Following these guidelines and using some basic common sense will help keep your dog safe in the water.
Teaching your dog to Swim
1.Just like you would never do this with your child, do not throw your dog into the water and expect them to swim. Start out in shallow water and coax with treats or a toy. Some dogs will swim when there is peer pressure. Bring a doggy friend along who loves the water.
2.Respect that your dog may not love the water. Some dogs will even panic. Don't push it if your dog does not like to swim.
3.Breeds with short legs like Pugs, Dachshunds, and Bassets may not be able to swim. If in and around water, make sure they wear a canine flotation vest.
Lakes, Streams, and Ocean Safety
1.To be on the safe side it is always good to have your dog wear a flotation vest. Flotation vests for dogs also have grab handles so you can pull your dog out of the water.
2.Be aware of your dog's physical condition and look for signs of fatigue. Dogs, like us, can get tired, get cramps, or caught in a current.
3.Dogs with low body fat do not float as well and have less protection against the cold. Keep those factors in mind around cold water and in strong currents.
4.If throwing sticks or flotation toys in the water, check the surrounding shore line for submerged small trees and branches that can trap your dog. Make sure to pick an area where it is easy for your dog to get out.
5.There are many toxins around lakes and streams. Bird feces, blue algae and dead fish can contain very dangerous toxins, and some can even be deadly. Avoid these areas and keep an eye out on what your dog is consuming. At the beach, look out for jelly fish.
6.At the beach, sand can get very hot. Dogs need to stay hydrated and avoid direct sun to avoid heatstroke. Don't allow him to drink sea water since it can make them sick.
Boating Safety
1.Make sure your dog is wearing a flotation vest at all times.
2.Keep your dog cool and hydrated while on the boat.
3.Boating surfaces can get very hot. Consider having your dog wear protective booties, similar to booties worn in ice and snow, and found at many pet stores and outdoor shops.
Pool Safety
1.Pools should be fenced so your dog does not go in unsupervised.
2.Too much chlorine can make your dog sick, so try to keep him from consuming a lot of pool water.
3.Teach your dog to climb the pool ladder or consider buying a Skamper Ramp, a product that allows dogs and children to more easily climb out of a pool
4.Consider having your dog wear a flotation vest while in the pool.
5.Don't expect a pool cover to be safe. If the pool cover is not nice and tight, dogs can slip under.
Enjoy the dog days of summer with your canine family.
Meredith Gage
Pawsitive Experience

Our family dog, Coquito, had been really really sick lately and we had to take him to the animal hospital again on Sunday night and finally put him to sleep.
Losing a pet that has been a part of your heart for 13 years really is like a relative dying.
Our heart aches.
We are thankful for the time we had with our little coconut.
We are thankful that Teddy, mom and sis are all still with us and in good health.
So sad.
BREA, Calif., July 20 /PRNewswire/ -- Sometimes our pets go looking for a fight, but other times the fight comes to them--from land, sea, and even air. Veterinary Pet Insurance Co. (VPI), the nation's oldest and largest provider of pet health insurance, recently reviewed more than 500 laceration/bite wound claims in search of animal-inspired incidents to determine which wild animals most frequently attacked and injured companion pets in 2008. In addition to the usual suspects--snakes, coyotes and raccoons--VPI received claims for pet injuries caused by a squirrel, scorpion, javelina, porcupine, ground hog, skunk, rat, goat, beaver, woodchuck, black bear, mountain lion, hawk, rabbit, sea urchin, and jellyfish. Following are the 10 animals aside from dogs and cats that were most responsible for pet injury claims in 2008:
Top 10 Animals To Attack Pets
1. Snake
2. Coyote
3. Raccoon
4. Squirrel
5. Scorpion
6. Javelina
7. Porcupine
8. Ground Hog
9. Skunk
10. Rat
Wild animal attacks typically result in pet insurance claims for treatment of lacerations, bite wounds, puncture, and soft tissue trauma. Snakebites may require antivenin and scorpion stings may cause allergic reactions requiring antihistamines. Treatment protocols vary depending on the severity of the attack and costs can range from hundreds of dollars for bandages or stitches to thousands of dollars for surgery for damaged organs or broken limbs.
Though animal attack claims came from all areas of the country, javelina and scorpion claims were exclusive to the state of Arizona. Javelinas, or peccaries, are feral pig-like omnivores native to the southwestern United States. They have been known to viciously attack both pets and people. For a detailed account of a javelina attack on a VPI-insured pet, visit http://press.petinsurance.com/pressroom/267.aspx.
"Whether in urban or rural areas, pet owners should be aware of the danger posed by wild animals," said Dr. Carol McConnell, vice president and chief veterinary medical officer for VPI. "VPI's data reveals that not all members of the animal kingdom observe backyard fences, or appreciate the curiosity of a pet that may enter their territory. Always make sure that a pet's rabies vaccine is up to date and if you know that potentially dangerous wild animals are present, or you're in an unfamiliar area, take extra care to keep your pet close and secure."
About Veterinary Pet Insurance
Veterinary Pet Insurance Co./DVM Insurance Agency is the nation's oldest and largest pet health insurance company and is a member of the Nationwide Insurance family of companies. Providing pet owners with peace of mind since 1982, the company is committed to being the trusted choice of America's pet lovers and an advocate of pet health education. VPI Pet Insurance plans cover dogs, cats, birds and exotic pets for multiple medical problems and conditions relating to accidents, illnesses and injuries. Optional Pet Well Care Protection for routine care is also available.
Medical plans are available in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. More than 2,000 companies nationwide offer VPI Pet Insurance as an employee benefit. Policies are underwritten by Veterinary Pet Insurance Company in California and in all other states by National Casualty Company, an A+15 rated company in Madison, Wisconsin. Pet owners can find VPI Pet Insurance on Facebook or follow @VPI on Twitter. For more information about VPI Pet Insurance, call 800-USA-PETS (800-872-7387) or visit petinsurance.com.
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By Julie L
Ah, yes. It's summertime. That means barbecues and picnics, trips to the local park and beach, and lots of time spent out-of-doors for both you and your pets. Although it's wonderful to take your furry friend outside when the temperature rises, there are numerous perils that can occur. Here is a list of 10 great tips to follow so that your pet can have a fun and safe summer!
1. Always provide fresh, cool water to keep your pet well hydrated. Take water with you if you're on-the-go.
2. Provide your animal with plenty of shade. Since the sun moves across the sky during the day, the shady areas will change. Therefore, keep an eye on your furry friends.
3. On hot days, make sure your pet doesn't overdo the exercising, running around, playing, or other activities.
4. Consider keeping your pets indoors on humid days. High humidity interferes with your animal's ability to cool itself.
5. Keep your dog off fertilized lawns and away from insecticides and dangerous, toxic plants.
6. Swimming in a lake, pond, or even a pool is a great way for your pet to stay cool. Just make sure you supervise your dog in the water. A doggy life jacket is an important safety item.
7. Traveling with your pet can be lots of fun. Just make sure you spend the time preparing the travel plans including car or airplane arrangements.
8. Never, ever, ever leave your pet in a parked car. Even if you park in the shade and leave the windows down somewhat, the temperature inside your car will rise so quickly, your pet can be dead in minutes. Don't ignore an animal in distress even if it's inside someone else's car.
9. Just like humans, pets can get sunburned, too. So, don't forget to apply sunscreen on your animal's nose and ear tips. Pets with light colored noses or fur are more susceptible to sunburns and skin cancer.
10. Watch for signs of heat stroke. Heat stroke can be fatal and can occur quite quickly. Signs include (but are not limited to): body temperature of 104-110F degrees, excessive panting, dark or bright red tongue and gums, staggering, stupor, seizures, bloody diarrhea and vomiting. These can lead to coma and death. Dogs with the highest risk are short snout, elderly, or heavy-coated breeds as well as those with predisposing illnesses. If your dog is suffering from heat stroke, seek veterinary attention immediately! Remember, prevention is key.
Head over to our website, http://www.HappyPetPaws.com, to find great products for keeping your pet safe during the summer and throughout the whole year. Thanks for reading this article.

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By Clint I Jackson
An interest and love for pooches has created a desire for you to want to be a breeder. So, you have decided on a dog to breed and your waiting for the best time to begin breeding, but your question is when to breed a dog? Read through and know when to breed a dog!
Female dogs will generally start being in heat as it approaches its six months. However, every dog is differnt, some may begin being in heat in the 7th month or maybe even 8th. No matter when it begins, it will always reoccur every 6 months. Generally most breeders will wait for the females third cycle of being in heat before they will begin to breed. Typically the femail would be around one and half years old and would be an adult that is ready to mate.Always consult your local veterinarian before deciding to allow your dog to mate.
One very important thing to do is make sure your dogs, male and female, are in the greatest of health.A part of keeping them healthy is keeping all of their vaccinations up to date. You should also check to see if your vet recommends for your dogs to be a certain diet.Your veterinarian's advice is always superior and better than any other information you can receive from the Internet or books. Information collected from books or the internet still provide great information and should not be discredited. The information you receive from these sources will help you when talking with the vet.
To know when to breed a dog there are signs you can look for. }Checking her vulva is one sign. It should be noticeably swollen up to one week before her bleeding finally begins. It is very crucial to call the vet on the first day of the heat cycle. It is also very important to get the service of a vet if you want to have artificial insemination done. In case of emergency, you should choose a vet in your local area.
Know when to breed a dog with more of the following signs. Another sign to know when to breed a dog is when it is getting close to the time of breeding you see her licking herself more frequently than before.Feeding her will also be harder. Another sign is flagging.The time the female dog holds or reaches her tail from one side is known as flagging. You may also see changes in her behavior or personality.
One thing you can do to check your female dogs fertility is to have your veterinarian do blood tests. If the male dog is present, he will also let you know. The male dog will frequently check on the bitch to check if it is already the right time.
Your female dog should be ready for mating after the 12th day her bleeding began.Her flow will slow down and become lightly pink. She will stand still for the male dog.
I hope the tips above have given you a better understanding of how to know when to breed a dog.
When it comes to breeding your dogs, grab all the info you can and Click Here. to get The Top 10 Most Important Questions to Ask When To Breed a Dog. I'm a dog breeder too and I benefited from this guide, but more importantly, the families loved how I had set things up (all found in this guide) and the puppies and dogs got the best treatment possible. In any event, the best of luck to you!
I love animals, especially dogs. I love to breed and want to share my experience and knowledge with you. Learn everything you must know before beginning to breed a dog.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Clint_I_Jackson

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By Laura Ramirez
A cure for cat urinary infection is simple, painless and effective. In this article, you will learn three simple steps for relieving your cat's misery, curing the infection and preventing it from ever coming back.
The first step in the "cure cat urinary infection" program is to feed your cat healthy, organic food. The reason for this is that most cat food is full of chemicals and fillers that can compromise the pH level of the bladder. When the pH level is out of whack, bacteria can proliferate and grow and bladder stones can form. Keep in mind that processed food is to cats as junk food is to humans.
The best way to find healthy cat food is to read the label. You can purchase organic cat food from your grocery store, local pet store, vet or health food store. Look for brands that contain real meat, not byproducts or cheap grains. Although organic cat food is more expensive than processed brands, your cat will need to eat less to get much needed nutrients, so in the long run, the cost will even out.
The second step in the cure cat urinary infection program is to give your pet plenty of fresh, clean water. Water flushes out the urinary system and prevents toxins from building up. Make sure you give your cat filtered water rather than tap water (you can purchase an inexpensive tap filter) because tap water is full of chemicals and as you learned in the paragraph above, chemicals compromise the pH of the bladder which creates an environment that allows bacteria to proliferate.
The third step is to give your cat a natural remedy designed specifically to heal urinary tract infections. These remedies contain proven herbs like Uva Ursi and Cantharis that soothe inflamed tissues, restore the proper pH to the bladder stopping infection in its tracks and flush toxins from the bladder. These remedies cure cat urinary infection by giving the body the nutrients it needs to heal itself quickly, safely and effectively. Better still, they have no side effects. Since they are gentle, they can also be used as a daily prevention program for cats who are prone to urinary issues.
So there you have it: a simple, safe three step cure for cat urinary infection program that does not involve drugs or painful procedures and will not cost you a fortune in vet bills. Take action now and get your beloved cat on the road to health and wellness.
Laura Ramirez is a longtime researcher of holistic remedies which heal disorders and keep pets vibrant and healthy. Find out more about safe, effective ways to maintain your pet's urinary tract health at http://www.pet-ut-health.com.
Also an advocate for children, Ms. Ramirez is the author of the award-winning parenting book, Keepers of the Children: Native American Wisdom and Parenting which shows parents how to raise children to develop their strengths and lead meaningful and productive lives.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Laura_Ramirez
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