DogSport Magazine

Canine Sports & Games: Great Ways to Get Your Dog Fit and Have Fun Together! Find the right sport for your dog and watch them thrive! Basic training and obedience are necessary before beginning any organized sport. Kristin Mehus-Roeeducates readers on finding the perfect sport for their dog. With how to’s, safety tips, and complete rules on games, competition sports and tests of instinct, Kristin Mehus-Roe has included everything dogs and their people need to get down to some serious playtime! Canine Sports & Games: Great Ways to Get Your Dog Fit and Have Fun Is available from,, and booksellers everywhere.
Spott’s Canine Miscellany: Mike Darton parodies Schott’s Original Miscellany by providing the perfect reading companion for anyone who adores their dog. Perfect for canine companions and champions hoping to fetch more random doggy facts, stats, and epigraphs than can possibly be kenneled in the average human mind! Darton includes a veritable multi-colored kibble of the essential, the whimsical, the intriguing, and the absurd. Discover the origins of breed names! Follow the international etymology of the word “dog”! Learn vital life lessons from Aesop’s fabled dogs! Marvel at award-winning dogs! Weep for those poor dogs that went down with the Titanic! Spott’s Canine Miscellany can be purchased at,, and booksellers online and everywhere!
The Complete Healthy Dog Handbook: The Definitive Guide to Keeping Your Pet Happy, Healthy & Active Through Every Stage of Life: Slated as the “Bible of dog care” by the AKC Gazette, The Complete Healthy Dog Handbook, is the one essentialbook every dog owners needs. Betsy Brevitz covers every topic imaginable when it comes to caring for your dog. The Complete Healthy Dog Handbook includes information on everything starting with the first stage of choosing a dog, but also caring for your puppy, vaccines, behavior, first aid, senior care, and complete descriptions of over 100 canine illnesses and can be purchased at, and booksellers everywhere.
Wagging Tales: Every Animal has a Tale: Tim Link shares some of his most compelling encounters with the animal kingdom that are both entertaining and heartfelt. Link communicates with animals telepathically, granting him the ability to learn the innermost thoughts of every animal. From helping a lost cat find her way home to comforting a Catalan sheepdog after back surgery, he has never failed in communicating with an animal, even those who have crossed over. In Wagging Tales: Every Animal has a Tale, Link describes that his communication with animals is more than through words, but through feelings and emotions as well. Wagging Tales: Every Animal Has a Take is available for purchase from, and bookstores everywhere.
Dogology: What Your Relationship with Your Dog Reveals about You: Vicki Constantine Croke and Sarah Wilson, experts on the relationship between dogs and their owners, offer up this addition to any pet lover’s library. By using quizzes, psychological insight, and humor, Vicki Constantine Croke and Sarah Wilson are able to enlighten the reader on how character an emotional makeup influences the breed of dog they choose. Dogology : What Your Relationship with Your Dog Reveals about You offers quick checklists to identify what type of dog owners readers are, tips for training, and exercises for bonding with one’s dog and is available at, and booksellers worldwide.
Agility Training for You and Your Dog: From Backyard Fun to High-Performance Training: Based on the positive training methods of Ali Canova and Joe Canova, two of the top agility competitors in America, this book has everything you need to start you and your dog in agility training. Author Diane Goodspeed writes that the connection between dog and dog owner is the key to success for any breed from miniature poodle to border collie. Agility Training for You and Your Dog: From Backyard Fun to High-Performance Training is the perfect read for those looking to compete or just to have fun. Available from,, and booksellers everywhere.
Pet Food Politics: The Chihuahua in the Coal Mine: Marion Nestle, author of Food Politics, sheds light on the recent pet food recalls and how what started as a couple of sick cats and dogs spiraled into a worldwide pet food epidemic. With what began as an outbreak of kidney infections among cats and dogs, Nestle uses her detective skills correlate the cause of the illnesses with the animal’s diets. Pet Food Politics: The Chihuahua in the Coal Mine is a must read for any pet owner and animal lover and is available at booksellers worldwide,, and
Pet Food Nation: Joan Weiskopf’s Pet Food Nation is a must read for all pet lovers concerned about recent pet food recalls and the quality of their pet’s factory produced food. Providing easy to follow recipes for both dogs and cats, Weiskopf shows that the transition from a mass produced to a homemade diet is healthier for your pet in the long run. Pet Food Nation is a quick read that features information on the transition from commercial food to a healthier diet, the reason homemade food is better for your pet, signs of dietary problems with your pet, basic easy recipes for dogs and cats, and maintaining a healthy diet for your older pets. Pick up Pet Food Nation at,, and booksellers worldwide.
Happy Dog, Happy You: Quick Tips for Building a Bond with Your Furry Friend: Arden Moore unleashes the truth to dog owners. Most dog owners know that when dogs wag their tails, it is an unconditional sign of love and loyalty. But how do you reciprocate that? In Happy Dog, Happy You: Quick Tips for Building a Bond with Your Furry Friend, small adjustments in diet, exercise, and environment can be the building blocks to building a healthy relationship with your dog. Happy Dog, Happy you is in a fun, easy to read format packed with quotes and facts for any dog owner. Available at,, and booksellers everywhere.
The Dog Behavior Answer Book: Practical Insights & Proven Solutions for Your Canine Questions: Dog expert, Aden Moore uncovers why dogs behave the way they do, providing answers that clearly explain canine actions and reactions. Because every dog is different, Arden Moore helps readers with suggestions for modifying unacceptable behavior. Every pet owner has a way to fix their pet’s behavioral problem. Uncover both sides of the story with questions and answers from real, relatable situations. The Dog Behavior Answer Book: Practical Insights & Proven Solutions for Your Canine Questions is available from,, and booksellers everywhere.
The Dog Diet, A Memoir: What My Dog Taught Me About Shedding Pounds, Licking Stress and Getting a New Leash on Life: Patti Lawson found a new leash on life when she got her dog Sadie. Lawson was lonely, and after a winter of feeling sorry for herself, found that she could spare to lose a coupe pounds. When Sadie came into the picture, her attempts at eating people food made Lawson switch to snacks that were less appetizing for dogs and healthier for herself. With walks at 3a.m., Sadie became her personal trainer. As man’s (or woman’s) best friend, Sadie helped Lawson to let go of the things that were bothering her. The Dog Diet, A Memoir: What My Dog Taught Me About Shedding Pounds, Licking Stress and Getting a New Leash on Life is available from,, and booksellers nationwide.
The Healthy Way to Stretch Your Dog: A Physical Therapy Approach: If your dog is a competitive champion or just plays around the house, it is important to know how to care for and stretch your dog in a way that will prevent injuries and promote fitness. Authors Sasha and Ashley Foster provide over 300 pictures and diagrams on how to safely and effectively stretch each muscle group in your dog’s body. Whether your dog is active or sedentary, puppy or senior, The Healthy Way to Stretch Your Dog: A Physical Therapy Approach demonstrates hand proper hand placement to maintain good form and protect joints. Available at, and booksellers everywhere.
Barking Buddha: Simple Soul Stretches for Yogi and Dogi: Seattle-based yoga instructor Brenda Bryan writes on how to introduce your dog to yoga and how to introduce yoga to your dog. Fun and functional, Barking Buddha: Simple Soul Stretched for Yogi and Dogi details methods and tips for practicing yoga with your canine companion. Dogs can bring joy and harmony into their owner’s lives, so why not reward them with a healthy practice. Barking Buddha is for varying levels of yoga practitioners and dog lovers alike. Barking Buddha: Simple Soul Stretches for Yogi and Dogi is available at,, and booksellers everywhere.
The Thinking Dog: Crossover to Clicker Training: A “thinking dog” is one who displays good behavior in anticipation of a reward rather than one who simply waits for an owner’s commands. As a professional dog trainer for over 30 years, Gail Tamases Fisher is an expert on the transition to clicker training. The Thinking Dog: Crossover to Clicker Training covers the history of dog training and how it has evolved over the last 100 years, the challenges faced when switching to clicker training from previous methods, how to get a behavior started, methods of rewarding, reducing the need to click and treat as training progresses, and much more. Available from,, and booksellers worldwide.
News Hounds: The Wackiest Dog Stories From Around the World: Ryan O’Meara brings together the craziest headline-making news stories from around the world and puts them into one hilarious compendium that will blow the usual anecdotes right out of the dog park! With clever titles like “Canine Calamities,” “Why People Need Pet Insurance,” and “Dogs that Found Fame,” each chapter is custom-made for readers of any age who simply love dogs for the quirky animals that they are. News Hounds: The Wackiest Dog Stories From Around the World can be purchased at,, and booksellers online and everywhere!
By Christina Ryan, ACCES Marketing - Seattle
Introducing Your Cat Into a New Home
Two weeks ago I shared my adventure when I moved my 4 crazy cats from a small one-bedroom apartment to a wonderful 3-bedroom home. My life is back to normal now, but looking back there were definitely some things I could have done to make things easier on my cats-and in turn make life a little saner for myself. To save others from the same mistakes, I've provided some helpful hints for a successful cat move.

Preparing for the Move
The first thing to remember when you move with your cats is that no matter what you do, it will cause anxiety for your cat. This is because having their territory and routine disrupted basically means disrupting their entire life. No matter how big or small it seems to you, it is astronomical for your cat.
To keep things as normal as possible:
•Don't move the litter boxes until the day of the "big move".
•Try to maintain as normal of a schedule as possible
•Feed your cat at the usual time, and always have plenty of water available
•Try not to pack everything with the cat's scent on it, and leave some of the normal hiding places accessible.
When you're packing, remember that cats are very curious and may want to climb on top of stacked boxes. This could lead to injury if the cat knocks the boxes down, so don't stack them too high and make sure stacks are stable. Remember that your cat may choose to hide in, around, or behind things that are now exposed because of the move, such as ovens and refrigerators. Be careful when you begin to move these items.
If you have an outdoor cat, you may need to confine it indoors 2 or 3 days prior to the move. The commotion from the moving itself may frighten the cat and prevent it from returning home. Do not leave your cat and try to return for it later, or leave it altogether. If you cannot move with your cat, there are many places like the Humane Society and other groups that can help you rehome your pet.
Moving Day
On the day of the move, it is best that you place your cats in a secure room that people will not be continuously going in and out of. It should be as far away from the commotion as possible and quiet, with a litter box, food, water, and a hiding spot available. A kennel carrier with a blanket with your scent on it is acceptable.
Move your cats last if possible, after everything else has been taken care of. Place the cat in a carrier for safety in the vehicle. Do not put your cat in the back of the moving van-it is much quieter and more comfortable in the cab of the car. If you are moving a long distance, make sure you have plenty of water and a litter box available. Make stops every few hours and allow the cat out of the kennel (but not out of the vehicle) to drink, use the box and stretch. If your cat is likely to be extremely stressed, you may be able to get a mild sedative from your veterinarian. If the move is going to take more than a few days travel, be sure to call your hotel ahead of time to make sure they allow pets.
Introducing the Cat into the Home
Before you allow your cat into your new home, make sure to scan the entire place for potential dangers:
•Know if windows and doors do not have screens on them
•Check for rat or insect bait hiding in closets, pantries, attics, and behind furnaces or hot water heaters
•Seal off tight or very high hiding places
It is also a good idea to treat your new home for fleas before introducing your pets if the previous owner had pets. If you are going to paint or do construction, keep the home well ventilated and closed off from curious noses.
When you arrive at your new home, choose one room as the "safe room". This will be a quiet area away from noise and commotion where your cat can hide. Provide food, a litter box, water and a hiding place (again a cat carrier is a good start). Once safely in the room, open the door to the carrier, then leave the room and shut the door behind you. For several hours, leave your cats to come out and explore on their own time. Constantly coming in and out of the room to check on the cats could cause more stress and make the process longer. You may need to stay at this stage of introduction for a week or more, depending on the cat.
Gradually, you can start to allow your cat to explore other areas of the house. Allow access to only a few rooms at a time, being careful to notice any tight places the cat may want to hide but could get stuck. Just let the cat move around at its own pace, and go on establishing a new routine as much as possible. Try to keep the same feeding schedule you had before. Also spread items with the cats' scent, such as toys and blankets, throughout the house so the cat knows that it is allowed to be in certain areas.

Indoor vs Outdoor Cats
A move is the perfect time to make an outdoor cat indoors only, or to allow an indoor-only cat to become indoor-outdoor. This is because the routine has been so disrupted that a new one can be formed much more easily.
If you would like an outdoor cat, it is recommended that you still keep the cat indoors for at least 3 weeks after the move. This allows the cat to firmly establish and mark the new territory, which will help the cat return home. Before moving, make your neighbors aware that your outdoor cat may try to return to its previous territory. Ask them to keep an eye out for your cat and to call you if they see him. Also be aware of other cats in the new neighborhood that may have already marked your house/yard as their territory. If your cat and the neighbor cat are marking the same areas, there is a potential for fighting.
Before letting the cat out, check your yard carefully for potential hazards such as rat bait, plant fertilizer, raccoons, and busy streets. Do what you can to protect your cat from these potentially harmful things, and it is recommended that your cat is protected from fleas by applying Frontline or Advantage topical flea control.

To establish a routine, let your cat out at the same time every day. When it is time to let your cat out, start with short, supervised trips around the immediate area of the house and yard. You can put the cat on a harness at first, then work up to letting the cat off the leash while you walk with her as she explores. When you are confident that the cat has marked its territory and can find its way home, you can release it unsupervised per your new routine.
If you are making the transition from an outdoor to an indoor-only cat, it is best to do so if the cat has more space to roam inside that before. To keep your cat occupied and stimulated, schedule regular play sessions. Also keep in mind that your cat's diet may need to be adjusted to compensate for less activity (see your veterinarian).

Other Tips:
•To help calm your cat, you can purchase plug-in pheromones such as Feliway to create a soothing atmosphere in the new home.
•If you plan on letting your cat outdoor, make sure s/he has proper identification with new contact information.
•If your cat has an implanted microchip, don't forget to contact the chip's manufacturer and re-register your cat at the new address. Also contact your vet and provide your new address just in case.
•After you've moved, try to find the best 24-hour veterinary center in your area in case of emergency. Keep their number and directions to the hospital available at all times. If your cat gets lost in the moving process, remember to contact emergency vet hospitals in your area, as many keep a list of people to call for both found and lost animals.

By following these steps, you can give yourself and your cats a chance to reduce much of the natural stress and anxiety that comes with moving.
For more information and tips, visit the Feline Advisory Bureau website.
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BEIJING — Two red panda cubs abandoned by their mother at birth are thriving at a northern China zoo thanks to milk and loving care from an unlikely surrogate mother — a dog, state media reported on Thursday.
The cubs, born June 25, were abandoned immediately by their mother after giving birth in front of a crowd of visitors at the Taiyuan Zoo in northern China's Shanxi province, according to Ha Guojiang, a zoo employee quoted by the official Xinhua News Agency.
"No one knew she was pregnant. Her plump body and bushy hair disguised her protruding belly until the babies were born," said Ha. "We hurriedly went about to find a wet nurse for them."
Telephone calls to the Taiyuan zoo rang unanswered on Thursday.
The dog wet nurse, belonging to a farmer from a nearby suburb, was selected from two other candidates that had recently given birth. The dog is now raising the two panda cubs like its own pups, sometimes even refusing to feed its own pup, said Ha, cited by Xinhua.
At 3-weeks-old, the baby cubs have yet to open their eyes and have doubled in length to 20 centimeters (8 inches), Xinhua reported.
Unlike the more well-known, bear-like giant pandas, red pandas resemble raccoons with long bushy tails. There are believed to be fewer than 2,500 adult red pandas in the world.
By Gary Bogue - Contra Costa Times
It's very hot. Do you know where your pets are?
Dear Gary:
I'm a volunteer at Martinez Animal Services. Do you recall the little gator that was found wandering around Moraga? The officer told me it was a little girl. They held her for Fish and Game to pick up. You just never know what might turn up here.
Bev, cyberspace
Dear Bev:
That would be the little 3-foot alligator found by an animal control officer on a Moraga street Aug. 31. Somebody's lost pet.
You're right, a lot of strange and wonderfully exotic creatures have been found hopping, crawling, slithering, and flapping around the Bay Area over the years.
I used to baby-sit a lot of the exotics found by the state Fish and Game Department back in the 1970s when I was curator of the Lindsay Wildlife Museum in Walnut Creek. I also found a few myself when responding to frantic phone calls from local residents.
I once discovered a kangaroo in an Orinda garage. And a tayra (giant South American weasel) bouncing around a local backyard after somebody's cat. A nylon landing net, used by fishermen to scoop up fish they've caught, worked fine in landing these two characters.
Oh, yeah, and then there was that African cape cobra I caught in Danville. ...
Over the years, game wardens brought me assorted beasties: 32 Gila monsters they found in the trunk of a car, uncounted piranhas confiscated from pet stores, an endangered South American harpy eagle found in Tilden Park, a 12-foot Burmese python and more boa constrictors than I can remember.
There were LOTS of others, but those are the ones that come to mind. I got to the point that if someone had called to say there was a pink elephant with green polka-dots in their backyard, I'd have probably believed them.
Dear Gary:
Wild turkeys are destroying our garden. They particularly like to root around in redwood bark looking, no doubt, for bugs. Is there anything that deters them (other than a dog)?
Clement L. Glynn,
Walnut Creek
Dear Clement:
There's a motion-activated sprinkler called the "Scarecrow" that can be very effective in frightening deer, raccoons and cats out of your yard. I don't know anyone who has tried it on wild turkeys, but I'd think it would work.
It fires a noisy blast of water at whatever activates the sensor (including you, if you're not careful!) and then resets itself and waits for the next visitor.
You can do a search for it at to see who carries it locally. It costs around $60.
Anyone have a humane way to keep turkeys out of your yard ... that works?
A final note
Gary: I really liked the story of the handicapped finch from Cindy in Pleasanton (Tuesday, July 14, column). I am pretty good this month, mostly not needing my cane or crutches. But I have had my days when I barely made it "from branch to branch." Thanks for printing that letter. (Dan, Concord)

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Stuart Doctor Says Acupuncture, Other Alternative Methods Can Work On Pet
STUART, Fla. -- Guy the cat is the poster child for alternative medicine. He was a stray picked up with a limp that just wouldn't go away.
"Western medicine wasn't able to offer any solutions; it was either a birth defect or an old injury," said Guy's owner, Russell Dennis.
But that was until Dr. Robert Katz at the Stuart Animal Hospital started using needles to treat it.
"One acupuncture point will quiet them down and then they'll let you do just about anything," Katz said.
That limp started to disappear.
Every six weeks for several years now, acupuncture has been a staple in Guy's life.
Acupuncture, however, is just the beginning of what holistic medicine can do for a pet.
Katz still uses traditional medicine to treat major illnesses, but he adds alternatives to supplement it.
"In the world of holistic alternative medicine, prevention is much, much more important than treating," he said.
Katz said nutrition and diet is the most important thing a person can do to help their furry friends because obesity is the No. 1 killer of pets.
Katz is also a big believer in water quality. He recommends reverse osmosis to quench a pet's thirst.
Then there's dental disease, and in many cases, coming up with the right diet can prevent problems.
"People think that their dog or cat doesn't need dental care -- absolutely false," Katz said. "In the long run, I think that will save people lots of money and heartache."
If one's pet is itchy or has skin problems, assuming their diet is in order, adding Omega 3 fatty acids once a day can help.
"People can use fish oil," Katz said. "It's the No. 1 supplement I recommend for all dogs."
For rashes, he said a simple strong brew of black tea will do the trick.
"Making a strong solution, cooling it down and sponging it on their dog's skin, that will relieve a lot of itch," Katz said. "Leave it on. Don't rinse it off. Let it air dry. A lot of dogs are allergic to the grass outside. When you feed a diet with rice in it, rice is in the grass family. You're creating more allergy -- more itchy dog -- by feeding them a rice-based diet."
When giving a pet a bath, use a gentle non-detergent soap that's aloe- or oatmeal-based. Aside from helping their skin, it also won't strip off flea products -- something Katz said is a must in Florida.
Most importantly, Katz said, consult a vet that deals in alternative medicine before doing anything. One visit could save a pet pain and, in some cases, their life.
"Animals fail and actually have to be put to sleep because people are playing doctor for their own pet," he said.

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Baltimore Sun
It's not everyday that Unleashed and Kasper on Tap have overlap. But we do today!
Rob Kasper writes about a silly kitty named Maisy that spent the night in her owner's beer fridge. Maisy wasn't hurt. It wasn't clear what brand of beer she found so alluring. Kasper needs to delve further, methinks. Maybe it was Dogfish!

The owner, Bill Nelson, who is the local fire chief in his Australian town, was having family members over to watch a cricket match on the TV. He walked out to snag some brews from his beer fridge, located in a shed adjacent to his home.
Apparently, the cat followed him and jumped in the fridge when Nelson was not looking.
The cat was not missed until the next morning. Then an all out search was mounted around the household. At first, Nelson thought the cat might be trapped in the shed. Eventually he opened his beer fridge, and there was Maisy, chilly but unharmed, curled up on the fridge floor.
Photo: Robin Sharrock in Herald Sun
The betta fish is among the most popular freshwater aquarium fish. Bettas are known as the “jewel of the orient” because of their brilliant colors. The males particularly sport long, flowing, beautiful fins. As a result, bettas in pet stores are usually males. People like the beautiful colors and usually purchase one at a time as “pets”.
These fish are very aggressive. Males readily fight other males. Females may also fight.
Breeding betta fish is often a challenge taken up by betta fans.
1. Separate care of males and females.
It’s necessary to distinguish between adult males and females, but it isn’t always easy to do. It’s important, since two males in close quarters will engage in fish-to-fish combat to the death. They don’t get along very well with most other fish either! Very foul in disposition, aren’t they?
Each male should be kept in his own bowl or tank. Two males in the same tank will usually fight until one is dead. Even a male and female should be together only briefly at spawning. Otherwise the male will often treat the female roughly and do permanent damage.
Several females can sometimes be kept in the same tank, provided there is plenty of room. However, there should be more than two females, otherwise one will dominate and continually chase the other female. Some aquatic plants in the tank make it easier for the fish to maintain some separation.
2. Water conditions.
The betta’s native habitat is the vast, shallow freshwater paddies of Southeast Asia. The fish must have access to the surface of the water, since it takes oxygen directly from the atmosphere as well as through their gills. Since they can get oxygen from the surface, they can survive in smaller spaces and poorer condition than other aquarium fish. The little cups that the fish are purchased in at a pet store certainly aren’t adequate. They actually do best in clean, filtered water.
Male fish are often kept in bowls of about one and one-half gallons without supplemental heat or oxygen. If kept like this, the water should be changed when it becomes cloudy, every one to two weeks. Or you can change about 20 percent of the water every day or two. Then every few weeks completely clean the tank including all the gravel.
The general recommendation is to allow about three gallons of water per fish. With a ten gallon tank three or four females would have plenty of room. It’s recommended to have a minimum tank size of six gallons so a heater can be used. With smaller tanks a heater can cause more temperature variation than the fish can tolerate. The right water temperature is 75 – 84 degrees F. At those temperatures the fish will be quite active.
The fish can also do well at 65 – 75 degrees F, though they will not be as active at the lower temperature. Since they aren’t as active at the cooler temperature, the bowls will stay cleaner.
3. Feeding your breeding betta fish.
Bettas are carnivorous, but can usually do well on food labeled for betta fish. The addition of live or frozen blood worms (mosquito larvae) and live or frozen shrimp brine is recommended. Most aquarium bred fish will also accept dried flaked aquarium tropical fish food.
Some breeders recommend black worms as supplemental feed especially for spawning females. Black worms are Lumbriculus variegatus. The worms can be kept in cool, clean, unchlorinated water. Some breeds of fish do not like these worms, but bettas prefer them.
4. Mating betta fish.
Males bettas build a nest of air bubbles for the baby fish or fry.
For spawning, a female is introduced into the male tank. If conditions are right for mating, the male fish will squeeze the female. Eggs will be expelled, then fertilized by the male. The eggs will float into the bubble nest. The female should then be removed to her tank to prevent her injury by the male fish. Even if spawning does not take place, the female should be removed.
The male fish will care for the eggs until the young emerge in a few days.
5. The fry.
The released little fish or fry are very tiny and vulnerable. Most often they are raised in special ponds where they feed on tiny microscopic living creatures. Some have success raising the fry in bowls or aquariums. But the conditions must be right, similar to the usual pond environment.
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