Azaiah and 21 year-old son Christian. Her elder son has Down Syndrome; he cannot speak or bathe himself, and he has had heart surgery and a kidney transplant, reports the St. Petersburg Times.
Azaiah immediately took to the dog, whom he named RaeLee (pronounced "Riley"). Segovia and her sons bought the dog a collar, leash, ball and brown bed from the dollar store, and all that day, Azaiah played with the dog, laughing gleefully whenever RaeLee licked his face. "Don't fall in love with him," Segovia warned.
Segovia and Savige made 4,000 FOUND flyers with the dog's picture, stuffed mailboxes and put an ad on Craigslist. When no one called, RaeLee stayed the night at the Segovias' house. His dog bed was placed in the living room, but when the boys climbed into their twin beds, RaeLee dragged his bed down the long hallway and bunked with the boys in their room.
By Saturday -- four days later -- no one had called to claim RaeLee, and he was still living with the Segovias. The honey-colored terrier had started responding to his new name. He almost never barked, loved playing rambunctiously with Azaiah, and was tender with Christian.
One afternoon, the dog settled himself on the floor near Christian as he watched a "Barney" video in his room. Segovia was outside watering the plants when the placid moment was shattered by the sound of RaeLee crashing into the screen door and barking crazily. Alarmed, Segovia opened the door, only to have the dog race back through the house towards the boys' room. Segovia followed, screaming when she caught sight of her son. Christian was "slumped over, his body writhing in a seizure, blood streaming from his nose and mouth." RaeLee stood next to him yelping, but suddenly went quiet when Yolanda reached down to hold her son.
"If he hadn't come to get me," Segovia told the St. Petersburg Times, "the neurologist said Christian would have choked on his own blood and died." The dog, she decided, was a keeper.
But the next day, Segovia and her sons were heartbroken when someone called to claim the dog they had come to love. Randy Cliff, 34, who lived six blocks away said he had been searching for his dog -- real name Odie -- for over a week. Odie had lived with Cliff, his wife, their four children and infant granddaughter. Savige cried, telling Cliff, "That dog saved my friend's son."
When Cliff came to collect his dog, RaeLee a.k.a. Odie, leapt off the Segovias' porch and into his arms. Christian watched from a window. Azaiah stood on the porch watching the man hug the dog he knew as RaeLee. "We're going to miss you," he said, tearfully.
Looking up, Cliff took in the scene -- Christian looking scared, Azaiah looking downtrodden -- and asked, "Is that your brother?" Azaiah nodded yes.
With a sudden change of heart, Cliff put the dog back down. "Maybe Odie was supposed to find you," Cliff told a stunned and delighted Azaiah. "Maybe you should keep him."
And that is how the kindness of strangers -- Savige for rescuing a lost dog, Segovia for taking him in, and Cliff for giving up his pet to a pair of brothers who needed the dog more -- brought RaeLee to live with Azaiah, Christian and their mother.

Thanks to Al in BHC, AZ
This was simply too much of a time saver not to share it with you
1. Put both lids of the toilet up
And add 1/8 cup of pet shampoo to the water in the bowl.
2.. Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom.
3. In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close the lid.
You may need to stand on the lid.
4. The cat will self agitate and make ample suds.
Never mind the noises that come from the toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this.
5. Flush the toilet three or four times.
This provides a 'power-wash' and rinse'.
6. Have someone open the front door of your home.
Be sure that there are no people between the bathroom and the front door.
7. Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift the lid.
8. The cat will rocket out of the toilet, streak through the bathroom,
And run outside where he will dry himself off..
9. Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling clean..

Hairy's Reviews of Restaurants and Attractions Rapidly Building National Following
Mendocino County has named Hairy Putter their official ambassador for food, attractions. Local dog resident Hairy to review restaurants and more with the pet perspective in mind. His insights provide valuable tips for pets and their owners.

Mendocino County, CA (PRWEB)-- Hairy Putter, the blogger noted for his tail-wagging reviews of dining and lodging, is now the official canine voice of Mendocino County in Northern California. What started a year ago as a fun blog quickly grew, amassing fans and followers from around the world. In an effort to share the dog-friendly features of this destination (just a few hours north of San Francisco), officials have named Hairy the official Canine Ambassador of Mendocino County.
Hairy Putter named Mendocino County Dining Ambassador
"When I first read his blogs, I thought sure, here is a dog with good taste and who appreciates service," said Scott Schneider, President of Visit Mendocino County. "But we kept getting calls on the official tourism hotline from people who said they loved his reviews. I couldn't believe it. After months of this, we just said fine, and named him our official Ambassador. But I tell you, it is not a cushy job."
Putter gained fame after his initial Four Paws Review of the bacon at Moosse Café in Mendocino Village. His fun and factual writing style covers all the vital information that any dog or pet owner would want to know about the dining experience. Recently, Putter made a special journey to Goldeneye Winery in the County's Anderson Valley. He reasoned that if the wine is good enough for the President (Goldeneye is served at the White House) it would be good enough for him. Hairy really loved the local organic cheeses, the warm focaccia and (of course!) the wine. The gorgeous gardens and super friendly staff made the experience even better. It earned the highest honor, Four Paws.
His reviews cover the gamut of pet-friendly activities, focusing mostly on restaurants, but also covering everything from beaches to shopping. All of his reviews include photos, contact information, and a one- to four-paw rating.

When asked how much the job pays, Schneider responded, "Budgets are tight everywhere, but in addition to sending Hairy out to review all these great restaurants, Visit Mendocino County is making a generous contribution to the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals."
As for Hairy Putter's parent, Alan Ahtow, his life has gotten a bit more complicated. "Sure, I have to help a bit (Hairy is a terrible typist), but it is all worth it," said Ahtow. "This has all happened so fast. Hairy has great taste, but he is not a snob and is really committed to sharing vital information for others of his kind. I just hope it doesn't get to the point where he demands stretch limos with skylights he can stick his head through."
To read Hairy Putter's blog, Click here.
For more information on Mendocino County, call 866-466-3636 (866-GoMendo).

By Neetal Parekh -
A New Jersey ex-couple's fight for their dog might be a game-changer for state pet custody law.
Like a cars, books, and lawnmowers, animals are currently treated as property under the law. So, when the door closed on the engagement of a New Jersey couple in 2006, their vie for possession of their pet pug, Dexter, was viewed by the deciding court as a straightforward assignment of possession. The pug was pegged to go to former fiancé Eric Dare and his former-blushing counterpart, Doreen Houseman, awarded $1500--the cost of the animal. However, after $40,000 and three years of proceedings, the couple's continued fight for Dexter found its way to appeals' court.
And it was there that history was made.
The appellate court overruled the lower court's decision this past March. Three appellate judges disagreed with court's decision, finding that the pet should not have been treated "like another piece of furniture", but rather, that the court should have considered the subjective value of animal to the ex-couple.
The appeal was bolstered with the support of two animal rights' organizations, Animal Legal Defense Fund and Lawyers In Defense of Animals, joining the case. The appeal called for courts to consider the best interest of the animal involved in a pet custody hearing, as was done when considering placement of the dogs involved in the much-publicized dog-fighting case brought against NFL-star Michael Vick. The panel did not go so far as to require the judge to consider the best interest of the pooch, but it did bump the case back to the original court for re-trial and consideration of the pet as joint property.
In last week's hearing on the case the judge revised his original holding, finding that the six-year old pug is actually joint property of the couple because both individuals lived together and cared for the animal. He called for briefs from the couple to hear ideas on how they suggest Dexter's custody should be decided.
New Jersey is the not the first state to delve deeper than simple property law in deciding custody of household pets. Similar questions have been raised in California, Florida, and Pennsylvania. And though there are no definitive results or trends, the issue is gaining judicial attention and is becoming ripe for clarified precedence.

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By Raj Salwan - Oakland Tribune
Wouldn't it be easier if we could learn to avoid dog bites altogether?
Almost 5 million dog bites are reported every year, and more than 800,000 of those bites require medical attention, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Estimates from insurance companies and hospitals range as high as $250 million spent annually on the treatment of dog bites. Given that the majority of dogs are euthanized because of behavior issues, this is an issue that not only affects humans, but can affect dogs in an extremely negative way.
Kersti Seksel, a noted animal behaviorist and veterinarian from Australia, said dogs often will provide numerous warning signs before attempting to bite.
"It is important to look at the whole dog, its body language as well as its facial expression," Seksel said. "A dog may growl, bark menacingly, lift its lips and grimace. The body is often tense, the hackles along the back and neck may be raised, indicating a heightened state of arousal, and the tail may be slowly wagging."
Veterinary experts recommend that all puppies undergo an initial "puppy training class" and socialization exercises.
Just like kids, some puppies will immediately take to their new friends and some will take a little longer to overcome their shyness.
Unless the dog is going to be used for police or military work, no puppy should receive positive reinforcement for any sort of aggressive behavior. Owners should seek veterinary advice when contemplating buying a breed of dog they are unfamiliar with or if the description of the breed discusses "extreme loyalty," "intolerant of children," or "prefers single-owner household."
Finally, an important part of avoiding dog bites is the education of our children.
Teaching your children some of the following guidelines could help to avoid a painful lesson and potentially even save his or her life. When faced with an unknown dog, or a dog whose behavior seems to be odd, vets recommend the following:
--Do not approach the dog.
--Look at your feet or the ground. Do not make eye contact with the dog.
--Stand still. Do not run if the dog approaches.
--Keep quiet. Do not scream or yell at the dog.
--Do not attempt to pat any dog on the head.
Children should be taught to never run up on a dog, especially one who is feeding, and that not every dog may be as friendly as their own pet. Teaching a child to ask the dog owner if it is OK to approach the dog and then if it is OK to pet him can help to avoid many of the common mistakes made by dog bite victims.
As dog owners, we love our pets and want the very best for them.
Animal shelters and humane societies would like to see the number of dogs euthanized for behavior issues decrease and our society, as a whole, has a strong desire to see a lessening in the number of dog bites each year.
Following the recommendations of veterinarians and other animal experts can be the first great step to achieving these goals.
If you are having difficulty with your dog and aggression, please see your veterinarian immediately.
Raj Salwan, a second-generation veterinarian, has been around veterinary medicine for more than 21 years. He can be reached at or
Plants, fruit seeds, leaves, yard chemicals, furtilizer, and so much more lurks in the open area and yards across America.
Here are a few tips to be more Pet Safe in your yard:
--Always read the labels
--Canola oil is a green, nontoxic way to control insects
--Caffienated coffee kills slugs
--White vinegar directly on the weeds and grass
--Lemon juice and water in a spray bottle and spray the plants from time to time

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By Pratik Joshi,
When Paola R. Herrera left the Tri-Cities on Monday for Boise, she was feeling terrible.
Guacamole, her 31/2-foot-long pet iguana, had been missing for about a week.
The large green tropical lizard disappeared last Tuesday from an enclosed outdoor patio at Herrera's mother's south Richland home near Anna Avenue. Paola's mother was taking care of the pet while she was away studying operations management at Boise State University.
Her parents placed an ad in the Herald last week seeking leads about Guacamole's whereabouts, and Herrera spent time making rounds of parks, pet stores and reptile clinics to post signs about the pet she has owned for five years.
A distraught Herrera shared Guacamole's story with the Herald while on her way back to Boise. The family had even offered a $400 reward to help find the pet.
By the time she reached her destination, she got the word from her family: Guacamole was back, thanks to a Richland couple. "I am so happy now!" she wrote to the Herald in an e-mail late in the evening.
About 5:30 p.m. Larry Brown called the Herrera home. Brown and his wife spotted Guacamole near a park close to the Leslie Road and Gage Boulevard intersection, and they didn't wait to call. They had seen the fliers about the missing iguana. And they also made it clear they didn't want the reward.
Paola's younger brother Jose Herrera and his mother immediately went to the area and brought home the "malnourished" pet. "I approached slowly and picked her up. It was very calm," Jose Herrera said. In about a week, Guacamole traveled half a mile, he said.
Paola Herrera said it is the first the time her docile pet has ventured out, and she probably lost her way. Never for a moment did she believe someone stole Guacamole, adding that iguanas can be real high-maintenance pets.
"She was living in someone's garage when I got her," said Herrera, 26. She said it's been a joy seeing Guacamole grow from a small lizard to her current hefty size.
Though reptiles can't express gratitude like a cat or a dog, they are beautiful animals, Herrera said. She said Guacamole bobs her head and move the skin under her neck whenever she called her name and made clicking sounds with her mouth.
Pratik Joshi: 582-1541;
Seattle PI
I had just thought about looking for another mule to add to our family. It already contained a donkey, two horses, and a mule. Nothing set in stone, just a thought. I was attending a clinic taught by a mule-trainer from Montana. Just for fun, I asked if he ever sold any of his mules and he replied, "Nope." So, that was that!
Later in the weekend, he approached me and said that his wife was selling her mule and asked if I would be interested. I was thrilled but needed to know more, namely how much would she cost? I figured that a mule trained by a good trainer was going to cost a lot. After all, she lived in Montana, and I lived in Florida. But the price was right. I bought a plane ticket and off I went to Montana to meet Candy Mae.
I liked her right away. I knew when I boarded the plane I was going to buy her. Six months after meeting Candy, my husband and I hitched up the horse trailer and headed to Missouri where we were to pick
her up.
When I went into the barn for the first time in Missouri and she brayed at me (mules bray instead of whinny), I got chills. How did she remember me after only meeting me once six months prior in Montana? We made the trip back to Florida and ever since consider ourselves blessed with the most dear friend, Candy.
Candy was born in Idaho and owned by a lady who loved her a lot. The lady came upon hard times and had to sell Candy to an outfitter who put her on a pack line. She didn't last but a few months at that job when the mule-trainer bought her for his wife. When I came into the picture, it had been five years later, and Candy's life had changed.
Candy is 22 years old with long eyelashes and the kindest eyes you have ever seen. She isn't a big mule, but what she lacks in size she makes up for in heart. Nowadays, we are learning the art of dressage and hope to make it to a show someday soon. We also enjoy riding in the beautiful woods in North Florida.

As two middle-aged ladies, Candy and I are in tune with each other every step of the way. Candy is part of a veterinary acupuncture school here in Florida. She is one of the animals the vets practice their needling techniques on. She is very willing to help them, standing still and allowing up to ten people to work on her at a time. I tell her that it is her job to teach the veterinarians, and she understands what she has to do.
People are drawn to Candy, especially her long soft ears. It is surprising how many people aren't sure of what a mule is. Some people ask, "What do you do with her?" She is a Mule Ambassador.
I am a nurse, so I understand the healing qualities that animals possess. I started thinking about how helpful Candy would be to people who were sick.
I came upon information about Delta Society and its Pet Partners Program. Animals serve in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, etc. to help people feel better. Usually these animals are cats, dogs, or birds.
I took the Delta Society class to start the process of Candy and I becoming Pet Partners. Just a few months ago, we were evaluated by Delta Society and passed our test with flying colors. We are now able to visit people who need some animal healing and love.
A couple of places are interested in Candy visiting, and I am sure that we will have more. We have to visit outside, of course, but I don't think that will stop us. If we can make one person feel better, we will have done our job.
Delta Society is a wonderful organization that opens the doors for human/animal interaction. I am proud of Candy for being one of the few equines, if not the only mule registered with Delta Society as a Pet Partner. My husband and I are very thankful that she is part of our family, and I am so glad to be sharing her wonderful personality with others. Candy found her forever home and I found my best girlfriend.
Leslie Robinson (guest blogger)
Leslie Robinson's story about her other mule "Big Walter the Mule Led Our Family to Alternative Healing" is in ANGEL HORSES: Divine Messengers of Hope. Leslie lives on a small farm in Bell, Florida with her husband Ric and a large animal family. She is a RN home health nurse. Candy Mae and Leslie recently received their registration with Delta Society and are now a Pet Partners team.
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