written by: Adam Chodak - 9News.com
FORT COLLINS - An abundant number of adjectives can apply to dogs: energetic, friendly, loyal, etc. But "cheap" is not one of them.
That's why Colorado State University veterinarians came out with a list of ways to bring down the cost of owning a dog or cat:
- Be frugal with treats. Your pet doesn't need a huge treat each time. Something small and simple will do and will cost less in the long run.
- Rotate old toys instead of buying new ones. If you take away a toy for a while and bring it back, chances are your dog won't be any the wiser.
- Groom your animal at home. Not only does it save money, consistent brushing lowers the chance of skin infections while increasing the chance of finding a telling lump or abnormality on the body.
- Those teeth need brushin'. Brush your dog or cat's teeth regularly and you can avoid a host of expensive and dangerous problems down the road.
- Don't cut out preventative medication. This one is a no-brainer.
- Don't scrimp on the food. Both dogs and cats need quality food in order to get the proper nutrition.
- Consider pet health insurance. A few bucks a month may save hundreds if there were to be an emergency or surgery.
All in all, prevention is key. Spend the appropriate amount of time and money upfront to save money and headaches in the end.
by Michael Louis
There are only a few worse things in a proud home owners life than having to get rid of dog urine stain from the carpet. Dog urine stains are nasty things that may exist throughout eternity if you dont take immediate action.
Your best defense against dog urine stains is preventing them from happening in the first place. Your new pet must be properly housebroken or trained in order to greatly minimize the chances of having your very expensive carpet ruined.
Among other things, the most important lessons you should impart on your pet is the need to obey house rules and that means no urinating on the carpet!
Dogs usually urinate some time after the meal. Knowing this, you can always lead your dog to the outside yard until hes done with his business. When you make this into a habit, your dog being innately smart, like all his fellow canines are will surely get the picture.
Whichever dog cleaning product you end up choosing, this is usually the process that one makes use of when getting rid of ugly dog urine stains from the market:
If the stain is the result of combined urine and feces, make sure that you get rid of the solid waste first. Yes, its an icky task to accomplish but remember, a pet owners gotta do what a pet owners gotta do!
Vacuum the stained area to remove pet hair.
Whatever solution you choose to use, this is now the time to use them. You could either use a sponge, a brush or paper towels to apply the solution or dog cleaning product.
Use an enzyme inhibitor to get rid of the smell as well.
Detergent and Water Since theyre tried and tested against various fabric stains, people thought that they might do just as well in a fight against dog urine stains in the carpet. Guess what? They certainly can!
Toothpaste Besides cleaning enamel, toothpaste has also been commonly used by people to clean metal. Now, theres yet another new way that toothpaste can make our lives easier: using it to get rid of dog urine stains. And yes, they really do work!
Peroxide In addition to letting brunettes have a taste of blond fun, peroxide can also help in getting rid of terrible dog urine stains on the carpet.
Try to correctly identify the level of damage caused by your pets urine and base your choice of dog cleaning product on what youve observed.
Carpets generally have pocket or porous areas that do not react well when a solution is applied. If a dog urine stain appears in one of these areas, the only thing you can do is take your carpet to a professional cleaning shop and let the experts do their job.
There are countless dog cleaning products that are out in the market. Be very careful about the choice you make; remember to consider not only the effectiveness of the product but take its biochemical formulation in account as well.
If and when your carpet is not properly protected or covered, you may have no other recourse left but to replace it when the stains appear irremovable.
Michael Louis is a dog lover with a passion for knowledge who enjoys sharing his dog cleaning care secrets. Did you find these dog odor tips useful? Learn to house train your dog at the-dog-stop.com
Chicago Tribune
DECATUR, Ill. - Wanted: one woman, or maybe a man, with a sharp pair of clippers and a keen eye for what makes a dog look good. Must be willing to work behind bars.
The Decatur Correctional Center is looking for someone to take over its dog-grooming training program. Kim Schwalbach has run the program at the medium-security facility since 2002.
But she's stepping down, and the prison wants her work to continue.
The program is known as CLIP, which stands for Correctional Ladies Improving Pets.
Thirty-six year-old Katrina Williamson went through the program and says it changed her life. She landed a job grooming dogs right out of prison.
Prison official Mike Dooley says few of the women who have worked with Schwalbach have returned to prison.
Information from: Herald & Review, http://www.herald-review.com
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(PhysOrg.com) -- Biologically speaking, many animals besides dogs bark, according to Kathryn Lord at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, but the evolutionary biologist also says domestic dogs vocalize in this way much more than birds, deer, monkeys and other wild animals that use barks. The reason is related to dogs’ 10,000-year history of hanging around human food refuse dumps, she suggests.
In her recent paper in a special issue of the journal, Behavioural Processes, Lord and co-authors from nearby Hampshire College also provide the scientific literature with its first consistent, functional and acoustically precise definition of this common animal sound.
As Lord, a doctoral candidate in organismic and evolutionary biology at UMass Amherst, explains, “We suggest an alternative hypothesis to one that many biologists seem to accept lately, which seeks to explain dog barking in human-centric terms and define it as an internally motivated vocalization strategy.” In the researchers’ view, however, barking is not a special form of communication between dogs and humans. “What we’re saying is that the domestic dog does not have an intentional message in mind, such as, ‘I want to play’ or ‘the house is on fire,’” explains Lord.
Rather, she and colleagues say barking is the auditory signal associated with an evolved behavior known as mobbing, a cooperative anti-predator response usually initiated by one individual who notices an approaching intruder. A dog barks because she feels an internal conflict―an urge to run plus a strong urge to stand her ground and defend pups, for example. When the group joins in, the barks intimidate the intruder, who often flees.
“We think dogs bark due to this internal conflict and mobbing behavior, but domestic dogs bark more because they are put, and put themselves into, conflicting situations more often,” she says.
The reason traces back to the first dogs that started hanging around human food dumps about 8,000 to 10,000 years ago. They would have experienced a serious disadvantage if they had run a mile away every time a human or other animal approached. As Lord explains, “In evolutionary terms, dogs self-selected the behavior of sticking around, overcoming their fear and being rewarded by getting to eat that meal before some other dog got it. Thus these animals allow people to get unusually close. The scared ones die while those less scared stay, eat, survive and reproduce. So they inherit the tendency.”
At barely the height of a tea cup, Maltese pup Scooter could well be the smallest dog in world.
The tiny ball of white fluff is just 8cm tall and measures just over 20cm from his nose to his tail.
While Scooter is still young, he appears to have stopped growing.
The Guinness Book of World Records title holder - a long-haired chihuahua in America named Boo Boo - is bigger at just over 10cm tall.
Scooter's size is also evident in his weight, or lack of it. He weighs less than a block of butter at 400 grams - and that is while he is wearing clothes.
Owner Cheryl McKnight, from Gisborne on the east coast of New Zealand's North Island, fashioned a regular purple sock into a jersey, which Scooter wears so he is easily seen around the house.
"It really is quite something. I can't take him for a walk or put a leash on him."
Ms McKnight said six-month-old Scooter came from a litter of three and stopped growing before he reached two months.
"He was the same size as the other two pups when they were born but as they grew, he didn't," she said.
Scooter's siblings were sold.
"Dogs have to weigh at least 870 grams before they can leave their mums for the shops, and he has not even reached halfway."
As Scooter scoots around the lounge floor, he is dwarfed by plastic toy figurines belonging to Ms McKnight's grandson.
When friends come to visit, one of the first things they say is that they want to take Scooter home with them.
"For the first 10 weeks or so I didn't really want him. I thought nah, someone else can have him.
`But over time I've fallen in love with him. I would hate to give him away now."
Ms McKnight's previous pet, a miniature orange Pomeranian, was killed in front of her by two other dogs two years ago.
"It took me a long, long time after that to even think of having another dog," she said.
Ms McKnight's sister, who breeds Maltese dogs, eventually gave her one and Scooter arrived a few months later.
Scooter feeds from an egg cup of food three times a day and sleeps in a shoebox, but "does everything a normal dog does", she said.
However, making his way up steps is challenging.
"Because of the height of steps, they would be enormously big steps for him. It must be like living with giants."
Scooter was originally named Pee Wee, but Ms McKnight decided to change the name, saying she didn't want him to suffer an inferiority complex.

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A pet owner knowing how to keep outdoor cats cool on hot days can mean the difference between life and death for their animals. It takes plenty of shade, water and a watchful eye to help your outdoor cats remain cool and safe during the summer months.
The hot, muggy days of summer might be referred to as the ’dog days,’ but we must not forget about cats this time of year. Responsible pet owners need to make sure to keep their outdoor cats cool and comfortable on hot summer days.
Keeping your outdoor cat cool
If your cat is in an indoor/outdoor cat, keep it inside during the hottest hours of the day. Bring it inside by 10:00 am and do not let it out again until after 4:00 pm.
Outdoor cats need to be provided with plenty of cool water during the hot days. Place several dishes of water where they are out of the sun and easily accessible. Giving your cat extra bowls will prevent it from running out of water due to frequent drinking or accidentally knocking one over. Keep an eye on the bowls and refresh the water often. If you will be gone for several hours, plan ahead by freezing the water for a couple of the bowls first. If your cat will drink it, add some Gatorade to the water to help keep electrolyte levels high.
Ice cubes can be a nice treat for an outdoor cat. Let your cat lick and play with an ice cube as a toy. Toss a few ice cubes into its water dishes now and then. Floating ice cubes will intrigue your cat and lure it into drinking more.
Make sure outdoor cats have access to shady areas. Do not tether your outdoor cat during hot days. While the area in which the cat is tethered may start out shady, the shifting sun can turn it into a full sun location later in the day. Do not keep your cat confined to an area where it is on concrete or asphalt. Give your outdoor cat the freedom to find the coolest spot possible on its own.
There are differing opinions as to whether longhaired cats should be shaved or not during the summer. Exposing the skin to sunlight can lead to sunburns and skin cancer in cats. Seek the advice of your vet before shaving your animal. An appropriate alternative is to have your longhaired cat’s fur trimmed. Both shorthaired and longhaired cats should be brushed and groomed on a regular basis to remove excess hair and allow air to freely flow through their fur.
If your outdoor cat will allow you to get it wet, do so. Give it a bath or spray it with a squirt bottle. If your cat is not too keen on being fully wet, run a damp towel over its fur and dip its paws in cool water. Do it slowly the first few times and the cat will eventually get used to it. At the very least, pet your cat with a wet hand or while wearing a wet glove.
Know the signs of an overheated cat
Despite all your good efforts, it is still possible your outdoor cat will become overheated. Watch your cat closely and take action to cool it down as quickly as possible if it appears to be too hot. Check your cat for dehydration by gently pinching the scruff of the neck and letting go. If the scruff stays upright instead of sliding back into position, your cat is becoming dehydrated. Try to get your cat to drink by putting a bowl in front of it and rubbing a wet finger across its lips. If the cat will not drink, use an eyedropper or syringe to get water into its mouth. Do not shoot water down its throat, as your cat can choke or the fluid can end up in its lungs. Mix some Gatorade in with the water to help bring electrolyte levels back to normal.
Cats can move from being overheated into heat stroke very quickly. Signs of heat stroke include:
- Panting
- Rapid breathing
- Rapid heartbeat
- Bright red or dark red gums
- Anxiety, possibly shown in the form of pacing
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Lethargy
- Disorientation
- Unresponsiveness
If your cat is showing any of the signs of heat stroke, wrap it in a cool, wet towel and immediately take it to your veterinarian.
By admin SilverScorpio.com
Washington, July 14 (ANI): Dogs understand human pointing gestures as well as two-year-old children, according to two studies.
Also, the studies found that due to domestication, dogs appear to be predisposed to read other human visual signals, including head turning and gazing, reports Discovery News.
People often use baby talk, scientifically known as “motherese,” with both children and their pet dogs, allowing canines and kids to receive similar social stimulation.
Since chimpanzees and other non-human primates often fail to understand human pointing gestures, the studies suggest dogs may understand humans better than even our closest living animal relatives do.n the first study, Gabriella Lakatos, a researcher in the Department of Ethology at Eotvos University, lead author of the first study, and her colleagues used a combination of finger-, elbow-, leg- and knee-pointing gestures to help dogs locate hidden food and, for children, a favourite toy.
The researchers found that two-year-olds and dogs understood everything except knee pointing and when the experimenter’s index finger pointed in a different direction than the protruding arm.
For example, they were confused when the individual raised an arm in a certain direction, but used her finger to point the other way.
In the second study, Marta Gacsi, also of Eotvos University, and her team analyzed 180 dogs of various ages to see how development and individual differences affect their understanding of human pointing.
They determined “the dogs showed no difference in the performance according to age, indicating that in dogs the comprehension of the human pointing may require only very limited and rapid early learning to fully develop.”
Lakatos, however, warned in thinking that dogs are just like furry two-year-old children.
“Any behavioral similarity or similar performance between dogs and children should be investigated separately in each case,” she said.
“Just to give an example for a reverse case: nobody has tried to herd a flock of sheep with two-year-old (human children),” she added.
The study has been published in the current issue of Animal Cognition. (ANI)

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by Kelli B. Grant - SmartMoney.com
Whether the recession has steered vacationers to less exotic locations or simply strengthened their bonds to their pets, fewer people are leaving their animals at home. Over the past three years, 14% of Americans have traveled with a pet, according to the U.S. Travel Association, a trade group that monitors travel trends.
In the air, demand for the few airline spots has grown so high that a new pets-only airline called Pet Airways, began service Tuesday to five cities. The airline’s weekly flights, which transport as many as 50 animals for one-way fares of $149 and up, were sold out for the first four months before service began, the company said in media reports.
The surge in pet travel does not necessarily run counter to the idea that Americans are spending less. Bringing your cat or dog along on a trip can be just as expensive as leaving them home. Here’s how to save money and come out ahead in either situation:
Traveling With Your Pet
Flying or driving are usually your only options, unless you’re traveling with a service animal (a guide dog, for example). Buses, trains and cruises do not typically allow pets on board. These tips can help cut costs in the air and at your destination:
To limit costs and your pet’s discomfort, book a direct, nonstop flight, says Kim Saunders, the vice president of shelter outreach for PetFinder.com, which connects consumers with adoptable animals and recently rated airlines for pet travel. Airlines allow just a few pets on board per flight, so you’ll need to book early to reserve a spot. If you miss out on Delta’s (DAL: 6.12, -0.04, -0.64%) two spots tied to coach fares, for example, you’ll have to fly business or first class (there’s another spot available in each) or pick a different flight.
Check safety records
If you travel with your pet in cargo, make sure that the airline has a record of few problems and deaths, Saunders says. The Bureau of Transportation Statistics tracks incidents by airline on a monthly basis (see the latest data here). You can also check reports at tracking site PetFlight.com.
Compare fares
Fees vary by airline and how the pet travels (see the chart below). Animals weighing more than 20 pounds and more exotic animals like snakes and birds usually must travel in the cargo hold as checked baggage -- a pricier option. “If it travels near you, Pet Airways is a good option for a larger animal that would otherwise be stuck in the cargo hold,” says Adam Goldfarb, the director of the Pets at Risk program for The Humane Society of the United States. Fares on the pets-only airline start at $149 each way for service between New York, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C.

Get a clean bill of health
Schedule a veterinary exam shortly before your trip. Most airlines require a health certificate and proof of vaccinations issued no more than 10 days before your flight, says Paul Mann, the founder of national pet service Fetch! Pet Care.
Pick up airline miles
JetBlue adds frequent-flier miles for pets traveling in the cabin to their human companion’s account, and Continental offers them for animals riding in the cargo hold.
Look for fee-free hotels
There’s no need to pay extra to keep your pet with you once you arrive, Mann says. Some properties charge a security deposit, but chains including Best Western allow most pets to stay for free. Kimpton Hotels throws in freebies like fresh dog treats baked on site.
Leaving Your Pet at Home
The American Pet Supply Association projects that spending on pet-care services such as boarding and day care could climb 6% to $3.4 billion in 2009. Here’s how to get the most for your money:
Start with a sitter
Kennels and other boarding facilities can offer social dogs a great vacation, but most pets will be happier staying in familiar surroundings, Goldfarb says. Leaving pets at home with a sitter can put them more at ease in your absence and is more economical, too. For example, Petaholics, a New York-based pet-care firm, offers both sitter and kennel services. The company charges $40 a night to board a cat, but a 30-minute daily visit from a sitter costs half that, and includes feeding, litter box maintenance and cat playtime. (The sitter also picks up the mail, waters plants and takes out the trash.)
Check references
Choose a caregiver that’s insured and has a good reputation, Mann says. Ask other pet owners and your veterinarian for recommendations. Also schedule a visit -- in-home for sitters, on-site for boarders -- before traveling, so you can make sure your pet will be safe and comfortable.
Break down charges
Whether you opt for a kennel or a sitter, have the company spell out what’s included in the rate, Saunders says. You may be able to negotiate a lower rate if you forego extras like mail pickup or daily grooming. Negotiating can also clarify which option best suits your needs, she says. A kennel that includes a full day of activities might be a better deal for an active dog than a sitter who charges extra for taking hour-long walks and playtimes instead of half-hour ones.
Dig for discounts
Sitters and boarding facilities offer reduced rates. AAA members save 10% on the services at Fetch! Pet Care. Beverly’s Pet Campus outside Indianapolis offers a print-out coupon good for a discount of $4 per night (an 18% discount) when you book a stay of five nights or longer.
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